Electroanalysis, Sensors and Quality By Design

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course will enable the student to acquire advanced knowledge and skills regarding electroanalytical as well as sensor techniques, instrumentation and procedures employed in chemical research laboratories, in analysis and quality control laboratories as well as in industrial and environmental monitoring. Experience will also be gained in the design (through the experimental design, in the context of Quality by Design) and in the subsequent development of analytical chemistry methodologies for various applications such as the analysis of matrices of various nature, the study of functional molecules and materials, environmental protection, as well as life sciences. In this context, the student: · will acquire the theoretical-practical foundations of electroanalytical techniques (conductometric, potentiometric, voltammetric, amperometric, impedimetric, spectroelectrochemical ones) as well as for the production of sensors (electrochemical, field-effect, optical, piezoelectric, thermal ones) · will acquire the principles of good laboratory practice and quality management and control, as well as the main rules concerning the validation of analytical methodologies and protocols; · will be able to discuss the analytical results also on the basis of the statistical analysis of the results, through chemometric techniques; · will develop teamwork skills, dividing tasks and responsibilities; · will work in the laboratory according to safety regulations; · will be able to compare different methods in order to choose the most appropriate one in relation to the sample to be analysed; · will respect the protocols and calendars established for laboratory activities.
Expected learning outcomes
- Develop an in-depth, extensive knowledge of principles, protocols and applications of electroanalytical and sensor techniques, also experimenting with a selection of them in the laboratory.
- Acquire detailed specific knowledge regarding the characteristics and functioning of complex electroanalytical and sensor instrumentation in use in chemical analysis and quality control laboratories, for the characterization of different complex matrices and for the identification of pollutants or analytes of high interest (in the food, biomedical, environmental fields) even present at trace level.
- Formulate analytical protocols and employ statistical and IT methods for Quality Control, Experimental Design and Chemometric techniques.
- Compare different methods in order to choose the most appropriate one in relationship to the sample to be analysed.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

CHIM/01 - ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 9
Practicals: 12 hours
Laboratories: 36 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Every Day from Monday to Friday, 9-18, by appointment
by Professor's Office in via Golgi 19, Building 5A, West Wing (Electrochemistry), III floor, room 3114-O
From Monday to Friday, between 8.30 and 18.30, by appointment (to be requested by email))
In my office (Chemistry Department, West Wing, First Floor), or on the Teams platform in videoconference mode.