Public, International and European Union Law

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
PhD Coordinator
The doctoral programme contributes to the scientific and methodological development of topics addressed by integrating the various areas of research. Topics of study (and comparative study) include the foundations of constitutional law (nature and transformation of political representation, relationships among institutions, role of judges, protection of rights), as well as the complexity of modern administrative law. The latter increasingly involves cooperation among national, European and international administrations in a complex web of duties and responsibilities.
The programme aims to provide in-depth knowledge of research methodologies in the various areas of International Law, International Private and Procedural Law and European Union Law, from the perspective of both institutional profiles and material rights. The profound ongoing changes in the international community, the increase in transnational relations between individuals and businesses, and the increasing competencies of the European Union are such that the different aspects of legal research must be placed in an international and European context.
There are essentially three lines of study: a) protection of rights; b) the functioning of single institutions; c) the bases of rights from the perspective of the different areas of law addressed by the programme.
The programme aims to provide in-depth knowledge of research methodologies in the various areas of International Law, International Private and Procedural Law and European Union Law, from the perspective of both institutional profiles and material rights. The profound ongoing changes in the international community, the increase in transnational relations between individuals and businesses, and the increasing competencies of the European Union are such that the different aspects of legal research must be placed in an international and European context.
There are essentially three lines of study: a) protection of rights; b) the functioning of single institutions; c) the bases of rights from the perspective of the different areas of law addressed by the programme.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degrees:
LM-19 Informazione e sistemi editoriali,
LM-38 Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale,
LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
LM-52 Relazioni internazionali,
LM-59 Scienze della comunicazione pubblica, d'impresa e pubblicità,
LM-62 Scienze della politica,
LM-63 Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni,
LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali,
LM-78 Scienze filosofiche,
LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
LM-87 Servizio sociale e politiche sociali,
LM-90 Studi europei,
LM-91 Tecniche e metodi per la società dell'informazione,
LMG/01 Giurisprudenza.
LM-19 Informazione e sistemi editoriali,
LM-38 Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale,
LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
LM-52 Relazioni internazionali,
LM-59 Scienze della comunicazione pubblica, d'impresa e pubblicità,
LM-62 Scienze della politica,
LM-63 Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni,
LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali,
LM-78 Scienze filosofiche,
LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
LM-87 Servizio sociale e politiche sociali,
LM-90 Studi europei,
LM-91 Tecniche e metodi per la società dell'informazione,
LMG/01 Giurisprudenza.
Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico Italiano e Sovranazionale, Via Festa del Perdono 7 - Milano
Learning centers
Dipartimento di Diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano
- Main offices
Dipartimento di Diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano - Doctoral programme coordinator: Francesca Biondi
[email protected] - Website
Title | Professor(s) |
Old and new strategies to ensure the European Union values
Curriculum: International and European law |
The evolution of the EU judicial protection system as a response to social and legal changes in the EU and its Member States
Curriculum: International and European law |
M. Condinanzi
Differentiated application and flexibility in EU law
Curriculum: International and European law |
Migration, borders and fundamental rights
Curriculum: International and European law |
EU policy and actions on food safety and technological innovation
Curriculum: International and European law |
The rules applicable to State aids for undertakings: recent developments on the subject of modernization even in terms of the missions of ecological transition and social cohesion required by the “PNRR” International Protection of Human Rights: New Frontiers
Curriculum: International and European law |
International Protection of Human Rights: New Frontiers
Curriculum: International and European law |
International Organizations Law: New Perspectives
Curriculum: International and European law |
New Trends in Private International Law: the Transnational Dimensions of Commercial Relationship
Curriculum: International and European law |
F. C. Villata
New Trends in Private International Law: Cross–border Families
Curriculum: International and European law |
New perspectives in international economic law between the promotion of economic interests and the safeguard of collectives values
Curriculum: International and European law |
Cybersecurity and new technologies in public and private international law
Curriculum: International and European law |
F. C. Villata
Climate change challenges in public and private international law
Curriculum: International and European law |
Recent trends in in the law of armed conflicts: the international responsibility and the response of the international community
Curriculum: International and European law |
The protection of cultural heritage in public and private international law
Curriculum: International and European law |
Sovereignty, spaces and resources in public and private international law
Curriculum: International and European law |
Constitutional Law and the Challenges of Technological Innovation and artifical intelliogence to Tackle Social Inequalities
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Federalism, regionalism and subsidiarity in comparative perspective
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Penal law and the Constitution. The evolution of the functions of punishment and resocialisation. Penitentiary treatment and role of new technologies. Alternative measures. Restorative justice
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
The reform of Articles 9 and 41 of the Constitution: a paradigm change for environmental law and climate issues?
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
F. Fracchia (P.O. Università Bocconi)
G. Grasso (P.O. Università Insubria)
Constitutional review processes in national and comparative perspective
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Distortions of the parliamentary government and impact on the system of sources of law
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
The principle of legality in criminal law between national legislations and European Union law
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Regulation of digital and fundamental rights
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
The recruitment procedures in the civil service
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
The principle of sustainable development and free competition: new paradigms for the civil servant
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
The forms of liability of public administrations and their employees
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
M. Sica
Technical and scientific evaluations between administration and judge
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
The actors in the administrative process
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Administrative justice between national codification and supranational law
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
M. Sica
Fair administrative procedure between national codification and supranational law
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Generative AI, defensive bureaucracy, and the right-duty to make informed and virtuous choices in conditions of health and environmental risk
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Bonuses and tax credits, between the reform of corporate incentives and the Global minimum tax (conditions, attribution, controls)
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
G. Marino
Internationalisation of the tax procedure and comparison: ADR, administrative philtres, fact-finding, degrees of jurisdiction in the context of the reform
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
From cooperation to an administrative integration in tax matters: towards a European Revenue Agency?
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
G. Marino
Digital tax law: data protection and algorithmic controls, between tax system reform and artificial intelligence law.
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
G. Marino
Sustainability policies, environmental law, relations with science to judicial review
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Public and private law in the executive phase of government contracts: principles and adaptations
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
M. Sica
Subjective situations and the environment: perspectives and developments in the substantive and procedural dimensions
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Alternative energy (ex DM 630/2024)
Curriculum: Constitutional, administrative and tax law |
Courses list
October 2024
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Grammar and Method of Law | 3 | 15 | Italian |
March 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Eu Competencies Between Rules and Policy | 3 | 15 | Italian | |
New Trends in Public and Private International Law | 3 | 15 | Italian |
October 2024
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Grammar and Method of Law | 3 | 15 | Italian |
January 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
The Fundamental Rights of Freedom "of the First Generation" Today | 3 | 15 | Italian |
March 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Selected Topics About Tax Law in Its Overseas Dimension | 3 | 15 | Italian | |
Ways of Awarding Public Contracts, Above and Below European Thresholds, Between Self-Production and Outsourcing | 3 | 15 | Italian |
Places available: 8
Call for applications
Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.
Application for admission: from 29/05/2024 to 27/06/2024
Application for matriculation: from 09/08/2024 to 19/09/2024
Attachments and documents
Following the programme of study
Office and services for PhD students and companies