Linguistic, Literary and Intercultural Studies in European and Extra-European Perspectives

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
PhD Coordinator
The doctoral programme, which ranks as a third cycle programe, promotes advanced training for research on a broad spectrum of languages, literature and cultures of different geographical areas (Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia), and on correlated interlinguistic and intercultural phenomena. Besides basic methodological training, the learning objectives of the various disciplines are organised by research area and according to geographical and socio-cultural criteria. Doctoral students will first complete the learning activities of their area in detail through personalised lessons and workshops designed to encourage autonomous research in their respective sectors. Moments of common training will also be offered, centred on contacts between the various linguistic areas involved, and on the three sectors - linguistic, literary and intercultural - already specified in the title of this programme. Training also includes learning to use analytical IT tools, which are extensively exploited in the international framework. The programme will train international scholars, in the true sense of the word, fluent in several languages, skilled in understanding and discussing the scientific research of other European and non-European institutions, and able to mediate between Italian and international studies.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degree :
LM-14 Filologia moderna,
LM-36 Lingue e letterature dell'Africa e dell'Asia,
LM-37 Lingue e letterature moderne europee e americane,
LM-38 Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale,
LM-39 Linguistica,
LM-94 Traduzione specialistica e interpretariato
LM-14 Filologia moderna,
LM-36 Lingue e letterature dell'Africa e dell'Asia,
LM-37 Lingue e letterature moderne europee e americane,
LM-38 Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale,
LM-39 Linguistica,
LM-94 Traduzione specialistica e interpretariato
Dip di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e di Studi Interculturali - Piazza Indro Montanelli, 1 - Sesto S. Giovanni
- Main offices
Dip di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e di Studi Interculturali - Piazza Indro Montanelli, 1 - Sesto S. Giovanni - Degree course coordinator: Maria Vittoria Calvi
[email protected] - Degree course website
Title | Professor(s) |
Lexico-grammatical and syntactic description of modern languages, synchronically and diachronically. (Available for English, French, Chinese, German, Russian). |
M. V. Calvi
Linguistic dynamics, discourses and societies: languages, migrations, social changes and identity constructions (Available for Spanish, English, Italian, German, French, Chinese, Hindi). |
M. V. Calvi
Language and discourse in traditional and new media: communicative, political and professional perspectives (including cross-linguistic approaches) (Available for English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, German). |
M. V. Calvi
Lexicology and lexicography of modern languages in the present and in the past (theory and description of lexis and phraseology, contrastive phraseology, mono- and bi-lingual dictionaries, lexical databases, corpus linguistics) (Available for English, French, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Italian). |
M. V. Calvi
Languages for Special Purposes (LSP): lexical, discursive and pragmatic approaches from diachronic and/or synchronic perspectives (Available for French, English, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese). |
M. V. Calvi
Research in the teaching of foreign languages and literatures. Methods, historical developments and strands of innovation (Available for Spanish, English, French, Chinese, Russian, German). |
M. V. Calvi
Histories of European languages: philological, linguistic and rhetorical approaches to texts from the modern age (15th-19thcenturies) (Available for English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Italian) |
M. Rosso
Theoretical and applied aspects of translation: linguistic approaches (Available for French, English Chinese, Russian, German, Spanish). |
M.V. Calvi
History of linguistic, literary and sociocultural contacts and interactions between Italy and other countries. (Available for English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, German). |
M. Rosso
Literatures in contact: the propagation of canonical models (translations, intertextual dialogues, and critical reflections) (Available for Spanish, French, German, Arabic, English, Russian, Polish, German, Scandinavian Languages, Italian) |
M. Rosso
Literary genres between textual theory and practice. Synchronic and/or diachronic analysis of one – or more – literary genre/s (organization and codification of literary knowledge, canon formation) (Available for German, English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian, Japanese, Hindi, Scandinavian Languages) |
A. Vescovi
M. Rosso
World Literature will be studied in particular in its relation to translation, reception and circulation (Available for English, French, German, Russian, Scandinavian languages, Arabic) |
A. Vescovi
Reading: itineraries, practices, representations. (Available for French, Arabic, Russian, German, Japanese). | |
Drama and theatre. Dramatic tradition, new dramaturgies and their transmedia stagings (Available for English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Japanese). | |
Postcolonial and Transatlantic literatures, with reference to Latin America, French and Spanish Caribbean, Black Britain, Francophone, Lusophone and Anglophone Africa, Eastern Europe and South Asia(Available for French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian) |
A. Vescovi
Migration studies: heritage, models, stories (Available for Spanish, English, Italian Russian, French, Polish, German, Portuguese) |
E. Perassi
Cultural memories: forms of historical, literary and artistic representations in Europe and America. (Available for English, German, Spanish, Russian, Scandinavian languages, Portuguese, French). |
E. Perassi
Early Modern Literature: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century. (Available for English, French, Russian, Spanish). |
M. Rosso
Literature and the environment. (Available for English, Russian, North American, French, German). | |
Medical discourse: linguistic, literary and intercultural issues in diachronic and synchronic perspectives (Available for Chinese, French, German, English, Hindi, Spanish) |
M. V. Calvi
E. Perassi
National, supranational, urban identity narratives, and representations of the Other: culture, literature, and the media (Available for Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Scandinavian, Spanish) |
E. Lupano
E. Perassi
Literature and the other Arts (intermedia adaptations, interart comparisons, literature and visual culture) (Available for German, Spanish, French, Scandinavian languages, Russian, English, Slavic languages) |
E. Perassi
M. Rosso
Courses list
November 2022
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
An Introduction to Academic Writing in the Humanities | 2 | 12 | Italian |
December 2022
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Teaching Foreign Literatures and Cultures | 3 | 18 | Italian |
January 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Forms and Effects of Language Contact in Space and Time | 3 | 18 | Italian | |
Frame: Theoretical and Applicative Approaches | 2 | 12 | Italian |
February 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Academic Writing in the Humanities. Advanced | 2 | 12 | Italian | |
Optional | ||||
Introduction to Medical Communication | Calvi Maria Vittoria Elena
Clerici Carlo Alfredo
2 | 12 | Italian |
March 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Cultural Translation: Exchanges Between East and West Through the 19th and 20th Centuries | 3 | 18 | Italian |
May 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics | 2 | 12 | Italian | |
The Visibile and the Invisibile. Spaces, Perception, Topology, and Psychic Projections | 3 | 20 | Italian |
Following the programme of study
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