Agriculture, Environment and Bioenergy

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Science and Technology
PhD Coordinator
Our planet is experiencing a decline in its non-renewable resources and is exposed to risks deriving from climate change. The agricultural sector must supply food, non-food products, ecosystemic services and energy, whilst guaranteeing safety and food sovereignty. It is therefore essential to develop advanced training courses in order to achieve efficiency and sustainability in the agricultural sector and its various territorial contexts, taking into account the various elements of the production system and their organisation in agro-ecosystems. Reference will be made to:
a) phenotypic and genotypic features and the valorisation of genetic resources;
b) containment of biotic and abiotic adversities;
c) implementation of predictive IT models;
d) bioenergy production, use of residual substances, soil and water resource conservation;
e) analysis and management of technical means, agricultural processes, multi-functionality of rural areas and of agrobiodiversity.
The programme will enable researchers to:
a) develop autonomous research;
b) prepare and propose public and private research projects on a local, national and international level;
c) identify research needs and their scientific, social and economic relevance;
d) transfer knowledge through teaching activities and the presentation of data and results;
e) transfer research results to the public and private sphere.
a) phenotypic and genotypic features and the valorisation of genetic resources;
b) containment of biotic and abiotic adversities;
c) implementation of predictive IT models;
d) bioenergy production, use of residual substances, soil and water resource conservation;
e) analysis and management of technical means, agricultural processes, multi-functionality of rural areas and of agrobiodiversity.
The programme will enable researchers to:
a) develop autonomous research;
b) prepare and propose public and private research projects on a local, national and international level;
c) identify research needs and their scientific, social and economic relevance;
d) transfer knowledge through teaching activities and the presentation of data and results;
e) transfer research results to the public and private sphere.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degrees:
· LM-3 Architettura del paesaggio,
· LM-6 Biologia,
· LM-7 Biotecnologie agrarie,
· LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
· LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
· LM-17 Fisica,
· LM-18 Informatica,
· LM-30 Ingegneria energetica e nucleare,
· LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
· LM-33 Ingegneria meccanica,
· LM-35 Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-40 Matematica,
· LM-42 Medicina veterinaria,
· LM-44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'ingegneria,
· LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
· LM-56 Scienze dell'economia,
· LM-60 Scienze della natura,
· LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
· LM-70 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari,
· LM-73 Scienze e tecnologie forestali ed ambientali,
· LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
· LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-76 Scienze economiche per l'ambiente e la cultura,
· LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali,
· LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
· LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
· LM-86 Scienze zootecniche e tecnologie animali.
· LM-3 Architettura del paesaggio,
· LM-6 Biologia,
· LM-7 Biotecnologie agrarie,
· LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
· LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
· LM-17 Fisica,
· LM-18 Informatica,
· LM-30 Ingegneria energetica e nucleare,
· LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
· LM-33 Ingegneria meccanica,
· LM-35 Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-40 Matematica,
· LM-42 Medicina veterinaria,
· LM-44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'ingegneria,
· LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
· LM-56 Scienze dell'economia,
· LM-60 Scienze della natura,
· LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
· LM-70 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari,
· LM-73 Scienze e tecnologie forestali ed ambientali,
· LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
· LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-76 Scienze economiche per l'ambiente e la cultura,
· LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali,
· LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
· LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
· LM-86 Scienze zootecniche e tecnologie animali.
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia - Via Celoria, 2 - Milano
- Degree course coordinator: Daniele Bassi
[email protected] - Main offices
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia - Via Celoria, 2 - Milano - Degree course website
Title | Professor(s) |
Innovative chemical and physical elicitor treatments to implement antioxidant content and resistance to adversity in blueberry (vaccinium corymbosum l.)
Requirements: Knowledge of plant physiology and biology |
Effects of transplanting stress on urban tree physiology and possible mitigation strategies
Requirements: Understanding of botany and plant physiology. Capacity to identify the main tree and shrub species. Basic knowledge of leaf gas exchange theory in plants. |
Phenomics and genomics to study biodiversity and adaptation in small ruminant populations
Requirements: Basic Knowledge of genetic and genomic tools for characterizing biodiversity and identifying selection signatures for traits of livestock interest. Basic knowledge of techniques and software/languages for genomic data analysis |
Improving the circularity of biodegradable bioplastics by producing biogas: a full-scale assessment
Requirements: Knowledge of scientific disciplines |
Agro-hydrological modeling and measures for a sustainable management of water resources in rice areas.
Requirements: Good background in hydrology and agricultural hydraulics; good computer and statistical skills. Knowledge of: (1) simulation models of the hydrological balance in soil-vegetation-atmosphere systems; (2) programming languages; (3) field instrumentation for the measurement of agro-hydrological variables, is strongly appreciated. |
ArchaeoAgronomy and Archaeometry: archaeological and archaeometric research for the study of rural landscape, production and trade in Antiquity
Requirements: Knowledge of archaeology/archaeometry and/or agronomy |
Genetic dissection of plant architecture traits in barley
Requirements: Solid background and practical experience in quantitative and molecular genetics, interest in plant genetics and availability to carry out field work and driver license. |
Integration of crop models and machine learning: methods and applications for agro-environmental simulations
Requirements: Good agronomic knowledge. Good computer knowledge. If possible, basic coding knowledge; availability to learn and improve them |
Precision Livestock Farming for improving animal health and welfare and mitigating the environmental impact of milk production
Requirements: Solid knowledge of animal husbandry and the use of technology in dairy farms. Good knowledge of issues relating to the assessment of the environmental impact of livestock production. Availability to carry out fieldwork. |
Genetic and molecular control of rice plant architecture and evolution of growth habit in the Poacee family.
Requirements: Molecular biology, in vitro culture, optical and confocal microscopy |
Exploring the genomic variability and the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of phytoplasmas
Requirements: Knowledge of plant pathology, molecular biology, bioinformatics |
Multi-scale modelling analysis of organic cropping systems in Europe
Requirements: Good agronomic knowledge. Basic computer and basic coding knowledge, which will be acquired during the PhD course |
Breeding of Lugano rice varieties to reduce water, fertilizers and agrochemicals field inputs (ex DM 352/2022)
Requirements: Plant genetics and molecular biology, bioinformatics - rice cultivation |
Genetic and genomic approaches to explore the cuticle-mediated response to biotic and abiotic stress in maize
Requirements: Good knowledge of molecular biology and genetics of plants, aimed, in particular, at the study of the interaction between plant and environment. Interest in conducting experimental activities implying plant growth both in a controlled environment and in the field. |
The management of grapevine downy-mildew treatments for a sustainable viticulture: from fungicide resistance to disease forecasting models (ex DM 352/2022 )
Requirements: Skills in mycology, plant pathology and disease forecasting models. |
Characterization and valorization of vegetable oil waste (ex DM 352/2022 )
Requirements: Knowledge of scientific disciplines |
Use of geological natural gas emission by bioelectrochemical approaches for power to gas (ex DM 352/2022 )
Requirements: Knowledge of scientific disciplines |
Assessment of Ecosystem Services provided by green infrastructures and greenways in marginal mountain areas and their implementation in rural land planning and design, to promote the development of mountain areas
Requirements: Knowledge of scientific disciplines. Skills in rural land planning, green infrastructures and greenways planning and design, GIS (Geographical Information Systems) |
Innovative models for analyzing the wine market between consumer orientation and sustainability (ex DM 352/2022)
Requirements: Knowledge of scientific and economic disciplines |
Development of innovative hyperspectral remote sensing methods for agricultural applications (ex DM 352/2022 )
Requirements: Knowledge of scientific disciplines. Good competences in agronomy and statistics. Basic competences in Geographic information systems (GIS) and/or remote sensing is an asset. |
S. Bocchi
Evaluation of the water efficiency of new vine rootstocks to increase crop resilience against climate change (ex DM 352/2022 )
Requirements: Good knowledge of physiology and genetics of plants, aimed, in particular, at the study of the interaction between plant and environment. Interest in conducting experimental activities implying plant growth both in a controlled environment and in the field. |
Courses list
November 2022
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Phenotypic Modelling of Crop Adaptation | 4 | 26 | English |
February 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Short Course - Metabolomic Approaches in Agricultural Science: from Sample Extraction to Bioinformatic Analysis | 3 | 18 | English |
May 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Circular Economy in Agriculture Through Waste Valorisation and Recycling | 3 | 18 | English |
June 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Sustainability in Animal Production | 3 | 18 | English |
July 2023
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Nitrogen, Nutrition in Crops: Agronomy, Biochemistry, and Food Quality | 3 | 18 | English |
Following the programme of study
Office and services for PhD students and companies