International Medical School (Classe LM-41)-Enrolled from 2016/17 Academic Year to 2018/19 Academic Year

Medicina e Chirurgia
Single-cycle master
A.Y. 2023/2024
LM-41 - Medicina e chirurgia (EN)
Single-cycle master
Limited enrolment with admission test
The degree course consists of 360 credits overall, spread over a six-year programme, of which at least 60 must be acquired in training aimed at the acquisition of specific professional abilities. Graduates in the degree courses in Medicine and Surgery must have:
1) acquired the scientific bases and the necessary theorical-practical preparation to Directive 75/363/CEE on the practice of the medical profession;
2) acquired a level of professional awareness, decisional and operative autonomy safety with a deep sensitivity to the complex human problems and social diseases;
3) acquired the theoretical knowledge arising from basic sciences and the ability to properly apply it in the perspective of subsequent professional application;
4) acquired the knowledge of physiopathology and organ and apparatus pathologies, interpreting them in the light of basic scientific knowledge from a clinical point of view;
5) acquired the competence to properly obtain and examine data and elements related to the state of health and illness of an individual;
6) acquired the ability and the experience of facing, and solving, the priority health problems considering the preventive, diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative aspects;
7) been exposed to the content and methods of scientific research as a tool to access the clinical field, always in the context of a training translational "from bench-to-bedside" and vice versa;
8) acquired the knowledge of historic, epistemological and ethical dimension of medicine;
9) acquired how to communicate properly and clearly with the patient and his/her relatives relating to them with humanity;
10) learnt how to co-operate with the different professional figures in the various health activities they will be exposed to;
11) learnt how to apply the principles of health economics in medical decisions and acquired the ability to recognise health problems in the community and intervene in a competent manner.
The professional profile of our graduates is characterized by a sound scientific knowledge of diseases and diagnostic procedures, by a strong ethical structure, accountability, consciousness of his/her own limitations, understanding of culture diversity, capability to solve urgent health problems, and respect for each individual, regardless of his/her religion, values, race, sex or any other peculiarities. They are supposed to mature a strongly integrated approach to the patient, critically assessing the clinical as much as the relational aspects. During the course they acquire the educational, social and ethical aspects involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness, as well as the rehabilitation and recovery of the highest possible level of psychophysical well-being. Our graduates are exposed to the content and methods of scientific research in the context of a translational training aimed at leading them in their lifelong learning and/or in their profession of biomedical scientists.
Graduates in the Medicine and Surgery degree courses acquire the professional profile adequate to carry out medical-surgical work in the different professional clinical, health and bio-medical roles and spheres.
The degree in Medicine and Surgery gives access to the State Examination for authorisation to practise as a M.D. Once the examination has been passed, access is given to registration in the relative professional order. In addition, the degree in Medicine and Surgery is a requirement for entry to the Postgraduate Medical Schools or the postgraduate courses for general practitioner.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Students who take advantage of the European Union mobility programs are permitted to attend a foreign university for a maximum of two semesters, from the second year of the course onwards. In accordance with the procedures in force, students who intend to take advantage of this opportunity are required to submit an application to the course commission, which describes the work they wish to do at the foreign university (Learning Agreement). The procedures and criteria set out by the Faculty and University will apply for the assessment and approval of applications.
Training carried out abroad as part of the European Union mobility programs for students and the credits applicable to them are fully or partially acknowledged for the award of the degree, as set out in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Students can apply for the recognition of the period of study abroad as a selected activity, as set out by the Faculty Regulations. Students are exonerated from the requirement to attend the teaching activities of the degree course during the periods abroad, duly authorized in accordance with this article.
Upon request of the degree commission, based on a letter of the foreign tutor to the Dean of the course, students who were particularly meritorious in the Erasmus program can obtain an additional point in the final mark.
The student is required to attend all the teaching activities, with a tolerance of no more than 1/3 of the hours, according to the Regolamento. Students are required to sign their attendance at each learning activities. Should the number of absences be higher than 1/3, the Teaching Committee will take the necessary measures.

Courses list

course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Human Body 19 248 English BIO/16 BIO/17
- Anatomy13
- Histology and embryology6
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 7 84 English BIO/11 BIO/13 BIO/17
- Biology2
- Histology and embryology1
- Molecular biology4
Fundamentals of Basic Sciences 10 124 English BIO/10 FIS/07
- Chemistry and Introductory Biochemistry6
- Medical Physic4
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 11 136 English BIO/10 BIO/13 MED/03
- Biochemistry5
- Biology4
- Genetics2
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Functions 28 344 English BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/16 FIS/07
- Anatomy3
- Biochemistry6
- Chemistry and introductory biochemistry1
- Medical physics2
- Physiology16
Mechanisms of Diseases 24 296 English BIO/10 MED/03 MED/04 MED/07
- Biochemistry1
- General pathology and immunology15
- Genetics2
- Microbiology6
course year not available
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bed Side Approach and Clinical Methodology 6 72 English M-PSI/01 MED/09 MED/18
- General psychology1
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine3
Bed Side Approach and Clinical Methodology (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/09 MED/18
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
Pharmacology I 3 36 English BIO/14
System Diseases 1 11 132 English BIO/12 MED/07 MED/08 MED/11 MED/14 MED/36
- Cardiovascular diseases2
- Clinical Biochemistry1
- Microbiology1
- Nephrology4
- Pathology1
- Radiology2
System Diseases 1 (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/11 MED/14 MED/36
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Nephrology1
- Radiology1
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biostatistics 5 64 English MED/01
Health Informatics 3 36 English INF/01
System Diseases 2 12 144 English BIO/12 MED/07 MED/08 MED/10 MED/15 MED/36
- Blood diseases4
- Clinical biochemistry1
- Microbiology1
- Pathology1
- Radiology1
- Respiratory diseases4
System Diseases 2 (clerkship) 4 100 English MED/10 MED/15 MED/36
- Blood diseases2
- Radiology1
- Respiratory diseases1
course year not available
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Dermatology 3 36 English MED/35
Dermatology (clerkship) 1 25 English MED/35
Infectious Diseases 6 72 English BIO/14 MED/17
- Infectious diseases5
- Pharmacology1
Infectious Diseases (clerkship) 1 25 English MED/17
Pharmacology Ii 3 36 English BIO/14
System Diseases 3 14 168 English BIO/12 MED/07 MED/08 MED/12 MED/13 MED/36
- Clinical Biochemistry1
- Endocrinology4
- Gastroenterology4
- Microbiology1
- Pathology2
- Radiology2
System Diseases 3 (clerkship) 5 125 English MED/08 MED/12 MED/13 MED/36
- Endocrinology1
- Gastroenterology2
- Pathology1
- Radiology1
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bone and Joint Diseases 7 96 English MED/16 MED/33 MED/34
- Orthopedics4
- Rehabilitation medicine1
- Reumathology2
Bone and Joint Diseases (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/16 MED/33
- Orthopedics1
- Rheumatology1
Clinical and Surgical Pathology 4 48 English MED/08
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy 7 84 English BIO/14 M-PSI/01 MED/06 MED/08 MED/36
- General psychology1
- Medical oncology3
- Pathology1
- Pharmacology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/06 MED/36
- Medical oncology2
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Head and Neck 9 108 English BIO/09 BIO/16 MED/28 MED/29 MED/30 MED/31
- Anatomy1
- Human physiology1
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Odontostomatological diseases2
- Ophthalmology2
- Otorhinolaryngology2
Head and Neck (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/28 MED/30 MED/31
- Odontostomatological diseases1
- Ophtalmological diseases1
- Otorhinolaryngological diseases1
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical Practice 5th Year 18 216 English BIO/14 MED/05 MED/09 MED/18 MED/19 MED/21 MED/24
- Clinical pathology2
- General surgery5
- Internal medicine7
- Pharmacology1
- Plastic surgery1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Urology1
Clinical Practice 5th Year (clerkship) 5 125 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/21 MED/24
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Urology1
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience 19 228 English BIO/09 BIO/14 BIO/16 M-PSI/01 M-PSI/08 MED/08 MED/25 MED/26 MED/27 MED/34 MED/36 MED/39
- Anatomy1
- Clinical Psychology1
- General Psychology1
- Human physiology1
- Infant neuropsychiatry1
- Mental health4
- Neurology5
- Neurosurgery1
- Pharmacology1
- Phatology1
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/25 MED/26
- Mental health1
- Neurology1
Traslational Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery 4 48 English MED/11 MED/22 MED/23
- Cardiac surgery1
- Cardiovascular diseases2
- Vascular surgery1
Traslational Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/11 MED/22 MED/23
- Cardiac surgery1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Vascular surgery1
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evaluation Internship - Medical Sciences 5 100 English
Evaluation Internship - Surgical Sciences 5 100 English
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics 10 120 English MED/38 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology5
- Pediatrics5
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/38 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology1
Public Health and Environmental Medicine 9 108 English MED/42 MED/44 SECS-P/06
- Applied economics1
- General and applied hygiene4
- Occupational medicine4
Public Health and Environmental Medicine (clerkship) 1 25 English MED/44
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evaluation Internship - General Practice 5 100 English
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical Practice 6th Year 10 120 English M-PSI/01 MED/01 MED/09 MED/18
- General psychology1
- General surgery3
- Internal medicine4
- Medical statistic2
Clinical Practice 6th Year (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/09 MED/18
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
Emergencies 8 96 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/41
- Anesthesiology4
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine2
Emergencies (clerkship)_ 6 150 English MED/10 MED/11 MED/26 MED/27 MED/33 MED/41
- Anesthesiology1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Neurology1
- Neurosurgery1
- Orthopedics1
- Respiratory diseases1
Forensic Medicine 4 48 English MED/43 MED/44
- Forensic medicine3
- Occupational medicine1
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Examination 18 0 English
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory)
Clinical Practice 6th Year Clinical and Surgical Pathology (compulsory), Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience (compulsory), Pharmacology I (compulsory), Pharmacology Ii (compulsory), System Diseases 1 (compulsory), System Diseases 2 (compulsory), System Diseases 3 (compulsory)
Emergencies Clinical and Surgical Pathology (compulsory), Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience (compulsory), Pharmacology I (compulsory), Pharmacology Ii (compulsory), System Diseases 1 (compulsory), System Diseases 2 (compulsory), System Diseases 3 (compulsory)
Functions Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 (compulsory), Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory), Human Body (compulsory)
Mechanisms of Diseases Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 (compulsory), Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory), Human Body (compulsory)
System Diseases 1 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory)
System Diseases 2 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory)
System Diseases 3 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory)
Course location
Presidente del Collegio Didattico
Prof.ssa Gabriella Cerri

A.Y. 2025/2026

A.Y. 2024/2025

A.Y. 2023/2024

A.Y. 2022/2023

A.Y. 2021/2022

A.Y. 2020/2021

A.Y. 2019/2020

A.Y. 2018/2019

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