Forensic Medicine
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to explain main forensic aspects of medical issues, starting from forensic pathology (wound examination and documentation) and followed by the clinical forensic medicine (rape, sexual and domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, torture, age estimation). A comparison between Italian and international legislations will be treated, as well as bioethics and ethical codes. The course also explains post-mortem alterations, death certification, and the estimation of time since death. During the course there will be a one-morning tutorial where each student will be given the possibility to participate in an autopsy. Students are introduced to the lists of occupational diseases in the world and their role in promoting reporting and prevention of occupational diseases.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students are expected: - to know the main bases of forensic pathology. - to be aware about how to describe and collect all kinds of wounds, how a clinical forensic examination must be performed to be used as evidence. - to illustrate the crimes of interest to physicians (rape, sexual abuse, neglect, child abuse, domestic violence, age estimation ) and know when report is due. - to know the main differences between Italian and international legislations - to identify post-mortem alterations - to learn how to identify the cause of death, the estimation of time since death and post-mortem identification, including the importance of toxicology, anthropology, odontology, entomology and neuropathology for these issues. - to know how to write certificates and medical documents of legal interest - to illustrate the meaning of evidence-based medicine and its importance in cases of medical malpractice - to know the difference between private and social insurance - to learn how a judicial autopsy should be performed. - how to report an occupational disease
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
To take the Forensic Medicine exam, students must have already passed all the exams of the first and second year (Fundamentals of Basic Sciences, Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 and 2, Human Body, Functions and Mechanisms of Diseases).
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of the content of the Forensic Medicine course is organized to offer students some degree of flexibility in the calculation of their final mark. The purpose is also to encourage students to achieve better learning outcomes and hence a better overall final evaluation.
The end-of-semester exam, which is a multiple-choice test, is followed by a further open question, that is not mandatory, but it may improve, confirm or worsen the final mark. If the student feels confident with the multiple-choice test, he/she can reach the maximum result only with it; if the student is unsure of his/her answers, he/she can fill the open question, trying to improve the final mark.
Exam content and evaluation: Content
· 31 questions (each question 1 point): Questions will include the whole program of the course and are mandatory.
· 1 open question, which is not mandatory, but if the student decides to answer it, it will be taken into account for the final mark.
Evaluation: 31 multiple-choice questions
To pass the test the student needs to answer to at least 18 questions correctly. 31 correct answers = 30 cum laude; 30 correct answers = 30; 29 correct answers = 29;
If at least 18 questions are correctly answered, and the open question is answered, it will be read and analyzed, and it may improve, confirm or worsen the multiple- choice mark.
Attendance is required to be allowed to take the exam. Unexcused absence is tolerated up to 34% of the course activities. University policy regarding excused illness is followed.
Registration to the exam through SIFA is mandatory.
The end-of-semester exam, which is a multiple-choice test, is followed by a further open question, that is not mandatory, but it may improve, confirm or worsen the final mark. If the student feels confident with the multiple-choice test, he/she can reach the maximum result only with it; if the student is unsure of his/her answers, he/she can fill the open question, trying to improve the final mark.
Exam content and evaluation: Content
· 31 questions (each question 1 point): Questions will include the whole program of the course and are mandatory.
· 1 open question, which is not mandatory, but if the student decides to answer it, it will be taken into account for the final mark.
Evaluation: 31 multiple-choice questions
To pass the test the student needs to answer to at least 18 questions correctly. 31 correct answers = 30 cum laude; 30 correct answers = 30; 29 correct answers = 29;
If at least 18 questions are correctly answered, and the open question is answered, it will be read and analyzed, and it may improve, confirm or worsen the multiple- choice mark.
Attendance is required to be allowed to take the exam. Unexcused absence is tolerated up to 34% of the course activities. University policy regarding excused illness is followed.
Registration to the exam through SIFA is mandatory.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
TOPIC 1. Introduction to legal medicine and the legal system for physicians
TOPIC 2. Code of ethics
TOPIC 3. Certificates and other medical documents of legal interest
TOPIC 4. Forensic pathology: wound examination and documentation
TOPIC 5. Clinical forensic medicine; Sexual and physical abuse, maltreatment
TOPIC 6. Crimes of interest to physicians: crimes against the person
TOPIC 7. Italian legislati
on and law (comparatively to international legislations)
TOPIC 8. Private and social insurance
TOPIC 9. Medical malpractice
TOPIC 10. Death: diagnoses, post mortem alterations, certification; estimation of time since death
TOPIC 11. The autopsy
TOPIC 12. Humanitarian forensic medicine, torture, aging the living
TOPIC 13. Death certification, and the autopsy
TOPIC 14. Post mortem interval and scene of crime
TOPIC 2. Code of ethics
TOPIC 3. Certificates and other medical documents of legal interest
TOPIC 4. Forensic pathology: wound examination and documentation
TOPIC 5. Clinical forensic medicine; Sexual and physical abuse, maltreatment
TOPIC 6. Crimes of interest to physicians: crimes against the person
TOPIC 7. Italian legislati
on and law (comparatively to international legislations)
TOPIC 8. Private and social insurance
TOPIC 9. Medical malpractice
TOPIC 10. Death: diagnoses, post mortem alterations, certification; estimation of time since death
TOPIC 11. The autopsy
TOPIC 12. Humanitarian forensic medicine, torture, aging the living
TOPIC 13. Death certification, and the autopsy
TOPIC 14. Post mortem interval and scene of crime
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous: clinical cases discussion, journal club, videos in clinical medicine
Asynchronous: clinical cases discussion, journal club, videos in clinical medicine
Teaching Resources
Pekka Saukko and Bernard Knight, Knight's Forensic Pathology, 4th Ed. CRC Press, 2015
Occupational medicine
Course syllabus
TOPIC 15: The causal association and the relevance of the Bradford Hill criteria with selected examples to discuss.
TOPIC 16. The lists of occupational diseases in the world and their role in promoting reporting and prevention of occupational diseases.
TOPIC 17. How to report an occupational disease: Italy as a case study.
TOPIC 18: The estimation of the levels of disability deriving from occupational diseases and accidents.
TOPIC 16. The lists of occupational diseases in the world and their role in promoting reporting and prevention of occupational diseases.
TOPIC 17. How to report an occupational disease: Italy as a case study.
TOPIC 18: The estimation of the levels of disability deriving from occupational diseases and accidents.
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous: clinical cases discussion, journal club, videos in clinical medicine
Asynchronous: clinical cases discussion, journal club, videos in clinical medicine
Teaching Resources
Learning material will be provided during lectures.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
: 12 hours
Cattaneo Cristina
Occupational medicine
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Colosio Claudio