Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course integrates different disciplines to address the approach to the patient with symptoms of neurological impairment including those pointing to an involvement of brain, spinal cord, nerve and muscle. These include symptoms of cognitive, motor, sensory and autonomic impairment. The course, organized in 7 blocks starts recalling the basic sciences providing the structural and physiological fundamentals to understand functions and pathologies of brain and spinal cord. A section dedicated to neurological, neuropsychological and neuroimaging examination introduces the students to the correct approach to the symptoms of the patient and how the physician should investigate these symptoms and assess the neurological functions of the patient. The symptoms, the assessment and the pharmacological treatment of the main neurological, neurosurgical and psychiatric diseases will be examined according to their clinical presentation and progression. Two special blocks will address the main topics in neurological rehabilitation and in infant neurology/neuropsychiatry.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students are expected to have knowledge of: - the anatomo-functional substrates of neurological functions - how to perform a neurological examination - how to approach and treat the acute neurological patient - how to approach and treat the "progressive" neurological patient - the rehabilitation of the neurological patient - the development and the neurology in infants - how to approach mental diseases in adults - how to approach mental disorders in adults in particular Addiction/Alcoholism, Eating and Mood Disorders and their related treatments - How to approach to Schizophrenia and psychotic spectrum: clinical features, classification and related disorders.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
To take the Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience exam, students must have already passed all the exams of the first and second year (Fundamentals of Basic Sciences, Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 and 2, Human Body, Functions and Mechanisms of Diseases).
Students must recall the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Students must recall the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Student assessment is based on a combination of written and oral examinations. The written exam is a written exam with open text for the "Psychology" modules and a multiple choice test focused on the topics of all the other modules but Neurology and Mental Health. Only students who successfully pass the written test for all the discipline (3/5 correct answers) are allowed to take the oral examination of Neurology and Mental Health. Students may also access to the oral examination if they fail to pass one discipline as far as at least 40% of the response were correct in that discipline or if they pass at least 80% of all proposed tests. Students must have completed the assigned asynchronous activity for neurology and Mental Health to access the Neurology and Mental Health oral examination. The oral of Neurology and Mental health can be taken separately but within the same academic year.
The final mark is the average of the marks obtained through the oral examinations weighted on the number of credits of the two disciplines. The exam is deemed to be passed successfully if the final grade is equal to or higher than 18/30. In the event of a full grade (30/30) honors (lode) may be granted with the consent of all the professors. The performance achieved in the asynchronous activity in neurology and Mental Health will be also considered for the vote in these disciplines.
A passed written examination and each oral examination remains valid for the entire academic year. The written test and oral examination will cover all the topics covered by the seminars and the program.
Attendance is required to be allowed to take the exam. Unexcused absence is tolerated up to 34% of the course activities. University policy regarding excused illness is followed.
Registration to the exam through SIFA is mandatory.
The final mark is the average of the marks obtained through the oral examinations weighted on the number of credits of the two disciplines. The exam is deemed to be passed successfully if the final grade is equal to or higher than 18/30. In the event of a full grade (30/30) honors (lode) may be granted with the consent of all the professors. The performance achieved in the asynchronous activity in neurology and Mental Health will be also considered for the vote in these disciplines.
A passed written examination and each oral examination remains valid for the entire academic year. The written test and oral examination will cover all the topics covered by the seminars and the program.
Attendance is required to be allowed to take the exam. Unexcused absence is tolerated up to 34% of the course activities. University policy regarding excused illness is followed.
Registration to the exam through SIFA is mandatory.
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 8. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 1: cranial nerves.
Describe the symptoms due to impairment of cranial nerve
Learn the neurological examination of patients with cranial nerve impairment
Learn the main diseases causing cranial nerve impairment
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 9. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 2: motor and sensory and cortical functions.
Describe the symptoms of motor and sensory pathways impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of motor impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of sensory impairment
Describe the symptoms due to cerebellar dysfunction
Describe the symptoms due to meningeal involvement
Describe the clinical assessment of cerebellar and meningeal impairment
Describe the symptoms and clinical assessment of aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and loss of memory
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 11. NEURORADIOLOGY Basic and advanced neuroimaging
Neuroradiology what is it?
Learn the different role of CT and MRI in the modern diagnostic neuroradiology
Review the basic anatomy of the brain through CT and MR images
Learn the main advantages of new imaging techniques
Some basic principles of interventional neuroradiology
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 25. PATHOLOGY Brain tumors
Secondary tumors
Topic 26. NEUROSURGERY The patient with intracranial masses
Describe the pathophysiology of intracranial tumor formation and expansion.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with brain tumor
Describe how to diagnose brain tumors
Discuss how to treat patients with brain tumors
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of tumor
Topic 27. NEUROLOGY The patient with loss of memory: dementia
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with loss of memory
Describe how to investigate a patient with loss of memory
Discuss how to distinguish age related loss of memory and dementia
Present the possible cause of dementia
Illustrate the management of a patient with loss of memory
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of dementia
Topic 28. NEUROLOGY The trembling patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with tremor
Describe how to distinguish the different type of tremors
Describe how to distinguish essential tremor from Parkinson's disease
Illustrate how to diagnose Parkinson's disease
Describe the main causes of Parkinson's syndrome
Discuss how to treat a patient with Parkinson's disease
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with Parkinson and essential tremor
Topic 29. NEUROLOGY The patient with abnormal movement and incoordination
Describe the different movement disorders
Learn how to investigate a patient with movement disorders
Describe what is ataxia
Learn how to investigate a patient with ataxia
Learn the possible cause of ataxia
Lear the management of a patient with movement disorders and ataxia
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of movement disorders
Topic 30. NUCLEAR MEDICINE Imaging in Neurology: Dementia and Parkinson
Understand advantages and limits of PET and SPECT imaging in Neurology
Describe the role of nuclear imaging in the differential diagnosis of dementias
Describe the role of SPECT in the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease and parkinsonian syndromes
Describe the role of PET in the identification of the origin of epilepsy
Topic 31. NEUROLOGY The patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe how to assess a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Illustrate what is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and motor neuron disease
Discuss how to diagnose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Illustrate how to manage the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of Motor neuron disease
Topic 32. NEUROLOGY The patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe the clinical presentation of a young patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe multiple sclerosis
Illustrate how to diagnose multiple sclerosis
Discuss how to treat patients with multiple sclerosis
Describe EAE, the animal model of MS
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with multiple sclerosis
Topic 33. NEUROLOGY The patient with brain impairment after an infectious disease or a tumor.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after an infectious disease or neurological complications of vaccination
Describe the central complications of immune suppressive therapy
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with non-metastatic cancer
Learn what is PML and paraneoplastic syndromes
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with ADEM or paraneoplastic disorder
Topic 34. NEUROLOGY neurological complication of COVID-19
Describe the relationship between COVID-19 infection and CNS
Describe the main neurological symptoms of COVID-19 (headache, alteration of consciousness, dizziness, alteration of smell and taste)
Describe the central neurological complications of COVID-19 (encephalopathies, cerebrovascular ischemic diseases, encephalitis)
Describe the peripheral complications of COVID-19 (Guillain-Barre' syndrome)
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with neurological complications of COVID-19
Topic 35. NEUROLOGY the patient with brain impairment after intoxication or during metabolic disorders
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after intoxication (CO, alcohol)
Describe the central complications of metabolic disorders (hepatic, uremic)
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with vitamin deficiency
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with brain intoxication or metabolic abnormalities
Topic 36. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis of immune and neurodegenerative disorders
Learn the basic aspect of inflammatory diseases of the CNS on neuroimaging
Review the normal brain aging on CT and MR and the concept of brain atrophy
Learn the main imaging characteristic ah Alzheimer's disease and fronto-temporal dementia
How MRi can help the clinicians in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and ALS
Lesson 37. NEUROSURGERY The patient with spinal cord troubles
Describe the most frequent spinal surgical diseases
Degenerative: disc prolapse, spinal stenosis, spondilolistesis
Spine and spinal cord trauma
Present some illustrative histories of patients with spinal cord lesions
Lesson 38. NEUROSURGERY CerebroSpinalFluid circulation disorders
Describe symptoms and imaging findings and recent pathophysiological advances
Treatment and outcome
Topic 39. NEUROLOGY The patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the main causes of rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to distinguish peripheral from central rapidly progressive palsy
Describe acute demyelinating inflammatory polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome)
Discuss how to diagnose and treat Guillain-Barré syndrome
Present some illustrative stories of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome
Topic 40. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain and weakness in the limbs part: neuropathy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain and weakness in the feet
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with a suspected neuropathy
Present what are the main causes of neuropathy
Present how to distinguish the main causes of neuropathy
Illustrate what are the inflammatory neuropathies
Discuss how to treat patients with neuropathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with chronic neuropathies
Topic 41. PATHOLOGY Non neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Topic 42. NEUROLOGY The fatigable patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with weakness or fatigability
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myasthenia gravis
Lear how to diagnose and treat a patient with myasthenia gravis
Present some typical clinical history of patients with myasthenia gravis
Topic 43. NEUROLOGY The patient with muscle pain and weakness
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myopathy
Learn the main causes of myopathy
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of myopathy
Lear how to treat a patient with myopathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with myopathy
Topic 44. NEUROLOGY The patient with neurological respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to neurologically evaluate a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Lear how to treat a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Present some illustrative stories of neurological patients with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Topic 57 NEUROLOGY The floppy baby
Learn how to evaluate a weak child
Learn the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to treat a weak child
Case presentation of floppy babies
Topic 8. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 1: cranial nerves.
Describe the symptoms due to impairment of cranial nerve
Learn the neurological examination of patients with cranial nerve impairment
Learn the main diseases causing cranial nerve impairment
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 9. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 2: motor and sensory and cortical functions.
Describe the symptoms of motor and sensory pathways impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of motor impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of sensory impairment
Describe the symptoms due to cerebellar dysfunction
Describe the symptoms due to meningeal involvement
Describe the clinical assessment of cerebellar and meningeal impairment
Describe the symptoms and clinical assessment of aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and loss of memory
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 11. NEURORADIOLOGY Basic and advanced neuroimaging
Neuroradiology what is it?
Learn the different role of CT and MRI in the modern diagnostic neuroradiology
Review the basic anatomy of the brain through CT and MR images
Learn the main advantages of new imaging techniques
Some basic principles of interventional neuroradiology
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 25. PATHOLOGY Brain tumors
Secondary tumors
Topic 26. NEUROSURGERY The patient with intracranial masses
Describe the pathophysiology of intracranial tumor formation and expansion.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with brain tumor
Describe how to diagnose brain tumors
Discuss how to treat patients with brain tumors
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of tumor
Topic 27. NEUROLOGY The patient with loss of memory: dementia
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with loss of memory
Describe how to investigate a patient with loss of memory
Discuss how to distinguish age related loss of memory and dementia
Present the possible cause of dementia
Illustrate the management of a patient with loss of memory
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of dementia
Topic 28. NEUROLOGY The trembling patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with tremor
Describe how to distinguish the different type of tremors
Describe how to distinguish essential tremor from Parkinson's disease
Illustrate how to diagnose Parkinson's disease
Describe the main causes of Parkinson's syndrome
Discuss how to treat a patient with Parkinson's disease
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with Parkinson and essential tremor
Topic 29. NEUROLOGY The patient with abnormal movement and incoordination
Describe the different movement disorders
Learn how to investigate a patient with movement disorders
Describe what is ataxia
Learn how to investigate a patient with ataxia
Learn the possible cause of ataxia
Lear the management of a patient with movement disorders and ataxia
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of movement disorders
Topic 30. NUCLEAR MEDICINE Imaging in Neurology: Dementia and Parkinson
Understand advantages and limits of PET and SPECT imaging in Neurology
Describe the role of nuclear imaging in the differential diagnosis of dementias
Describe the role of SPECT in the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease and parkinsonian syndromes
Describe the role of PET in the identification of the origin of epilepsy
Topic 31. NEUROLOGY The patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe how to assess a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Illustrate what is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and motor neuron disease
Discuss how to diagnose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Illustrate how to manage the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of Motor neuron disease
Topic 32. NEUROLOGY The patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe the clinical presentation of a young patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe multiple sclerosis
Illustrate how to diagnose multiple sclerosis
Discuss how to treat patients with multiple sclerosis
Describe EAE, the animal model of MS
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with multiple sclerosis
Topic 33. NEUROLOGY The patient with brain impairment after an infectious disease or a tumor.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after an infectious disease or neurological complications of vaccination
Describe the central complications of immune suppressive therapy
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with non-metastatic cancer
Learn what is PML and paraneoplastic syndromes
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with ADEM or paraneoplastic disorder
Topic 34. NEUROLOGY neurological complication of COVID-19
Describe the relationship between COVID-19 infection and CNS
Describe the main neurological symptoms of COVID-19 (headache, alteration of consciousness, dizziness, alteration of smell and taste)
Describe the central neurological complications of COVID-19 (encephalopathies, cerebrovascular ischemic diseases, encephalitis)
Describe the peripheral complications of COVID-19 (Guillain-Barre' syndrome)
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with neurological complications of COVID-19
Topic 35. NEUROLOGY the patient with brain impairment after intoxication or during metabolic disorders
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after intoxication (CO, alcohol)
Describe the central complications of metabolic disorders (hepatic, uremic)
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with vitamin deficiency
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with brain intoxication or metabolic abnormalities
Topic 36. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis of immune and neurodegenerative disorders
Learn the basic aspect of inflammatory diseases of the CNS on neuroimaging
Review the normal brain aging on CT and MR and the concept of brain atrophy
Learn the main imaging characteristic ah Alzheimer's disease and fronto-temporal dementia
How MRi can help the clinicians in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and ALS
Lesson 37. NEUROSURGERY The patient with spinal cord troubles
Describe the most frequent spinal surgical diseases
Degenerative: disc prolapse, spinal stenosis, spondilolistesis
Spine and spinal cord trauma
Present some illustrative histories of patients with spinal cord lesions
Lesson 38. NEUROSURGERY CerebroSpinalFluid circulation disorders
Describe symptoms and imaging findings and recent pathophysiological advances
Treatment and outcome
Topic 39. NEUROLOGY The patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the main causes of rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to distinguish peripheral from central rapidly progressive palsy
Describe acute demyelinating inflammatory polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome)
Discuss how to diagnose and treat Guillain-Barré syndrome
Present some illustrative stories of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome
Topic 40. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain and weakness in the limbs part: neuropathy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain and weakness in the feet
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with a suspected neuropathy
Present what are the main causes of neuropathy
Present how to distinguish the main causes of neuropathy
Illustrate what are the inflammatory neuropathies
Discuss how to treat patients with neuropathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with chronic neuropathies
Topic 41. PATHOLOGY Non neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Topic 42. NEUROLOGY The fatigable patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with weakness or fatigability
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myasthenia gravis
Lear how to diagnose and treat a patient with myasthenia gravis
Present some typical clinical history of patients with myasthenia gravis
Topic 43. NEUROLOGY The patient with muscle pain and weakness
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myopathy
Learn the main causes of myopathy
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of myopathy
Lear how to treat a patient with myopathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with myopathy
Topic 44. NEUROLOGY The patient with neurological respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to neurologically evaluate a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Lear how to treat a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Present some illustrative stories of neurological patients with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Topic 57 NEUROLOGY The floppy baby
Learn how to evaluate a weak child
Learn the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to treat a weak child
Case presentation of floppy babies
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Adams & Victor's Principles of Neurology, 12th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2023
Merritt's Neurology, 14th edition, Louis, Mayer and Noble, Wolters Kluwer, 2021
Bradley & Daroff's, Neurology in Clinical Practice, 8th edition, Elsevier, 2021
Adams & Victor's Principles of Neurology, 12th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2023
Merritt's Neurology, 14th edition, Louis, Mayer and Noble, Wolters Kluwer, 2021
Bradley & Daroff's, Neurology in Clinical Practice, 8th edition, Elsevier, 2021
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 2. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The cortex and associative areas.
Describe the organization of the neocortex
Understand the hierarchy of cortical areas
Understand the compartmentalization of functions in the different lobes
Understand the functional substrate of hemispheric dominance
Topic 3. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The white matter.
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - anatomical description
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - neuroimaging and tractography
Understand the relationships among white matter and vessels
Topic 4 ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The "emotional brain"
Describe the anatomical components of the limbic system
Understand the concept of "extended limbic system" in relation to autonomic functions
Describe the functional substrates underlying memory and learning
Understand the neural substrate of emotion and behavior
Topic 5. SURGICAL ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of Language functions
Describe "historical model" for language function
Cognitive models of language function
Describe the functional properties of the cortical areas/pathways subserving language function. A recent model.
Describe the hemispheric dominance for language
Topic 6. PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of cognitive functions
Functional organization of memory
Functional organization of attention and cognitive control
Functional organization of visuospatial abilities
Topic 2. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The cortex and associative areas.
Describe the organization of the neocortex
Understand the hierarchy of cortical areas
Understand the compartmentalization of functions in the different lobes
Understand the functional substrate of hemispheric dominance
Topic 3. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The white matter.
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - anatomical description
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - neuroimaging and tractography
Understand the relationships among white matter and vessels
Topic 4 ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The "emotional brain"
Describe the anatomical components of the limbic system
Understand the concept of "extended limbic system" in relation to autonomic functions
Describe the functional substrates underlying memory and learning
Understand the neural substrate of emotion and behavior
Topic 5. SURGICAL ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of Language functions
Describe "historical model" for language function
Cognitive models of language function
Describe the functional properties of the cortical areas/pathways subserving language function. A recent model.
Describe the hemispheric dominance for language
Topic 6. PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of cognitive functions
Functional organization of memory
Functional organization of attention and cognitive control
Functional organization of visuospatial abilities
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Learning material (slides, papers, video) will be uploaded for students.
Human physiology
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 2. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The cortex and associative areas.
Describe the organization of the neocortex
Understand the hierarchy of cortical areas
Understand the compartmentalization of functions in the different lobes
Understand the functional substrate of hemispheric dominance
Topic 3. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The white matter.
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - anatomical description
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - neuroimaging and tractography
Understand the relationships among white matter and vessels
Topic 4 ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The "emotional brain"
Describe the anatomical components of the limbic system
Understand the concept of "extended limbic system" in relation to autonomic functions
Describe the functional substrates underlying memory and learning
Understand the neural substrate of emotion and behavior
Topic 5. SURGICAL ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of Language functions
Describe "historical model" for language function
Cognitive models of language function
Describe the functional properties of the cortical areas/pathways subserving language function. A recent model.
Describe the hemispheric dominance for language
Topic 6. PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of cognitive functions
Functional organization of memory
Functional organization of attention and cognitive control
Functional organization of visuospatial abilities
Topic 2. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The cortex and associative areas.
Describe the organization of the neocortex
Understand the hierarchy of cortical areas
Understand the compartmentalization of functions in the different lobes
Understand the functional substrate of hemispheric dominance
Topic 3. ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The white matter.
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - anatomical description
Describe the organization of the white matter in the brain - neuroimaging and tractography
Understand the relationships among white matter and vessels
Topic 4 ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY The "emotional brain"
Describe the anatomical components of the limbic system
Understand the concept of "extended limbic system" in relation to autonomic functions
Describe the functional substrates underlying memory and learning
Understand the neural substrate of emotion and behavior
Topic 5. SURGICAL ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of Language functions
Describe "historical model" for language function
Cognitive models of language function
Describe the functional properties of the cortical areas/pathways subserving language function. A recent model.
Describe the hemispheric dominance for language
Topic 6. PHYSIOLOGY Neural substrates of cognitive functions
Functional organization of memory
Functional organization of attention and cognitive control
Functional organization of visuospatial abilities
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Learning material (slides, papers, video) will be uploaded for students.
Baars, Bernard, and Nicole M. Gage. Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience: a beginner's guide. 2nd Edition. Academic Press, 2019.
Baars, Bernard, and Nicole M. Gage. Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience: a beginner's guide. 2nd Edition. Academic Press, 2019.
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 8. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 1: cranial nerves.
Describe the symptoms due to impairment of cranial nerve
Learn the neurological examination of patients with cranial nerve impairment
Learn the main diseases causing cranial nerve impairment
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 9. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 2: motor and sensory and cortical functions.
Describe the symptoms of motor and sensory pathways impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of motor impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of sensory impairment
Describe the symptoms due to cerebellar dysfunction
Describe the symptoms due to meningeal involvement
Describe the clinical assessment of cerebellar and meningeal impairment
Describe the symptoms and clinical assessment of aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and loss of memory
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 11. NEURORADIOLOGY Basic and advanced neuroimaging
Neuroradiology what is it?
Learn the different role of CT and MRI in the modern diagnostic neuroradiology
Review the basic anatomy of the brain through CT and MR images
Learn the main advantages of new imaging techniques
Some basic principles of interventional neuroradiology
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 25. PATHOLOGY Brain tumors
Secondary tumors
Topic 26. NEUROSURGERY The patient with intracranial masses
Describe the pathophysiology of intracranial tumor formation and expansion.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with brain tumor
Describe how to diagnose brain tumors
Discuss how to treat patients with brain tumors
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of tumor
Topic 27. NEUROLOGY The patient with loss of memory: dementia
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with loss of memory
Describe how to investigate a patient with loss of memory
Discuss how to distinguish age related loss of memory and dementia
Present the possible cause of dementia
Illustrate the management of a patient with loss of memory
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of dementia
Topic 28. NEUROLOGY The trembling patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with tremor
Describe how to distinguish the different type of tremors
Describe how to distinguish essential tremor from Parkinson's disease
Illustrate how to diagnose Parkinson's disease
Describe the main causes of Parkinson's syndrome
Discuss how to treat a patient with Parkinson's disease
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with Parkinson and essential tremor
Topic 29. NEUROLOGY The patient with abnormal movement and incoordination
Describe the different movement disorders
Learn how to investigate a patient with movement disorders
Describe what is ataxia
Learn how to investigate a patient with ataxia
Learn the possible cause of ataxia
Lear the management of a patient with movement disorders and ataxia
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of movement disorders
Topic 30. NUCLEAR MEDICINE Imaging in Neurology: Dementia and Parkinson
Understand advantages and limits of PET and SPECT imaging in Neurology
Describe the role of nuclear imaging in the differential diagnosis of dementias
Describe the role of SPECT in the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease and parkinsonian syndromes
Describe the role of PET in the identification of the origin of epilepsy
Topic 31. NEUROLOGY The patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe how to assess a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Illustrate what is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and motor neuron disease
Discuss how to diagnose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Illustrate how to manage the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of Motor neuron disease
Topic 32. NEUROLOGY The patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe the clinical presentation of a young patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe multiple sclerosis
Illustrate how to diagnose multiple sclerosis
Discuss how to treat patients with multiple sclerosis
Describe EAE, the animal model of MS
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with multiple sclerosis
Topic 33. NEUROLOGY The patient with brain impairment after an infectious disease or a tumor.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after an infectious disease or neurological complications of vaccination
Describe the central complications of immune suppressive therapy
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with non-metastatic cancer
Learn what is PML and paraneoplastic syndromes
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with ADEM or paraneoplastic disorder
Topic 34. NEUROLOGY neurological complication of COVID-19
Describe the relationship between COVID-19 infection and CNS
Describe the main neurological symptoms of COVID-19 (headache, alteration of consciousness, dizziness, alteration of smell and taste)
Describe the central neurological complications of COVID-19 (encephalopathies, cerebrovascular ischemic diseases, encephalitis)
Describe the peripheral complications of COVID-19 (Guillain-Barre' syndrome)
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with neurological complications of COVID-19
Topic 35. NEUROLOGY the patient with brain impairment after intoxication or during metabolic disorders
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after intoxication (CO, alcohol)
Describe the central complications of metabolic disorders (hepatic, uremic)
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with vitamin deficiency
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with brain intoxication or metabolic abnormalities
Topic 36. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis of immune and neurodegenerative disorders
Learn the basic aspect of inflammatory diseases of the CNS on neuroimaging
Review the normal brain aging on CT and MR and the concept of brain atrophy
Learn the main imaging characteristic ah Alzheimer's disease and fronto-temporal dementia
How MRi can help the clinicians in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and ALS
Lesson 37. NEUROSURGERY The patient with spinal cord troubles
Describe the most frequent spinal surgical diseases
Degenerative: disc prolapse, spinal stenosis, spondilolistesis
Spine and spinal cord trauma
Present some illustrative histories of patients with spinal cord lesions
Lesson 38. NEUROSURGERY CerebroSpinalFluid circulation disorders
Describe symptoms and imaging findings and recent pathophysiological advances
Treatment and outcome
Topic 39. NEUROLOGY The patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the main causes of rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to distinguish peripheral from central rapidly progressive palsy
Describe acute demyelinating inflammatory polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome)
Discuss how to diagnose and treat Guillain-Barré syndrome
Present some illustrative stories of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome
Topic 40. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain and weakness in the limbs part: neuropathy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain and weakness in the feet
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with a suspected neuropathy
Present what are the main causes of neuropathy
Present how to distinguish the main causes of neuropathy
Illustrate what are the inflammatory neuropathies
Discuss how to treat patients with neuropathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with chronic neuropathies
Topic 41. PATHOLOGY Non neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Topic 42. NEUROLOGY The fatigable patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with weakness or fatigability
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myasthenia gravis
Lear how to diagnose and treat a patient with myasthenia gravis
Present some typical clinical history of patients with myasthenia gravis
Topic 43. NEUROLOGY The patient with muscle pain and weakness
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myopathy
Learn the main causes of myopathy
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of myopathy
Lear how to treat a patient with myopathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with myopathy
Topic 44. NEUROLOGY The patient with neurological respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to neurologically evaluate a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Lear how to treat a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Present some illustrative stories of neurological patients with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia.
Topic 8. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 1: cranial nerves.
Describe the symptoms due to impairment of cranial nerve
Learn the neurological examination of patients with cranial nerve impairment
Learn the main diseases causing cranial nerve impairment
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 9. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 2: motor and sensory and cortical functions.
Describe the symptoms of motor and sensory pathways impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of motor impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of sensory impairment
Describe the symptoms due to cerebellar dysfunction
Describe the symptoms due to meningeal involvement
Describe the clinical assessment of cerebellar and meningeal impairment
Describe the symptoms and clinical assessment of aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and loss of memory
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 11. NEURORADIOLOGY Basic and advanced neuroimaging
Neuroradiology what is it?
Learn the different role of CT and MRI in the modern diagnostic neuroradiology
Review the basic anatomy of the brain through CT and MR images
Learn the main advantages of new imaging techniques
Some basic principles of interventional neuroradiology
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 25. PATHOLOGY Brain tumors
Secondary tumors
Topic 26. NEUROSURGERY The patient with intracranial masses
Describe the pathophysiology of intracranial tumor formation and expansion.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with brain tumor
Describe how to diagnose brain tumors
Discuss how to treat patients with brain tumors
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of tumor
Topic 27. NEUROLOGY The patient with loss of memory: dementia
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with loss of memory
Describe how to investigate a patient with loss of memory
Discuss how to distinguish age related loss of memory and dementia
Present the possible cause of dementia
Illustrate the management of a patient with loss of memory
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of dementia
Topic 28. NEUROLOGY The trembling patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with tremor
Describe how to distinguish the different type of tremors
Describe how to distinguish essential tremor from Parkinson's disease
Illustrate how to diagnose Parkinson's disease
Describe the main causes of Parkinson's syndrome
Discuss how to treat a patient with Parkinson's disease
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with Parkinson and essential tremor
Topic 29. NEUROLOGY The patient with abnormal movement and incoordination
Describe the different movement disorders
Learn how to investigate a patient with movement disorders
Describe what is ataxia
Learn how to investigate a patient with ataxia
Learn the possible cause of ataxia
Lear the management of a patient with movement disorders and ataxia
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of movement disorders
Topic 30. NUCLEAR MEDICINE Imaging in Neurology: Dementia and Parkinson
Understand advantages and limits of PET and SPECT imaging in Neurology
Describe the role of nuclear imaging in the differential diagnosis of dementias
Describe the role of SPECT in the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease and parkinsonian syndromes
Describe the role of PET in the identification of the origin of epilepsy
Topic 31. NEUROLOGY The patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Describe how to assess a patient with progressive muscle weakness and atrophy
Illustrate what is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and motor neuron disease
Discuss how to diagnose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Illustrate how to manage the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with different form of Motor neuron disease
Topic 32. NEUROLOGY The patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe the clinical presentation of a young patient with relapsing neurological deficits
Describe multiple sclerosis
Illustrate how to diagnose multiple sclerosis
Discuss how to treat patients with multiple sclerosis
Describe EAE, the animal model of MS
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with multiple sclerosis
Topic 33. NEUROLOGY The patient with brain impairment after an infectious disease or a tumor.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after an infectious disease or neurological complications of vaccination
Describe the central complications of immune suppressive therapy
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with non-metastatic cancer
Learn what is PML and paraneoplastic syndromes
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with ADEM or paraneoplastic disorder
Topic 34. NEUROLOGY neurological complication of COVID-19
Describe the relationship between COVID-19 infection and CNS
Describe the main neurological symptoms of COVID-19 (headache, alteration of consciousness, dizziness, alteration of smell and taste)
Describe the central neurological complications of COVID-19 (encephalopathies, cerebrovascular ischemic diseases, encephalitis)
Describe the peripheral complications of COVID-19 (Guillain-Barre' syndrome)
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with neurological complications of COVID-19
Topic 35. NEUROLOGY the patient with brain impairment after intoxication or during metabolic disorders
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient after intoxication (CO, alcohol)
Describe the central complications of metabolic disorders (hepatic, uremic)
Describe the central neurological impairment in a patient with vitamin deficiency
Present some typical clinical histories of patients with brain intoxication or metabolic abnormalities
Topic 36. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis of immune and neurodegenerative disorders
Learn the basic aspect of inflammatory diseases of the CNS on neuroimaging
Review the normal brain aging on CT and MR and the concept of brain atrophy
Learn the main imaging characteristic ah Alzheimer's disease and fronto-temporal dementia
How MRi can help the clinicians in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and ALS
Lesson 37. NEUROSURGERY The patient with spinal cord troubles
Describe the most frequent spinal surgical diseases
Degenerative: disc prolapse, spinal stenosis, spondilolistesis
Spine and spinal cord trauma
Present some illustrative histories of patients with spinal cord lesions
Lesson 38. NEUROSURGERY CerebroSpinalFluid circulation disorders
Describe symptoms and imaging findings and recent pathophysiological advances
Treatment and outcome
Topic 39. NEUROLOGY The patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with rapidly progressive palsy
Describe the main causes of rapidly progressive palsy
Discuss how to distinguish peripheral from central rapidly progressive palsy
Describe acute demyelinating inflammatory polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome)
Discuss how to diagnose and treat Guillain-Barré syndrome
Present some illustrative stories of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome
Topic 40. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain and weakness in the limbs part: neuropathy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain and weakness in the feet
Discuss how to evaluate a patient with a suspected neuropathy
Present what are the main causes of neuropathy
Present how to distinguish the main causes of neuropathy
Illustrate what are the inflammatory neuropathies
Discuss how to treat patients with neuropathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with chronic neuropathies
Topic 41. PATHOLOGY Non neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Topic 42. NEUROLOGY The fatigable patient
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with weakness or fatigability
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myasthenia gravis
Lear how to diagnose and treat a patient with myasthenia gravis
Present some typical clinical history of patients with myasthenia gravis
Topic 43. NEUROLOGY The patient with muscle pain and weakness
Learn how to evaluate a patient with a suspected myopathy
Learn the main causes of myopathy
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of myopathy
Lear how to treat a patient with myopathy
Present some illustrative stories of patients with myopathy
Topic 44. NEUROLOGY The patient with neurological respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to neurologically evaluate a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Lear how to treat a patient with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia
Present some illustrative stories of neurological patients with respiratory insufficiency or dysphagia.
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Learning material (slides, papers, video) will be uploaded for students.
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 61. MENTAL HEALTH Presentation of the course and Symptoms
Introduction to Psychopathology
Describe the main psychopathological aspects.
Describe Disorders of perceptions
Describe Illusions
Describe Hallucinations
Describe Pseudo hallucinations
Describe Hallucinosis
Topic 62. MENTAL HEALTH Disorders of Thought and Delusions
Introduction to Disorders of Thought
Describe Formal Disorders of thought
Describe Delusions: structure, different kind of delusions;
Describe characteristics, aetiopathogenesis and course of delusions
Present some typical clinical history of patients with delusions
Topic 63. MENTAL HEALTH Psychopathology
Describe Disorders of attention
Describe Disorders of concentration
Present some typical clinical history of patients with disorders of attention or concentration
Topic 64. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 1
Describe Anxiety Disorders
Describe the main features of Anxiety Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with anxiety
Topic 65. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 2
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Describe Dissociative Disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with dissociative disorders
Topic 66. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of anxiety
Describe the main neurobiological features of anxiety and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of benzodiazepines as anxiolytic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 67. MENTAL HEALTH Personality Disorders
Describe Personality Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of personality disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with personality disorders
Topic 68-69-70. MENTAL HEALTH Discussion of clinical cases Part 1, 2 & 3
Several written clinical cases will be distributed to students splitted into small groups (teacher will be available for any question). After the clinical discussion, each group will discuss with the teacher about the main psychopathological difficulties and diagnostic orientation, prognosis and therapy.
Topic 71. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 1
Describe the main differences among mild and major psychiatric disorders
Describe the main features of Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 72. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 2
Epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of schizophrenia; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 73. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of psychotic disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Schizophrenia (dopaminergic, serotonergic, glutamatergic hypotheses) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of first, second and third generation antipsychotic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 74. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Introduction to Depressive disorders Part 1
Describe Depressive Disorders
Describe depression and mania
Describe Bipolar Disorders (I and II)
Describe Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Describe Suicide
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 75. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Part 2
Describe the main features of Depressive Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of mood disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe the main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 76. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacological Therapy of mood disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Depressive Disorders (role of alteration of monoaminergic, glutamatergic, hormonal, immune systems and neuroplastic mechanisms) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment.
Describe the mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 77-78. MENTAL HEALTH Clinical Cases Part 1 & 2
Discuss explicative cases
Topic 79. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacology of abuse substance
Describe the neurobiological bases of addiction
Describe the pharmacological mechanisms of abuse substances
Topic 61. MENTAL HEALTH Presentation of the course and Symptoms
Introduction to Psychopathology
Describe the main psychopathological aspects.
Describe Disorders of perceptions
Describe Illusions
Describe Hallucinations
Describe Pseudo hallucinations
Describe Hallucinosis
Topic 62. MENTAL HEALTH Disorders of Thought and Delusions
Introduction to Disorders of Thought
Describe Formal Disorders of thought
Describe Delusions: structure, different kind of delusions;
Describe characteristics, aetiopathogenesis and course of delusions
Present some typical clinical history of patients with delusions
Topic 63. MENTAL HEALTH Psychopathology
Describe Disorders of attention
Describe Disorders of concentration
Present some typical clinical history of patients with disorders of attention or concentration
Topic 64. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 1
Describe Anxiety Disorders
Describe the main features of Anxiety Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with anxiety
Topic 65. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 2
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Describe Dissociative Disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with dissociative disorders
Topic 66. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of anxiety
Describe the main neurobiological features of anxiety and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of benzodiazepines as anxiolytic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 67. MENTAL HEALTH Personality Disorders
Describe Personality Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of personality disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with personality disorders
Topic 68-69-70. MENTAL HEALTH Discussion of clinical cases Part 1, 2 & 3
Several written clinical cases will be distributed to students splitted into small groups (teacher will be available for any question). After the clinical discussion, each group will discuss with the teacher about the main psychopathological difficulties and diagnostic orientation, prognosis and therapy.
Topic 71. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 1
Describe the main differences among mild and major psychiatric disorders
Describe the main features of Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 72. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 2
Epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of schizophrenia; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 73. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of psychotic disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Schizophrenia (dopaminergic, serotonergic, glutamatergic hypotheses) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of first, second and third generation antipsychotic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 74. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Introduction to Depressive disorders Part 1
Describe Depressive Disorders
Describe depression and mania
Describe Bipolar Disorders (I and II)
Describe Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Describe Suicide
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 75. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Part 2
Describe the main features of Depressive Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of mood disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe the main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 76. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacological Therapy of mood disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Depressive Disorders (role of alteration of monoaminergic, glutamatergic, hormonal, immune systems and neuroplastic mechanisms) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment.
Describe the mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 77-78. MENTAL HEALTH Clinical Cases Part 1 & 2
Discuss explicative cases
Topic 79. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacology of abuse substance
Describe the neurobiological bases of addiction
Describe the pharmacological mechanisms of abuse substances
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
General Psychology
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 45. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 1
Voluntary movement: focal and postural actions
Voluntary movement and its postural "shadow"
When and where: the APAs-Anticipatory Postural Actions and the "fan" rule
APAs: Which one? Context, intention, expectation
Motor Learning implies learning APAs
Topic 46. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 2
Reactions to perturbations
Pre-setting, learning and selecting reactions
Background sensory upgrade, on-line feedback and movement accuracy
Integration, conflicts and weighting across sensory modalities
Topic 47. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Exercise prescription: a sensory-motor perspective
Peripheral versus central paresis: disentangling weakness from dis-control
Disentangling paresis from ataxia: focal versus postural weakness.
Detecting the sensory origin of paresis
Exercises aiming at sensory re-weighting
Exercises aiming at postural re-learning
Forced-use paradigms applied across homologous limbs
Forced-use paradigms applied across sensory systems
Topic 48. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Special cases.
Learn conversion disorders and factitious movements
Learn what non-invasive brain stimulation can do for rehabilitation
Topic 49. PSYCHOLOGY Basics of cognitive assessment and how to test and rehabilitate memory deficits
Describe methods and instruments for cognitive assessment
Learn how to assess memory
Learn how to rehabilitate memory
Clinical case: Amnesic patient
Topic 50. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with attentional disorder
Learn how to assess attention
Learn how to rehabilitate attention
Clinical case: Patient with attentional disorder
Topic 51. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to assess agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to rehabilitate agnosia and apraxia
Clinical cases: patients with agnosia and apraxia
Topic 52. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with language disorders
Learn how to assess language
Learn how to rehabilitate language disorders
Clinical cases: patients with language disorders
Topic 53. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with executive deficits
Learn how to assess frontal lobe dysfunction
Learn how to rehabilitate frontal lobe dysfunction
Clinical case: patients with frontal syndrome
Topic 54. PSYCHOLOGY Dementia
Learn how to assess cognitive decline (MCI and dementia)
Clinical cases: patients with MCI and dementia
Topic 45. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 1
Voluntary movement: focal and postural actions
Voluntary movement and its postural "shadow"
When and where: the APAs-Anticipatory Postural Actions and the "fan" rule
APAs: Which one? Context, intention, expectation
Motor Learning implies learning APAs
Topic 46. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 2
Reactions to perturbations
Pre-setting, learning and selecting reactions
Background sensory upgrade, on-line feedback and movement accuracy
Integration, conflicts and weighting across sensory modalities
Topic 47. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Exercise prescription: a sensory-motor perspective
Peripheral versus central paresis: disentangling weakness from dis-control
Disentangling paresis from ataxia: focal versus postural weakness.
Detecting the sensory origin of paresis
Exercises aiming at sensory re-weighting
Exercises aiming at postural re-learning
Forced-use paradigms applied across homologous limbs
Forced-use paradigms applied across sensory systems
Topic 48. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Special cases.
Learn conversion disorders and factitious movements
Learn what non-invasive brain stimulation can do for rehabilitation
Topic 49. PSYCHOLOGY Basics of cognitive assessment and how to test and rehabilitate memory deficits
Describe methods and instruments for cognitive assessment
Learn how to assess memory
Learn how to rehabilitate memory
Clinical case: Amnesic patient
Topic 50. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with attentional disorder
Learn how to assess attention
Learn how to rehabilitate attention
Clinical case: Patient with attentional disorder
Topic 51. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to assess agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to rehabilitate agnosia and apraxia
Clinical cases: patients with agnosia and apraxia
Topic 52. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with language disorders
Learn how to assess language
Learn how to rehabilitate language disorders
Clinical cases: patients with language disorders
Topic 53. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with executive deficits
Learn how to assess frontal lobe dysfunction
Learn how to rehabilitate frontal lobe dysfunction
Clinical case: patients with frontal syndrome
Topic 54. PSYCHOLOGY Dementia
Learn how to assess cognitive decline (MCI and dementia)
Clinical cases: patients with MCI and dementia
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
A handbook of neuropsychological assessment. Edited by: Crawford, Parker, McKinlay
Routledge, 2019.
A handbook of neuropsychological assessment. Edited by: Crawford, Parker, McKinlay
Routledge, 2019.
Clinical Psychology
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 45. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 1
Voluntary movement: focal and postural actions
Voluntary movement and its postural "shadow"
When and where: the APAs-Anticipatory Postural Actions and the "fan" rule
APAs: Which one? Context, intention, expectation
Motor Learning implies learning APAs
Topic 46. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 2
Reactions to perturbations
Pre-setting, learning and selecting reactions
Background sensory upgrade, on-line feedback and movement accuracy
Integration, conflicts and weighting across sensory modalities
Topic 47. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Exercise prescription: a sensory-motor perspective
Peripheral versus central paresis: disentangling weakness from dis-control
Disentangling paresis from ataxia: focal versus postural weakness.
Detecting the sensory origin of paresis
Exercises aiming at sensory re-weighting
Exercises aiming at postural re-learning
Forced-use paradigms applied across homologous limbs
Forced-use paradigms applied across sensory systems
Topic 48. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Special cases.
Learn conversion disorders and factitious movements
Learn what non-invasive brain stimulation can do for rehabilitation
Topic 49. PSYCHOLOGY Basics of cognitive assessment and how to test and rehabilitate memory deficits
Describe methods and instruments for cognitive assessment
Learn how to assess memory
Learn how to rehabilitate memory
Clinical case: Amnesic patient
Topic 50. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with attentional disorder
Learn how to assess attention
Learn how to rehabilitate attention
Clinical case: Patient with attentional disorder
Topic 51. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to assess agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to rehabilitate agnosia and apraxia
Clinical cases: patients with agnosia and apraxia
Topic 52. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with language disorders
Learn how to assess language
Learn how to rehabilitate language disorders
Clinical cases: patients with language disorders
Topic 53. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with executive deficits
Learn how to assess frontal lobe dysfunction
Learn how to rehabilitate frontal lobe dysfunction
Clinical case: patients with frontal syndrome
Topic 54. PSYCHOLOGY Dementia
Learn how to assess cognitive decline (MCI and dementia)
Clinical cases: patients with MCI and dementia
Topic 45. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 1
Voluntary movement: focal and postural actions
Voluntary movement and its postural "shadow"
When and where: the APAs-Anticipatory Postural Actions and the "fan" rule
APAs: Which one? Context, intention, expectation
Motor Learning implies learning APAs
Topic 46. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 2
Reactions to perturbations
Pre-setting, learning and selecting reactions
Background sensory upgrade, on-line feedback and movement accuracy
Integration, conflicts and weighting across sensory modalities
Topic 47. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Exercise prescription: a sensory-motor perspective
Peripheral versus central paresis: disentangling weakness from dis-control
Disentangling paresis from ataxia: focal versus postural weakness.
Detecting the sensory origin of paresis
Exercises aiming at sensory re-weighting
Exercises aiming at postural re-learning
Forced-use paradigms applied across homologous limbs
Forced-use paradigms applied across sensory systems
Topic 48. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Special cases.
Learn conversion disorders and factitious movements
Learn what non-invasive brain stimulation can do for rehabilitation
Topic 49. PSYCHOLOGY Basics of cognitive assessment and how to test and rehabilitate memory deficits
Describe methods and instruments for cognitive assessment
Learn how to assess memory
Learn how to rehabilitate memory
Clinical case: Amnesic patient
Topic 50. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with attentional disorder
Learn how to assess attention
Learn how to rehabilitate attention
Clinical case: Patient with attentional disorder
Topic 51. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to assess agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to rehabilitate agnosia and apraxia
Clinical cases: patients with agnosia and apraxia
Topic 52. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with language disorders
Learn how to assess language
Learn how to rehabilitate language disorders
Clinical cases: patients with language disorders
Topic 53. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with executive deficits
Learn how to assess frontal lobe dysfunction
Learn how to rehabilitate frontal lobe dysfunction
Clinical case: patients with frontal syndrome
Topic 54. PSYCHOLOGY Dementia
Learn how to assess cognitive decline (MCI and dementia)
Clinical cases: patients with MCI and dementia
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
A handbook of neuropsychological assessment. Edited by: Crawford, Parker, McKinlay
Routledge, 2019.
A handbook of neuropsychological assessment. Edited by: Crawford, Parker, McKinlay
Routledge, 2019.
Infant neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 55. PATHOLOGY Cellular pathology of the central nervous system
Describe how neurons, astrocytes, microglia, and glial cells reacts to injury
Malformations and developmental disorders
Neural tube defects
Forebrain anomalies
Posterior fossa anomalies
Syringomyelia and hydromyelia
Learn the physiology of normal development
Learn the main features of Cerebral palsy in the infant
Topic 57 NEUROLOGY The floppy baby
Learn how to evaluate a weak child
Learn the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to treat a weak child
Case presentation of floppy babies
Describe the signs and symptoms of epilepsy in children and adolescents
Topic 59. CHILD AND ADOLESCENT NEUROPSYCHIATRY Developmental disorders
Describe the main features of intellectual disability
Learn the main features of autism spectrum disorders
Learn the main features of anorexia and eating disorders
Describe adolescents psychosis.
Topic 55. PATHOLOGY Cellular pathology of the central nervous system
Describe how neurons, astrocytes, microglia, and glial cells reacts to injury
Malformations and developmental disorders
Neural tube defects
Forebrain anomalies
Posterior fossa anomalies
Syringomyelia and hydromyelia
Learn the physiology of normal development
Learn the main features of Cerebral palsy in the infant
Topic 57 NEUROLOGY The floppy baby
Learn how to evaluate a weak child
Learn the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to distinguish the main causes of weakness in children
Learn how to treat a weak child
Case presentation of floppy babies
Describe the signs and symptoms of epilepsy in children and adolescents
Topic 59. CHILD AND ADOLESCENT NEUROPSYCHIATRY Developmental disorders
Describe the main features of intellectual disability
Learn the main features of autism spectrum disorders
Learn the main features of anorexia and eating disorders
Describe adolescents psychosis.
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Learning material (slides, papers, video) will be uploaded for students
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 25. PATHOLOGY Brain tumors
Secondary tumors
Topic 26. NEUROSURGERY The patient with intracranial masses
Describe the pathophysiology of intracranial tumor formation and expansion.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with brain tumor
Describe how to diagnose brain tumors
Discuss how to treat patients with brain tumors
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of tumor
Topic 41. PATHOLOGY Non neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Topic 55. PATHOLOGY Cellular pathology of the central nervous system
Describe how neurons, astrocytes, microglia, and glial cells reacts to injury.
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 25. PATHOLOGY Brain tumors
Secondary tumors
Topic 26. NEUROSURGERY The patient with intracranial masses
Describe the pathophysiology of intracranial tumor formation and expansion.
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with brain tumor
Describe how to diagnose brain tumors
Discuss how to treat patients with brain tumors
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of tumor
Topic 41. PATHOLOGY Non neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Topic 55. PATHOLOGY Cellular pathology of the central nervous system
Describe how neurons, astrocytes, microglia, and glial cells reacts to injury.
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures
Asynchronous learning: text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs)
Asynchronous learning: text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs)
Teaching Resources
Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of disease. (9-10th Editions) Authors: Vinay Kumar Abul Abbas Jon Aster. Publisher: Elsevier.
Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of disease. (9-10th Editions) Authors: Vinay Kumar Abul Abbas Jon Aster. Publisher: Elsevier.
Mental health
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 61. MENTAL HEALTH Presentation of the course and Symptoms
Introduction to Psychopathology
Describe the main psychopathological aspects.
Describe Disorders of perceptions
Describe Illusions
Describe Hallucinations
Describe Pseudo hallucinations
Describe Hallucinosis
Topic 62. MENTAL HEALTH Disorders of Thought and Delusions
Introduction to Disorders of Thought
Describe Formal Disorders of thought
Describe Delusions: structure, different kind of delusions;
Describe characteristics, aetiopathogenesis and course of delusions
Present some typical clinical history of patients with delusions
Topic 63. MENTAL HEALTH Psychopathology
Describe Disorders of attention
Describe Disorders of concentration
Present some typical clinical history of patients with disorders of attention or concentration
Topic 64. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 1
Describe Anxiety Disorders
Describe the main features of Anxiety Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with anxiety
Topic 65. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 2
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Describe Dissociative Disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with dissociative disorders
Topic 66. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of anxiety
Describe the main neurobiological features of anxiety and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of benzodiazepines as anxiolytic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 67. MENTAL HEALTH Personality Disorders
Describe Personality Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of personality disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with personality disorders
Topic 68-69-70. MENTAL HEALTH Discussion of clinical cases Part 1, 2 & 3
Several written clinical cases will be distributed to students splitted into small groups (teacher will be available for any question). After the clinical discussion, each group will discuss with the teacher about the main psychopathological difficulties and diagnostic orientation, prognosis and therapy.
Topic 71. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 1
Describe the main differences among mild and major psychiatric disorders
Describe the main features of Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 72. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 2
Epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of schizophrenia; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 73. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of psychotic disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Schizophrenia (dopaminergic, serotonergic, glutamatergic hypotheses) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of first, second and third generation antipsychotic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 74. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Introduction to Depressive disorders Part 1
Describe Depressive Disorders
Describe depression and mania
Describe Bipolar Disorders (I and II)
Describe Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Describe Suicide
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 75. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Part 2
Describe the main features of Depressive Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of mood disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe the main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 76. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacological Therapy of mood disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Depressive Disorders (role of alteration of monoaminergic, glutamatergic, hormonal, immune systems and neuroplastic mechanisms) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment.
Describe the mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 77-78. MENTAL HEALTH Clinical Cases Part 1 & 2
Discuss explicative cases
Topic 79. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacology of abuse substance
Describe the neurobiological bases of addiction
Describe the pharmacological mechanisms of abuse substances
Topic 61. MENTAL HEALTH Presentation of the course and Symptoms
Introduction to Psychopathology
Describe the main psychopathological aspects.
Describe Disorders of perceptions
Describe Illusions
Describe Hallucinations
Describe Pseudo hallucinations
Describe Hallucinosis
Topic 62. MENTAL HEALTH Disorders of Thought and Delusions
Introduction to Disorders of Thought
Describe Formal Disorders of thought
Describe Delusions: structure, different kind of delusions;
Describe characteristics, aetiopathogenesis and course of delusions
Present some typical clinical history of patients with delusions
Topic 63. MENTAL HEALTH Psychopathology
Describe Disorders of attention
Describe Disorders of concentration
Present some typical clinical history of patients with disorders of attention or concentration
Topic 64. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 1
Describe Anxiety Disorders
Describe the main features of Anxiety Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with anxiety
Topic 65. MENTAL HEALTH Anxiety Disorders Part 2
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Describe Dissociative Disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with dissociative disorders
Topic 66. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of anxiety
Describe the main neurobiological features of anxiety and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of benzodiazepines as anxiolytic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 67. MENTAL HEALTH Personality Disorders
Describe Personality Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of personality disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Present some typical clinical history of patients with personality disorders
Topic 68-69-70. MENTAL HEALTH Discussion of clinical cases Part 1, 2 & 3
Several written clinical cases will be distributed to students splitted into small groups (teacher will be available for any question). After the clinical discussion, each group will discuss with the teacher about the main psychopathological difficulties and diagnostic orientation, prognosis and therapy.
Topic 71. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 1
Describe the main differences among mild and major psychiatric disorders
Describe the main features of Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 72. MENTAL HEALTH Schizophrenic and Psychotic Disorders Part 2
Epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of schizophrenia; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with schizophrenia
Topic 73. PHARMACOLOGY Therapy of psychotic disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Schizophrenia (dopaminergic, serotonergic, glutamatergic hypotheses) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment
Describe the mechanisms of action of first, second and third generation antipsychotic drugs, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 74. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Introduction to Depressive disorders Part 1
Describe Depressive Disorders
Describe depression and mania
Describe Bipolar Disorders (I and II)
Describe Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Describe Suicide
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 75. MENTAL HEALTH Mood disorders Part 2
Describe the main features of Depressive Disorders: epidemiology, multidimensional etiology; pathogenesis; preclinical functioning; onset of mood disorders; course of illness; prognosis; differential diagnosis.
Describe the main principles of therapy (psychiatric rehabilitation, family therapy and others).
Present some typical clinical history of patients with depression
Topic 76. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacological Therapy of mood disorders
Describe the main neurobiological hypothesis of Depressive Disorders (role of alteration of monoaminergic, glutamatergic, hormonal, immune systems and neuroplastic mechanisms) and the molecular rationale for the pharmacological treatment.
Describe the mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers, their molecular targets, differences and side effects.
Topic 77-78. MENTAL HEALTH Clinical Cases Part 1 & 2
Discuss explicative cases
Topic 79. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacology of abuse substance
Describe the neurobiological bases of addiction
Describe the pharmacological mechanisms of abuse substances
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Sims' Symptoms in the Mind 4th Edition. An Introduction to Descriptive Psychopathology. Elsevier
Brambilla P, Mauri MC, Altamura CA. Hallucinations in Psychoses and Affective Disorders. Springer.
Brambilla P, Marini. Brain Evolution, Language and Psychopathology in Schizophrenia. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Gabbard GO. Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, Fifth Edition. American Psychiatric Association Publishing
DSM 5, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Fifth edition. Arlington: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
Brambilla P, Altamura CA. Clinical Case in Psychiatry: Integrating Translational Neuroscience Approaches..Springer.
Soares JC, Brambilla P, Walss-Bass C. Bipolar Disorder Vulnerability. Elsevier.
Brambilla P. Manuale di Psichiatria Clinica. Minerva Medica. 2020
Sims' Symptoms in the Mind 4th Edition. An Introduction to Descriptive Psychopathology. Elsevier
Brambilla P, Mauri MC, Altamura CA. Hallucinations in Psychoses and Affective Disorders. Springer.
Brambilla P, Marini. Brain Evolution, Language and Psychopathology in Schizophrenia. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Gabbard GO. Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, Fifth Edition. American Psychiatric Association Publishing
DSM 5, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Fifth edition. Arlington: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
Brambilla P, Altamura CA. Clinical Case in Psychiatry: Integrating Translational Neuroscience Approaches..Springer.
Soares JC, Brambilla P, Walss-Bass C. Bipolar Disorder Vulnerability. Elsevier.
Brambilla P. Manuale di Psichiatria Clinica. Minerva Medica. 2020
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 8. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 1: cranial nerves.
Describe the symptoms due to impairment of cranial nerve
Learn the neurological examination of patients with cranial nerve impairment
Learn the main diseases causing cranial nerve impairment
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 9. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 2: motor and sensory and cortical functions.
Describe the symptoms of motor and sensory pathways impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of motor impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of sensory impairment
Describe the symptoms due to cerebellar dysfunction
Describe the symptoms due to meningeal involvement
Describe the clinical assessment of cerebellar and meningeal impairment
Describe the symptoms and clinical assessment of aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and loss of memory
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 11. NEURORADIOLOGY Basic and advanced neuroimaging
Neuroradiology what is it?
Learn the different role of CT and MRI in the modern diagnostic neuroradiology
Review the basic anatomy of the brain through CT and MR images
Learn the main advantages of new imaging techniques
Some basic principles of interventional neuroradiology
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 36. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis of immune and neurodegenerative disorders
Learn the basic aspect of inflammatory diseases of the CNS on neuroimaging
Review the normal brain aging on CT and MR and the concept of brain atrophy
Learn the main imaging characteristic ah Alzheimer's disease and fronto-temporal dementia
How MRi can help the clinicians in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and ALS
Topic 8. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 1: cranial nerves.
Describe the symptoms due to impairment of cranial nerve
Learn the neurological examination of patients with cranial nerve impairment
Learn the main diseases causing cranial nerve impairment
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 9. NEUROLOGY The neurological examination part 2: motor and sensory and cortical functions.
Describe the symptoms of motor and sensory pathways impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of motor impairment
Describe the clinical assessment of sensory impairment
Describe the symptoms due to cerebellar dysfunction
Describe the symptoms due to meningeal involvement
Describe the clinical assessment of cerebellar and meningeal impairment
Describe the symptoms and clinical assessment of aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and loss of memory
The students will perform the main maneuvers of neurological examination
Topic 11. NEURORADIOLOGY Basic and advanced neuroimaging
Neuroradiology what is it?
Learn the different role of CT and MRI in the modern diagnostic neuroradiology
Review the basic anatomy of the brain through CT and MR images
Learn the main advantages of new imaging techniques
Some basic principles of interventional neuroradiology
Topic 12. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Primers of neuropathology
Cerebrovascular disease: from hypoxia to ischemia and infarction.
Topic 13. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute onset of neurological signs: stroke.
Describe the different clinical presentations of a patient with stroke
Describe the neurological assessment of a patient with stroke
Describe the main causes leading to stroke
Describe the principal complication of stroke
Describe the prognosis of a patients with stroke
Present the clinical history course of patients with stroke
Topic 14: NEUROLOGY Medical treatment of stroke.
Describe the therapeutic approach to a patient with stroke
Describe the therapy in the acute phase of stroke
Describe the secondary prevention o stroke
Present the clinical controversy in the treatment of stroke starting from patient's history
Topic 15. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis and endovascular treatment of stroke
Describe the early and late radiological abnormalities in stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the modern neuroradiological assessment of ischemic stroke
Describe the acute neurovascular treatment of stroke
Topic 16: NEUROLOGY The confused patient: delirium
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with confusion and delirium
Learn what how to assess a patient with confusion and delirium
Describe the main causes of confusion and delirium
Learn how to treat patients how to treat patients with delirium
Present the clinical history of a confused patient
Topic 17. NEUROLOGY The patient with acute loss of consciousness: Epilepsy
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute loss of consciousness
Describe the main causes of acute loss of consciousness
Describe what is epilepsy and what is syncope
Present what are the main type of seizures
Illustrate what are the main forms and causes of epilepsy
Discuss how to treat patients with epilepsy
Discuss how to manage and treat patients with syncope
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with epilepsy
Topic 18. NEUROLOGY The patient with fever and acute neurological impairment: meningitis and encephalitis
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with fever and acute neurological impairment
Describe what is meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to approach patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Discuss how to establish the diagnosis of patient with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Describe how to treat patients with suspected meningitis and encephalitis
Present the clinical history and treatment of patients with meningitis and encephalitis
Topic 19. NEUROLOGY The patient with pain in the head: headache
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with pain in the head
Describe what are the main causes of headache
Discuss how to diagnose different types of headaches
Discuss how to treat patients with headache
Topic 20. NEUROSURGERY Pathophysiology of intracranial pressure
Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying ICP (Intra Cranial Pressure) control
Illustrate causes of ICP discontrol
Describe the clinical presentation of ICP hypertension
Discuss how to treat patients with ICP disorders
Topic 21. PATHOLOGY Vascular lesions
Traumatic vascular injury: epidural and subdural hematoma
Topic 22. NEUROSURGERY The patient with sudden excruciating headache and loss of consciousness
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the diagnostic approach to a patient with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the acute management of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the complication of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with brain aneurysms
Present the clinical history and treatment of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Topic 23. NEUROSURGERY The patient with head trauma
Describe the clinical presentation of a patient with head trauma
Describe the direct effects of head trauma
Describe the secondary effects of head trauma
Describe the neuroradiological approach to a patient with head trauma
Describe the management of a patient with head trauma
Describe the complication of head trauma
Describe the surgical approach to a patient with head trauma
Present the clinical histories and treatment of patients with different forms of trauma
Topic 24 NEURORADIOLOGY Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Illustrate the diagnostic imaging workup in patients with TBI
Describe the CT and MR imaging findings of the primary head injury (scalp injury, skull fractures, intra- and extra-axial hemorrhages)
Illustrate the differential diagnosis between traumatic and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Describe secondary head injury in patients with TBI (ischemia, hypoxia, cerebral edema, meningitis/abscess)
Topic 36. NEURORADIOLOGY Diagnosis of immune and neurodegenerative disorders
Learn the basic aspect of inflammatory diseases of the CNS on neuroimaging
Review the normal brain aging on CT and MR and the concept of brain atrophy
Learn the main imaging characteristic ah Alzheimer's disease and fronto-temporal dementia
How MRi can help the clinicians in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and ALS
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Learning material (slides, papers, video) will be uploaded for students
Rehabilitation medicine
Course syllabus
The course is based on a strong integration of different disciplines, thus the program of the single disciplines must be considered embedded in the program of the correlated Blocks.
Topic 45. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 1
Voluntary movement: focal and postural actions
Voluntary movement and its postural "shadow"
When and where: the APAs-Anticipatory Postural Actions and the "fan" rule
APAs: Which one? Context, intention, expectation
Motor Learning implies learning APAs
Topic 46. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 2
Reactions to perturbations
Pre-setting, learning and selecting reactions
Background sensory upgrade, on-line feedback and movement accuracy
Integration, conflicts and weighting across sensory modalities
Topic 47. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Exercise prescription: a sensory-motor perspective
Peripheral versus central paresis: disentangling weakness from dis-control
Disentangling paresis from ataxia: focal versus postural weakness.
Detecting the sensory origin of paresis
Exercises aiming at sensory re-weighting
Exercises aiming at postural re-learning
Forced-use paradigms applied across homologous limbs
Forced-use paradigms applied across sensory systems
Topic 48. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Special cases.
Learn conversion disorders and factitious movements
Learn what non-invasive brain stimulation can do for rehabilitation
Topic 49. PSYCHOLOGY Basics of cognitive assessment and how to test and rehabilitate memory deficits
Describe methods and instruments for cognitive assessment
Learn how to assess memory
Learn how to rehabilitate memory
Clinical case: Amnesic patient
Topic 50. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with attentional disorder
Learn how to assess attention
Learn how to rehabilitate attention
Clinical case: Patient with attentional disorder
Topic 51. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to assess agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to rehabilitate agnosia and apraxia
Clinical cases: patients with agnosia and apraxia
Topic 52. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with language disorders
Learn how to assess language
Learn how to rehabilitate language disorders
Clinical cases: patients with language disorders
Topic 53. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with executive deficits
Learn how to assess frontal lobe dysfunction
Learn how to rehabilitate frontal lobe dysfunction
Clinical case: patients with frontal syndrome
Topic 54. PSYCHOLOGY Dementia
Learn how to assess cognitive decline (MCI and dementia)
Clinical cases: patients with MCI and dementia
Topic 45. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 1
Voluntary movement: focal and postural actions
Voluntary movement and its postural "shadow"
When and where: the APAs-Anticipatory Postural Actions and the "fan" rule
APAs: Which one? Context, intention, expectation
Motor Learning implies learning APAs
Topic 46. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Motor control and sensory systems part 2
Reactions to perturbations
Pre-setting, learning and selecting reactions
Background sensory upgrade, on-line feedback and movement accuracy
Integration, conflicts and weighting across sensory modalities
Topic 47. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Exercise prescription: a sensory-motor perspective
Peripheral versus central paresis: disentangling weakness from dis-control
Disentangling paresis from ataxia: focal versus postural weakness.
Detecting the sensory origin of paresis
Exercises aiming at sensory re-weighting
Exercises aiming at postural re-learning
Forced-use paradigms applied across homologous limbs
Forced-use paradigms applied across sensory systems
Topic 48. REHABILITATION MEDICINE Special cases.
Learn conversion disorders and factitious movements
Learn what non-invasive brain stimulation can do for rehabilitation
Topic 49. PSYCHOLOGY Basics of cognitive assessment and how to test and rehabilitate memory deficits
Describe methods and instruments for cognitive assessment
Learn how to assess memory
Learn how to rehabilitate memory
Clinical case: Amnesic patient
Topic 50. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with attentional disorder
Learn how to assess attention
Learn how to rehabilitate attention
Clinical case: Patient with attentional disorder
Topic 51. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to assess agnosia and apraxia
Learn how to rehabilitate agnosia and apraxia
Clinical cases: patients with agnosia and apraxia
Topic 52. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with language disorders
Learn how to assess language
Learn how to rehabilitate language disorders
Clinical cases: patients with language disorders
Topic 53. PSYCHOLOGY How to test and rehabilitate patients with executive deficits
Learn how to assess frontal lobe dysfunction
Learn how to rehabilitate frontal lobe dysfunction
Clinical case: patients with frontal syndrome
Topic 54. PSYCHOLOGY Dementia
Learn how to assess cognitive decline (MCI and dementia)
Clinical cases: patients with MCI and dementia
Teaching methods
Synchronous learning: lectures, video conferences, interactive webinars and chat-based online discussions
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Asynchronous learning: audio-video based (pre-recorded, multimedia platforms); text-based (e-mail, electronic documents, discussion boards, blogs); mixed (virtual libraries, social networks)
Teaching Resources
Shumway-Cook A., Woollacott M. Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice. 5th Edition, Wolters Kluwer, 2016
Shumway-Cook A., Woollacott M. Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice. 5th Edition, Wolters Kluwer, 2016
BIO/16 - HUMAN ANATOMY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Sforza Chiarella
Clinical Psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Gorini Alessandra
General Psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Gorini Alessandra
Human physiology
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Puglisi Guglielmo
Infant neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Vignoli Aglaia
Mental health
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours
: 16 hours
: 16 hours
Brambilla Paolo, Oldani Lucio
MED/26 - NEUROLOGY - University credits: 5
: 20 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Martinelli Boneschi Filippo, Nobile Orazio Eduardo, Sansone Valeria Ada Maria, Silani Vincenzo
MED/27 - NEUROSURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Rossi Marco
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Molteni Raffaella
MED/08 - PATHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Kuhn Elisabetta
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Conte Giorgio, Del Sole Angelo Silvestro
Rehabilitation medicine
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Scarano Stefano
Educational website(s)
based on appointment
Via Della Commenda, 10/12 - Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico - Pad. Alfieri, first floor
On appointment
Giovedi 14.00-16.00
Policlinico San Donato
appointment by e-mail
Dept of Biomedical Sciences for Health - via Mangiagalli 31 - Milano - via Microsoft Teams
Monday 11.00 - 12.00 a.m.
IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Piazzale Brescia no. 20, 20149 Milano
Contacting by email