Mathematics (master programme)

Mathematics (master programme)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-40 - Mathematics
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
International title
Double Degree
The main objective of the Master Degree Program in Mathematics is to furnish a solid foundation in the mathematical sciences, including the knowledge of the state of the art in at least one research area. The degree recipient will be able to comprehend future developments in the field.
The Master Degree in Mathematics enables employment in both the public and private sectors for positions which require the capacity for abstract reasoning, the formulation and/or modelling of concrete problems and their solution through the use of tools coming from the mathematical sciences.
Recipients of the Masters Degree in Mathematics find careers in: banks, insurance companies, polling and survey institutes, consulting and accrediting firms, software development companies, medical, biomedical and pharmacological institutes and companies, in the green economy, and in research and development divisions of large corporations, as well as transportation, telecommunication, and aerospace companies and in other high tech industries.
Recipients of the Masters Degree can also plan for a teaching career in the public school system, upon completion of the educational certification and selection process established by law.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The Master of Science in Mathematics has long been committed to insert its educational activities in an international framework through integrated programs of study. We activated several international cooperation agreements with other universities in Europe and in the world (in Canada, South Africa and India).

The programs ALGANT, Master in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory, and ECMI, Master in Industrial Mathematics, programs are unique in Europe for pure and industrial mathematics.
These programs are supported by international university consortia and are targeted to the conferment of academic value recognized abroad (that is double degrees) and to the promotion of European higher education. For more information see the institutional web pages

Moreover, in the Erasmus program, we have exchange agreements with universities Austria, Britain, Czech Blind, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey.
See the website for information collected on the various programs of internationalization and the activities carried out abroad.
Attendance is strongly recommended for each course.
Candidates must hold a scientific Bachelor's degree consistent with the study plan of the class-40 Master's degree programme, or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
- They must have a good basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and computer science. As a guideline, the Mathematics Academic Board has prepared a list of contents required for enrolment on the Master's degree programme in Mathematics. This list is available on the website

Admission assessment:
Candidates are required to submit a specific application for admission to the Master's degree programme in Mathematics (see the link:
We discourage students who, as of 14 September 2023, fall short of the 180 credit (CFU) requirement for earning a Bachelor's degree by more than 40 CFU, from applying for admission.
Those who graduated from the Bachelor's degree programme in Mathematics of the University of Milan with at least 95/110 will be waived from the knowledge and curricular assessment requirement.

Applications will be reviewed by a special commission of the Mathematics Academic Board, which will meet at least twice a year. The commission may consider only the documents submitted by applicants, though as a rule it will also interview them. Interviewees must show a photo ID.

Interview dates:
21 May 2024: session reserved for non-EU students requesting visas (electronically)
20 June 2024: Board room of the Department of Mathematics (or possibly online)
12 September 2024: Board room of the Department of Mathematics (or possibly online)
25 November 2024: Board room of the Department of Mathematics (or possibly online)
10 January 2025: Board room of the Department of Mathematics
The time will be announced later on.

The Commission may decide:
a) to admit the applicant without any restrictions;
b) to admit the applicant with the requirement to include certain courses (possibly within a Bachelor's degree programme) in his/her study plan. Any requirements are included in the 120 CFU provided for by the programme and do not constitute an additional requirement for the applicant;
c) not to admit the applicant.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 25/08/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 30 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Mathematical Statistics 9 78 Italian MAT/06
Advanced Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Advanced Probability 9 78 Italian MAT/06
Advanced Topics in Probability Theory 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Algebraic Combinatorics 6 42 Italian MAT/02
Algebraic Number Theory 6 42 Italian MAT/02
Algebraic Topology (FIRST PART) 6 47 Italian MAT/03
Biomathematics 2 6 52 Italian MAT/08
Biomathematics 3 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Categorical Dualities in Logic and Algebra 6 42 Italian MAT/01
Category Theory 9 73 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04
Commutative Algebra 6 42 Italian MAT/02
Complex Manifolds 9 73 Italian MAT/03
Computability and Computational Complexity 6 42 Italian INF/01
Didactics of Infinitesimal Calculus (first part) 6 42 Italian MAT/04
Differential Geometry (FIRST PART) 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Dynamical System 2 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Elements of Functional Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Fourier Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Geometry 5 9 78 Italian MAT/03
Geometry of Schemes 9 73 Italian MAT/03
Hamiltonian Systems 1 9 73 Italian MAT/07
Higher Geometry 2 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Mathematical Logic 1 9 73 Italian MAT/01
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Mathematics Education 6 47 Italian MAT/04
Non Linear Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 9 78 Italian MAT/08
Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1 6 52 Italian FIS/01 FIS/02 FIS/03 FIS/04 FIS/05 FIS/06 FIS/07 FIS/08
Projective Algebraic Geometry 6 47 Italian MAT/03
Real Analysis 9 73 Italian MAT/05
Representation Theory 6 42 Italian MAT/02
Scientific Computing 6 60 Italian MAT/08
Stochastic Control Optimization 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Topics in Analytic Number Theory 6 42 English MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Real Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Stochastics Calculus 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Algebra 4 6 60 Italian MAT/02
Algebraic Surfaces 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Automated Reasoning 6 52 Italian MAT/01
Calculus of Variations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Complex Analysis 9 73 Italian MAT/05
Complex Geometry(FIRST PART) 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Constructive Approximation 6 60 Italian MAT/08
Didactics of Geometry (first part) 6 52 Italian MAT/04
Differential Topology 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Epistemology of the Mathematical Processes 6 42 Italian MAT/01 MAT/04
Foundations of Mathematics I 6 42 Italian MAT/04
Harmonic Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Higher Algebra 6 42 Italian MAT/02
Higher Geometry 1 6 42 Italian MAT/03
History of Mathematics 1 6 42 Italian MAT/04
Homological Algebra 6 42 Italian MAT/02
Lie Groups 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Mathematical Fluid-Mechanics 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Mathematical Logic 2 6 42 Italian MAT/01
Numerical Linear Algebra 6 60 English MAT/08
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 9 78 Italian MAT/08
Operating Systems and Computer Networks. 6 47 Italian INF/01
Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Point Processes and Random Sets 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Preparation of Future Teachers 2 6 52 Italian FIS/01 FIS/02 FIS/03 FIS/04 FIS/05 FIS/06 FIS/07 FIS/08
Relativity 1 9 78 Italian MAT/07
Riemannian Geometry 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Stochastic Calculus and Applications 9 73 Italian MAT/06
Optional activities and study plan rules
Students must obtain at least 18 ects in the sectors Mat/01-02-03-04-05, by choosing courses that appear in the following table 1A.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Probability 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/06
Algebraic Number Theory 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/02
Algebraic Topology (FIRST PART) 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/03
Commutative Algebra 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/02
Complex Analysis 9 73 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Complex Geometry(FIRST PART) 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Complex Manifolds 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/03
Didactics of Geometry (first part) 6 52 Italian Second semester MAT/04
Didactics of Infinitesimal Calculus (first part) 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/04
Differential Geometry (FIRST PART) 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/03
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Elements of Functional Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Hamiltonian Systems 1 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/07
Mathematical Logic 1 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/01
Mathematical Logic 2 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/01
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/08
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 9 78 Italian Second semester MAT/08
Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Real Analysis 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/05
Relativity 1 9 78 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Representation Theory 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/02
Stochastic Calculus and Applications 9 73 Italian Second semester MAT/06
a2 - Students must obtain at least 12 ects in the sectors Mat/01-02-03-04-05, by choosing courses that appear in the following table 2A.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Mathematical Statistics 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/06
Advanced Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Analytic Number Theory 6 42 English Second semester MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Probability Theory 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/06
Advanced Topics in Real Analysis 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Stochastics Calculus 6 47 Italian Second semester MAT/06
Algebra 4 6 60 Italian Second semester MAT/02
Algebraic Combinatorics 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/02
Algebraic Surfaces 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Automated Reasoning 6 52 Italian Second semester MAT/01
Biomathematics 2 6 52 Italian First semester MAT/08
Biomathematics 3 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Calculus of Variations 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Categorical Dualities in Logic and Algebra 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/01
Category Theory 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04
Computability and Computational Complexity 6 42 Italian First semester INF/01
Constructive Approximation 6 60 Italian Second semester MAT/08
Differential Topology 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Dynamical System 2 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Epistemology of the Mathematical Processes 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/01 MAT/04
Foundations of Mathematics I 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/04
Fourier Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Geometry 5 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/03
Geometry of Schemes 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/03
Harmonic Analysis 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Higher Algebra 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/02
Higher Geometry 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Higher Geometry 2 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/03
History of Mathematics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/04
Homological Algebra 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/02
Lie Groups 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Mathematical Fluid-Mechanics 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Mathematics Education 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/04
Non Linear Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Numerical Linear Algebra 6 60 English Second semester MAT/08
Operating Systems and Computer Networks. 6 47 Italian Second semester INF/01
Point Processes and Random Sets 6 47 Italian Second semester MAT/06
Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1 6 52 Italian First semester FIS/01 FIS/02 FIS/03 FIS/04 FIS/05 FIS/06 FIS/07 FIS/08
Preparation of Future Teachers 2 6 52 Italian Second semester FIS/01 FIS/02 FIS/03 FIS/04 FIS/05 FIS/06 FIS/07 FIS/08
Projective Algebraic Geometry 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/03
Riemannian Geometry 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Scientific Computing 6 60 Italian First semester MAT/08
Stochastic Control Optimization 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/06
a3 - Students must obtain at least 6 ects in the sectors Mat/06-07-08-09, by choosing courses that appear in Tables 1A and 2A.
a4 - Students must obtain the ects remaining to reach the total of 57 by choosing courses in any sector Mat/xx among those appearing in Tables 1A,2A,1B,2B,1C,2C.
Students must take at least 12 ects in a sector different from Mat/xx, by inserting in their curriculum those courses that appear in Tables 1A,2A,1B,2B,1C,2C.
Students also have the opportunity to enter courses in sectors different from Mat/xx, as long as these sectors are included in the list in the "Ordinamento" del CDL degree in Mathematics, The choice must be approved by the CDM.
Students also have the opportunity to replace the courses mentioned above with others in the sectors Mat/xx. The choice must be approved by the CDM.
Students must obtain 3 ects preparing a seminar on a topic assigned by a staff member chosen by the student or by participating in other activities such as those provided for curriculum C or by doing the exam of the course "Mathematical Modelling Laboratory" or through the "Criptovalute and Blockchain" activity (Contact Prof. Maggis) or the "Laboratory of mathematical methods and models in Python"(Contact Prof. Paleari); students can also obtain 3 ects through Laboratorio Didattico and Internship (please contact Prof. Turrini).
a7 - FREE CHOICE ECTS : students must take the missing ects to reach 90 ects, by following free choice courses.
The courses of the undergraduate programme which are not mandatory for all can be included in the study plan only among the free ects.
The courses of the undergraduate programme which are mandatory for all can only be assigned by the Admissions Committee.
Non ci sono propedeuticità.
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Mathematical Statistics 9 78 Italian MAT/06
Advanced Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Advanced Probability 9 78 Italian MAT/06
Advanced Topics in Financial Mathematics 6 42 Italian SECS-S/06
Advanced Topics in Probability Theory 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Biomathematics 2 6 52 Italian MAT/08
Biomathematics 3 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Combinatorial Optimization 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Complements of Operating Research 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Computability and Computational Complexity 6 42 Italian INF/01
Cytology and Histology 9 78 Italian BIO/06
Decision Methods and Models 6 48 English MAT/09
Didactics of Infinitesimal Calculus (first part) 6 42 Italian MAT/04
Dynamical System 2 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Ecology 9 80 Italian BIO/07
Elements of Functional Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Fourier Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Genetics 9 80 English BIO/18
Geometry 5 9 78 Italian MAT/03
Hamiltonian Systems 1 9 73 Italian MAT/07
Logistics 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Mathematical Finance 1 9 73 English SECS-S/06
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Mathematics Education 6 47 Italian MAT/04
Non Linear Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 9 78 Italian MAT/08
Real Analysis 9 73 Italian MAT/05
Scientific Computing 6 60 Italian MAT/08
Stochastic Control Optimization 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Topics in Real Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Stochastics Calculus 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Algebra 4 6 60 Italian MAT/02
Calculus of Variations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Complex Analysis 9 73 Italian MAT/05
Constructive Approximation 6 60 Italian MAT/08
Didactics of Geometry (first part) 6 52 Italian MAT/04
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Foundations of Mathematics I 6 42 Italian MAT/04
General Physiology and Animal Physiology 9 80 Italian BIO/09
Harmonic Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
History of Mathematics 1 6 42 Italian MAT/04
Lie Groups 6 42 Italian MAT/03
Mathematical Economics 1 6 42 Italian SECS-S/06
Mathematical Finance 2 6 42 Italian SECS-S/06
Mathematical Fluid-Mechanics 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Mathematical Modelling Laboratory 6 72 Italian MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics 12 96 Italian BIO/11
Numerical Linear Algebra 6 60 English MAT/08
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 9 78 Italian MAT/08
Operating Systems and Computer Networks. 6 47 Italian INF/01
Operations Research 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Point Processes and Random Sets 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Relativity 1 9 78 Italian MAT/07
Stochastic Calculus and Applications 9 73 Italian MAT/06
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 30 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
Students must obtain at least 9 ects in the sectors Mat/01-02-03-04-05, by choosing courses that appear in the following table 1B.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Mathematical Statistics 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/06
Advanced Probability 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/06
Complex Analysis 9 73 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Didactics of Geometry (first part) 6 52 Italian Second semester MAT/04
Didactics of Infinitesimal Calculus (first part) 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/04
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Elements of Functional Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Hamiltonian Systems 1 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/07
Mathematical Finance 1 9 73 English First semester SECS-S/06
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/08
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 9 78 Italian Second semester MAT/08
Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Real Analysis 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/05
Relativity 1 9 78 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Stochastic Calculus and Applications 9 73 Italian Second semester MAT/06
b2 - Students must obtain at least 6 ects in the sectors Mat/01-02-03-04-05, by choosing courses that appear in the following table 2B, or in the previous table 1B.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Financial Mathematics 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-S/06
Advanced Topics in Probability Theory 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/06
Advanced Topics in Real Analysis 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Advanced Topics in Stochastics Calculus 6 47 Italian Second semester MAT/06
Algebra 4 6 60 Italian Second semester MAT/02
Biomathematics 2 6 52 Italian First semester MAT/08
Biomathematics 3 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Calculus of Variations 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Combinatorial Optimization 6 48 Italian First semester MAT/09
Complements of Operating Research 6 48 Italian First semester MAT/09
Computability and Computational Complexity 6 42 Italian First semester INF/01
Constructive Approximation 6 60 Italian Second semester MAT/08
Cytology and Histology 9 78 Italian First semester BIO/06
Decision Methods and Models 6 48 English First semester MAT/09
Dynamical System 2 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Ecology 9 80 Italian First semester BIO/07
Foundations of Mathematics I 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/04
Fourier Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
General Physiology and Animal Physiology 9 80 Italian Second semester BIO/09
Genetics 9 80 English First semester BIO/18
Geometry 5 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/03
Harmonic Analysis 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
History of Mathematics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/04
Lie Groups 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/03
Logistics 6 48 Italian First semester MAT/09
Mathematical Economics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-S/06
Mathematical Finance 2 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-S/06
Mathematical Fluid-Mechanics 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Mathematical Modelling Laboratory 6 72 Italian Second semester MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Mathematics Education 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/04
Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics 12 96 Italian Second semester BIO/11
Non Linear Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Numerical Linear Algebra 6 60 English Second semester MAT/08
Operating Systems and Computer Networks. 6 47 Italian Second semester INF/01
Operations Research 6 48 Italian Second semester MAT/09
Point Processes and Random Sets 6 47 Italian Second semester MAT/06
Scientific Computing 6 60 Italian First semester MAT/08
Stochastic Control Optimization 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/06
b3 - Students must obtain at least 12 ects in the sectors Mat/06-07-08-09, by inserting in their curriculum courses that appear in Table 1B.
b4 - Students must obtain at least 12 ects in the sectors Mat/06-07-08-09, by choosing courses that appear in Table 2B.
b5 - Students must obtain the remaining ects for the achievement of 57 ects by choosing courses in any sector Mat/xx through the entries in Tables 1A,2A,1B,2B,1C,2C.
Students must obtain at least 12 ects in a sector different from Mat/xx, by inserting in their curriculum those courses that appear in Tables 1A,2A,1B,2B,1C,2C.
Students also have the opportunity to enter courses in sectors different from Mat/xx, as long as these sectors are included in the list in the "Ordinamento" del CDL degree in Mathematics, The choice must be approved by the CDM.
Students also have the opportunity to replace the courses mentioned above with others in the sectors Mat/xx. The choice must be approved by the CDM.
Students must obtain 3 ects by preparing a seminar on a topic assigned by a staff member chosen by the student or by participating in other activities such as those provided for curriculum C or by doing the exam of the course "Mathematical Modelling Laboratory" or through the "Criptovalute and Blockchain " activity (Contact Prof. Maggis) or the "Laboratory of mathematical methods and models in Python" (Contact Prof. Paleari); students can also obtain 3 ects through Laboratorio Didattico and Internship (please contact Prof. Turrini).
b8 - FREE CHOICE ECTS: students must take the missing ects to reach 90 ects, by following free choice courses.
The courses of the undergraduate programme which are not mandatory for all can be included in the study plan only among the free ects.
The courses of the undergraduate programme which are mandatory for all can only be assigned by the Admissions Committee.
Non ci sono propedeuticità.
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 30 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Mathematical Statistics 9 78 Italian MAT/06
Advanced Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Advanced Probability 9 78 Italian MAT/06
Advanced Topics in Financial Mathematics 6 42 Italian SECS-S/06
Advanced Topics in Probability Theory 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Biomathematics 2 6 52 Italian MAT/08
Biomathematics 3 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Combinatorial Optimization 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Complements of Operating Research 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Decision Methods and Models 6 48 English MAT/09
Dynamical System 2 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Elements of Functional Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Fourier Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Geometry 5 9 78 Italian MAT/03
Hamiltonian Systems 1 9 73 Italian MAT/07
Logistics 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Mathematical Finance 1 9 73 English SECS-S/06
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Non Linear Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 9 78 Italian MAT/08
Real Analysis 9 73 Italian MAT/05
Scientific Computing 6 60 Italian MAT/08
Stochastic Control Optimization 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Topics in Real Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Calculus of Variations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Complex Analysis 9 73 Italian MAT/05
Constructive Approximation 6 60 Italian MAT/08
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Harmonic Analysis 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Mathematical Economics 1 6 42 Italian SECS-S/06
Mathematical Finance 2 6 42 Italian SECS-S/06
Mathematical Fluid-Mechanics 6 42 Italian MAT/07
Numerical Linear Algebra 6 60 English MAT/08
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 9 78 Italian MAT/08
Operating Systems and Computer Networks. 6 47 Italian INF/01
Operations Research 6 48 Italian MAT/09
Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian MAT/05
Point Processes and Random Sets 6 47 Italian MAT/06
Relativity 1 9 78 Italian MAT/07
Stochastic Calculus and Applications 9 73 Italian MAT/06
Optional activities and study plan rules
Students must obtain at least 15 ects in Mat/05 sector, 9 ects in Mat/06, 9 in Mat/08, by inserting in their curriculum those courses that appear in the table 1C below. If this is not possible for some SSD (eg. when the examination of some of these teachings had already been claimed during a previous undergraduate course) the student must include in his study plan all teachings remaining in table 1C (for that SSD) and, if necessary, add the teachings of that SSD to obtain the expected ects, choosing among those activated and shown in Table 2C.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Mathematical Statistics 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/06
Dynamical Systems 1 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Elements of Functional Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Hamiltonian Systems 1 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/07
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/08
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 9 78 Italian Second semester MAT/08
Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Real Analysis 9 73 Italian First semester MAT/05
Stochastic Calculus and Applications 9 73 Italian Second semester MAT/06
c2 - Students must obtain at least 6 ects in the sectors mat/06-07-08-09, by inserting in their syllabus courses that appear in the table below 2C.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Advanced Probability 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/06
Advanced Topics in Financial Mathematics 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-S/06
Advanced Topics in Probability Theory 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/06
Advanced Topics in Real Analysis 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Biomathematics 2 6 52 Italian First semester MAT/08
Biomathematics 3 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Calculus of Variations 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Combinatorial Optimization 6 48 Italian First semester MAT/09
Complements of Operating Research 6 48 Italian First semester MAT/09
Complex Analysis 9 73 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Constructive Approximation 6 60 Italian Second semester MAT/08
Decision Methods and Models 6 48 English First semester MAT/09
Dynamical System 2 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Fourier Analysis 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Geometry 5 9 78 Italian First semester MAT/03
Harmonic Analysis 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/05
Logistics 6 48 Italian First semester MAT/09
Mathematical Economics 1 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-S/06
Mathematical Finance 1 9 73 English First semester SECS-S/06
Mathematical Finance 2 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-S/06
Mathematical Fluid-Mechanics 6 42 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/07
Non Linear Partial Differential Equations 6 42 Italian First semester MAT/05
Numerical Linear Algebra 6 60 English Second semester MAT/08
Operating Systems and Computer Networks. 6 47 Italian Second semester INF/01
Operations Research 6 48 Italian Second semester MAT/09
Point Processes and Random Sets 6 47 Italian Second semester MAT/06
Relativity 1 9 78 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Scientific Computing 6 60 Italian First semester MAT/08
Stochastic Control Optimization 6 47 Italian First semester MAT/06
c3 - Students must obtain 45 ects by choosing courses in any sector mat/xx through the entries in Tables 1C,2C.
Students must obtain at least 12 ects in a sector different from Mat/xx, by inserting in their curriculum those courses that appear in Tables 1A,2A,1B,2B,1C,2C.
Students also have the opportunity to enter courses in sectors different from Mat/xx , as long as these sectors are included in the list in the "Ordinamento" del CDL degree in Mathematics, . The choice must be approved by the CDM.
Students can obtain 12 ects through an internship/industrial training (6 ects) or by doing the exam of the course "Mathematical Modelling Laboratory" (6 ects) or through participation in the activities of the ECMI Modelling Week which are going to be held in San Pietroburgo (Russia) in the summer of 2025 (6 ects; for information please contact Prof. Causin.
Alternatively, they can be achieved by:
Activity "Criptovalute and Blockchain " (3 CFU), please contact Prof. Maggis or the "Laboratory of mathematical methods and models in Python".
Algant students can acquire 3 ects after active participation to an Algant Summer School and / or by TER (=Travaux d'étude et de recherche) certificate from a University which is an Algant French partner.
At most 3 CFU can also be acquired by preparing a seminar, on a topic assigned by a teacher or through the "Criptovalute and Blockchain" activity (Contact Prof. Maggis) or the "Laboratory of mathematical methods and models in Python" (Contact Prof. Paleari).
At most 3 ects can be acquired also preparing a seminar on a topic assigned by a teacher, as long as the topic concerns a theme or industrial application, students can obtain 3 ects through Laboratorio Didattico and Internship (please contact Prof. Turrini).
c6 - FREE CHOICE ECTS : students must take the missing ects to reach 90 ects, by following free choice courses.
The courses of the undergraduate programme which are not mandatory for all can be included in the study plan only among the free ects.
The courses of the undergraduate programme which are mandatory for all can only be assigned by the Admissions Committee.
Non ci sono propedeuticità.
Learn more
Quality Assurance Delegate
  • Degree programme administration
    via Cesare Saldini 50
  • Master's Degree Study Plan Board
    COLOMBO Elisabetta (Presidente), PIZZOCCHERO Livio, PAYNE Kevin, UGOLINI Stefania
  • Other Activities and Credit Award Board
    SCACCHI Simone (Presidente), MOLTENI Giuseppe, TORTORA Alfonso
  • Master's Degree Organization Board
    CALANCHI Marta (Presidente), PELOSO Marco, GHILARDI Silvio, VIGNATI Marco
  • Socrates-Erasmus Board
    GAETA Giuseppe (Presidente), GORI Anna, MATESSI Diego, SCACCHI Simone, PAYNE Kevin
  • Programme Transfer and International Qualifications Recognition Board
    ZAMPIERI Elena (Presidente), REGGIO Luca
  • Orientation and Internship Board
    TORTORA Alfonso (Presidente), MAGGIS Marco, MICHELETTI Alessandra, NALDI Giovanni, COZZI Matteo, BRANCHETTI Laura
  • Timetables Board
    ZAMPIERI Elena (Presidente), LOVADINA Carlo, ZANOTTI Pietro
  • Master's Degree Admission Board
    VIGNATI Marco (Presidente), ALZATI Alberto, SCACCHI Simone, MAZZA Carlo
  • Web pages and website academic tutors
    PALEARI Simone, TURRINI Cristina
  • ALGANT academic tutor
    MAZZA Carlo
  • Piano Lauree Scientifiche" academic tutor
    CAUSIN Paola
  • ECMI academic tutor
    CAUSIN Paola
  • Student registrar
  • Disability academic tutor
    Scacchi Simone
  • Secondary school teacher training activities
    BRANCHETTI Laura (Presidente), RIZZO Ottavio, TURRINI Cristina

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more