Real Analysis
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The course aims at introducing the students to some fundamental aspects of Real Analysis, with particular reference to Lebesgue and Hilbert spaces.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire familiarity with the basic properties of the real analysis, with particular focus on the theory of Lebesgue and Hilbert spaces. Students should be able to independently produce proofs of elementary statements (aided also by the experience obtained through homework assignments), and be able to explain rigorously the theoretical knowledge and computational aspects learned from the lectures and assigned problems. Moreover they will improve their skills to work in small groups of fellow students.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
MAT/05 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS - University credits: 9
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 49 hours
Lessons: 49 hours
Molteni Giuseppe, Vesely Libor
My office: Dipartimento di Matematica, via Saldini 50, first floor, Room 1044.