Studying Political, Economic and Social Sciences
Lessons and educational activities are organized in three quarters:
- 1st Quarter: from 16 September 2024 to 6 December 2024
- 2nd Quarter: from 7 January 2025 to 19 March 2025
- 3rd Quarter: from 3 April 2025 to 21 June 2025
Registrations for exam sessions start fourteen days before the date set, not including Saturdays, Sundays and any holidays. The deadline for registrations is four days before the exam, not including Saturdays, Sundays and any holidays.
First year students can register for exams only at the end of the quarters in which the course is delivered (regardless of the date when teaching was concluded).
Students can register for the exams through Unimia.
Students who are still enrolled and who included in their study plan courses that are now discontinued, as a result of changes in degree programmes and regulations, can sit exams for these courses.
The University of Milan offers study awards for students or graduates, thanks to its own or external funding.
The Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences promotes various initiatives aimed at establishing and developing relationships with international organizations and institutions.
Information and contacts for students who are interested in a period of study at other European universities.
Access to bachelor's and single-cycle master's degree programmes is preceded by an assessment of the student's initial knowledge. If the assessment discloses any gaps, the student is required to complete remedial training (extra activities such as courses and seminars), as specified by the degree programme in the admission notice or on its specific site.
Whoever enrols for the first time in degree programmes at the University of Milan must hold a certificate of fluency in the English language recognized by the University and at the level required by their programme.
Those who do not have a recognized certificate of fluency in the English language at the time of enrolment must take a placement test between October and December of the same year and follow the courses organised by the SLAM, the University Language Centre.
The University of Milan Language Centre (SLAM) organises:
Assessment of linguistic knowledge (6 University Credits) of the bachelor's degree programme in Political Sciences (SPO) and Social Sciences of Globalization (GLO).
Assessment of advanced linguistic knowledge (3 University Credits) for the area of Economic, Social and Political Sciences.
Searching for an internship
It is possible
- To apply for internships published on the online bulletin board managed by COSP (University Service Center for Study and Professions Orientation).
- To independently identify an internship opportunity and contact COSP for activation practices.
To activate an University internship
- Check detailed information on your programme website Internship page (the address is published in Unimia)
- Follow the University procedures at Internship page
To graduate students must comply with all the procedures, requirements and deadlines established for each graduation session. Please note that prior consent of the thesis advisor is required to present an application for graduation.

How and when to present the degree application, deadlines and dates of the sessions