Placement tests, Entry tests and English courses
First-year students enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or single-cycle Master's degree course at the University of Milan must prove their level of English language proficiency in accordance with the CEFR level required by each degree course.
Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) levels are specified among the entry requirements of each degree programme.
Students can prove their English proficiency level by submitting a language certificate among those accepted by the University or by taking a Placement test. Students without a valid language certificate must sit the Placement Test at their first year, between October and December/January.
Students who own a language certificate must attach it to their application during the enrolment procedure. Students who have already enrolled without attaching it can still upload it on this platform:
Students who will not have attained the language level required by their degree programme via Placement test must attend an English language course.
Important notice: some Master's degree programmes require a specific English language level as an entry requirement for prospective students. Therefore, an entry test is required, not a Placement test. To be certain of that, it is always necessary to check the entry requirements of each degree programme.
It is important to consult your email inbox regularly, where all official university notices will be sent.
Students with disabilities or with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) must contact SLAM through the InformaStudenti Service in order to receive special arrangements and support for the test (students with disabilities: 50% more extra time; students with SLDs: 30% more extra time).