English courses and End-of-Course tests
English courses, taught by mother-tongue or fluent English language trainers, consist of 40/60/80 hours of classes and exercises together with self-study on a didactic platform online.
When and where
English courses normally take place in the second semester/trimester and are organised according to the proficiency level achieved at the Placement test.
Attendance is compulsory
Attending at least 75% of classes and completing at least 75% of the exercises on the didactic platform online are required to be admitted to sit the end-of-course test.
Important notice: sitting the end-of-course test on the first available session is compulsory.
How many times are students entitled to sit the end-of-course test?
Students are entitled to sit the end-of-course test up to 6 times for each course attended during their academic career, provided that they show up on the first available session. Students who do not sit the test on the first mandatory session will not have access to any further tries during the following test sessions. Therefore, they will have to get an international language certificate within their graduation or by the year in which the English exam included in their degree programme is scheduled.
Those who pass the end-of-course test and attain the level required by their degree course will fulfil the OFA (additional learning requirement) or receive the corresponding language assessment credits, according to their degree programme.
Those who do not pass the end-of-course test at their first try have 5 more tries at their disposal to pass it.
Students with disabilities or with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) must contact SLAM through the InformaStudenti Service in order to receive special arrangements and support for the test (students with disabilities: 50% more extra time; students with SLDs: 30% more extra time).