Political, Economic and Social Sciences @ LaStatale
The Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences (SPES) is distinguished by the richness and diversity of its educational offering, its multidisciplinary character, and its international vocation and openness. The goal is to train individuals who are capable of inhabiting responsibly contemporary situations ("Skilled in getting to the heart of the issue").
In this framework, multidisciplinarity is a precious resource which prepares students to discover, understand and enhance with a view to political, economic, cultural and social growth in a reality that is complex, intercultural, dynamic and at the same time interdependent.
The training offers emerge from the Departments within SPES. These are the institutions that from time to time define the focus of specific pathways (economic, political, social, juridical and international political, for example) and attend to all aspects of their organisation. The following are principal coordinators of the degree programmes:
- Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
- Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies
- Department of Social and Political Sciences
In these degree courses, however, great attention devoted to the interdisciplinary aspect. For this reason, the following participate as associate coordinators:
- Department of Computer Science "Giovanni degli Antoni"
- Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations
- Department of Philosophy "Piero Martinetti"
Their contribution to teaching is another plus of the Faculty and significantly enriches the offer.
The Departments, either singly or collaboratively, will offer 9 Bachelor's degree programmes and 12 Master's degree programmes. Two Master's degree programme are offered across faculties and two in cooperation with other universities. 8 degree programmes are delivered entirely in English. In other cases, single subjects or particular courses may be offered in English. In other cases still, degree programmes are offered in parallel with ones offered by foreign universities. Furthermore, Departments have and are developing a growing range of Erasmus, Erasmus Traineeship and Inter-institutional agreements with non-European universities for the provision of single degree programmes, which students can also access.
It is difficult and counterproductive to circumscribe the Faculty’s broad educational offer under specific labels. In some programmes, as already noted, the focus is on economic subjects, in others it is on international relations, in others on the science of politics or on sociology, and in others still on administration, work and communication. The fact remains that each of the disciplines, whether political, juridical, economic, sociological, anthropological, historical, statistical, mathematical, linguistic, contributes to the offer its own distinctive disciplinary corpus and methodological frameworks. In addition to this offer there are numerous workshops, which further expand the pool of choices and opportunities.
SPES’s organization of teaching is distinctive. Teaching takes place over three trimesters (September-December; January-March; April-July). The calendar of lessons is designed so as to avoid any scheduling conflicts, where possible. The exam sessions are distributed in "windows" between one quarter and another. The compact packaging is a challenge for teachers and students, but it has proved effective, improving learning outcomes. In light of the tight scheduling, regular attendance is highly recommended. Moreover, only through attendance are teachers able to transmit both the specific disciplinary contents and those soft and relational skills (generally linked to the so-called "Dublin descriptors") that are indispensable for being "at the centre of complex contemporary situations" set out at the beginning of this brief presentation.
See all the numbers of the University: international rankings, economic data, students, graduates and employment by study areas.