Migration Studies and New Societies

Gruppo di persone in movimento
Migration Studies and New Societies
Scheda del corso
A.A. 2025/2026
Laurea magistrale
interateneo Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland), Charles University - Univerzita Karlova
LM-90 R - Studi europei
Laurea magistrale
Libero con valutazione dei requisiti di accesso
Milano, Praga, Varsavia
International title
Joint Degree

Vai al sito di 4EU+ Alliance

The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together eight public multidisciplinary universities of excellence with a strong commitment to research: University of Milan, Charles University of Prague, Heidelberg University, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, Sorbonne University of Paris, University of Copenhagen, University of Geneva and University of Warsaw.The vision of the 4EU+ Alliance is to create One Comprehensive Research European University.

The Master's Degree Course in Migration Studies and New Societies, entirely in English and structured in the form of a of the Joint Degree, is conducted in cooperation with the Universities of Warsaw and Prague (Charles). It is part of the training activities proposed in the framework of the 4EU+ European University Alliance and provides, in compliance with the requirement for Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), that students acquire at least 30 ECTS (corresponding to one semester) at each partner university (first in Milan, then in Warsaw and finally in Prague, and then decide where to spend the last semester).

The final objectives of Migration Studies and New Societies is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of social and political opportunities and challenges posed by global and intra-EU migration and to enable them to acquire competences and analytical tools for interpreting complex political or socio-economic phenomena in a critical way and for appraising their normative, social, political and anthropological implications.
On the basis of the knowledge acquired during the training course, the graduated students will be therefore able (i) to contribute to the actions of international and national governmental and non-governmental organisations and bodies, (ii) to handle tasks and functions concerning the management of migration flows and the integration of migrants, with particular expertise in the European scenario (thus, in full coherence with the objectives of the degree in European Studies).
Accordingly, the programme supports the acquisition of methodological tools for examining empirical phenomena, for explaining their dynamics, and for anticipating their evolution as well as the reinforcement of logic and argumentative skills.
The interaction between lecturers and students coming from different European countries aims at fostering educational learning pathways based on dialogue between subjects with different nationality, experience and background.
The teaching activities of the Master's Degree in Migration Studies and New Societies are mainly organised in seminars and they are designed to follow a student-centered approach, by using innovative teaching methods (e.g.: flipped classroom, laboratory teaching, clinics, case-studies, etc.), in full accordance with the guidelines issued by the "4 EU+ European University Alliance" programme.
At the end of their studies, the students will obtain a single diploma for the three universities, which will indicate, for each country, the degree class of reference (for the University of Milan LM-90 Studi europei, for the Charles University: Master's Degree in Social Sciences; for the University of Warsaw: Master's Degree in Artes Liberales).
The identification of professional opportunities is based on the analysis of the labour market and territorial needs.
In particular, the consultation with the stakeholders revealed a general interest in the integration of graduates with an in-depth knowledge of the migration phenomenon, its dynamics and issues related to the reception and integration of migrants in the field of international organizations, public administration, as well as in the field of integration and reception of migrants, but also in the private sector, in companies where the need for job placement and inclusion of the migrant person is felt.
Interest confirmed by the data concerning more generally the degree class in European studies, which show that 79% of graduates find permanent employment five years after graduation, both in the public sector and in the private sector (see Alma Laurea data, on the degree class in European studies). Unlike the other courses of the same degree class, however, the course aims, as suggested by the social partners, to develop two skills highly required by the labour market:
a) the acquisition of communication skills, including digital, suitable for the context, accompanied by the ability to relate to the migrant in an empathic way and respectful of linguistic and cultural diversity;
b) the acquisition of skills in the field of job orientation and human resources with skills suitable to deal with the specific situation of migrant workers.
This expertise can be made available to the private sector, as well as the public sector.
In the light of the market analysis carried out, the following professional figures are to be trained:

1) Officer in migration policies and flow management in the PA and international organizations

"Function in a work context":
The course aims to train professional figures able to contribute to the development and implementation of public intervention policies in the field of migration, reception, and management of flows. These competences are required in European and international institutions, as well as in public administrations at ministerial, regional, and local level.

"Competences associated with functions":
The interdisciplinary skills learned during the course provide the graduate with a holistic approach useful for identifying the most effective strategies to promote and implement policies in this field.
Specifically, the course aims to develop the skills required by international organizations and public administrations to implement effective policies. Particular attention is paid to the enhancement of digital, communicative, and linguistic skills with particular reference to the migration context.
In addition, thanks to the skills acquired in the course offered, the graduate can conduct research and prepare reports in relation to applicable legislation and policies.

"Career opportunities":
The expert in migration policies can find an adequate professional position, after passing any competition tests where provided, within European and international organizations, as well as state administrations (national, regional, and local), public bodies, public companies.
The course is addressed, on the one hand, to the traditional actors operating in the migration landscape, primarily international and European organizations (such as, among others, the UNHCR, the IOM, the European Commission) and national institutions (Ministry of the Interior, prefectures, territorial commissions); on the other hand, the course aims to respond to the request for new professionals competent in the management of the migration phenomenon, which can be used in public bodies (even if not specifically operating in the reception sector).

2) Operator in the field of the third sector, reception, and integration

"Function in a work context":
The course aims to train experienced operators who can operate in non-profit organizations (including non-profit organizations, NGOs, associations, and social cooperatives), established at local, national, European and international level, and in associations working in the world of hospitality and integration.
The graduate will perform functions of consultancy and design of reception paths and support in the field to the activities of the reception centers.

"Competences associated with functions":
The course aims to provide interdisciplinary, legal, sociological, psychological, anthropological linguistic skills, to prepare the graduate for the multiple challenges that the reception of the migrant poses. Thanks to the skills acquired in the course, the student will be able to face both the phases of the first reception and support for the presentation of the application for protection, and the phases that aim at integration, job placement, access to services (welfare) and the stay of the migrant. Particular attention is paid to the strengthening of linguistic and relational skills with reference to reception procedures.

"Career opportunities":
The operator can find a professional place within associations, social cooperatives, non-profit organizations, including non-profit organizations, NGOs established at local, national, European, and international level, which operate in the field of reception and integration of migrants.

3) Specialist and consultant in diversity management and job orientation

"Function in a work context":
The course aims to train professional figures in the field of job orientation and human resources with skills suitable to deal with the specific situation of migrant workers. The graduate can be employed both in the business world and in the public sector in various activities such as: job orientation, management of employment contracts, participation in union negotiations, the development of corporate welfare plans, considering the needs of migrant workers.

"Competences associated with functions":
The course aims to develop legal skills (at international, European, comparative), economic, sociological, and linguistic level for the management of the employment relationship in its different phases, for the management of personnel, individual and collective disputes with specific reference to migrant workers.

"Career opportunities":
The expert in diversity management and job orientation can find a place, both in the public sector and in the business sector, as an operator of employment services and active labour policies, as a consultant for job orientation, in the management of human resources and labour strategies.
In addition, the graduate will be able to find space as a consultant within institutions and organizations in public administrations or third sector bodies, which offer, for example, counter services. Furthermore, advice can also be carried out in the context of the profession, in favour of individuals or companies.

4) Expert on migration issues in the field of communication

"Function in a work context":
The course aims to train professional figures in the field of communication and media, with specific skills in relation to the representation of the migration phenomenon. These skills are required both in journalism (on paper, radio, television, online), and in the field of public, institutional, and political communication. The graduate in Migration Studies and New Societies will be able to prepare informed studies and reports based on studies and research conducted with the methodologies provided by research in the social and anthropological field, to guarantee a correct representation of the migrant.

"Competences associated with functions":
The courses taught during the course aim to train methodological, linguistic, digital communication skills to study and represent the migration phenomenon in an informed, correct, aware and effective way.

"Career opportunities":
The graduate will be able to find a position as an expert in journalism and multimedia communication, as a social media manager, or as an expert in political and institutional communication in different sectors: in the world of journalism, in newspapers on paper, online, or radio; in communication agencies; in public administrations or third sector bodies that intend to develop a conscious communication on migration, in the field of scientific research, also in the academic context.
The Master's degree in Migration Studies and New Societies offers experiences of student-mobility of the duration necessary to get the 30 ECTS at each of the partner universities.
In order to ensure a great and effective support for students, this Master Degree has been structured following all the requirements provided by the Erasmus+ Guidelines for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degrees. During the time required for obtaining the EMJM grants, students may rely on Erasmus+ scholarships, allocated on the basis of the specific agreements concluded with the partner universities involved the 4EU+ European University Alliance (https://www.unimi.it/en/international/university-milan-world/international-agreements), which may be supplemented by the University funding for disadvantaged students.
It is therefore expected that students will spend at least one of the four semesters at each of the partner universities. The University of Milan dedicates special services, including front office services, for the students attending the international programs, such as the Master's Degree in Migration Studies and New Societies (International Mobility and Promotion Office; Front office Erasmus Desks in different areas). Highly qualified administrative staff, with specific expertise both on disciplinary areas and on individual mobility programs and initiatives, may help students in dealing with all the issues related to student-mobility.
As already told, then, the course provides for the achievement of a Joint Degree. At the end of their studies, the students will obtain a single diploma for the three universities, which will indicate, for each country, the reference degree class (for Italy the LM-90 - Studi europei) for the Charles University: Master's Degree in Social Sciences; for the University of Warsaw: Master's Degree in Artes Liberales).
Attendance of at least 70% of classes is compulsory for all taught courses. Motivated exceptions and waivers may be requested to the Didactic Board in exceptional circumstances.
The candidates applying for the Joint Master's Degree in Migration Studies and New Societies must:
- meet specific curricular requirements;
- be proficient in English;
- have adequate personal knowledge and background.

In particular, candidates must:

1) Hold, or obtain before 31 October 2025 at the latest, a first cycle degree (three years/bachelor = 180 ECTS), released in Italy or abroad, in other disciplines, providing that the candidate has adequate competences in at least two of the following academic fields: Political Science, Economics-Statistics, Law. For student holding an Italian first cycle degree, it implies to have acquired at least 42 ECTS in one or more of following scientific sectors, defined in accordance with national classification:
- for LAW: IUS/02 Comparative private law; IUS/08 Constitutional law; IUS/09 Public law; IUS/13 International law; IUS/14 EU law; IUS/21 Comparative public law.
- for ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS: M-GGR/02 Economic and political geography; SECS-P/01 Economics; SECS-P/02 Economic Policy; SECS-S/01 Statistics; SECS-S/03 Economic Statistics; SECS-S/04 Demography; SECS-S/05 Social Statistics.
- for POLITICAL SCIENCE: SPS/04 Political Science; SPS/07 General Sociology; SPS/08 Sociology of culture and communication; SPS/09 Econonomic Sociology and Sociology of work and organizations.

2) Proficiency in English at a B2 level or higher per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B2-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate of B2 or higher level issued no more than three years before the date of admission application. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39322. The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicant during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267/)
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39322) and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master?s programme (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267/).
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.

3) Have strong personal competencies.
The adequacy of the candidates' competencies is assessed by the Admissions Board:
- based on the academic performance of the candidate and consistency of the programme with her/his previous studies, professional or other relevant experiences, and career plans;
- through a personal interview to be held by the Admissions Board exclusively from remote provided that the applicant satisfies the curricular and language requirements. Applicants selected for the interview will receive a notification with all the relevant instructions (date, time, online platform to use).

The Admissions Board is composed by at least one teacher for each partner University.


Domanda di ammissione: dal 22/01/2025 al 25/08/2025

Domanda di immatricolazione: dal 02/04/2025 al 15/11/2025

Allegati e documenti

Avviso di ammissione

Per approfondire:
Manifesto ed elenco insegnamenti
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Constitutional rights of migrants in a comparative perspective 9 60 Inglese IUS/08 IUS/21
Economics of migration 6 40 Inglese SECS-P/01
European and international migration law 9 60 Inglese IUS/13 IUS/14
Geopolitics of migrations 6 40 Inglese SPS/04
Narrating and negotiating identities 6 40 Inglese L-LIN/10 L-LIN/12
Social science methods 6 40 Inglese SPS/07
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Political philosophy of migration 6 40 Inglese SPS/01
Globalization as risk and opportunity 6 40 Inglese SPS/04
People on the move in fiction and non- fiction literature 6 40 Inglese L-FIL-LET/14
Social participation and intercultural communication 6 40 Inglese M-DEA/01
Attività a scelta e regole di composizione del piano didattico
- Students may choose one of the following learning pathways:
A) International Migration and Policies
B) Civil Society and Integration
C) Social Anthropology of Space and Mobility
- A) It is part of the learning pathway "International Migration and Policies" the following course:
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Globalization as risk and opportunity 6 40 Inglese Periodo non definito SPS/04
- B) It is part of the learning pathway "Civil Society and Integration" the following course:
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
People on the move in fiction and non- fiction literature 6 40 Inglese Periodo non definito L-FIL-LET/14
- C) It is part of the learning pathway "Social Anthropology of Space and Mobility" the following course:
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Social participation and intercultural communication 6 40 Inglese Periodo non definito M-DEA/01
- 3 ECTS:
The credits are obtained as follows:
Students not having previously obtained a degree in Italy: knowledge of Italian language (level A2).
- 3 ECTS:
Additional Module among those offered by UNIW:

Visual representations of migrants and diaspora cultures;
Ethics of vulnerability;
Human rights: a juridical and philosophical perspective
sarà attivato dall'A.A. 2026/2027
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Diploma seminar 6 ects 6 0 Italiano
Final exam 9 0 Italiano
Anthropology of borders 9 60 Italiano M-DEA/01
Ethnography in practice 6 40 Italiano M-DEA/01
Eu labour migration law 6 40 Italiano IUS/07
Eu migration law and asylum 6 40 Italiano IUS/14
Families in aging societies 9 60 Italiano SPS/07
International migration and social integration 9 60 Italiano SPS/10
Migration and media 6 40 Italiano SPS/08
Migration policies 9 60 Italiano SPS/10
Policy analysis 9 60 Italiano SPS/04
Policy analysis methods 6 40 Italiano SPS/08
Transnational lives and european identities 9 60 Italiano M-DEA/01
Understanding identity and belonging 9 60 Italiano SPS/07
Workshop:"human trafficking/smuggling" 3 20 Italiano SPS/07
Workshop:"the root causes of migrations: local and regional 3 20 Italiano SPS/05 SPS/13 SPS/14
Attività a scelta e regole di composizione del piano didattico
- Students may choose one of the following learning pathways:
A) International Migration and Policies;
B) Civil Society and Integration;
C) Social Anthropology of Space and Mobility
- A) They are part of the learning pathway "International Migration and Policies" the following courses:
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Migration policies 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/10
Policy analysis 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/04
Policy analysis methods 6 40 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/08
- B) They are part of the learning pathway "Civil Society and Integration" the following courses:
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Families in aging societies 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/07
International migration and social integration 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/10
Migration and media 6 40 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/08
- C) They are part of the learning pathway "Social Anthropology of Space and Mobility" the following courses:
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Anthropology of borders 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito M-DEA/01
Ethnography in practice 6 40 Italiano Periodo non definito M-DEA/01
Transnational lives and european identities 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito M-DEA/01
Understanding identity and belonging 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/07
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua SSD
Internship (students not having previously obtained a degree in Italy) 6 40 Italiano
Internship: (students having previously obtained a degree in Italy) 9 60 Italiano
Medicolegal aspects of migration 6 40 Italiano MED/43
Visual representations of migrants and diaspora cultures 3 20 Italiano
Attività a scelta e regole di composizione del piano didattico
- 3CFU Other useful skills for entering the job market: a module at choice the student among the following offered by UNIW: Visual representations of migrants and diaspora cultures; Ethics of vulnerability; Human rights: a juridical and philosophical perspective
- Elective Activities chosen by the students: 12 ECTS. Students - at their discretion - may take the following suggested activities.
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Eu labour migration law 6 40 Italiano Periodo non definito IUS/07
Eu migration law and asylum 6 40 Italiano Periodo non definito IUS/14
Medicolegal aspects of migration 6 40 Italiano Periodo non definito MED/43
Workshop:"human trafficking/smuggling" 3 20 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/07
Workshop:"the root causes of migrations: local and regional 3 20 Italiano Periodo non definito SPS/05 SPS/13 SPS/14
- Show of proficiency of digital competences: 3 ECTS
- Internship
Attività formative Crediti massimi Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Internship (students not having previously obtained a degree in Italy) 6 40 Italiano Periodo non definito
Internship: (students having previously obtained a degree in Italy) 9 60 Italiano Periodo non definito
Altre informazioni
Milano, Praga, Varsavia
Sedi didattiche
The lessons of the Master's degree in Migration Studies and New Societies are carried out in person and are mainly organised in seminars, following a student-centered approach and using innovative teaching methods (e.g.: flipped classroom, laboratory teaching, clinics, case-studies, etc.), in full accordance with the guidelines issued by the "4EU+ European University Alliance" programme.

The schedule and the venue of the courses will be shared with students at the beginning of each semester and published also on the website of the partner Universities - Charles University (Prague) and University of Warsaw.

The number of examination sessions depends on the administrative rules of each of the partner university. In any case, a minimum of five sessions distributed in different periods of the academic year is generally expected.
Presidente del Collegio didattico
Tutor per l'orientamento
Tutor per la mobilità internazionale e l'Erasmus
Referente AQ del corso di studio

Le tasse universitarie per gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico sono suddivise in due rate con modalità di calcolo e tempi di pagamento diversi:

  • l'importo della prima rata è uguale per tutti
  • l'importo della seconda rata varia in base al valore ISEE Università, al Corso di laurea di iscrizione e alla posizione (in corso/fuori corso da un anno oppure fuori corso da più di un anno).
  • per i corsi on line è prevista una rata suppletiva.

Sono previste:

  • agevolazioni per gli studenti con elevati requisiti di merito
  • importi diversificati in base al Paese di provenienza per gli studenti internazionali con reddito e patrimonio all'estero
  • agevolazioni per gli studenti internazionali con status di rifugiato

Altre agevolazioni 

L’Ateneo fornisce agevolazioni economiche a favore dei propri studenti con requisiti particolari (merito, condizioni economiche o personali, studenti internazionali)

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