Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS)

Enviromental change global sustainable
Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS)
Scheda del corso
A.A. 2024/2025
Laurea magistrale
Laurea magistrale
Libero con valutazione dei requisiti di accesso
Environmental change plays a central role in modern societies, to the point that a sustainable management of the environment currently represents one of the most important open challenges for humanity. Addressing this challenge requires a multidisciplinary approach that overcomes the usual boundaries of scientific disciplines. In this context, the Master program in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS) provides advanced expertise in the hard- and life-science components of environmental studies as well as in their economic- and social-science components. The general goal is to train students to tackle environmental change and sustainability in a multidisciplinary perspective. Students will therefore be provided with both a solid knowledge of the dynamics of the different components of the environment and a deep understanding of the tools required to promote its sustainable management and protection.
The Master degree in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability represents a novelty in the Italian university system, not only for its marked multidisciplinary approach, but also for being taught entirely in English.
The main peculiar quality of ECGS graduates is their ability to tackle environmental change and sustainability in a multidisciplinary perspective. This ability benefits of advanced expertise in the hard- and life-science components of environmental studies as well as in their economic- and social-science components. In this context, five professional profiles ECGS graduates can achieve are listed below:
1. Environmental manager in agro-food, energy and green economy companies as well as in other companies in the industrial and service sectors;
2. Environmental specialist in the public administration as well as in local governments;
3. Environmental specialist in supra and international bodies as well as in national and international non-governmental organizations.
4. Specialist in environmental impact studies and strategic environmental assessments;
5. Specialist in environmental analysis and monitoring.

Further employment opportunities of ECGS graduates concern research positions at universities and research institutions as well as teaching at the secondary school level.

Statistiche occupazionali (Almalaurea)
In line with the nature of the ECGS programme, international mobility is highly encouraged.
Students enrolled in the programme may spend a study period abroad under the ERASMUS+ program (they can take courses, take exams, prepare theses, carry out research), obtaining recognition for their academic career from that educational experience.
Erasmus+ also provides Placements, that is, the opportunity for a traineeship in companies and other organisations abroad. The new Erasmus+ program provides the following new study and placement opportunities: a) up to 12 months abroad (study periods and placements); b) placements, including those for new graduates (within 12 months of completing a degree). Students who have already spent a period abroad under the Erasmus+ programme may still apply for an Erasmus+ educational or placement activity. Yet, the months previously spent abroad concur to the attainment of the overall maximum of 12 months for each Erasmus+ study cycle.
Pre-requisites for admission and assessment requires

Eligibility to the Master program in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability presupposes to possess suitable curricular qualifications and to have an adequate personal preparation, to be verified by means of an interview. As to the curricular qualifications, the ECGS program can be accessed by graduates holding an Italian three-year laurea (BA) degree (ex D.M. 270/2004 or ex D.M. 509/1999) in either the class L-32 Scienze per l'ambiente e la natura (ex D.M. 270/2004) or the class L-27 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e la natura (ex D.M 509/1999). The ECGS programme can also be accessed by graduates holding an Italian three-year laurea (BA) degree, obtained in classes different from the above-mentioned ones, provided they have earned at least 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits for having attended courses in the scientific-disciplinary sectors belonging to at least two of the following sets, of which at least 15 in the scientific-disciplinary sectors belonging to the first set and at least 12 in the scientific-disciplinary sectors belonging to the second set or the third set.
1. computer science, mathematics, and statistics (INF/01, MAT/01-/09, SECS-S/01, SECS-S/06);
2. chemistry, physics and Earth sciences (CHIM/01-/03, CHIM/06, CHIM/12, FIS/01, FIS/06-/07, GEO/01-/02, GEO/04-/05, GEO/10-/12);
3. life sciences (AGR/02-/03, AGR/05, AGR/08-/10, AGR/13, AGR/15, BIO/01-/07, BIO/09-/13);
4. economic and social sciences (AGR/01, ING-IND/35, IUS/01, IUS/04, IUS/09, IUS/13, SECS-P/01-/02, SPS/04, SPS/07, SPS/10).

Students with foreign qualifications obtained from international Universities subscribing to both the European system for acknowledging university qualifications and the ECTS system for assigning university credits can also enter the ECGS program, provided that they hold first-level degrees accepted as equivalent to Italian laurea degrees by the members of a Committee appointed by the ECGS program Council, who will also ascertain that the international applicants meet curricular requirements in disciplines similar to those belonging to the scientific-disciplinary sectors listed above.

Finally, students with foreign qualifications obtained from international Universities not subscribing to the European system for acknowledging university qualifications and the ECTS system for assigning university credits can also enter the ECGS program, provided that they hold first-level degrees accepted as equivalent to Italian laurea degrees by a Committee appointed by the ECGS program Council, and that the same Committee verifies that the international applicants meet curricular requirements similar to those required of the applicants holding qualifications awarded by Italian Universities.

Moreover, in all the above cases, knowledge of the English language is required at level B2 or higher, according to the classification provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The qualifications recognised by the University of Milan, with the corresponding CEFR levels, can be found at: https://www.unimi.it/en/study/language-proficiency/placement-tests-and-english-courses/accepted-language-certificates. Native English speakers and graduates from university first-level programmes entirely taught in English are exempted from producing any such language qualification.
Students without a documented B2 level may be accepted on condition that their level of English proficiency, assessed during the interview, is evidently good.

In entrance, optional training activities are provided to facilitate the integration of students from different first level degrees and from different universities (see the programme website at: https://ecgs.cdl.unimi.it/en).

Applicants must apply for admission to the ECGS program from January 22nd to August 25th, 2024.
Non EU candidates applying for a visa must apply from January 22nd to April 30th, 2024.
Applicants will be contacted for an on-line interview.


Domanda di ammissione: dal 22/01/2024 al 25/08/2024

Domanda di immatricolazione: dal 08/04/2024 al 15/01/2025

Ammissioni A.A. 2025/2026

Sono aperte le domande di ammissione per l'Anno Accademico 2025/2026. Gli studenti non UE richiedenti visto possono presentare domanda di ammissione entro il 30 aprile 2025.

Per approfondire:
Manifesto ed elenco insegnamenti
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Approaches to the study of ecological systems 8 64 Inglese BIO/07
Biodiversity dynamics and conservation 8 64 Inglese BIO/05
Environmental economics and policy 8 64 Inglese SECS-P/01
Quantitative methods 6 64 Inglese MAT/06 MAT/08
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Agricultural and natural resource economics and policy 8 64 Inglese AGR/01
Chemistry of natural processes and technologies for the environment 8 64 Inglese CHIM/06 CHIM/07
Statistical methods in environmental studies 6 64 Inglese SECS-P/05 SECS-S/01
Geodiversity: theory and applications 8 80 Inglese GEO/04
Sedimentary successions and their natural resources for the energy transition 8 64 Inglese GEO/02
Regole di composizione
- Choose one course between:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Geodiversity: theory and applications 8 80 Inglese Secondo semestre GEO/04
Sedimentary successions and their natural resources for the energy transition 8 64 Inglese Secondo semestre GEO/02
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Applied environmental and resource economics 6 48 Inglese AGR/01
Climate change: impact and adaptation 6 64 Inglese AGR/02 FIS/06
Ecosystem functioning and services 6 48 Inglese BIO/07
Georesources and sustainability 6 48 Inglese GEO/09
Plant and animal diversity: values and risks 6 48 Inglese BIO/04 BIO/05
Recycle and life cycle assessment (LCA) of products and processes 6 48 Inglese CHIM/04
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Environmental law 6 48 Inglese IUS/10
Green procurement 6 48 Inglese IUS/10
Laboratory of environmental change and global sustainability 9 144 Inglese
Sustainability accounting and management 6 48 Inglese SECS-P/08
Sustainable development 6 48 Inglese SECS-P/01
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Final dissertation 21 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
- The student:
- must attend the "Safety for field activities" course. Further information will be avaible by e-mail or on the course website.

- must acquire 9 ECTS credits for Internship and Placement.
Internship and Placement credits can be spent:
Within an external internship;
Within an internal internship;
Within the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Environmental Change and Global Sustainability organised by ECGS Master.
- Open choice courses: 12 CFU
- Choose three courses (18 CFU), according to the following rules:
- 1 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Plant and animal diversity: values and risks 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre BIO/04 BIO/05
- 2 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Ecosystem functioning and services 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre BIO/07
- 3 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Recycle and life cycle assessment (LCA) of products and processes 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre CHIM/04
- 4 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Georesources and sustainability 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre GEO/09
- 5 - the student can choose one of the following courses:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Applied environmental and resource economics 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre AGR/01
Climate change: impact and adaptation 6 64 Inglese Primo semestre AGR/02 FIS/06
- 6 - the student can choose one of the following courses:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Environmental law 6 48 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/10
Green procurement 6 48 Inglese Secondo semestre IUS/10
Sustainable development 6 48 Inglese Secondo semestre SECS-P/01
- 7 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Sustainability accounting and management 6 48 Inglese Secondo semestre SECS-P/08
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Approaches to the study of ecological systems 8 64 Inglese BIO/07
Biodiversity dynamics and conservation 8 64 Inglese BIO/05
Environmental economics and policy 8 64 Inglese SECS-P/01
Quantitative methods 6 64 Inglese MAT/06 MAT/08
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Agricultural and natural resource economics and policy 8 64 Inglese AGR/01
Chemistry of natural processes and technologies for the environment 8 64 Inglese CHIM/06 CHIM/07
Statistical methods in environmental studies 6 64 Inglese SECS-P/05 SECS-S/01
Geodiversity: theory and applications 8 80 Inglese GEO/04
Sedimentary successions and their natural resources for the energy transition 8 64 Inglese GEO/02
Regole di composizione
- Choose one course between:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Geodiversity: theory and applications 8 80 Inglese Secondo semestre GEO/04
Sedimentary successions and their natural resources for the energy transition 8 64 Inglese Secondo semestre GEO/02
Primo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Bioresource and pollution control technology 6 48 Inglese AGR/09
Ecosustainable materials and processes 6 48 Inglese CHIM/07
Ecosystem functioning and services 6 48 Inglese BIO/07
Environmental change and public health 6 64 Inglese MED/04 MED/50
Environmental geochemistry 6 48 Inglese GEO/08
Methods in ecotoxicology 6 64 Inglese BIO/07 VET/07
Multilevel effects of environmental contamination 6 48 Inglese BIO/05 BIO/06 BIO/14
Remote sensing of agro-environmental change 6 48 Inglese AGR/02
Waste management and sustainability 6 56 Inglese AGR/10 AGR/13 AGR/18
Secondo semestre
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Food industry design, technology and innovation 6 48 Inglese AGR/15
Laboratory of environmental change and global sustainability 9 144 Inglese
Periodo non definito
Per queste attività non è previsto un periodo di offerta (es. corsi online a frequenza libera).
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua SSD
Final dissertation 21 0 Inglese
Regole di composizione
- The student:
- must attend the "Safety for field activities" course. Further information will be avaible by e-mail or on the course website.

- must acquire 9 ECTS credits for Internship and Placement.
Internship and Placement credits can be spent:
Within an external internship;
Within an internal internship;
Within the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Environmental Change and Global Sustainability organised by ECGS Master.
- Open choice courses: 12 CFU
- Choose three courses (18 CFU), according to the following rules:
- 1 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Multilevel effects of environmental contamination 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre BIO/05 BIO/06 BIO/14
- 2 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Ecosystem functioning and services 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre BIO/07
- 3 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Environmental geochemistry 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre GEO/08
- 4 - the student can choose one or two of the following courses:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Remote sensing of agro-environmental change 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre AGR/02
Waste management and sustainability 6 56 Inglese Primo semestre AGR/10 AGR/13 AGR/18
- 5 - the student can choose the following course:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Ecosustainable materials and processes 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre CHIM/07
- 6 - the student can choose one or two of the following courses:
Attività formative Crediti Ore totali Lingua Periodo SSD
Bioresource and pollution control technology 6 48 Inglese Primo semestre AGR/09
Environmental change and public health 6 64 Inglese Primo semestre MED/04 MED/50
Methods in ecotoxicology 6 64 Inglese Primo semestre BIO/07 VET/07
Food industry design, technology and innovation 6 48 Inglese Secondo semestre AGR/15
Altre informazioni
Sedi didattiche
Lecture rooms and laboratories are located in the "Città Studi" campus, mostly in the University buildings of Via Celoria, 20
Tutor per la mobilità internazionale e l'Erasmus
Tutor per stage e tirocini
Referente AQ del corso di studio

Le tasse universitarie per gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico sono suddivise in due rate con modalità di calcolo e tempi di pagamento diversi:

  • l'importo della prima rata è uguale per tutti
  • l'importo della seconda rata varia in base al valore ISEE Università, al Corso di laurea di iscrizione e alla posizione (in corso/fuori corso da un anno oppure fuori corso da più di un anno).
  • per i corsi on line è prevista una rata suppletiva.

Sono previste:

  • agevolazioni per gli studenti con elevati requisiti di merito
  • importi diversificati in base al Paese di provenienza per gli studenti internazionali con reddito e patrimonio all'estero
  • agevolazioni per gli studenti internazionali con status di rifugiato

Altre agevolazioni 

L’Ateneo fornisce agevolazioni economiche a favore dei propri studenti con requisiti particolari (merito, condizioni economiche o personali, studenti internazionali)

Maggiori informazioni