Transferring to a postgraduate school in a different university

Specialisation students who wish to transfer to a postgraduate school in a different university must be on track with payment of previous years’ fees and with the official exams.

Students of postgraduate schools in the area of medicine who have additional contracts are not entitled to transfer to a different university.

For the transfer to take place:

  1. Book an appointment with Student Administration Office of the Postgraduate schools in Via Santa Sofia 9/1, or sent the request through InformaStudenti
  2. Prepare the transfer request using the appropriate form
  3. Pay the fee of 75 euros with the special payment slip. The fee is non-refundable if you decide not to transfer
  4. Request the ‘nulla osta’ (authorisation) from the host university

Specialisation students with additional contract or with regional contract outside Regione Lombardia cannot apply for transfer in a different University.


  • enrolled Academic Year 2020/2021 (4 year): from 15 September to 17 October 2025 (for transfer to fifth year)
  • enrolled Academic Year 2021/2022 (3 year): from 15 September to 17 October 2025 (for transfer to fourth year)
  • enrolled Academic Year 2022/2023 (2 year): from 15 September to 17 October 2025 (for transfer to third year)
  • enrolled Academic Year 2023/2024 (1 year): from 15 September to 17 October 2025 (for transfer to second year)

Office hours
Tuesday online and Thursday in presence from 1pm - 3pm, by appointment
