Attendance and admission requirements to a medical postgraduate school
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- Postgraduate schools - Medicine
Postgraduate schools - Medicine
- Enrolling
- Specialist training contract
- Transferring from another university
- Fees and payments - Postgraduate schools in the area of medicine
- Renewing enrolment
- Medical specialisation logbook and official exams
- Medical specialisation diploma exam
- Suspension
- Transferring to a different university
- Withdrawal from postgraduate school studies and loss of student status
- Agreements with healthcare structures
- Postgraduate Schools – other degrees
- Contacts for Postgraduate schools
Postgraduate schools - Medicine
The contract, time commitment, Attendance records and sign-in sheet, Salary and payment methods, Leave for personal reasons.
Information for specialisation students from other universities who wish to transfer to the University of Milan.
Instalments, payment methods and administrative costs.
Procedure and deadlines for renewing enrolment at postgraduate schools in the area of medicine.
Exam sessions and rules governing admission to subsequent years, repeating a year and loss of student status.
Diploma exam sessions and deadlines, how and when to present and submit the thesis application.
Suspension of postgraduate school studies to enrol on a doctoral programme, for maternity leave or giving up studies.
How to transfer to a postgraduate school in a different university.
How to withdraw from a postgraduate school and when the specialist student loses their student status.
How to activate an agreement between the University and National Health Service-accredited public and private healthcare structures.