National Plan for Complementary Investments to the PNRR
Also known as Complementary National Plan (PNC), this plan supports measures included in Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) by allocating additional national funds for a total of 30.6 billion euros over the period 2021-2026. The PNC comprises 30 programmes: 24 are financed exclusively with PNC funds, whereas the remaining 6 were already included in the PNRR, and the PNC provides for additional co-funding. For each programme, the PNC specifies the administration in charge, the amount of funds allocated and, in the case of co-funded programmes, the PNRR Component.
The University of Milan participates in five PNC projects: one is funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), two are funded by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT) and the remaining two are funded by the Ministry of Health.

- “Research initiatives for innovative technologies and pathways in the health and care sectors”(funded by MUR)
- “Innovation agreements” (funded by MIMIT)
- SIRPAC, nuovo Sistema Intelligente, efficiente e collaborative per la Refertazione ottimizzata in diagnostica per immagini multidisciplinare e la ricerca predittiva Paziente-Centrica
- Terra Fuoco e Acqua. Innovazioni tecnologiche e decarbonizzazione per la nuova fabbrica a idrogeno: la ceramica sostenibile dove il fuoco genera l’acqua
- “Health, environment, biodiversity and climate” (funded by the Ministry of Health)