Mission 1 “Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism”

Mission 1 aims to support the digital transition both in the public and private sector, boost innovation in the production system, and promote investments in tourism and culture, two key sectors of the Italian economy.

Mission 1 consists of 3 components, each with a dedicated budget:

  • M1C1 - Digitalisation, innovation and security in the Public Administration (9.65 billion euros)
  • M1C2 - Digitalisation, innovation and competitiveness of the production system (23.89 billion euros)
  • M1C3 - Tourism and culture 4.0 (6.68 billion euros)

Component 3 - Tourism and culture 4.0

Component 3 of Mission 1 includes interventions for the valorisation of historical and cultural sites, including small villages, with a view to boosting tourist attractiveness and improving site safety, accessibility and preservation. Other interventions focus on the sustainable rehabilitation of suburban areas, by leveraging the potential of new technologies.

Measure 2 - Investment 2.3 “Site identity enhancement programmes: historic parks and gardens”
In the framework of Investment 2.3, the University of Milan has received 2 million euros from the Ministry of Culture to redevelop a portion of the Park of Monza (50 hectares of greenery) and to renovate the so-called Cascina Pariana (also known as Cascina Isolina), a historical building located inside the park.

progetto digitalizzazione