Mission 6 “Health”

This Mission sets out important reforms and investments to improve the National Healthcare Service (SSN). In particular, it aims to reorganise local healthcare networks so as to bring healthcare closer to people (Component 1), and to upgrade existing technological and digital infrastructures, strengthen scientific research and enhance staff training within the SSN (Component 2).

Immagine di tessuto tumorale
Component 2 - Innovation, research and digitalisation of national healthcare service

Component 2 of Mission 6 includes Investment 2.1 “Strengthening and enhancing biomedical research in the NHS”. The University of Milan is involved in six projects under this investment, which are funded by the Ministry of Health. Five projects are part of the intervention “Non-communicable chronic diseases with a high impact on health and social care systems”, whereas the last one is part of the intervention “Proof of concept”, which aims to reduce the gap between research and industry.