Herbal Sciences and Technologies - discontinued

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Herbal Sciences and Technologies - discontinued
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-29 - Pharmacy
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
Graduates in Herbal Sciences and Technologies will have mastered the methods of investigation and experimentation, including data collection and communication of results, and will be able to understand and use advanced texts. They will have operational skills and will be able to carry out technical, managerial and professional tasks in the recognition and collection of medicinal plants and their transformation, in quality management, in the marketing of herbal drugs and their derivatives to be used in the preparation of medicinal products, health products, cosmetics or intended for food, ensuring compliance with the provisions of national and EU laws in force.
The Bachelor's degree course in Herbal Sciences and Technologies prepares for the profession of:
- Herbal technician capable of operating in work contexts related to the cultivation, production, processing, quality control, commercialization, and use of medicinal plants, food plants of health interest, and their derivatives;
- Chemical technicians capable of assisting specialists in the analysis of solid, liquid, and gaseous materials conducted in the field of chemical research and in the quality control of production, to control and maintain quality standards;
- Technicians in popular medicine.
Graduates have the right to enrol in the National Herbalists Register managed by the Federation of Italian Herbalists (FEI). The degree is one of the requirements needed for the access to the National Examination (Esame di Stato) for registration in Section B of the Professional Register of Chemists, allowing them to practice as junior chemists.
Graduates in Herbal Sciences and Technologies receive preparation that allows them to work as freelancers or employees in:
- Herbal shops;
- Pharmacies and parapharmacies (as head of the herbal and phyto-cosmetic department); points of sale of health products based on plant products and dietary supplements;
- Companies specialized in the production, processing, and extraction of medicinal and aromatic plants; food and cosmetic industries where natural products of plant origin are used
- Companies responsible for the wholesale and/or retail marketing of medicinal plants and their derivatives;
- Laboratories, institutions, or bodies responsible for quality certification;
- Laboratories, institutions, or bodies responsible for quality certification of products containing plant derivatives;
- Sectors for the promotion and advertising of products based on medicinal and aromatic plants;
- National Health Service structures (ASL, hospitals).
In addition, the graduate can also perform:
- Scientific information activities on behalf of producing companies in the sector
- Consulting activities at herbal laboratories and production or marketing companies.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The Bachelor's school in Herbal Sciences and Technologies offers to its students the opportunity to spend periods of study and training abroad through mobility programs mainly represented by Erasmus+. The geographical areas in which reside the European Universities partners of the international training program are mainly located in the European Union countries. Students may also apply for the destinations specified in the call of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies. Mobility is directed to the study (frequency to courses) and to a training period that may be the subject of the thesis. Universities with which Agreements were established offer courses and training periods in pharmacology, phytochemistry, microbiology and pathology. Each student is assisted by one of the teacher of the course as an internal tutor.

Recognition of study periods abroad:
Each student, depending on the period of time spent abroad, should propose a Learning Agreement providing an adequate number of credits for his/her study or training:
- An academic year: 60 credits;
- An academic semester: 30 credits;
- An academic quarter: 20 CFU
For study programs, students must acquire at least 70% of the credits specified in the Learning Agreement. For the training period the student must acquire all the credits specified by the Learning Agreement. Additional score to the degree mark will be added to students who have fulfilled the study or training programs. This score ranges from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 points (depending on the duration of the training period, the amount of credits obtained and the overall result achieved) and will be proposed by the tutor to the Commission of the final exam.
Attendance is mandatory for single-seat laboratory exercises.
Admission requirements
To be admitted to the Bachelor's degree program in Herbal Sciences and Technologies, applicants must have a high school diploma or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, and adequate preparation in basic subjects.
To successfully attend the degree program, it is necessary to have acquired knowledge that includes a satisfactory familiarity with basic mathematical calculations and computer science, mastery of the main laws of physics, and basic knowledge of cell biology and general chemistry.

For admission to the program, a merit ranking will be formulated based on the grade obtained in the final exam of the high school. In case of a tie, the best grade obtained in mathematics in the admission review for the high school diploma will prevail, and in case of further ties, the best grade obtained in Italian in the admission review for the high school diploma will prevail.
More details will be communicated through the annual call for applications.
Students enrolled who have obtained a grade lower than 7 in mathematics in the high school diploma examination will be assigned additional training obligations (OFA) that must be recovered during the first year with the methods specified below.

Additional training obligations (OFA) and remedial activities
The additional training obligations can be fulfilled by attending support activities organized by the University, followed by a recovery test with which the student must demonstrate that they have improved their preparation. In the absence of this evidence, the student will not be able to take the Mathematics and Informatics exam. Further information is available on the page https://ste.cdl.unimi.it/it/studiare/le-matricole

Access for transfer or for already graduated students
Students already enrolled in a degree program at the University of Milan, at another university, or already graduated may waived from the selection process only if admitted to years subsequent to the first. To this end, a specific request for a prior assessment of their academic career must be submitted by accessing the online service stated in the call for applications. Applicants must declare provide a full transcript of records taken with their subject areas, credits, and grades and attach the course syllabi. For more details on the procedure, please refer to the call for applications.
Students admitted to the first year will be selected based on the high school diploma grade and must register for the call.
Programme description and courses list
course year not available
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy 9 72 Italian BIO/09
Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany 12 112 Italian BIO/15
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biology 6 48 Italian BIO/13
General and Inorganic Chemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/03
Mathematics and Informatics 7 50 Italian INF/01 MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
- Informatics3
- Mathematics4
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chemical Toxicology Analysis 7 80 Italian CHIM/08
Organic Chemistry 7 56 Italian CHIM/06
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry and Human Nutrition 12 96 Italian BIO/09 BIO/10
- Biochemistry7
- Food and human nutrition5
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds and Foods 11 96 Italian CHIM/06 CHIM/10
- Chemistry of healthy foods6
- Chemistry or natural organic compounds5
General Pathology and Pathophysiology 6 48 Italian MED/04
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agricultural Biochemistry and Physiology of Medicinal Plants 6 48 Italian AGR/13
Pharmacognosy 1 6 56 Italian BIO/15
Pharmacology and Toxicology 10 80 Italian BIO/14
Phytopharmaceuticals: Chemistry and Analysis 8 80 Italian CHIM/08
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Experimental Models and Use of Herbal Drugs 11 88 Italian BIO/14 BIO/15
- Models for studying the biological activity of natural substances6
- Phytotherapy5
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Analysis of Active Principles in Herbal Drugs 8 80 Italian CHIM/08
Formulation and Legislation of Cosmetic Products 6 56 Italian CHIM/09
Formulation and Legislation of Health Products 6 56 Italian CHIM/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmacognosy 2 6 48 Italian BIO/15
Active Molecules from Natural Sources as Pharmacological Tools 3 24 Italian BIO/14
Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Cultivation 3 24 Italian AGR/04
Dietary Products 3 24 Italian CHIM/10
Ethnobotany 3 24 Italian BIO/15
Ethnopharmacology 3 24 Italian BIO/14
Fermentation Chemistry 3 24 Italian CHIM/11
Medicinal Plants and Their Recognition 3 24 Italian BIO/15
Natural Antioxidants, Vitamins and Phytosterols 3 24 Italian BIO/14
Pharmaceutical Development of Active Ingredients of Herbal Drugs 3 24 Italian CHIM/08
Physiology of the Skin 3 24 Italian BIO/09
Phytotherapy for the Skin 3 24 Italian BIO/14
Poisonous Plants and Allergens 3 24 Italian BIO/14
Principles of Dietetics 3 24 Italian BIO/09
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Practical Training 12 0 Italian
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
Study plan rules
- To ensure adequate flexibility in the educational path, during the third year, students acquire 12 CFU (university credits) through elective activities, upon presentation of an individual study plan via the online platform. To obtain these CFUs, students have three different options:
a) Elective courses worth 3 CFUs, specifically activated and included in the dedicated list proposed annually in the Study Programme Description; b) Recognition of exams passed in any previous academic careers;
c) Free choice among all the courses offered by the University for Bachelor's degrees, provided that the prerequisites are met. Mixed options are also possible.
In cases a) and b), the study plan is automatically considered approved. In case c), the study plan must be approved by the Interdepartmental Academic Board, which verifies the actual coherence of the choices with the overall educational path.

Among the creditable educational activities, there is also the possibility to recognize up to a maximum of 6 CFUs for internships/trainings carried out within the Erasmus framework or through other mobility programs recognized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, which exceed the 12 CFUs of internships indicated in the study plan of Herbal Sciences and Technologies. Students who undertake a 6-month mobility for trainings/internships/experimental internships are entitled, in case of positive evaluation, to the recognition of 18 CFUs to be included in their study plan. For the procedures of recognition of such credits, students are advised to contact the Erasmus Coordinator of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Active Molecules from Natural Sources as Pharmacological Tools 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/14
Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Cultivation 3 24 Italian Second semester AGR/04
Dietary Products 3 24 Italian Second semester CHIM/10
Ethnobotany 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/15
Ethnopharmacology 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/14
Fermentation Chemistry 3 24 Italian Second semester CHIM/11
Medicinal Plants and Their Recognition 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/15
Natural Antioxidants, Vitamins and Phytosterols 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/14
Pharmaceutical Development of Active Ingredients of Herbal Drugs 3 24 Italian Second semester CHIM/08
Physiology of the Skin 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/09
Phytotherapy for the Skin 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/14
Poisonous Plants and Allergens 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/14
Principles of Dietetics 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/09
Attendance at the General and Inorganic Chemistry course is compulsory, therefore students attending at least 75% of the lessons will be able to access the exam. In any case, personalized paths are provided for working students.
Since it is important that the students' training develops in an orderly manner, the preparatory courses have been established as detailed in the table below. Mandatory ones are binding. The recommended ones help the student to pass the exam more easily.

Some courses provide credits after the compulsory frequency to some single place laboratories and will lead to registration of frequency signature. These laboratories are rationally distributed over the three years of study and have a progressive degree of complexity. Access rules have therefore been established as listed below:
1. Access to the laboratory of the Chemistry of natural organic substances which is the module of the integrated course of Chemistry of natural organic substances and food chemistry is subject to passing the general and inorganic chemistry exam.
2. Access to the laboratory of Phytopharmaceutical chemistry and analysis is subject to the signing of frequency of Chemical and toxicological analysis laboratory and overcome exams of general and inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry.
3. Access to Advanced analysis of active principles of vegetable drugs, is conditional on the acquisition of signature frequency of Phytopharmaceutical chemistry and analysis laboratory and passing Organic Chemistry.
4. Access to the laboratory of Formulation and Legislation of cosmetic products is subject to the acquisition of attendance signature of the laboratory of Formulation and Legislation of health products.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced Analysis of Active Principles in Herbal Drugs Chemical Toxicology Analysis (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Phytopharmaceuticals: Chemistry and Analysis (compulsory)
Agricultural Biochemistry and Physiology of Medicinal Plants General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Biochemistry and Human Nutrition Biology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds and Foods General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Experimental Models and Use of Herbal Drugs Biochemistry and Human Nutrition (compulsory), Biology (compulsory), General Pathology and Pathophysiology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Formulation and Legislation of Cosmetic Products Chemical Toxicology Analysis (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Pharmacognosy 1 (compulsory), Phytopharmaceuticals: Chemistry and Analysis (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Formulation and Legislation of Health Products Chemical Toxicology Analysis (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Mathematics and Informatics (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Pharmacognosy 1 (compulsory), Phytopharmaceuticals: Chemistry and Analysis (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
General Pathology and Pathophysiology Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory)
Pharmacognosy 1 Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Pharmacognosy 2 Pharmacognosy 1 (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Pharmacology and Toxicology Biology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Phytopharmaceuticals: Chemistry and Analysis Chemical Toxicology Analysis (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
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Course locations
Le lezioni frontali si svolgono nelle aule indicate nell'orario didattico di Ateneo.
Tutte le aule sono accessibili anche agli studenti con disabilità motoria.
Laboratory locations
Le esercitazioni a posto singolo si svolgono nei laboratori a disposizione della Facoltà di Scienze del Farmaco, secondo quanto indicato nell'orario didattico di Ateneo. In ogni laboratorio è a disposizione una postazione predisposta per studenti con disabilità motoria.
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
University and programme transfer tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more