Veterinary Medicine

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Veterinary Medicine
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Single-cycle master
LM-42 - Veterinary medicine
Single-cycle master
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
via dell'Università n. 6 LODI
This Manifesto deals with the Single‐Cycle Degree in Veterinary Medicine of the Università degli Studi di Milano.
In compliance with art. 11, comma 2, Law 19 November 1990, n. 341, with art. 12 , M.D. 22 October 2004, n. 270 and the policies in M.D. 26 July 2007, n. 386, and in the respect of teaching freedom as well as of rights and duties of professors and students, this Manifesto specifies the organization concerning the Single‐Cycle Degree in Veterinary Medicine, in relation to the connected Teaching Norms, as defined in University Teaching Regulations, according to Degree Class LM 42, as in M.D. 16 March 2007, and according to the rules defined in the General and Didactic Regulations of Veterinary Medicine Degree Course.

General and Specific Educational Goals
Pursuant to the provisions of M.D. 270 dated 22 October 2004 (Changes of Regulations as to University Teaching Autonomy approved by M.D. 3 November 1999, n.509 issued by the University, Scientific and Technological Research Ministry), and of M.D. 386 dated 26 July 2007 (Applied Policies), following the qualifying instructional aims given in a Class, the five‐year curriculum of the Single‐Cycle Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine focuses on the fundamental education and expertise necessary to graduates for their veterinary profession; thus, theoretical knowledge and skills indispensable to their professional practice will be acquired gradually through the culture‐related and professional disciplines identified below and within a clear, qualifying training design.
Career opportunities for a DVM refer to university curriculum information and are arranged in ISTAT classes (Group and Class: Life Sciences specialists; Category and Profession: veterinaries and assimilated). To practice as a veterinarian, most employments require a State License based on a public examination. Employments can be found firstly within specific areas of the National Health Service (Animal Health, Food, Environment, and Animal Welfare) and, after obtaining required qualifications, both in Local Health Services and in Experimental Zootechnic Institutes. Then, in the zootechnic industry (Animal Feed, Nutritional Supplements, Genetic Selection and Production Development), in the pharmaceutical industry (Consultancy, Technical Support, Research and Development, Regulation and Registration), and in the food industry (Production Hygiene, Processing Technologies and Animal Food Production Management). Last, in the traditional areas of private practice such as surgical and obstetrical‐gynaecological Clinics in private surgeries and on‐site for pets and livestock, but also in the la test field of behavioural sciences. New opportunities are to be found in international and EU organizations fostering cooperation and development.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Exchange opportunities
The Veterinary Medicine Degree Course offers educational opportunities abroad, within the Erasmus + project, with the possibility of stays of 3 to 9 months and with full recognition of the credits obtained at the host university. The foreign faculties with which bilateral exchange agreements are in place are numerous and located in the Iberian Peninsula (Barcelona, Leon, Santiago de Compostela, Zaragoza, Madrid, Cordoba, Porto and Lisbon), in Austria (Vienna), in Germany (Munich) , in Belgium (Ghent), in France (Paris) and in Romania (Cluj Napoca and Timisoara). Students participate in the selections starting from the second year of the course and can follow all the courses of the third, fourth and fifth year abroad and take the relative exams. Furthermore, Erasmus + is a good opportunity to acquire credits associated with practical and professional activities such as internships and those chosen by the student. A few months before departure, students are received by the Degree Course Erasmus tutor to evaluate which courses and practicals to follow abroad and fill in the learning agreement, the study program document that will accompany the student abroad. At return, the career is evaluated, the credits obtained are assessed with the same tutor and recognized by the Interdepartmental Degree Course Committee. The Erasmus + project then, through other types of stays abroad, such as Placements, allows internships even at the end of the course or during the first year after graduation. Placement grants support work placements at research centers or veterinary clinics, able to provide an international approach to the profession and often opening up good job opportunities. The Veterinary Medicine Degree Course participate also to other international programs such as the Erasmus Mundus Sigma Agile hosting students from the Balkans.
La frequenza a tutte le attività didattiche previste dal manifesto degli studi è obbligatoria. L'obbligo della frequenza è assolto con la presenza ad almeno il 70% delle lezioni ed esercitazioni di ciascuna attività.
L'accesso al Corso di Studio in Medicina Veterinaria è regolato dal Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR) che annualmente definisce con Decreto Ministeriale il numero dei contingenti studenteschi (UE e extra UE) assegnati ad ogni sede. Sono ammessi a partecipare alla prova di ammissione i candidati comunitari e quelli non comunitari residenti in Europa che risultino iscritti all'ultimo anno delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado italiane o che siano in possesso di diploma rilasciato in Italia da un istituto di istruzione secondaria di secondo grado. Sono altresi` ammessi i candidati comunitari ovunque residenti e quelli non comunitari regolarmente soggiornanti in Italia in possesso di un titolo di studio conseguito all?estero e riconosciuto equipollente al diploma di scuola secondaria di secondo grado che si consegue in Italia.
L'ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale avviene attraverso una prova scritta cartacea (60 domande a risposta multipla, di cui una sola esatta), che si svolgerà in due sessioni (con possibilità di partecipare ad entrambe) nello stesso giorno su tutto il territorio nazionale per gli Atenei pubblici.
I quesiti riguardano:
- 4 domande di competenze di lettura e conoscenze acquisite negli studi;
- 5 domande di ragionamento logico e problemi;
- 19 domande di biologia;
- 19 domande di chimica;
- 13 domande di fisica e matematica.
Per eventuali approfondimenti e/o ulteriori informazioni, si consiglia di collegarsi al sito del Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR).
Sulla base del risultato, viene stilata una graduatoria nazionale e i candidati che hanno superato il test, in ordine decrescente, hanno possibilità di iscriversi, fino a saturazione dei posti disponibili, nella sede preferenziale indicata o nelle sedi di seconda opzione. Nell'ambito dei posti disponibili per le immatricolazioni, sono ammessi ai corsi, secondo l'ordine decrescente del punteggio conseguito, i candidati purché abbiano ottenuto nel test un punteggio minimo pari a 20 punti. Ai candidati non comunitari residenti all'estero, non si applica la soglia minima di idoneità di cui al precedente comma purché abbiano ottenuto un punteggio superiore a zero.

Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA) e modalità per il loro recupero.

Gli Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi vengono assegnati agli studenti ammessi al primo anno del Corso di Studio in Medicina Veterinaria che hanno superato la prova di ammissione riportando un punteggio inferiore a 1/3 di quello massimo assegnato per le domande di biologia e/o chimica. Gli studenti che devono assolvere gli OFA vengono segnalati alla segreteria studenti del Corso di Studio dalla Direzione Segreterie Studenti e Diritto allo Studio. Le modalità di assolvimento degli OFA sono approvate dal Collegio Didattico e pubblicate su UNIMIA e sul sito del Corso di Studio. Tali obblighi dovranno essere colmati mediante le attività di recupero previste. L'obbligo formativo aggiuntivo assegnato si intenderà comunque assolto con il superamento dell'esame di profitto del Corso di Scienze Biologiche Propedeutiche alla Medicina Veterinaria per Biologia, del Corso di Scienze di Base Propedeutiche alla Medicina Veterinaria per Chimica. Gli OFA devono essere assolti entro il primo anno di corso, pena l'iscrizione come ripetente del primo anno all'anno accademico successivo. Maggiori dettagli saranno resi disponibili sul bando di ammissione che verrà pubblicato sul sito d'Ateno

Places available: 100 + 5 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Admission test date : 29/05/2024

Read the Call

Attachments and documents

Test room July 2024

Data prova di ammissione sessione di luglio: 31/07/2024

Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy 11 104 Italian VET/01
- Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy 16
- Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy 25
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Basic Sciences Preparatory to Veterinary Medicine 10 96 Italian CHIM/03 FIS/01 FIS/02 FIS/03 FIS/04 FIS/05 FIS/06 FIS/07 FIS/08 SECS-S/02
- Biomedical Statistics5
- Chemistry3
- Medical physics2
Biological Sciences Preparatory to Veterinary Medicine 8 80 Italian BIO/03 BIO/05 VET/01
- Botany Preparatory to Veterinary Medicine2
- Histology and Embryology4
- Zoology2
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 8 80 Italian BIO/10
- Biochemistry5
- Propedeutic Biochemistry3
General Zootechnics and Genetic Improvement 6 56 Italian AGR/17 M-FIL/03
- Bioethics 11
- General Zootechnics and Genetic Improvement5
Practical Training 1 Year - Animal Handling 1 25 Italian
Veterinary Bacteriology, Virology and Immunology 6 64 Italian VET/05
- Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology3
- Veterinary Immunology3
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals 9 80 Italian VET/02
- Endocrinology of domestic animals3
- Physiology of digestive system2
- Reproduction and lactation physiology2
- Respiratory and urinary system physiology2
Physiology and Ethology of Domestic Animals 12 120 Italian VET/02 VET/08
- Phisiology of the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular system6
- Veterinary ethology and animal welfare4
- Veterinary legislation2
Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy 3 5 48 Italian VET/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Husbandry 11 112 Italian AGR/18 AGR/19 AGR/20
- Avian and rabbit farming management3
- Herd management and breeding3
- Livestock feeding3
- Zootechnics systems and farm animal welfare2
Companion Animal and Equine Breeding 7 80 Italian AGR/18 AGR/19
- Companion animal husbandry (dog, cat and horse)1
- Companion animal nutrition and dietetics4
- Principles of animal nutrition2
Practical Training -2 Anno Animal Handling 1 25 Italian
Veterinary General Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry 12 112 Italian BIO/12 VET/03
- Clinical biochemistry4
- General Veterinary pathology4
- Pathophysiology and immunopathology4
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Farm Animal Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Herd Health Management 11 120 Italian VET/05 VET/06
- Avian and Rabbit Pathology3
- Bovine Infectious Diseases2
- Farm animals parasitology and parasitic diseases3
- Infectious Diseases of Sheep and Goats1
- Swine Infectious Diseases2
Professional Competences 9 80 Italian AGR/01 M-FIL/03 SECS-P/08 SPS/08 VET/08
- Animal husbandry economics2
- Bioethics 21
- Legal Medicine and Veterinary Legislation2
- Veterinary practice management2
- Veterinary professional communication2
Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 1 5 48 Italian VET/03
- Histopathology and Cytopathology2
- Veterinary Anatomic Pathology I3
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology 9 80 Italian VET/07
- Veterinary Pharmacology5
- Veterinary toxicology4
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Companion Animals and Horse Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 7 72 Italian VET/05 VET/06
- Companion animals, horse and new companion animals parasitology and parasitic diseases4
- Dog and cat infectious diseases2
- Equine infectious diseases1
Practical Training 3 Year - Heard Health Management 1 25 Italian
Practical Training 3 Year - Small Animal Teaching Hospital 2 50 Italian
Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 2 8 96 Italian VET/03
- Necropsy3
- Veterinary Pathological Anatomy II3
- Veterinary oncology2
Zoonoses 7 64 Italian VET/04 VET/05 VET/06
- Food-borne zoonoses1
- Infectious Zoonotc Diseases3
- Parasitic zoonoses1
- Veterinary Epidemiology2
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Clinic 6 80 Italian VET/08 VET/09
- Propedeutica alla clinica chirurgica veterinaria2
- Propedeutica alla clinica medica veterinaria4
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, Regional Anatomy and Radiological Physics 10 112 Italian FIS/07 VET/01 VET/08 VET/09
- Large animal radiology and nuclear medicine2
- Radiological physics1
- Regional anatomy3
- Small animal radiology and nuclear medicine2
- Ultrasonography2
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Inspection and Control of Food 8 80 Italian VET/04
- Fish Inspection and Control3
- Meat Inspection and control3
- Practical activities in slaughterhouses2
Medicine, Surgery and Genetic Disorders of Domestic Animals 11 88 Italian AGR/17 VET/08 VET/09
- Disease mechanisms in farm animal internal medicine2
- Diseases mechanisms in dog and cat2
- Genetic disease in domestic animals2
- Mechanisms of disease in equine medicine2
- Mechanisms of disease in veterinary surgery3
Veterinary Obstetrics and Pathology of Reproduction 6 64 Italian VET/10
- Large animals reproductive disorders, artificial insemination and obstetrics3
- Small animals reproductive disorders, artificial insemination and obstetrics3
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Hygiene and Microbiology of Food 8 72 Italian VET/04
- Food hygiene and technology4
- Industries and animal food4
Practical Training 4 Year - Small Animals Ambulatory Clinics 1 25 Italian
Veterinary Anesthesiology, Surgical Techniques and Intensive Care 8 88 Italian VET/09
- Veterinary anesthesiology and analgesia3
- Veterinary intensive care2
- Veterinary surgical techniques3
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Equine Clinic 10 96 Italian VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Equine internal medicine3
- Equine orthopedics1
- Equine reproduction2
- Equine surgery3
- Veterinary drug prescription and management for companion animals1
Large Animal Practice 7 72 Italian VET/08 VET/10
- Large animal practice and herd health management3
- Large animal theriogenology and neonatology3
- Veterinary prescription and drug management in food animals1
Small Animal and New Companion Animal Clinics 12 128 Italian VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- New companion animals clinic1
- Small animal gynaecologic-obstretical clinic, andrology and neonatology3
- Small animal internal medicine3
- Small animal orthopedics and traumatology2
- Small animal surgery3
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Practical Training 5 Year 30 750 Italian
Training Courses of Your Choice 8 128 Italian
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 6 0 Italian
Study plan rules
- The student must acquire 8 cfu for a free choice activity by selecting one of the courses that will be provided after the activation of the fifth year of the course.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Training Courses of Your Choice 8 128 Italian Second semester
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Animal Husbandry Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals (compulsory), Physiology and Ethology of Domestic Animals (compulsory)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Basic Sciences Preparatory to Veterinary Medicine (compulsory)
Companion Animal and Equine Breeding Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals (compulsory), Physiology and Ethology of Domestic Animals (compulsory)
Companion Animals and Horse Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Veterinary General Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry (compulsory)
Equine Clinic Companion Animals and Horse Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (compulsory), Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Clinic (compulsory), Veterinary Anesthesiology, Surgical Techniques and Intensive Care (compulsory), Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, Regional Anatomy and Radiological Physics (compulsory), Veterinary Obstetrics and Pathology of Reproduction (compulsory)
Farm Animal Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Herd Health Management Animal Husbandry (compulsory), Veterinary General Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry (compulsory)
Hygiene and Microbiology of Food Farm Animal Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Herd Health Management (compulsory), Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Zoonoses (compulsory)
Inspection and Control of Food Farm Animal Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Herd Health Management (compulsory), Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 2 (compulsory), Zoonoses (compulsory)
Large Animal Practice Farm Animal Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Herd Health Management (compulsory), Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Clinic (compulsory), Veterinary Anesthesiology, Surgical Techniques and Intensive Care (compulsory), Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, Regional Anatomy and Radiological Physics (compulsory), Veterinary Obstetrics and Pathology of Reproduction (compulsory)
Medicine, Surgery and Genetic Disorders of Domestic Animals Animal Husbandry (compulsory), Companion Animal and Equine Breeding (compulsory), General Zootechnics and Genetic Improvement (compulsory), Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 2 (compulsory)
Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (compulsory), Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy (compulsory)
Physiology and Ethology of Domestic Animals Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (compulsory), Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy (compulsory)
Professional Competences General Zootechnics and Genetic Improvement (compulsory)
Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Clinic Medicine, Surgery and Genetic Disorders of Domestic Animals (compulsory)
Small Animal and New Companion Animal Clinics Companion Animals and Horse Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (compulsory), Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Clinic (compulsory), Veterinary Anesthesiology, Surgical Techniques and Intensive Care (compulsory), Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, Regional Anatomy and Radiological Physics (compulsory), Veterinary Obstetrics and Pathology of Reproduction (compulsory)
Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy Biological Sciences Preparatory to Veterinary Medicine (compulsory)
Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy 3 Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy (compulsory)
Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 1 Veterinary General Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry (compulsory)
Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 2 Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 1 (compulsory)
Veterinary Anesthesiology, Surgical Techniques and Intensive Care Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory)
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, Regional Anatomy and Radiological Physics Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 2 (compulsory)
Veterinary General Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals (compulsory), Physiology and Ethology of Domestic Animals (compulsory), Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy 3 (compulsory), Veterinary Bacteriology, Virology and Immunology (compulsory)
Veterinary Obstetrics and Pathology of Reproduction Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 2 (compulsory)
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology Veterinary General Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry (compulsory)
Zoonoses Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 1 (compulsory)
Learn more
via dell'Università n. 6 LODI
Laboratory locations
Tutte le attività didattiche e di laboratorio si svolgono presso la sede del Corso di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria a LODI in via dell'Università n. 6
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more