Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Clinic
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The general objective of the Integrated Course of Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Clinic (Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Medical Clinic and Propaedeutics to the Veterinary Surgical Clinic) is to guide the Student to the research and recognition of diseases signs and symptoms. This represents the base of his education for a clinical way of thinking . Furthermore, the Student must be able to apply the knowledge acquired directly on patients by the practical execution of physical semeiology (Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Listening, Measurement) on the animal (Dog, Horse, Cattle).
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding: the Student must demonstrate that he / she is able to collect the patient's anamnestic data. He/she need to be able to manage the patient, to perform a general and particular examination with semeiotic method to be able to analitically detect dysfunctions and alterations that can be found in different anatomic locations. At the end, the student will have the theoretical and practical knowledge to independently deal with the method of performing the clinical examination.
2) Appling knowledge and understanding: the Student must demonstrate that he / she has the knowledge and concepts useful for correlating the findings of the clinical examination in a critical sense, useful for following a correct diagnostic reasoning. At the end, the student will have the theoretical and practical knowledge to independently face the method of carrying out the clinical visit following a correct diagnostic reasoning
3) Making judgments: the Student must demonstrate his / her ability to examine and critically understand the informations acquired during the lesson, the practical labs, as well as those reported in the recommended texts. At the end, the student will be able to manage the patient independently, using the correct accident prevention rules and adequate containment, approaching the animal, depending on the species, in a manner suitable for mutual safety.
4) Communication: the Student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the information acquired with appropriate terminology during the lectures, practical labs and during the practical exam test. The final practical test performed on the animal will aim to evaluate the acquisition of the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired.
5) Life long learning skills: The course aim to make the student aware of the need to continue his professional post-graduating update by reading papers and attending post-graduate continuing education.
2) Appling knowledge and understanding: the Student must demonstrate that he / she has the knowledge and concepts useful for correlating the findings of the clinical examination in a critical sense, useful for following a correct diagnostic reasoning. At the end, the student will have the theoretical and practical knowledge to independently face the method of carrying out the clinical visit following a correct diagnostic reasoning
3) Making judgments: the Student must demonstrate his / her ability to examine and critically understand the informations acquired during the lesson, the practical labs, as well as those reported in the recommended texts. At the end, the student will be able to manage the patient independently, using the correct accident prevention rules and adequate containment, approaching the animal, depending on the species, in a manner suitable for mutual safety.
4) Communication: the Student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the information acquired with appropriate terminology during the lectures, practical labs and during the practical exam test. The final practical test performed on the animal will aim to evaluate the acquisition of the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired.
5) Life long learning skills: The course aim to make the student aware of the need to continue his professional post-graduating update by reading papers and attending post-graduate continuing education.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course currently not available
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Practicals: 16 hours
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Practicals: 48 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
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