Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
Science and Technology
PhD Coordinator
The doctoral program in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics ( provides advanced research training in a wide range of areas of experimental, theoretical and applied physics, including astrophysics, cosmology, astroparticle physics, condensed matter, quantum optics, nuclear physics, particle physics, plasma physics, theoretical physics, nanotechnology, quantum Information, accelerator physics, biophysics, electronics, environmental physics and medical physics. Its diversity reflects the landscape of the physics research groups at Milan University, within which the students are embedded. The goal is to achieve the ability to independently perform original research, and to produce original research results, documented in a thesis and usually published in international journals. The training to achieve this goal includes graduate-level courses offered by the PhD school, participation in international training schools, student workshops and, most importantly, day-to-day research activities, under the supervision of a thesis advisor, usually within a research group or a project. The official language of the program is English.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degrees:
LM-6 Biologia,
LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
LM-11 Scienze per la conservazione dei beni culturali,
LM-13 Farmacia e Farmacia industriale,
LM-17 Fisica,
LM-18 Informatica,
LM-20 Ingegneria aerospaziale e astronautica,
LM-21 Ingegneria biomedica,
LM-22 Ingegneria chimica,
LM-25 Ingegneria dell'automazione,
LM-26 Ingegneria della sicurezza,
LM-27 Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni,
LM-28 Ingegneria elettrica,
LM-29 Ingegneria elettronica,
LM-30 Ingegneria energetica e nucleare,
LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
LM-33 Ingegneria meccanica,
LM-40 Matematica,
LM-44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'ingegneria,
LM-53 Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali,
LM-54 Scienze chimiche,
LM-58 Scienze dell'universo,
LM-66 Sicurezza informatica,
LM-71 Scienze e tecnologie della chimica industriale,
LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
LM-79 Scienze geofisiche,
LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
LM-91 Tecniche e metodi per la società dell'informazione.
LM-6 Biologia,
LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
LM-11 Scienze per la conservazione dei beni culturali,
LM-13 Farmacia e Farmacia industriale,
LM-17 Fisica,
LM-18 Informatica,
LM-20 Ingegneria aerospaziale e astronautica,
LM-21 Ingegneria biomedica,
LM-22 Ingegneria chimica,
LM-25 Ingegneria dell'automazione,
LM-26 Ingegneria della sicurezza,
LM-27 Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni,
LM-28 Ingegneria elettrica,
LM-29 Ingegneria elettronica,
LM-30 Ingegneria energetica e nucleare,
LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
LM-33 Ingegneria meccanica,
LM-40 Matematica,
LM-44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'ingegneria,
LM-53 Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali,
LM-54 Scienze chimiche,
LM-58 Scienze dell'universo,
LM-66 Sicurezza informatica,
LM-71 Scienze e tecnologie della chimica industriale,
LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
LM-79 Scienze geofisiche,
LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
LM-91 Tecniche e metodi per la società dell'informazione.
Dipartimento di Fisica "Aldo Pontremoli" - Via Celoria, 16 - Milano
- Main offices
Dipartimento di Fisica "Aldo Pontremoli" - Via Celoria, 16 - Milano - Degree course coordinator: Mennella Aniello
[email protected] - Degree course website
Title | Professor(s) |
Ground-based observations of polarized microwave emissions for galactic foregrounds removal from Cosmic Microwave Background data.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background with bolometric interferometry.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Advanced instruments for Cosmic Microwave Background polarization measurements.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Numerical simulations of cosmological performances of future redshift surveys (Euclid, DESI); forward modelling and generation of fast simulations, also involving Machine Learning applications.
Requirements: level knowledge of observational and theoretical Cosmology. Basic programming (python/c,c++/fortran). Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
B. Granett
F. Tosone
Numerical simulations of large-scale structure formation in the presence of dark energy and massive neutrinos. Ray-tracing studies of the gravitational lensing of temperature and polarization maps of the cosmic microwave background.
Requirements: level knowledge of Theoretical and Observational Cosmology. Basics of neutrino physics. Basics of programming (python,c,c++,fortran) Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
C. Carbone
Cosmological applications of gravitational waves (GW): large-scale structure effects from the cross-correlation of GW events with galaxy surveys and maps of the cosmic microwave background.
Requirements: level knowledge of General Relativity, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory. Basics of programming (python/c,c++/fortran) Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
C. Carbone
Mass diagnostics in galaxies and clusters of galaxies and dynamics of stellar systems.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Gravitational lenses.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Cosmological probes of Dark Matter: signatures in weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering.
Requirements: level knowledge of General Relativity, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory. Basics of programming (python/c,c++/fortran) Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Black hole growth.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Protostellar disc dynamics and planet formation.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Observations and modelling of the large-cale structure of the Universe: estimate of cosmological parameters and neutrino mass, tests of General Relativity and primordial Non-Gaussianity.
Requirements: level knowledge of General Relativity and Cosmology. Basics of programming (python/c,c++/fortran) Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
LSPE/STRIP: measuring the CMB polarization from the Teide Observatory, Tenerife.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
LiteBIRD space mission for testing cosmic inflation: optical and RF characterization of the Medium-High Frequency Telescope.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Planck space mission: detailed analysis of systematic effects in the Low Frequency Instrument.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Molecular clouds and star-formation.
Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Unveiling the conditions of planet formation by analysis of molecular line emission at mm and IR wavelengths to constrain protoplanetary disk dynamics and chemical content
Requirements: level knowledge of observational and theoretical astrophysics. Basic programming (python,c). Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Searching for new-born planets at optical, IR and mm wavelengths with ALMA, JWST and VLT while they interact with their natal environment
Requirements: level knowledge of observational and theoretical astrophysics. Basic programming (python,c). Curriculum: 1. Astrophysics |
Electron Microscopy (EM), in scanning mode (SEM), in transmission mode (TEM), and in scanning and transmission mode (STEM) and its related, compositional spectroscopies (EDS and EELS) for the advanced characterization of materials, even 3D, and upon external biasing or heating stimulus (in situ EM).
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Quantum computation over continuous-variable systems.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Quantum machine learning.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Thermodynamic properties of perovskites with particular attention to the structural phase transitions, effects induced by crystalline inhomogeneities, and characterization of the elusive incommensurate states. Complementarily, the study of the out-of-equilibrium electronic vibrational properties will be carried out at the experimental stations of the infrastructure NFFA in Trieste
Requirements: Condensed matter physics/structure of matter/ Quantum Physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Study of the structural properties of the crystalline Argyrodites' class, A8BC6 (A = Cu, Ag, B = Si, Ge, and Sn, C = S, Se, and Te), of great interest due to their excellent ionic conduction properties and very low thermal conductivity. Complementarily, the study of the out-of-equilibrium electronic vibrational properties will be carried out at the experimental stations of the infrastructure NFFA in Trieste
Requirements: Condensed matter physics/structure of matter/ Quantum Physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Investigation of systems and interfaces at the nanoscale by Scanning Probe Microscopy.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Investigation of biomechanics in cellular and biomolecular systems by Scanning Probe Microscopy.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Theory of quantum measurements and quantum metrology.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Non- Equilibrium fluctuations in complex fluids (NESTEX ASI space project)
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Quantum theory of superconductivity in high-pressure/high-temperature materials.
Requirements: Basic nowledge of quantum mechanics, many-body systems and structure of matter Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Atomistic simulations of complex polymer materials subject to mechanical deformation under extreme conditions.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of numerical simulations, statistical physics, continuum mechanics and structure of matter Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Wavefront diagnostics of radiation with orbital angular momentum and applications to high-density information transfer.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Non-conventional computing with optical devices.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Open quantum systems theory.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Experimental study of the electronic properties of novel family of nanostructured materials for energetic applications by means photoelectron spectroscopy.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of condensed matter physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physic |
Simulation of complex systems, ultra-cold atoms and strongly correlated quantum systems.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Applications of Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques in Physics.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Ultrafast photocathodes with minimum thermal emittance for the next generation coherent X-Ray sources.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
D. Sertore (INFN)
C. Pagani (INFN)
Efficient simulation of quantum systems and open quantum systems.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Routing in quantum computers by artificial intelligence methods.
Requirements: Linear algebra Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Quantum machine learning algorithms for the simulation of solid state systems.
Requirements: Linear algebra Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Artificial intelligence algorithms for quantum compiling and quantum neural networks.
Requirements: Linear algebra Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Secure quantum computing.
Requirements: Linear algebra Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Quantum computing for space applications
Requirements: Linear algebra Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Development of machine-learning potential (Gaussian regression process and neural network) for the design of nanocatalysts.
Requirements: Knowledge of Solid Physics and Surface Physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Modelling of the assembling of metallic nanoparticles into nanofilaments and nanofoams and the study of their transport proprieties.
Requirements: Knowledge of Solid-State Physics and Surface Physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Development of machine-learning potential (Gaussian regression process and neural network) for the design of nanocatalysts.
Requirements: Knowledge of Solid Physics and Surface Physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Properties of positronium confined in nanocavities in condensed matter; Rydberg positronium in electric and magnetic fields.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics, atomic physics and numerical methods Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Antimatter fundamental properties: quantum decoherence with positrons, Aharonov-Bohm effect, Positronium laser cooling.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and experimental techniques Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
M. Giammarchi (INFN)
Antimatter quantum interferometry, CPT and Weak Equivalence Principle Tests.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and experimental techniques Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
M. Giammarchi (INFN)
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium fluctuations during sedimentation in normal and micro-gravity conditions.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Hydrodynamics and rheology of soft materials and complex fluids.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Theoretical and computational study of hybrid organic/inorganic interfaces, molecules at surfaces, and their electron core-level spectroscopies.
Requirements: Knowledge of quantum mechanics; further basic knowledge of the Many Body theory. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Theoretical and computational study of electron core-level spectroscopies and phenomena induced by the excitation.
Requirements: Knowledge of quantum mechanics; further basic knowledge of the Many Body theory. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
S. Achilli
Theoretical study and first-principles investigation of Structural, electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of nanostructures and low-dimensional systems.
Requirements: Knowledge of quantum mechanics; further basic knowledge of the Many Body theory. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
S. Achilli
Theoretical study and first-principles investigation of structural, electronic, optical, magnetic and transport properties of nanostructures, solid surfaces and multilayer materials, also including the role and applications of point defects.
Requirements: Knowledge of quantum mechanics; further basic knowledge of the Many Body theory. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
S. Achilli
Research on electronic and magnetic properties at equilibrium and out of equilibrium in ultrathin films and nanostructures solids. The research will include the synthesis and nanofabrication of samples with in-situ epitaxy (MBE, PLD, PVD) and time resolved spectroscopy at the 50-150fs scale by optical and photoelectric methods, spin-polarimetry, and 4-wave-mixing. The sources and experimental stations are those of the infrastructure
Requirements: Condensed matter physics/structure of matter/ Quantum Physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Research on surface magnetic structure with nanometric spatial resolution by measuring the spin-polarization od secondary electrons in scanning electron microscopy (SEMPA) and field-emission from scanning probe (STM, SFEMPA). Study on the magnetic configurations of nanostructures as grown and characterized in-situ and methodological developments of magnetic microscopy in the new laboratory at LASA and in combination with the fine analysis resources of the NFFA infrastructure
Requirements: Condensed matter physics/structure of matter/ Quantum Physics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Biophysics and use of models from statistical mechanics, physics of complex systems, computational physics and machine learning to the study of biopolymers (proteins, DNA, RNA and chromosomes).
Requirements: Basic knowledge of statistical mechanics and numerical calculations. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Yielding and recovery in soft materials: opto-rheological and microstructural characterization.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Soft-matter and biological physics with applications in quantitative biology.
Requirements: Statistical physics background, interdisciplnary interest Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Nanoparticles (metal, semiconductor, insulator) for increasing the efficiency of thin film solar cells, in combination with for example 2D materials.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Investigating hydrogen storage in metal (e.g. Magnesium) nanoparticles with optical techniques.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Quantum control for quantum technologies.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Quantum walks and quantum simulators.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Open quantum systems and quantum technologies.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Development and application of optical instrumentation.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of optics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Development of advanced wavefront diagnostics.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of optics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Heating and transport in fusion relevant plasmas.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Nonlinear plasma dynamics and antimatter confinement.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Modeling friction and dissipation beyond molecular-dynamics simulations: Recent advances in the theory of phonon dissipation generated by sliding objects is beginning to allow researchers to predict dynamic friction by evaluating essentially analytic formulas with no need to simulate explicit atomistic motions.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of classical and quantum statistical mechanics, and many-body theory for condensed-matter physics. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Modeling friction and dissipation beyond molecular-dynamics simulations: Recent advances in the theory of phonon dissipation generated by sliding objects may allow researchers to predict dynamic friction by evaluating essentially analytic formulas with no need to simulate explicit atomistic motions.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of classical and quantum statistical mechanics, and many-body theory for condensed-matter physics. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Cooperative effects in the cold and ultracold atomic systems.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Spontaneous formation of ordered structures in cold atom gases.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Molecular Nanomagnets for quantum sensing and high-density data storage.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
P. Arosio
Development and characterization ofneuromorphic devices based on nanoparticles and nanstructured films.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Development of resistive switching devices based on ionic liquid interfaces for ionotronic applications.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Nanostructured materials with potential for energy production, conversion and storage applications: synthesis and characterization.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Synchrotron radiation and free electron laser studies on clusters and nanoparticles: physico-chemical characterization; interaction with photons and energy relaxation processes in isolated nano-objects.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Atomistic simulations of structural and dynamical properties of nanoscale systems: friction and dissipative phenomena.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of classical and statistical mechanics, and condensed-matter physics. Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Study and design of 1D and 2D materials through ab initio computational techniques: carbon-based materials “beyond-graphene”, 2D semiconductors, functional defects. Calculation of structural, electronic, magnetic and transport properties in view of possible applications for green energy production, quantum technologies and spintronics
Requirements: Knowledge of Solid State and Surface Physics and quantum mechanics Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
S. Achilli
Generation of two-photon entangled states in polarization and / or angular momentum for applications in quantum communication and quantum key distribution.
Requirements: knowledge of theoretical and / or experimental quantum optics and quantum information Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Development of a pulsed laser system with high finesse cavity for X-ray generation via Compton backscattering.
Requirements: experience of the experimental techniques of a laser laboratory Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Modeling and development of an optical-quantum system for drone-based quantum key distribution and communication.
Requirements: knowledge of theoretical and / or experimental quantum optics and quantum information Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Computational and statistical mechanics approaches to biophysical phenomena.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Materials property prediction and design by artificial intelligence algorithms.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Phase transitions in solutions of nanoparticles made of DNA.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Free-Electron Laser bases on two fold acceleration and arc compressor.
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Experimental studies on quantum vortices in ultracold fermionic superfluids of Li-6 atoms
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Experimental studies on a low dimensional strongly correlated superfluid system with ultracold Li-6 atoms
Curriculum: 2. Condensed matter physics |
Innovative tracking trigger systems for the high-luminosity frontier particle physics experiments.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
C. Meroni INFN
Measurements of Standard Model processes and of Higgs boson properties in proton-proton collision with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
T. Lari INFN
S. Resconi (INFN)
R. Turra (INFN)
Research and development of semiconductor detectors with high space and time resolution for experiments at future accelerators and multidisciplinary applications.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
Study of physics processes at future high-energy e+e- colliders.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
Studies of properties of nuclei far from stability of interest for nucleosynthesis processes occurring in stars. Activity based on stable and radioactive beams (at CERN-ISOLDE, LNL, ILL, GSI/FAIR, RIKEN and RNPC-Osaka), employing large arrays, advanced gamma spectroscopy methods with developments of new techniques.
Requirements: Nuclear Physics. Gamma and particle detectors Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
Study of the gamma decay from nuclear highly collective states and study of the detectors and technique for the measurement of high energy gamma rays (5-30 MeV).
Requirements: Nuclear Physics. Gamma and particle detectors Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
Measurement of cross sections of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest (Primordial nucleosynthesis, Hydrogen, Helium and Carbon burning) in the Gran Sasso underground Laboratory (LUNA and LUNA MV experiments).
Requirements: Principles of Nuclear Physics. Particle detectors Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
Neutrino physics and neutrino detector development with the JUNO experiment.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
B. Caccianiga (INFN)
M. Giammarchi (INFN)
F. Ferraro (INFN)
Equation of state of nucleonic matter, applications to compact objects and multi-messenger signals.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
E. Vigezzi (INFN)
Direct nuclear reactions to probe structure at the limits of stability.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
E. Vigezzi (INFN).
Study of atomic nuclei using direct and inverse Density Functional Theory.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
E. Vigezzi (INFN).
Ab initio studies of the nuclear force and correlations in nuclei.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
E. Vigezzi (INFN).
Novel Machine Learning and Quantum Monte Carlo approches for strongly correlated many-fermoin systems
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
E. Vigezzi (INFN).
Design and development of superconducting RF resonators for the future very large lepton colliders.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
C. Pagani (INFN)
L. Monaco (INFN)
Search of Time modulation from low-mass Dark Matter using twin detectors based on high purity NaI crystal matrices located in both hemispheres: Gran Sasso and Australia.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
Development of cryogenic light detectors based on SiPM matrices for applications in the field of Neutrino Physics and Dark Matter.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
M. Citterio (INFN)
P. Sala (INFN)
Searches for new physics in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
T. Lari (INFN)
S. Resconi (INFN)
R. Turra (INFN)
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with the Auger Observatory.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
L. Caccianiga (INFN)
Investigation by analytical and numerical methods and experimental characterization of high field superconducting magnets, 15 tesla) for the post-LHC future colliders.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
M. Statera (INFN)
Study and small scale experimental models of magnets wound with HTS (High Temperature Superconductors) for the MUON COLLIDER project.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
M. Statera (INFN)
New technology development, based on HTS (High Temperature Superconductor), for 10-20 tesla high field magnets and space magnets for next generation particle and astro-particle experiments.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
M. Statera (INFN)
Development of ASICs and advanced electronics systems for particle physics.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
M. Citterio (INFN)
Measurements of electromagnetic dipole moments of short-lived baryons at LHC.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
Flavour physics and CP violation in the LHCb experiment.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
P. Gandini (INFN)
Direct search of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (dark matter) with liquid argon detectors in the framework of the global Argon dark matter collaboration. In particular, simulation, construction and analysis of the DarkSide-20k experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Italy). Radio purity of detector materials, detector control system and measurements on photoelectronic detectors (SiPM) are also part fo this topic.
Requirements: Particle physics Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
S. Resconi (INFN)
A. Zani (INFN)
Experimental Nuclear Physics for medicine: development of detectors and cross section measurements useful for hadrotherapy.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
S. Muraro (INFN)
I. Mattei (INFN)
Measurement of nuclear fragmentation processes of intermediate energy to be used in the simulation models applied to hadrotherapy and radioprotection.
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
S. Muraro (INFN)
I. Mattei (INFN)
Cryogenic front-end electronics characterization by innovative digital signal processing techniques within the LEGEND Collaboration (INFN Gran Sasso).
Curriculum: 3. Nuclear and particle physics |
AdS/CFT correspondence and supersymmetric field theories.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
A. Santambrogio (INFN)
Precision studies of the fundamental interactions at present and future particle colliders. Automation of symbolic calculation techinques. Analytical representation of the quantum corrections. Comparison of the Standard Model predictions with those of Effective Field Theories.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Foundations of quantum mechanics.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Black holes in supergravity and string theory.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Inflation and string theory.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Statistical mechanics, out-of-equilibrium systems, complex systems, with interdisciplinary applications in quantitative biology.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of statistical mechanics, interdisciplnary interest Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Statistical physics of deep learning; the role of data structure concerning expressivity and generalization in machine learning; models of neural networks as complex systems.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of statistical mechanics and machine learning; interest in interdisciplinary applications of theoretical physics. Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Mathematical and statistical computational models for AI development in healthcare applications.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Quantum simulation on classical hardware, quantum computing techniques and quantum ML applied to High Energy Physics.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Computational models with hardware accelerators for High Energy Physics applications.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Theoretical physics at the LHC: fundamental interactions and the Higgs boson in the standard model and beyond.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Parton Distribution Functions: machine learning, software tools, perturbative QCD.
Curriculum: 4. Theoretical physics |
Development and application of computational methods to study the structure and dynamics of biomolecules.
Requirements: Biophysics/Statistical Mechanics Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Laser source proton accelerators for therapeutic beams.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
D. Giove (INFN)
C. Pagani (INFN)
Biomimetic scaffolds for tissue-engineered tissue replacement: structural properties by spectroscopic, calorimetric and mechanical studies.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Production optimization with unconventional techniques and at high specific activity of radionuclides for applications in medicine (radiodiagnostic, metabolic radiotherapy towards the theranostic), environmental and nanotoxicological studies.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of Health Physics and Radioprotection Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Design and characterization of antifreeze materials.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Development and characterization of novel materials and methodologies for ionizing radiation detection and dosimetry.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
S. Gallo
Development and implementation of a compact XRF spectrometer for variable angle measurements on cultural heritage materials.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Multivalent cooperative binding for high sensitive molecular recognition by optical biosensor.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Climate and its variability and change in Italy, the Alpine Region and the Mediterranean area.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Magnetic nanoparticles: fundamental properties and applications to biomedicine.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
P. Arosio
Nanocomposite systems for soft robotics.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Development of Monte Carlo methods for the calculation of interaction of Radiation with Matter, focusing in particular on biomedical applications.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
S. Muraro (INFN)
Physics and application of Inverse Compton Sources.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Extracellular vesicles: structural characterisation by neutron and X-ray techniques and study of their internalisation mechanisms.
Curriculum: 5 Applied physics |
Light, X-ray and neutron scattering by nano-structures (amyloid peptides and proteins, biocolloids) in solution and in interaction with biological membranes.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Scale invariance and self affinity of the surfaces of glaciers.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Development of biomaterials for biomedical applications (bio-hybrid actuators, microparticles for biomoleculecs delivery, 3D scaffolds)
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
S. Gallo
Superconducting accelerating cavities with minimum cryogenic losses for intense sources of neutrinos and spallation neutrons for spectroscopy and transmutation.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
C. Pagani (INFN)
A. Bosotti (INFN)
R. Paparella (INFN)
Laser based injector for high brightness electron beams.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
D. Giove (INFN)
L. Serafini (INFN)
D. Sertore (INFN)
C. Pagani (INFN)
Structural signature of dynamical arrest in epithelial cell tissues.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Ultrasensitive optical biosensors based on interferometric reflective imaging for digital detection of single viruses.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Internal dosimetry in nuclear medicine.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Development of new superconducting dipole magnet technology (multifunction, curved, fast ramped) for the EU program (H2020-HITRI/IFAST for next generation hadron therapy.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
M. Statera (INFN)
Understanding membraneless organelles: phase behaviour and molecular interactions in protein-nucleic acids coacervates.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Educational proposals for the introduction and learning of the concept of spin in Quantum Mechanics for high school and undergraduate courses
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Statistical methods in UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy of pigments and dyes in paintings.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Hydrogels and biological interfaces for applications in nanomedicine.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Computational study of complex biomolecular systems via standard and enhanced sampling techniques (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics, Metadynamics, etc.).
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Development of experimental and modelling advanced approaches for the study of atmospheric aerosol properties and sources.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Can a fluid be polar? Understanding the newly discovered ferroelectric liquid crystal phase.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Development of advanced experimental techniques and of experimental models for the investigation of interactions at cell surface.
Curriculum: 5. Applied physics |
Quantum computing algorithms for maritime and underwater applications (ex DM 630/2024)
Requirements: Programming physics informed neural networks |
Study and optimization of the interfacial properties of thin coatings for applications aimed at improving the resilience of the national energy system (ex DM 630/2024) |
M. Balordi (RSE)
High-Precision Thermal Forming for Astronomical Mirrors
Requirements: Beyond the degree requirements specified in the admission call, candidates will have preferably an experimental background. Ability to work in a team will be a key point. While no specific previous training is required, the following will be beneficial: experience in handling mechanical parts and working with control systems; understanding of thermal processes; laboratory management skills, including maintaining logs and records, managing inventories, developing procedures. Further detailed skills that would be useful include: proficiency in Python programming; experience in Finite Element Simulations; DIY or machine-shop experience; experience with thermal processes or visco-elastic materials. |
V. Cotroneo (INAF)
Courses list
January 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Topics in Astrophysics and Plasma Physics-Cosmology | 2 | 10 | Italian, English | |
Advanced Topics in Astrophysics and Plasma Physics-Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Astrophysics | 2 | 10 | Italian, English | |
Advanced Topics in Astrophysics and Plasma Physics-Fundamentals of Cosmic Structure Formation | 2 | 10 | Italian, English | |
Advanced Topics in Astrophysics and Plasma Physics-Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background | 2 | 10 | Italian, English | |
Advanced Topics in Astrophysics and Plasma Physics-Plasma Physics for Astrophysics. | 2 | 10 | Italian, English |
January 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Quantum Coherent Phenomena | 6 | 30 | Italian, English | |
Quantum Theory of Matter | 6 | 30 | English |
January 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Topics in Particle Physics | 4 | 20 | English | |
Neutrino Physics | 2 | 10 | English | |
Nuclear Structure Studied with Stable and Radioactive Beams | 2 | 10 | Italian, English | |
Nuclear Structure Theory: Density Functional Methods in Nuclear Physics | 2 | 10 | Italian, English |
January 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
4d and 3d Theories with Four Supercharges: Field Theory, D-Branes, Holography and Localization. | 7 | 35 | Italian, English | |
Computational, Simulation and Machine Learning Methods in High Energy Physics and Beyond: Automated Computational Tools. | 3 | 15 | English | |
Computational, Simulation and Machine Learning Methods in High Energy Physics and Beyond: Machine Learning | 3 | 15 | English | |
Computational, Simulation and Machine Learning Methods in High Energy Physics and Beyond: Monte Carlo Methods. | 3 | 15 | English |
May 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Python Fundamentals. | 4 | 20 | English |
December 2024
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Instruments and Methods for a Cultural Understanding of Physics | 6 | 30 | Italian, English |
January 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Experimental Methods for the Investigation of Systems At the Nanoscale | 6 | 30 | English |
Places available: 21
Call for applications
Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.
Application for admission: from 29/05/2024 to 27/06/2024
Application for matriculation: from 09/08/2024 to 01/10/2024
Attachments and documents
Qualifications assessment criteria
Following the programme of study
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