Pharmacological Biomolecular Sciences, Experimental and Clinical

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
Science and Technology
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dipartimento di Scienze farmacologiche e biomolecolari - Via G. Balzaretti, 9 - 20133 Milano
PhD Coordinator
The doctoral programme, a third cycle programme, makes the most of the multidisciplinary knowledge of the teaching staff to train biomedical experts in the most modern aspects of pharmacological research. In particular, the areas of interest are:
? Basic research: the study of key mechanisms and molecules in physiopathological processes to identify new pharmacological targets and/or new markers predictive of disease and therapeutic effectiveness. Research involves: 1) the analysis of molecular and cellular aspects of complex physiological processes, 2) the study of pathogenic mechanisms in diseases, 3) the study of biological markers of use in translation of preclinical research to humans.
? Research applied to the pharmacological-toxicological study of active ingredients: 1) analisi analysis of the activity of active principles, including biological drugs under development or in clinical use, 2) analysis of foods, food supplements and therapeutic plant derivatives, 3) analysis of xenobiotic activity.
? Research applied to the creation of innovative systems for studying pathologies and developing drugs and evaluation of their effects on the population. Basic research on: 1) the development of cellular and animal models also through genetic engineering methodologies, 2) optimising preclinical protocols for simple and complex diseases, including co-morbidities 3) in silico approaches to the study of new drug-toxicology targets, 4) the use of databases and population studies also to assess drug use and outcomes in terms of clinical events.
? Technical-scientific collaboration for revising documentation on active compounds and plant protection products and for drug safety and with other clinical centres.
In conclusion, students will develop competencies applicable to various areas of academic and industrial research, allowing effective ?bench to bed? translation and a multidisciplinary approach essential for public health, with significant socio-economic impact on health.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degree:
LM-6 Biologia,
LM-7 Biotecnologie agrarie,
LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
LM-13 Farmacia e farmacia industriale,
LM-17 Fisica,
LM-18 Informatica,
LM-21 Ingegneria biomedica,
LM-41 Medicina e chirurgia,
LM-42 Medicina veterinaria,
LM-55 Scienze cognitive,
LM-60 Scienze della natura,
LM-61 Scienze della nutrizione umana,
LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
LM-70 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari,
LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
LM/SNT1 Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche,
LM/SNT2 Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie,
LM/SNT3 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche,
LM/SNT4 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie della prevenzione.
Dipartimento di Scienze farmacologiche e biomolecolari - Via G. Balzaretti, 9 - 20133 Milano
Title Professor(s)
Early markers in neuroinflammation: focus on oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and brain microenvironment
Requirements: experience in the neuroscience field; experience in vitro on primary cultures from rat or mouse brain; skills in molecular biology (extraction of nucleic acids, qRT-PCR), immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence and microscopy; experience in manipulation of rats or mice will be preferred.
New mechanisms responsible for remyelination failure in neurodegenerative diseases
Requirements: experience in the neuroscience field; experience in vitro on primary cultures from rat or mouse brain; skills in molecular biology (extraction of nucleic acids, qRT-PCR), immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence and microscopy; experience in manipulation of rats or mice will be preferred.
Characterization of subclinical atherosclerosis in the diabetic patient: specific differences in various biomarkers of organ damage and endothelial dysfunction between type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients
Requirements: Degree in scientific disciplines (biology, CTF, Pharmacy, etc.), good knowledge of the main computer applications. Appreciated but not indispensable requirement: basis of statistics and epidemiology
Familial aggregation of subclinical atherosclerosis: relationships among markers of subclinical atherosclerosis in first-degree relatives including grandparents, parents, children, and siblings (including monozygotic and dizygotic twins)
Requirements: Degree in scientific disciplines (biology, CTF, Pharmacy, etc.), good knowledge of the main computer applications. Appreciated but not indispensable requirement: basis of statistics and epidemiology
Neuro-immuno-metabolic circuits activated during the peri-prandial condition.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of lipid metabolism and of the innate immune response. Previous lab expertise (PCR, quantification of biomarkers (ELISA), immunohistochemistry, and flow-cytometry).
Applying genetic models to identify a causal role of inflammation for the development of cardio-metabolic diseases.
Requirements: Knowledge of genetics. Solid skills of bioinformatics and basic knowledge regarding approaches of Mendelian Randomization and machine learning.
Mechanisms of a cellular immune-metabolic reprogramming of neutrophils in response to the systemic metabolic alterations induced by diet.
Requirements: Knowledge of molecular biology and of the innate immunity. Previous lab expertise (PCR, immunohistochemistry, and flow-cytometry).
Hematopoietic proliferation and remodeling of the vascular smooth muscle cells in atherosclerosis: role of the Runt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1).
Requirements: Knowledge of molecular biology and of the atherosclerosis. Previous lab expertise (PCR, immunohistochemistry, cell culture and flow-cytometry).
Immuno-metabolic reprogramming of T cells for immunomodulatory cell therapy of cardiovascular diseases
Requirements: The candidate should have a good knowledge of the pathological mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases, practical experience in cell culture, molecular biology and phenotyping of immune response.
Unveil immunometabolic checkpoints associated to cardio-immuno-metabolic diseases
Requirements: The candidate should have a good knowledge of the pathological mechanisms of cardiometabolic diseases, practical experience in molecular and cellular biology and immuno-histological analysis.
The c-Jun N-terminal Kinase 3 inhibition for the prevention of neurodegeneration
Requirements: Knowledge of basic biochemical and histological techniques. Previous experience in in-vivo work.
SIMBA2, the specific JNK3 inhibitor, against transient cerebral ischemia
Requirements: Knowledge of basic biochemical and histological techniques. Previous experience in in-vitro work.
Setup of an in-vitro model of quadripartite synapse to study synaptic plasticity and dysfunction.
Requirements: Knowledge of basic biochemical and histological techniques. Previous experience in in-vitro work.
Jun N-terminal Kinase 3 (JNK3) a new and predictive biomarker of synaptic diseases (MCI AD PD) detectable in central and peripheral biofluids
Requirements: Knowledge of basic biochemical and histological techniques. Previous experience human biofluid work.
Exploring the molecular and behavioral signature in anorexia nervosa: focus on a neuro-immuno-metabolic crosstalk
Requirements: Expertise in gene (mRNA extraction, real-time PCR) and protein expression (subcellular fraction extraction, western blot, ELISA) studies. Expertise in basic morphological dendritic spine analyses using confocal microscopy. Basic expertise in animal manipulation.
Dissecting the neurobiological mechanisms underlying psychostimulant use in a gene x environment condition
Requirements: Expertise in gene (real-time PCR) and protein (western blot, ELISA) expression studies and in animal manipulation. Expertise in basic morphological dendritic spine analyses using confocal microscopy.
Study of the mechanisms of resilience and vulnerability to the development of psychiatric pathologies: a multi-organ approach
Requirements: Expertise in mRNA extraction and analysis (RT- real time PCR), protein extraction and analysis (western blot, ELISA).
Long-term effects induced by perinatal manipulations: focus on gender diversity in the development of neuropsychiatric disorders.
Requirements: Expertise in mRNA extraction and analysis (RT- real time PCR), protein extraction and analysis (western blot, ELISA).
Familial lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency: from the natural history to new pharmacological approaches.
Requirements: Laboratory experience: biochemical analyses, electrophoretic techniques, cellular and animal studies.
Plasma and brain cholesterol esterification in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Requirements: Laboratory experience: biochemical analyses, electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques, cellular studies.
Cholesterol metabolism in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Requirements: Laboratory experience: biochemical analyses, electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques, cellular studies.
Alagille syndrome: the role of lipoproteins in cardiovascular and renal complications.
Requirements: Laboratory experience: biochemical analyses, electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques, cellular studies.
HDL role in acute coronary syndrome: from molecular mechanisms towards new therapeutic targets discovery.
Requirements: Laboratory experience: biochemical analyses, electrophoretic techniques, cellular studies.
Identification of platelet activation biomarkers for improving thrombotic risk stratification in coronary artery disease patients
Requirements: Expertise in cell and molecular biology, flow cytometry and (confocal) microscopy is an advantage for the position. Familiarity with hemostatic mechanisms. Attitude to work both independently and as part of a team. Specific expertise in the field of cardiovascular diseases will represent a significant add-on to the candidate’s CV.
Dissecting the mechanisms responsible for platelet procoagulant phenotype and pharmacological modulation by antiplatelet, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory drugs
Requirements: Expertise in cell and molecular biology, flow cytometry and (confocal) microscopy is an advantage for the position. Familiarity with hemostatic mechanisms. Attitude to work both independently and as part of a team. Specific expertise in the field of cardiovascular diseases will represent a significant add-on to the candidate’s CV.
Functional characterization of the SEMA6A gene in the control of hypothalamic circuit plasticity controlling reproduction.
Requirements: The candidate should have good knowledge of neurobiology and related techniques of cell and molecular biology. Laboratory experience in histology is preferable.
Exploring the role of a novel gene implicated in neural crest cell development and splicing processes.
Requirements: The candidate should have good knowledge of neurobiology and related techniques. Laboratory experience in embriology is preferable.
Applying in vitro and in vivo models for the identification of novel pharmacological targets for the cure of CHARGE Syndrome.
Requirements: The candidate should have good knowledge of cell biology principles and techniques, with a particular focus on the use of high-throughput imaging platforms.
Exploring the power of single cell RNA-sequencing and in situ gene expression techniques to decipher the cellular and molecular developmental dynamics of the hypothalamus.
Requirements: The candidate should have good knowledge of developmental neurobiology principles and techniques. Laboratory experience in molecular biology, bioinformatics and histology are preferable.
Defining the role of SEMA6A as a vascular barrier modulator in glioblastoma multiforme by exploiting human organ-on-a-chip strategies.
Requirements: The candidate should have good knowledge of cell biology principles and techniques. Laboratory experience in the manipulation of human cell culture models is preferable.
Use of cellular and animal models to study the effects of nanoplastic pollution on the development and function of GnRH neurons that control reproduction.
Requirements: The candidate should have good knowledge of neuroendocrinology principles and techniques. Laboratory experience in the manipulation of murine in vitro and in vivo models is preferable.
Identification of diagnostic and prognostic risk biomarkers in the context of hypertension.
Requirements: Highly motivated person with a clear interest in mechanisms of heart failure. Be available to spend few months abroad. The knowledge of few techniques of molecular biology is required.
Characterization of extracellular vesicles in subjects with a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy.
Requirements: Highly motivated person with a clear interest in mechanisms of heart failure. Be available to spend few months abroad. The knowledge of few techniques of molecular biology is required.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in familial hypercholesterolemia: role of in depth lipid evaluation in diagnosis, management, and prognosis
Requirements: Knowledge of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, notions of genetics and molecular biology. Knowledge of the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance.
Tools to optimize the effectiveness of chronic treatments addressing inappropriate prescribing and adherence to therapy
Requirements: Knowledge of pharmacology, skills in developing and managing databases. Knowledge of SPSS and SAS software.
Integrating new and traditional biomarkers supporting personalized approaches in cardiovascular disease prevention
Requirements: Knowledge of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, notions of molecular biology. Skills in developing and managing databases. Basic knowledge of bioinformatics
Stress exposure and vulnerability or resilience: Role of Immune System and Gut microbiome Interplay.
Requirements: Animal manipulations, knowledge of behavioral analyses for studying animal models to psychiatric disorders; basic knowledge of molecular and cellular biology methodologies.
Peripheral and central signatures associated with early life stress exposure: role in the comorbidity between mental and metabolic disorders
Requirements: Blood samples management and processing, basic knowledge of molecular and cellular biology methodologies, transcriptomic analyses.
Depressive symptoms during pregnancy, interventions, and their impact on the offspring: identification of underlying molecular mechanisms.
Requirements: Animal manipulations, knowledge of behavioral analyses for studying animal models to psychiatric disorders; basic knowledge of molecular and cellular biology methodologies.
The gut-brain axis in the development of multiple sclerosis and related trigeminal pain and its modulation with purple corn-derived nutraceuticals.
Requirements: previous laboratory experience in pharmacology, biochemistry and molecular biology and, preferably, in in vivo preclinical and behavioral studies. Specific expertise in the field of basic mechanisms of pain is not mandatory, although it may represent a significant add-on to the candidate’s CV.
Peripheral adenosine receptors as novel biomarkers to predict the phenoconversion from REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) to Parkinson’s Disease.
Requirements: previous laboratory experience in pharmacology, biochemistry and molecular biology. Specific expertise in the field of purinergic transmission is not mandatory, although it may represent a significant add-on to the candidate’s CV.
Patient-derived EVs for cancer-specific delivery of a combination of drugs and gene editing tools, aiming to achieve synergistic anti-neoplastic activity.
Requirements: Requirements: Technical skills: basic molecular and cellular biology, fluorescent and bioluminescent reporter systems, laboratory animal handling; Office package and statistic programs.
Innovative tools based on non-invasive optical imaging for combined pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies of RNA drugs
Requirements: Technical skills: basic molecular and cellular biology, fluorescent and bioluminescent reporter systems, laboratory animal handling; Office package and statistic programs
RNA drugs as anti-infective agents for the treatment of the SARS
Requirements: Technical skills: basic molecular and cellular biology, fluorescent and bioluminescent reporter systems, laboratory animal handling; Office package and statistic programs
The role of hypoglycaemic drugs in treating neuropsychiatric disorders: evidence-based and pharmacoepidemiologic approaches for supporting the clinical practice
Requirements: Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance basic skills, Bibliographic searching basic skills, good knowledge of statistical analysis software e.g., R, SPSS, SAS.
New pharmacological approaches to understand the molecular basis and treatment of iatrogenic obesity.
Requirements: Knowledge of molecular and cell biology (RT-PCR; primary and cell line cultures), biochemistry (western blotting) and histology (histochemistry, immunofluorescence).
Evaluation of the impact of specific nutritional approaches and fasting-mimetic drugs on tumor metabolism, immune surveillance and chemotherapy efficacy
Requirements: Knowledge of biochemical cellular and molecular biology techniques
Study of the role of membrane lipids and lipid metabolism in chemo resistance by biochemical and biophysical approaches
Requirements: Knowledge of biochemical cellular and molecular biology techniques
Aging and lifestyle: evaluation of cellular senescence and cigarette smoke as risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
Requirements: The candidate should carry on her/his research project independently and have a good attitude to working in a team with other lab members. Expertise in cellular and molecular biology is appreciated but not mandatory.
Effect of naive or pharmacologically-modified extracellular vesicles in in vitro models to find novel treatments for oncological and cardiovascular pathologies.
Requirements: Theoretical knowledge in the field of extracellular vesicles, lipids, tumors and cardiovascular diseases, good lab practice (in vitro models, lipid analysis, ultracentrifugation, cromatography), team working capacities.
Interaction between xenobiotics and immune defenses
Requirements: Knowledge of main laboratory techniques such as cell cultures, cell viability assays, flow cytofluorimetry, gene and protein expression.
Epigenetic regulation of metabolism in physiology and disease states
Requirements: Knowledge of energy metabolism, analysis of the histone code by genomic and proteomic methodologies, and transcriptional regulation. Knowledge of the role of different organs (adipose tissue, skeletal and cardiac muscles, liver, and brain) and their composition into cellular subsets in integrating metabolism. . Understanding of bioinformatics methodologies for analysis of data from omics approaches.
Study of selective histone deacetylase inhibitors and role in the regulation of metabolism in physiology and pathological states
Requirements: Knowledge of the principles of energy metabolism, analysis of metabolism and its regulation using genomic and metabolomic methodologies. Knowledge of cell types found in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and liver. Understanding of bioinformatics methodologies for analysis of data from omics approaches..
Deciphering membrane contacts in neurodegenerative disorders.
Requirements: Good Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology techniques. Good background in neuroscience. Interest for working with cellular models.
The spreading of Tar-DNA-bindig protein 43 (TDP-43) aggregation.
Requirements: Good Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology techniques. Good background in neuroscience. Interest for working with cellular models.
Molecular mechanisms of repeat expansion diseases: the role of CHIP protein.
Requirements: Good Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology techniques. Interest and aptitude for molecular and cellular studies in the neuroscience field.
The role of chaperone mediated autophagy (CMA) in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy.
Requirements: Good Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology techniques. Interest and aptitude for molecular and cellular studies in the neuroscience field.
Deciphering the role of the mitochondrial regulator Zc3h10 in monocyte-macrophages
Requirements: Knowledge in biochemistry, energy metabolism, and quantitative analysis by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry of metabolites involved in different metabolic pathways. Metabolic flux analysis. Gene expression analysis.
Study of the structure, function and regulation of neuronatin in metabolism and pathophysiology.
Requirements: Principles of energy metabolism, analysis of metabolism and its regulation by next-generation biochemical methodologies and omics approaches. Understanding of the role of intracellular calcium fluxes in signal transduction in different organs and tissues and knowledge of gain-of-function and loss-of-function techniques of specific genes.
CRISPR-Cas9 Screens to Identify Host Targets for Antiviral Therapy Development
Requirements: Knowledge of basic cellular and molecular biology techniques and strong interest in the field of virology
Study of the Epigenetic Modifications Induced by HBV on the Host Cell Genome: Implications for Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B
Requirements: Knowledge of basic cellular and molecular biology techniques and strong interest in the field of virology
Novel Approaches to Combat Hepatitis B and D Virus Infections: Targeting Virus Entry into Hepatocytes
Requirements: Knowledge of basic cellular and molecular biology techniques and strong interest in the field of virology
From Stem Cell-Derived Hepatocyte Cultures to Liver Organoids: Developing Novel In Vitro Models for Chronic HBV and HDV Infections and Their Pharmacological
Requirements: Knowledge of basic cellular and molecular biology techniques and strong interest in the field of virology
Botanicals and gastric inflammation: anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects in human gastric epithelial cells infected with Helicobacter pylori
Requirements: Extract preparation from plant material, bio-guided fractionation, cell culture, H. pylori growth, transient transfections, ELISA, extraction of RNA and real time PCR, western blotting, biochemical assays.
Botanicals with anti-inflammatory activity in skin diseases
Requirements: expertise related to extracts preparation from natural source, bio-guided fractionation, cell culture, transient transfections, ELISA, real time RT-PCR, use of LC-MS/MS instruments.
Valorization of natural waste products: phytochemical characterization and evaluation of possible health properties.
Requirements: Extract preparation from plant material, bio-guided fractionation, cell culture, ELISA, RNA extraction and real time PCR, western blotting, biochemical assays, LC-MS analysis.
Soma to synapse: the inverse communication ruling plasticity at specific synapses (STONE)
Requirements: Knowledge and a genuine interest in neuroscience; experience in performing laboratory work independently; good collaborative and social skills and an open-minded mind-set.
Dissecting the physiopathological role of Rabphilin-3A at excitatory glutamatergic synapses.
Requirements: Knowledge and a genuine interest in neuroscience; good collaborative and social skills and an open-minded mind-set.
Dissecting the neural circuits underlying observational learning.
Requirements: Knowledge and a genuine interest in neuroscience; good collaborative and social skills and an open-minded mind-set.
Membrane Transporters of the MATE Family: Integrated Approaches for Characterizing their Structure-Function Relationship.
Requirements: knowledge of structural bioinformatics and molecular modeling techniques, with a focus on membrane transporters.
In silico characterization and protein design, using both classical and innovative methods, for the optimization of biocatalysts
Requirements: knowledge of structural bioinformatics and molecular modeling techniques, with a focus on molecular mechanics, quantum mechanics, and artificial intelligence.
Expertise in cellular and m olecular biology, good kno wled ge of tumor biology
Requirements: Expertise in cellular and m olecular biology, good knowledge of tumor biology
Characterization of tumor metabolism correlation with cancer cell stemness and chemoresistance
Requirements: Expertise in cellular and molecular biology, good knowledge of tumor biology
Esposizione adolescenziale allo psicostimolante cocaina: correlati comportamentali e molecolari
Requirements: Expertise in gene and protein expression studies. Expertise in basic morphological dendritic spine analyses using confocal microscopy
Early social adversity and risk for psychopathology: shedding light on the therapeutic potential of psychedelics
Requirements: Expertise in mRNA extraction and analysis (RT- real time PCR), protein extraction and analysis (western blot, ELISA).
Investigating oligodendrocyte dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic perspectives
Requirements: Good knowledge of techniques of molecular and cellular biology. Specific expertise in the field of neurodegenerative diseases may represent a significant add-on to the candidate’s CV.
Examining the sex-specific impact of metabolic syndrome-driven inflammation on neuroinflammation, cell remodeling and functional recovery after brain ischemia
Requirements: Good knowledge of techniques of molecular and cellular biology and, possibly, previous experience on manipulation of rodents. Specific expertise in the field of neurological diseases may represent a significant add-on to the candidate’s CV.
Role of altered skeletal muscle function in motor neuron diseases.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of cellular and molecular biology techniques.
Motoneuron pathology: role mitochondria.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of molecular and cellular biology techniques.
Identification of specific miRNAs in patients affected by occupational allergic asthma and study of their role in etiopathogenesis of the disease trough the assessment of an in vitro method.
Requirements: Cell culture techniques; Cytometer acquisition and analysis technique; Gene and protein expression technique; microRNA expression technique; Lymphomocytes isolation; Basic immunotoxicology background.
Air-Liquid Interface (ALI): an in vitro tool to dissect the effect of air pollution on early molecular signatures of neuronal dysfunction.
Requirements: Cell culture techniques; basics of microscopy; techniques for gene and protein expression analysis; basics of neurotoxicology.
Dissecting the role of GluA3 subunit in brain functions: from synapse to behavior.
Requirements: Knowledge and a genuine interest in neuroscience; good collaborative and social skills and an open-minded mind-set.
Identification of pharmacological approaches targeting the glutamatergic synapse in experimental models of alpha-synuclein-mediated toxicity.
Requirements: Knowledge and a genuine interest in neuroscience; good collaborative and social skills and an open-minded mind-set.
From synaptic plasticity to brain circuits for the understanding of decision-making functions
Requirements: Knowledge and a genuine interest in neuroscience; good collaborative and social skills and an open-minded mind-set.
Exploring protective effects of steroid molecules in an experimental model of male sexual dysfunction induced by antidepressant drugs.
Requirements: Experience in laboratory techniques (nucleic acid and protein extraction and analysis). Basic experience in in vivo models.
S. Giatti
Etiopathogenesis of female sexual dysfunction induced by antidepressant drugs: role of steroid molecules
Requirements: Experience in laboratory techniques (nucleic acid and protein extraction and analysis). Basic experience in in vivo models.
S. Giatti
Requirements: basic knowledge of biochemical, cellular and molecular biology techniques
Requirements: basic knowledge of biochemical, cellular and molecular biology techniques
Development of an oligodendrocyte-based platform for the screening of neuroprotective drugs
Requirements: experience in the neuroscience field; experience in vitro on primary cultures from rat or mouse brain; skills in molecular biology (extraction of nucleic acids, qRT-PCR), statistics.
Identification of post-transcriptional mechanisms underlying brain aging in glial cells
Requirements: experience in the neuroscience field; experience in vitro on primary cultures from rat or mouse brain; skills in molecular biology (extraction of nucleic acids, qRT-PCR), statistics.
Assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
Requirements: The candidate should possess knowledge in the field of cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory diseases. The candidate needs to show good laboratory practice, and team working capacities.
Mitochondrial functionality in patients with cardiovascular diseases
Requirements: The candidate should possess knowledge in the field of cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory diseases. The candidate needs to show good laboratory practice, and team working capacities.
Electrophysiology of GABAergic system in peripheral nervous system
Requirements: Electrophysiology set up (patch/voltage clamp, extracellular field recording, ecc.). Primary glial and neuronal cell culture of PNS (dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons, Schwann cells, satellite cells, etc.). In vitro myelination model, cytofluorimetry, qRT-PCR, WB analysis, imaging (CLSM, morphometric analysis, EM, etc.), bioinformatics.
Physiopathology of neuroinflammation in the peripheral nervous system
Requirements: Primary glial and neuronal cell culture (dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons, Schwann cells, satellite cells, macrophages, endothelial cells etc.). In vitro myelination model, cytofluorimetry, qRT-PCR, WB and proteomic, inflammasome set up, imaging (CLSM, morphometric analysis, EM, etc.), bioinformatics.
Proteomic approaches to risk assessment for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: application of mass spectrometry technologies and artificial intelligence/machine learning strategies
Requirements: Knowledge of molecular pathophysiology in the cardiovascular and metabolic area, experience in translational research laboratory, strong research motivation and team building skills
P. Magni
Biological activity of plant extracts from agri-food waste with innovative and sustainable methods: study of the potential relevance to cardiometabolic health by cell-based models
Requirements: Knowledge of molecular pathophysiology in the cardiometabolic area, experience in research laboratory (cell / molecular biology), strong motivation for research and team building skills
P. Magni
Metabolomic analysis for prevention and early diagnosis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases with innovative technologies and artificial intelligence / machine learning approaches
Requirements: Knowledge of molecular pathophysiology in the cardiometabolic area, experience in translational research laboratory, strong research motivation and team building skills
P. Magni
Characterisation of nanoplastic-induced molecular damage in cell-based models of normal and dysfunctional hepatocytes and adipocytes
Requirements: Knowledge of molecular pathophysiology in the cardiometabolic area, experience in basic/translational research laboratory, strong research motivation and team building skills
P. Magni
Unraveling the epigenetic landscape and functional alterations caused by HIV infection in CD4 T memory stem cells.
Requirements: Interest in the area of immunology and virology. Experience in techniques of primary cell culture and isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Basic knowledge of Flow cytometry and sorting techniques. Previous experience in BSL2 and/or BSL3.
Unraveling the role of mTOR and Wnt pathways in HIV latency and reactivation: Potential for novel eradication strategies
Requirements: Interest in the area of virology and immunology. Experience in standard techniques of cell culture, molecular biology and viral infectivity assays. Basic knowledge of Flow cytometry and sorting techniques. Previous experience in BSL2 and/or BSL3.
Analysis of the crosstalk between ADAM10 and the NMDA receptor subunit GluN2A in synaptic plasticity phenomena.
Requirements: We look for a highly motivated person who is really interested in neurobiology and generally in neuroscience. Expertise in cellular and molecular biology is appreciated.
Study of the cross-talk between brain metabolism and synaptic plasticity in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Requirements: We look for a highly motivated person who is really interested in studying Alzheimer's Disease. Expertise in cellular and molecular biology is appreciated.
Exploiting directly converted induced neurons (iNs) from Alzheimer Disease-patient-derived fibroblasts to study cellular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration.
Requirements: We look for a highly motivated person who is really interested in studying Alzheimer's Disease. Expertise in cellular and molecular biology is appreciated.
Assessment of the toxicity of alternative rubber blends used in tire production. Toxicological analysis with a focus on in vitro methods. Evaluation of the toxicological impacts of these substitute blends in the tire manufacturing context.
Requirements: Cell culture techniques; genotoxicity analysis; gene expression analysis techniques; basic knowledge of genotoxicology.
M. Marinovich
Development of an integrated strategy for the identification and characterisation of environmental contaminants using New Methodological Approaches (NAM).
Requirements: Proven experience in the development and execution of experiments in the field of in vitro toxicology, NAM and in the development and application of the Adverse Outcome Pathway framework.
M. Marinovich
Study of key proteins involved in the maintenance of homeostasis of the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria, as potential targets of new antibiotic therapies.
Requirements: Knowledge and familiarity with basic microbiology techniques, bacterial genetic and physiology, molecular biology, basic biochemistry techniques.
Deciphering the mechanistic basis of how LD-transpeptidases protect against outer membrane defects of Gram-negative bacteria
Requirements: Knowledge and familiarity with basic microbiology techniques, bacterial genetic and physiology, molecular biology, basic biochemistry techniques.
Etiopathogenesis of Post-finasteride syndrome
Requirements: knowledge of mass spectrometry and molecular biology techniques to be applied in the field of steroids and neurotransmitters
Gut-brain axis: role of steroid molecules
Requirements: knowledge of mass spectrometry and molecular biology techniques to be applied in the field of steroids and neurotransmitters
Role of sexual dimorphism of adipocytes in interaction with breast cancer cells.
Requirements: Knowledge in biochemistry, energy metabolism, and quantitative analysis by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry of metabolites involved in different metabolic pathways. Metabolic flux analysis. Gene expression analysis.
Unravelling the role of the novel mitochondrial regulator Zc3h10 in diabetes.
Requirements: Gene expression analysis and regulation. Energy metabolism. Quantitative analyses by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry of metabolites involved in different metabolic pathways. Metabolic flux analysis.
Metabolomic and lipidomic approaches to study pathologies characterized by metabolic dysfunction
Requirements: Knowledge of lipid, glucose and amino acid metabolism. Quantitative analyses by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry of metabolites involved in different metabolic pathways. Metabolic flux analysis.
Studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms of nutritional strategies on cellular senescence.
Requirements: The applicant should have a working knowledge of DNA and RNA extraction, PCR, western blotting, transfection, cell cultivation techniques, and animal experience.
In vitro and in vivo characterisation of protective mechanisms against tumour transformation of novel amino acid mixtures.
Requirements: The applicant should have a working knowledge of DNA and RNA extraction, PCR, western blotting, transfection, cell cultivation techniques, and animal experience.
xploring the endocrine pancreas-multiorgan crosstalk to uncover new therapeutic targets for diabetes mellitus treatment.
Requirements: Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology, super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques, ion imaging, animal models of diseases, 2D and 3D cultures, transcriptomic and proteomic.
Functional and molecular characterization of organelle-specific nutrient transporters as novel targets of metabolic regulation and cellular homeostasis
Requirements: Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology, fluorescence microscopy techniques, ion imaging, omics techniques, stem cells, animal models of diseases.
Identification of new signaling pathways controlling the neuroinflammatory response in Parkinson’s Disease.
Requirements: Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology, fluorescence microscopy, electrophysiology and ion imaging techniques, experience on animal models of diseases and/or induced pluripotent stem cells.
Protective mechanisms against neurotoxic proteins in motoneuron diseases.
Requirements: Good knowledge of basic neuroscience and motor neuron diseases. Interest and aptitude for molecular and cellular studies in cells and animal
New approaches to counteract the androgen receptor neurotoxicity in SBMA
Requirements: Good knowledge of basic neuroscience and motor neuron diseases. Interest and aptitude for molecular and cellular studies in cells and animal
Identification of brain circuits and mechanisms responsible for stress vulnerability across different life stages: toward the development of novel therapeutic strategies for mood disorders.
Requirements: Animal manipulations, knowledge of behavioral analyses for studying animal models to psychiatric disorders; Knowledge of basic molecular biology methodologies, such as real time PCR, transcriptomics and brain imaging.
Exploring the biology of micropeptides differentially enriched during cardiomyocyte development and maturation in order to identify novel targets for cardiac regenerative therapies
Requirements: Research experience in a molecular and cell biology laboratory. Willingness to work with animal models. Ability to work independently, proactive attitude and problem solving. Previous experience with induced stem cells, mouse models or in transcriptomic data analysis is considered a plus.
G. Pompilio
Targeting the transcriptional landscape underlying pathologic activation of cardiac fibroblasts to develop novel anti-fibrotic therapies
Requirements: Experience working in a molecular biology lab, willingness to work with viral vectors and animal models. Capacity to work in a team, pro-active and problem-solving attitude.
G. Pompilio
Predictive value of circulating extracellular vesicle signature in coronary bypass graft patency.
Requirements: Expertise in cell and molecular biology, flow cytometry and (confocal) microscopy is an advantage for the position. Familiarity with hemostatic mechanisms. Attitude to work both independently and as part of a team. Specific expertise in the field of cardiovascular diseases will represent a significant add-on to the candidate’s CV.
G. Pompilio
Boosting resilience during adolescence to prevent psychopathologies following exposure to adverse events during pregnancy.
Requirements: Animal manipulations, knowledge of behavioral analyses for studying animal models to psychiatric disorders; basic knowledge of molecular biology methodologies, such as real time PCR, protein analysis as well as of immunocytochemistry.
Pharmacological modulation of psychopathologic domains: from synaptic mechanisms to neuroplasticity.
Requirements: Animal manipulations, knowledge of behavioral analyses for studying animal models to psychiatric disorders; basic knowledge of molecular biology methodologies as well as of protein analysis and immunocytochemistry.
Role of omega-3 fatty acids in the development and adjuvant therapy of chronic-degenerative diseases
Requirements: Knowledge of biochemical cellular and molecular biology techniques
A. M. Rizzo
The role of nutraceutics in radioprotection
Requirements: Knowledge of biochemical cellular and molecular biology techniques
A. M. Rizzo
Role of extracellular vesicles in the context of chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity
Requirements: The candidate should possess knowledge in the field of extracellular vesicles, lipids and cardiovascular diseases, good lab practice, team working capacities.
Extracellular vesicles to unravel Heart Failure molecular and clinical phenotypes
Requirements: The candidate should possess knowledge in the field of extracellular vesicles, lipids and cardiovascular diseases, good lab practice, team working capacities.
Lysosomal quality control : Molecular mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases
Requirements: Good Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology techniques. Good preparation in the neuroscience field.
Dissecting the role of Galectin-3 in neurodegenerative diseases
Requirements: Good Knowledge in cellular and molecular biology techniques. Good preparation in the neuroscience field.
Identification of neuroinflammation as common substrate to neurological side effects of chemotherapeutic drugs in mouse models.
Requirements: The student should be ready to perform behavioral experiments with mice in vivo. He/She should have basic knowledge of primary cultures and of biochemical and molecular biology methods.
Novel therapeutic approaches to treat pain in Fabry-Anderson disease. Focus on microglia and the prokineticin system
Requirements: Highly motivated person, the candidate should work with preclinical models of disease and possess knowledge of methods for gene and protein expression evaluation.
Ethnopharmacological study on the biological properties of plants and their preparations traditionally used in specific geographical or cultural contexts.
Requirements: Competences in the preparation of plant extracts, bio-guided fractionation, use of eukaryotic cell cultures, transient transfections, ELISA, real time PCR, western blotting, use of analytical instruments.
Evaluation of botanicals in the intestine: permeability and anti-inflammatory activity.
Requirements: Competences in the preparation of plant extracts, bio-guided fractionation, use of eukaryotic cell cultures, transient transfections, ELISA, real time PCR, western blotting, use of analytical instruments.
Biological activity and characterization of natural extracts prepared with innovative and eco-green technologies: from the university laboratory to the pharmaceutical industry.
Requirements: Competences in the preparation of plant extracts, bio-guided fractionation, use of eukaryotic cell cultures, transient transfections, ELISA, real time PCR, western blotting, use of analytical instruments.
Evaluation of the crosstalk between hypertension and neuroinflammation in an in vitro bioreactor model
Requirements: The candidate should have an interest in cardio- and cerebrovascular science and experience in molecular and cellular biology as well as immunohistochemistry. Experience with in-vivo models is preferred.
Heart-brain interaction: effects of cardiac damage on neuro-inflammation and cognitive impairment
Requirements: The candidate should have an interest in cardio- and cerebrovascular science and experience in molecular and cellular biology as well as immunohistochemistry. Experience with in-vivo models is preferred.
Development of an innovative screening approach based on a cell envelope stress reporter assay in E. coli to identify envelope-specific antibacterials from natural sources.
Requirements: Knowledge and familiarity with basic microbiology techniques, bacterial genetics, and molecular biology (molecular cloning, SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting techniques).
Molecular characterization of the multiprotein lipopolysaccharide transport complex (Lpt) in Escherichia coli as a target for new antibacterial strategies.
Requirements: Knowledge and familiarity with basic microbiology techniques, bacterial genetics, and molecular biology (molecular cloning, SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting techniques).
Molecular characterization, and optimization of chimeric derivatives of the antimicrobial peptide Thanatin, for the development of inhibitors to prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections.
Requirements: Theoretical and practical knowledge of basic microbiology and molecular biology techniques, and of the approaches to analyzing antibacterial properties of molecules (MIC, time-killing, Kirby Bauer, Chekerborder assay)
Integrating new and traditional biomarkers supporting personalized approaches in cardiovascular disease prevention (ex DM 630/2024)
Requirements: Knowledge of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, notions of molecular biology. Skills in developing and managing databases. Basic knowledge of bioinformatics
Study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases (ex DM 630/2024)
Requirements: Knowledge in the field of biomedical research, with reference to cellular and molecular biology, applied to experimental models and human biological matrices.
B.S.N. Biological Sales Network s.r.l.
Analysis of foods, food supplements or botanicals with health properties (ex DM 630/2024)
Requirements: Knowledge in the field of biomedical research, with reference to cellular and molecular biology and pharmacology applied to experimental models and human biological matrices.

Courses list

January 2025
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Experimental Models and Rnaseq Technique to Investigate Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Psychiatric Disorders 2 16 English
Translational Relevance of Steroid Molecules in Physiology and Diseases 2 16 English
February 2025
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Gut Brain- and Liver Brain- Axis: Theoretical and Practical Aspects Related to Metagenomics 2 16 English
March 2025
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Genetics and Epigenetics for Biomarker Identification and Therapy 2 16 English
Humanized Experimental Models Investigating in Vivo Human 2 16 English
April 2025
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Basics of Statistics and Applications in Biomedical Research 2 16 English
May 2025
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Multiomic Approaches to Study Cardiometabolic Disorders. 2 16 English
The Central Role of Metabolism in Health and Disease: Concepts, Omics Approaches, Their Interpretation and Applications 2 16 English
June 2025
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
New Approach Methodologies in Toxicology 2 16 English
Not specified period
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Stem Cells in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
2 16 English


Places available: 15

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 29/05/2024 to 27/06/2024

Application for matriculation: from 09/08/2024 to 04/10/2024

Read the Call

Attachments and documents

Attachments to the call


Qualifications assessment criteria

Scores and exam schedule

Notice of interview and enrolment dates

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 25/10/2024 to 25/11/2024

Application for matriculation: from 12/12/2024 to 17/12/2024

Read the Call

Attachments and documents

Attachments to the call

Qualifications assessment criteria

Scores and exam schedule