Legal Studies Cesare Beccaria

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2023/2024
Study area
Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dip. Scienze giuridiche "Cesare Beccaria" - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano
PhD Coordinator
The programme provides high-level interdisciplinary training during which the doctoral student is offered the possibility of further study of law, with special reference to criminal law and procedure, Roman law, history, philosophy and sociology of law, and ecclesiastic and canon law.
The programme includes lessons and active participation at seminars, during which the student will be encouraged to research different topics in detail. He/she will also be involved in research projects promoted by the Board of Lecturers and will be urged to write and publish contributions in the framework of these projects.
During the three-year period, the student will write an original scientific paper under the supervision of one or more tutors. The paper may be interdisciplinary.
A number of courses and seminars may be conducted in English. Part of the programme may also be conducted at a foreign university or research institute.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degree :
LM-18 Informatica,
LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
LM-52 Relazioni internazionali,
LM-56 Scienze dell?economia,
LM-62 Scienze della politica,
LM-63 Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni,
LM-66 Sicurezza informatica,
LM-78 Scienze filosofiche,
LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
LM-84 Scienze storiche,
LM-88 Sociologia e ricerca sociale,
LMG/01 Giurisprudenza.
Dip. Scienze giuridiche "Cesare Beccaria" - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano
Title Professor(s)
Constitutional principles, European standards and rules of the criminal trial
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
Criminal Appeals
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
European and International Judicial Cooperation
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
Different models of criminal justice
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
The precautionary measures
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
European and international criminal justice
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
V. Mitsilegas (Queen Mary University)
Prison and Fundamental Rights
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
J. Margulies (Cornell University)
Res iudicata and enforcement of criminal judgments
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
Reform of the trial and penal sanction system
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
Evidence law
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
The rules of judgment in criminal proceedings
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
Criminal Justice and Scientific Evolution
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
Criminal Liability and Fundamental Rights
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
J. Margulies (Cornell University)
Immigration, Fundamental Rights and the Criminal Law
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
V. Mitsilegas (Queen Mary University)
Business and economic crime: controversial issues
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
F. Londoño Martinez (Universidad Diego Portales)
N. Brandao (Universidade de Coimbra)
Criminal Law, Science and Technolgies
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
International criminal law
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
Crime and Punishment: controversial issues between theory and practice
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
F. Londoño Martinez (Universidad Diego Portales)
C. Lernestedt (Stockholms Universitet)
The Fight against Corruption: Prevention and Prosecution in a Domestic and International Context
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure
F. Londono Martinez (Universidad Diego Portales)
The limits to freedom of expression and criminal law (negationism, hate speech, incitement to violence, fake news)
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure; Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
C. Lernestedt (Stockholms Universitet)
Populism and criminal law
Curriculum: Criminal law and criminal procedure; Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
F. Londono Martinez (universidad Diego Portales)
Forms of belonging and transmission of property rights
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Obligation rights in the Roman legal thought
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
T. Rüfner (Universitat Trier)
Justice and Law in ancient World
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
The Challenge of the Civilian Tradition in the Dialogue between Legal Systems in 21st century: Europe e Asia
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
The institutes of private and of public law in the legal experience of the ancient Mediterranean legal systems
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
D. Kremer (Université Paris Descartes)
Health policies in a historical perspective
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Is codification still a feasible model? New perspectives of the sources of law in the age of globalization
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Continuity and discontinuity in the Italian criminal trial: individual guarantees and repressive demands
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Political Guidelines' in the Constitutions of the 20th Century
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
A. Dal Ri (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianopolis)
Juridical theories of sovereignty from a historical perspective
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Repression and punishment in the early modern period
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Transitional justice: historiographical models between repression and pacification
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Discrimination and law from a historical perspective
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
The system of evidence from a historical perspective
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Law, History, and sustainable Economy
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
J. Garcia Martìn (Universidad del Pais Vasco)
Law and Humanities
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
M. Nacci (Pontificia Università Lateranense)
Law and maternity between Middle Age and Modern Age
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Disability in legal and historical perspective
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Factum & ius. Legal thinking in the solution of the case
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Due process in a European historical-comparative perspective
Curriculum: Roman law and legal history
Prediction techniques for justice and corporate compliance
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Customer profiling by geolocalization tools
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Innovative methods for teaching cybersecurity and data protection contents
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Big data and law in the digital transformation of the city, citizens, minors and patients
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Logic and Legal Informatics, Theory of Legal Reasoning, Methods of Legal Interpretation, and Analysis of Legal Language
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
V. Velluzzi
The Legal Framework of the Public Managers’ Employment Relationship between Autonomy and Responsibility
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Law, religion and economics
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Canon Law and the Other Religious Laws in Interaction with the Secular Legal Systems
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
The Right to Religious Freedom in International, Comparative and European Union Law
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
M. Rodríguez Blanco (Universidad de Alcalà)
Globalization, Rights, Democracy and Normative Pluralism
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Conflict, Deviance and Social Behavior
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Sociological and Legal-Realist Theories of Law
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Legal gender studies: philosophical and sociological perspectives
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Social Ontology, Legal Epistemology and Jurisprudence
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Restorative Justice and Vindicatory Justice: epistemological and axiological questions
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Democracy, Justice and rights during sanitary emergencies
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Theory of Justice, Metaethics, Public Ethics, Bio-ethics, Business Ethics and, more in general, Applied Ethics.
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Legal Informatics: legal design for technology platforms for legal research and the drafting of professional documents (ex DM 117/2023)
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law
Ethics by design of digital public services in the data-driven society (ex DM 117/2023)
Curriculum: Legal philosophy, sociology of law, ecclesiastical and canon law

Courses list

November 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Digital Transformation in Big Data Society
3 15 Italian
January 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Specificity and Religious Factor: Juridical Issues for a Plural Society 3 15 Italian
February 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
"the Art of Getting Right". the Law Between Form and Substance from Historical Experience to the Contemporary Age 3 15 Italian
Sanction in the Legal Experience: Semantics, Method and Functions
3 15 Italian
April 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Witches? Female Deviance from the Classical Era to the Present Day 3 15 Italian
May 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Legal Philosophy of International Law
3 15 Italian
November 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Digital Transformation in Big Data Society
3 15 Italian
January 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Specificity and Religious Factor: Juridical Issues for a Plural Society 3 15 Italian
February 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
"the Art of Getting Right". the Law Between Form and Substance from Historical Experience to the Contemporary Age 3 15 Italian
Sanction in the Legal Experience: Semantics, Method and Functions
3 15 Italian
April 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Witches? Female Deviance from the Classical Era to the Present Day 3 15 Italian
May 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Legal Philosophy of International Law
3 15 Italian