Earth Sciences

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2023/2024
Study area
Science and Technology
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra 'Ardito Desio' - Via L. Mangiagalli, 34 - 20133 Milano
PhD Coordinator
The doctoral programme in Earth Sciences aims to train young researchers so that they are able to autonomously investigate a broad range of geoscience topics. The mission is to form high profile geologists with scientific-technical-experimental training in the study, modelling and management of georesources who are able to solve problems effectively. Based on past experience, the programme will focus on immediately marketable hard & soft skills and meet the need for post-graduate education with up-to-date, innovative know-how. In particular, it will provide advanced specialist training
1. in basic, applied and theoretical research on problems relating to the structure, composition, evolution and dynamics of the Earth;
2. in the characterisation and modelling of the Earth System;
3. in basic and applied research on land use, natural hazards, energy and water resources, geomaterials, mineral prospecting and enhancement of cultural heritage.
The geological perspective of the overall functioning of the Earth System includes research centred on the processes at work on the surface and inside the Earth, on their impact on ecosystems and human activities and, conversely, the short and long-term consequences of human activity on the environment. The complex interactions between geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere are stored in the geological record, which can be decoded to:
a) reconstruct the development and evolution of our planet, combining experimental observations and models;
b) Define natural resources (oil, gas, mineral raw materials, water), their use and sustainable exploitation;
c) Evaluate geological hazards (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides);
d) Devise works of geological engineering and infrastructures;
e) Implement environmental reclamation technologies;
f) Develop exploitation of raw materials for industrial applications;
g) Preserve and make the most of our cultural geo-paleontological heritage;
h) Evaluate forensic applications.
The EARTH SYSTEM: PROCESSES AND MODELLING curriculum aims to develop scientific-technical skills for understanding, quantifying and modelling the current Earth System and the geological record, characterised by complex interactions between Geosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere.
The GEORESOURCES curriculum aims to develop innovative skills to address the global challenges deriving from the growing need for Georesources. Research activities will focus on a wide spectrum of geological skills regarding the identification and exploitation of energy, mineral and water resources while preserving the landscape. The aim is to train high-profile geologists with scientific-technical-experimental training for research, modelling and management of georesources and for studying and enhancing the landscape and cultural heritage.
The programme is organised to meet teaching and research requirements related to the broad spectrum of geosciences. The lines of research developed during the doctoral programme in Earth Sciences are highly topical with extensive international significance, as witnessed by close cooperation with leading international research institutions. Special attention is dedicated to training researchers to tackle complex research topics in an independent and innovative manner. Training of doctoral students includes short courses and workshops, work experience in Italian and international institutions/laboratories, collaboration with industry, participation in Italian and international conferences and workshops, and other activities focused on overall training.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degree:

LM-11 Scienze per la conservazione dei beni culturali
LM-17 Fisica,
LM-18 Informatica,
LM-22 Ingegneria chimica,
LM-23 Ingegneria civile,
LM-27 Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni,
LM-29 Ingegneria elettronica,
LM-30 Ingegneria energetica e nucleare,
LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
LM-34 Ingegneria navale,
LM-35 Ingegneria per l?ambiente e il territorio,
LM-40 Matematica,
LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
LM-53 Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali,
LM-54 Scienze chimiche,
LM-58 Scienze dell?universo,
LM-60 Scienze della natura,
LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
LM-71 Scienze e tecnologie della chimica industriale,
LM-72 Scienze e tecnologie della navigazione,
LM-73 Scienze e tecnologie forestali ed ambientali,
LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l?ambiente e il territorio,
LM-79 Scienze geofisiche,
LM-82 Scienze statistiche.
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra 'Ardito Desio' - Via L. Mangiagalli, 34 - 20133 Milano
Title Professor(s)
The biotic response to Pliocene climate changes in conservation paleobiology: paleoecology, biomineralization and geochemistry
Requirements: Knowledge in invertebrate paleontology, paleoecology, sedimentology, geochemistry
Curriculum: Earth system: processing and modelling
Landforms evolution and modification of surface processes triggered by climate change and human agency.
Requirements: Basic skill in geomorphology and in main geomorphic processes in Alpine and Mediterranean environment
Curriculum: Earth system: processes and modeling
M. Pelfini
Architecture and composition of carbonate systems in the geological record: depositional processes, evolution, geometry and diagenesis
Requirements: Basic knowledge on carbonate sedimentology, petrography, diagenesis and geological mapping.
Curriculum: Georesources
Development of a geodatabase for geomorphologic mapping with applications to geomorphological heritage
Requirements: Advanced skills in Geographical Information Systems and knowledge of processes and landforms featuring the different morphogenetic and morphoclimatic environments
Curriculum: Georesources
Melt-rock reactions are key processes in controlling the petrologic evolution of the upper mantle and lower crust: they contribute to deeply modify the mineralogical and chemical composition of the infiltrated rocks, as well as, the geochemical signature of the migrating magma. This line of research aims to experimentally investigate the mineralogical changes and major and trace element distribution during such processes.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of petrology and geochemistry
Curriculum: Earth system: processes and modeling
Development of a shallow landslide early-warning system, intended for operational use, based on data-driven models. Special focus on meteorological and snowmelt data.
Requirements: Basic knowledge regarding geostastics and machine learning techniques; capabilities in managing and analysing large meteo-climatic datasets; good GIS skills
Curriculum: Earth System: Processes and modelling
Volatile, light and incompatible element cycles in subduction zones
Requirements: Basic knowledge of the main chemical-physical processes active in convergent margins; field analyses in metamorphic terranes; basic knowledge in microanalytical techniques and mass spectrometry
Curriculum: Earth System: Processes and Modelling
Structural characterisation of iron oxide nanoparticles for environmental applications from the circular economy viewpoint: The project encopasses la synthesis of iron oxides at the nanoscale, their use for heavy metal adsorption from industrial waste materials. At the end of the circular economy cycle, both the iron oxide nanoparticles and the waste materials will be re-used for production, in strict collaboration with the industry. The structural characterisation of the iron oxides is the key for understanding the adsorption and incorporation mechanism, and their relationship with temperature and reagent concentration.
Requirements: good crystallographic knowledge
Curriculum: Georesources
Controls on microbial carbonates: investigation of depositional environments, processes and products of carbonate precipitation associated with microbial mats in marine and non marine aquatic environments, in present-day settings and geological record.
Requirements: Basic knowledge on carbonate sedimentology, petrography, diagenesis and geochemistry.
Curriculum: Georesources
Bio-CCS: Ocean alkalization as a GREEN CO2 removal strategy. The ocean alkalinization enhancement (OAE) is an innovative and green technology (BioCCS) which is based on the amplification of natural processes through the release of alkaline products (for example limestone or slaked lime) in surface marine waters. By increasing the alkalinity and pH, the OAE promotes a high absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere by accelerating photosynthesis and counteracts the acidification of the oceans by favoring the biomineralization of calcifying organisms. The project aims to study the geological record of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Alkalinization events for the understanding and quantification of the effects of OAE on calcareous phytoplankton and the dynamics of the ocean ecosystem at large range and time scales.
Requirements: Conoscenze di paleoceanografia e paleoecologia
Curriculum: Georesources
Multidisciplinary approach to the study of outcropping clastic systems as reservoir analogues: the link between architecture and depositional processes. The goal is to link facies and architectural elements to genetic processes. The study will be based on facies analysis, physical sedimentology and geostatistical analysis of well exposed outcrops
Requirements: basic knowledge in sedimentology
Curriculum: Georisorses
Development of alghoritms and codes for processing and inversion of Electric and Electromagnetic data
Requirements: Basic skills in applied geophysics. Knowledge of programming languages, such as fortran, python or matlab
Curriculum: Georesources
Thermal history and paleo-fluid circulation in the Paris Basin sub-surface by combining: petrography, stable and radiometric isotopy, elemental analyses, fluid inclusions, Raman spectroscopy. Upper Triassic (fluvial siliciclastics), and Middle Jurassic (platform carbonates).
Requirements: Good skills in sedimentary petrology or diagenesis or basin analysis. Interest for lab work.
Curriculum: Georesources
Assessment of abandoned and active mining sites for the recovery of raw materials with focus on CRM and environmental remediation.
Requirements: The candidates must to have basic knowledge on metallogenic processes, flowsheet of exctraction and beneficiation of raw materials and of environmental risk related to mining.
Curriculum: Georesources
Multiscale structural analysis on the evolution of shield volcanoes. El Hierro and La Palma case studies (Camary Islands)
Requirements: Geological and structural fieldwork in volcanic areas, remote sensing, kowledge of GIS and 3D modelling softwares
Curriculum: Earth system: Processes & Modelling
G. Groppelli (CNR)
G. Norini (CNR)
Characterization of the interaction processes between microporous minerals (or their synthetic counterparts) and saline fluids at non-ambient temperature and pressure, for understanding of geological processes involving zeolites and their potential technological implications.
Requirements: Knowledge in Mineraogy, Petrology and Geo-resources. Common analytical techniques in mineralogical studies
Curriculum: Georesources
Integration between space gravity data and GNSS data and numerical geophysical modeling with the aim of clarifying the physics of tectonic processes in different geodynamic context.
Requirements: Documented knowledge of Earth Sciences. Concepts of Programming and numerical calculation.
Curriculum: Earth system: Processes & Modelling
Minerals in Earth and Planets: experimental and analytical studies for an understanding of the role of key minerals in planetary processes and innovative approaches for their museum conservation and for the design of new education-dissemination methodologies.
Requirements: Basic mineralogical and crystallographical knowledge. Interest for study and research activities
Curriculum: Earth System: processes and modeling
Chronology of key stages in the history of human evolution
Requirements: Knowledge of principles and practis in Stratigraphy and chronostratigrapgy
Curriculum: Earth System: processes and modeling
Controls of biofilms on quantity and quality of aquifer artificial recharge through stormwater infiltration basins.
Requirements: Knowledge of hydrogeology, reactive transport modeling, emerging contaminants in aquatic systems and/or microbiology applied to soil systems.
Curriculum: Georesources
Quantification and modelling of planktonic and benthic foraminiferal response to short and long term paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes across the rise and fall of the Cretaceous hot greenhouse climate, including oceanic anoxic events, from low to southern high latitudes.
Requirements: Knowledge on foraminiferal taxonomy, paleoecology, and stable isotope geochemistry.
Curriculum: Earth system: processes and modeling
Analysis of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone in the Western Alps to evaluate and quantify its heterogeneity during Alpine convergence, using structural, thermobarometric, and geochronological methods, and comparison with thermomechanical models
Requirements: Structural geology; knowledge on microstructural investigation, petrography, and metamorphism; attitude to field and laboratory activities
Curriculum: Earth system: processes and modeling
J. G. Barreiro (Università di Salamanca, Spagna)
Structural study of metamorphic ophiolites along the axial zone of the Alpine chain: kinematic and tectono-metamorphic interpretations. The main goal is to characterize deformation styles and metamorphic signature of the oceanic relics to infer their oceanic evolution and the dynamics characterising their subduction and exhumation. The research program includes multiscale structural geological analysis in key localities of the Western Alps, and minerochemical investigations on selected microstructural sites to characterize the environmental conditions in which these rocks are deformed and transformed.
Requirements: Abilities in: structural and geological mapping of crystalline basements; field and microscale structural analysis; mineral chemical data analysis; thermobarometric estimates for metamorphic assemblages
Curriculum: Earth system: processes and modelling
Experimental investigation of element (and isotope) fractionation by volatilisation of magma oceans during planet formation
Requirements: Basic knowledge of the main chemical-physical processes active in Solar system formation; basic knowledge of general petrology and of techniques used in experimental petrology; basic knowledge in microanalytical techniques and mass spectrometry
Curriculum: Earth system: processes and modelling
H. Remco (CNR-IGAG)
S. Poli
Content and distribution of Critical Raw Materials in lime production mining sites: a depositological study of useful lithologies and processing wastes (ex DM 117/2023)
Curriculum: Georesources
Conservation and digitization of the paleontological assets of the Museum of Natural History of Milano: analysis and highlighting of the fossil collections of Cenozoic mammals (ex DM 118/2023)
Curriculum: Georesources
D. Iurino133594

Courses list

October 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Advanced Statistical Modelling of Space-Time Environmental Data Using Gams
4 20 English
November 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Correlation and Regression with Matlabtm: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
4 20 English
January 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Glacier Monitoring: from in Situ Measurements to Remote Sensing Techniques.
3 15 English
February 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Advanced Experimental Synthesis and Characterization of Mineral and Rocks 4 20 Italian
April 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Machine Learning for Geosciences Applications
3 15 English
May 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Stable Isotope Geochemistry in Geological and Environmental Processes
4 20 English
June 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Metal Migration and Formation of Polymetallic Ore Deposits in the Oceanic Lithosphere
4 20 English
Vibrational Spectroscopy Meets Geosciences - Geovibrs
5 20 English
September 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Advanced Analytical Techniques in Earth Sciences 4 20 Italian
May 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Stable Isotope Geochemistry in Geological and Environmental Processes
4 20 English
June 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Metal Migration and Formation of Polymetallic Ore Deposits in the Oceanic Lithosphere
4 20 English
September 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Advanced Analytical Techniques in Earth Sciences 4 20 Italian
The Exploration of Natural H2 Started: Why and Where?
4 20 English