Clinical Research

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2023/2024
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche, Via della Commenda, 10 - 20122 Milano
PhD Coordinator
Students will learn a correct research approach for studying the causes and the clinical-therapeutic management of diseases.
Specific objectives:
? identify clinical issues and uncertainties in pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and in therapeutic approaches in various diseases;
? correctly apply different research methodologies (randomized trials, longitudinal, cross-sectional or transversal studies and case control studies);
? identify and use biological and genetic markers for studying clinical syndromes, guiding diagnosis and assessing the clinical outcome of different pathologies;
? develop critical skills to analyse and comment clinical research results published or presented at national and international conferences;
? introduce students to independent clinical research methods and to the issues and critical points relating to ethics in clinical research.
The programme is entirely in English.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degree:

LM-41 Medicina e chirurgia
LM-46 Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria
LM/SNT1 Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche
LM/SNT2 Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie
LM/SNT3 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche
LM/SNT4 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie della prevenzione
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche, Via della Commenda, 10 - 20122 Milano
Title Professor(s)
1. Intra-operative protection of the saphenous vein used as a graft in cardiac and vascular surgery to allow for greater patency at a distance. 2. Study of the interaction between mechanical and paracrine factors in the progression of saphenous vein bypass disease. 3. Aortic valve insufficiency in relation to left ventricular size: what is the correct surgical timing? 4. Transcatheter aortic implantation (TAVR) in aortic valve disease: a study of access routes 5. Transcatheter aortic implantation (TAVR) in reoperations on degenerated aortic and mitral prostheses using the Valve-in-Valve technique (ViV TAVR)
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Prevalence of Chagas disease among people from Latin America living in Milano.2 Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among Latin American pregnant women and incidence of vertical transmission.3 Epidemiology and clinica aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection during different waves.4 Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis among patients affected by Covid-19critical disease
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Pathophysiology, therapy and complications of hypothalamic-pituitary diseases . 2. Thyroid and adrenal cancers: Studies on clinical aspect, prognostic risk factors, new biomarkers and innovative treatments . 3. New approaches for the diagnosis and prognosis of rare endocrine diseases
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Morphological and functional adaptation of right ventricle ad different stages of pulmonary circulation involvement in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Treatment of respiratory symptoms related to pathologic gastroesophageal reflux disease and assessment of esophageal patophysiology with 24-pH study and high-tesolution manometry, in patients with systemic slecrosis managed with laparoscopic partial fundoplication. A feasibility study. 2. Management of gastroesophageal reflux disease after sleeve gastrectomy using the esophageal magnetic sphincter augmentation device (LINX): physiopathological evaluation with high-resolution manometry and 24-hour pH-study.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Diseases of the pericardium. 2. Pregnancy in autoimmune diseases. 3. Vasculitis: pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy, folow-up. 4. Fragile multimordib patients.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Innovative approaches to early diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders 2. Multidisciplinary characterization of epilepsy and/or neurodevelopmental disorders 3. Central Nervous System involvement in Sars-Cov-2 Infection
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
The role of artificial intelligence in interventional oncology: - use of radiomics for diagnosis, evaluation of prognosis and patient selection (responder or nomresponder); - use of artifical intelligence for intraprocedural guidance (fusion imaging, catheter navigation assistance systems, predictivity in ablation procedures)
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Use of respiratory function tests for diagnosis and follow-up of patients with Covid-19. 2. Differential effects of hypoglycemic therapies on survival in diabetic patients with COVID 19. 3. Evaluation of acute respiratory failure in patients with type 1 respiratory failure including Covid 19 patients.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
S. Centanni
Endocrine disorders in patients with common diseases (diabetes mellitus and/or hypertension and/or osteoporosis)
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Clinical methodology (critical evaluation of choosing in medicine and scientific literature). 2. Risk stratification in cardiovascular diseases and in emergency situations, expecially in syncope.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Study of microcirculation:pathophysiologic and clinical implications.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1) Modulation of the metabolism of the malignancies through the use of metformina and fast mimicking diet
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1) "Nasal Function" - CFD 2) "Sleep disorders in ENT" 3) Olfactory impairment in SARS-Cov-2 infection 4) Audiology and vestibology
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Clinical Aspects,imaging, genetics and bimolecular aspects of nurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system. In particular: 1) Role of the glymphatic system in neurodegenerative diseases: multimodal characterization through neuro-imaging and plasma/serum biological markers 2) From neuroinflammation to neurodegeneration: expression of inflammatory proteins in biological fluids and extracellular vesicles 3) miRNA and lncRNA expression in biological fluid and exosomes.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Physiopathological mechanisms of insulin-resistance in obesity and diabetes. 2. Implications for atherosclerosis acceleration and microvascular complications. 3. Differential effects of hypoglycemic therapies on survival in diabetic patients with COVID 19
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Hepatic steatosis and its cardiovascular complications as co-morbidities in different clinical settings (diabetes, viral infections, IBD, liver transplantation). 2. Bidirectional relationship between hepatic steatosis and altered body composition (obesity, sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity). 3) Role of gut microbiota and sarcopenia in determining liver and cardiovascular damage in diabetic patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Psychopharmacology of severe mental disorders (pharmacogenetics, treatment resistance)
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
O. Gambini
Clinico-pathological characterization of the effects of specific therapies on the bone marrow, for the treatment of patients with MielodisplaticMieloproliferative syndromes.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Custom-made maxillary and mandibular reconstructions prior to implant surgery and maxillofacial oncologic surgery. 2. Sars-CoV-2 and other viral infections in HNSCC: genetic and epigenetic susceptibility characterization and related patient clinical profiles 3. Customized three-dimensional synthesis means in orthognathic surgery and in OSAS maxillofacial surgery; evaluation of splintless planning accuracy
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Use of ex vivo confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of oncological pathologies in urology
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
B. Rocco
Role of the autologous adipose tissue in tissue regeneration, in fibrosis reduction and in scar-pain control.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Retinal and choroidal disorders
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Immunotherapy in head and neck tumours.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1) Development of personalized therapies in tumors of the nervous system. 2) New knowledge and surgical therapies in movement disorders.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Use of transcranic electromagnetic stimulation for the treatment of the endocrino-metabolic diseases. 2. Olfactory alterations and diabetes: early biomarker for disease complications 3. Metabolic effects of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1) Cutaneous manifestations associated with COVID-19 vaccines and new disease variants : clinical, histopathological and immunological study based on an Italian registry 2) Comparison between classical and syndromic HS: a genetic and immunological study
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
A. V. Marzano
1. Urothelial cancer: new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches 2. Translational analysis of the impact of HLA-G-related tolerance in overall health in infertile vs. fertile men. 3. Rare urological malignancies: penile and testicular cancer. Risk factors and predictors of lymph nodal and advanced disease analysis to develop personalized treatments.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Assesment and modulation of autonomic nervous system in acute and chronic diseases
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1) Pathophysiology, clinics and personalized therapeutic strategies in myelodisplastic syndrom and myelodisplastic/myeloproliferative disorders. 2) Development of combined bone marrow and other tissues/organs transplantation strategies for the induction of specific tolerance (chimerism-based tolerance). 3) Celluar therapies in haematological malignancies
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Recurrent infective-inflammatory disease of the upper airways. 2. Mini-invasive surgery for airways obstructions. 3. Clinical expressions and relapse in ENT of the COVID-19 pandemic. 4. Biologic treatments for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. 5. The role of nasal microbiota in pediatric upper airway infections
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Assessment of structure/funcion relationship in glaucomatous damage 2. Efficacy of neuropritection in slowing glaucoma progressio 3. Evaluation of the role of inflammation in retinitis pigmentosa: therapeutic implications 4. Evaluation of the ocular surface in the elderly: comparison of different molecules in restoring lacrimal film
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. HIV infection: clinical, metabolic and pharmacological correlates and focus on genotypic and phenotypic resistance. 2. In vitro pharmacological response of SARS-CoV-2 to different drug classes with a different mechanism of action
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Setup of a national database for the functional, respiratoty and clinical characterization in a wide population of patients suffering from cronic obstructive broncho-pulmonary disease. 2. Gas exchange and morphological evaluation in COVID19 respiratory system: from acute to follow-up time. 3. The role of lung ultrasound in assesing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis progression and its correlaion with lung function.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Novel biomarkers of cardiovascular risk associated with adipose tissue plasticity in obese and / or diabetic subjects
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Autonomic nervous system from bench to bedside: physiopathological and clinical aspects and new therapeutic approaches using vagal stimulation.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Evaluation of the role of radiant therapy in the treatment of intractable ventricular tachycards co. 2. Role of transcathere ablation of the back wall of the left atrium for the treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation 3. Role of hybrid therapy (surgical+electrophysiological) in the treatment of chronic forms of atrial fibrillation 4. Effectiveness of mechanical closure of the left auricola compared with conventional anticoagulant therapy in thromboembolic prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation 5. Effectiveness and safety of new leadless pacemakers with accelerometer sensor for AV synchronization in patients with intermittent AV block 6. Effectiveness and safety of left branch stimulation in patients with a need for heart stimulation 7. Role of endomyocardial biopsy in arrhythmic risk stratification in cardiomyopathy patients 8. Efficacia e sicurezza della modulazione della contrattilità miocardica nei pazienti con scompenso cardiaco.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
New pathophysiological knowledge for the design of endovascular treatment of thoracic and abdominal aorta diseases.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Analysis of cardiovascular stiffening after thoracic and abdominal aortic diseases management using endovascular treatment
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Safety and efficacy of the Thulium laser system for endoscopic therapy of gastrointestinal lesions: a multicenter study. 2. Novel biomarkers for complicated and non-responsive celiac disease. 3. Nutritional status as a prognostic index in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Short Bowel Syndrome: evaluation of therapeutic strategies.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Ocular surface pathophysiology, clinics and therapeutic strategies 2. The eye as a window on the immune system
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Development and validation of a four-dimensional modeling software of the musculoskeletal system with focus on the lower limb, aimed at replicating with good reliability the kinematics and dynamics of the body segment. Design and implementation of innovative tools for the preoperative planning of hip and knee replacement, in order to optimize the identification of alignment targets for the prosthetic components.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Diagnostic, interventional and quantitative radiology, with particular reference to musculoskeletal system and applications of artificial intelligence to imaging.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Study of the progression of reticular drusen.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
The complications in clinical trial: management and medical liability
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. New methodological and technological developments in physical and rehabilitation medicine 2. Verification of efficacy of therapies and reliability of outcome measurements in vertebral deformities
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Research of new biomarkers of systemic cutaneous disorders by integrating multi-omics with artificial intelligence. 2. Defintiion of the main endotype to apply one-helath and precison medicine concepts.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
Study of the diaphragmatic function and the pathophysiological mechanisms of its dysfunction through the use of the lung transplant model: - Identification of the intraoperative phase during transplantation of the onset of the conduction defect of the phrenic nerve and therefore of the post-transplant diaphragmatic dysfunction - Identification of patients at risk dedicating a personalized approach to the prevention and treatment of diaphragmatic dysfunctions - To study the impact of transplantation on the shape of the diaphragm and the functional consequences of the mismatch on the size of the donor/recipient lung - Identify clinically measurable predictors of diaphragmatic dysfunction assessed by ultrasound, histology and molecular biology - Study predictive models to predict post-transplant outcomes and validated through follow up acquisitions together with clinical/biological scores.
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1.Optimizinig the management of patients with acute respiratory failure (i.e., mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), with particular focus on the clinical and biological phenotyping of patients' cohorts
Requirements: Extensive knowledge of the Office suite (i.e., word, excel, powerpoint); basic knowledge of statistical analysis methods (i.e., logistical and univariate analyses)
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Assessment and optimization of the critical care management of patients ungergoing solid organ transplant
Requirements: Extensive knowledge of the Office suite (i.e., word, excel, powerpoint); basic knowledge of statistical analysis methods (i.e., logistical and univariate analyses)
Curriculum: Specialized medical sciences
1. Epidemiology of oral diseases especially dental caries 2. Caries prevention agents and their use in populations at high risk of disease 3. Children with Special needs and oral health: preventive and therapeutic strategies 4. Maternal and children's oral health promotion and prevention
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1) Comparative mapping of viroma and microbiome of the upper respiratory tract in SARS-CoV-2 patients; 2) Development of an integrated proteomic and metabolomic approach for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 patients admitted to intensive and subintensive therapies.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Clinical and lab validations of new orthodontic devices
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1) development and clinical application of new collagen xenogenous matrices for the regeneration of intra-oral soft tissues; 2) development and clinical applications of customized Cad/cam titanium meshes for guided bone regeneration of atrophic edentulous jaws.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Systematic reviews, meta-analysis and network meta-analysis to synthesize the evidence in dentistry
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Autologous dentin matrix and platelet concentrates for alveolar site preservation and bone defects reconstruction procedures in oral surgery
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Morphofunctional analyses of organs and tissues of the oral system. 2. Evaluation of the sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness of oral health promotion programs aimed at including oral care in primary care.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Modern therapeutic approaches for periodontal and peri-implant diseases. 2. Study of the correlation between periodontal diseases and systemic conditions
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Interaction of the microbial flora of the oral cavity with modern materials used in Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry. The line includes the study and synthesis of dental materials with antibacterial and bioactive properties also using nanotechnologies with a bottom-up approach, the study of their surface characteristics, mechanical tests on materials, the development and use of flow bioreactors, the use of optical, SEM, confocal microscopes to the CLSM laser. 2. Development of in vitro models for simulating the microbiological aging of materials for dental use. 3. Development of in vitro microbiological models for the study of demineralization / remineralization of dental hard tissues, also using micro-CT. Development and study of active principles with remineralizing activity. 4. Development of 3D tissue models of reconstituted human epithelium for the evaluation of the efficacy of active ingredients and models of microbial co-infections. 5. Development of flow bioreactor models for the study and prevention of microbial infections of catheters. 6. Development of a protected environment for the evaluation of the spread via aerosol of infections in the clinical setting, in particular for the evaluation of measures to protect the Operators and limit the spread of Coronavirus in the Dental field.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of mucosal lesions with particular attention towards potentially malignant ones.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. SINGLE-PHASE IMPLANTS Prospective observational study of cohorts. X-ray evaluation of MBL of single-phase implants inserted in full-arch rehabilitations with full-digital approach with immediate load. 2. MATRICES FOR SOFT TISSUE GROWTH RCT evaluation of increase of soft tissue with pig collagen matrix placed in the middle and full thickness with scans at 1-3-6-12 months. 3. INCREASE IN PERIMPLANTARY SOFT TISSUES RCT evaluation of soft tissue growth with roll flap vs connective grafting approach.Volumetric and PES 12-month assessment. 1-Peri-implant bone level in implant positioning conditions with partial thickness and full thickness flap. prospective randomized 3-year study 2-Randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, placebo-controlled, parallel group, single dose, multicenter study to evaluate the analgesic effect of CR4056 in postoperative dental pain - ACT 1262/2018 3-Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of a reabsorbable collagen membrane in guided bone regeneration for implant-prosthetic purposes - ACTS 1124/2017 4-Study of the neuromuscular behavior of the elevating muscles of the jaw (temporal and masseter) and of the cranial postural muscles (sternocleidomastoid and trapezius) as possible indicators of an occluded-postural imbalance in subjects of the ballet dances between 16 and 24 years old
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Study of the individual resistance determinants and environmental protective factors in Sars-CoV-2 infections in populations with low prevalence of infection. 2. Study of the adaptive immune response to Sars-CoV-2 infections in exposed and non-exposed populations (immunological response through cross-reactivity)
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Regeneration of Periodontal and peri-implant tissues, in particular surgical techniques, scaffolds and growth factors. 2. Development of 3D printed scaffolds for the regeneration of maxillary processes. 3. Identification of "treatable traits" and characterization of "personalized therapy" in asthmatic subjects.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Single edentulism treatment through implant-supported rehabilitation with autologous connective or heterologous matrix graft. Multicentric, randomized controlled study.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Impact of chronic facial pain disorders (Burning Mouth Syndrome, Persistent Idiopathic Facial Pain) on the oral, systemic and mental health conditions of patients and their family members.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Evaluation of molecules with anti-biofilm activity for the prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Efficacy of laser biostimulation in pain and oedema reduction after impacted mandibular third molar extraction: multicentric, randomized study.
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1. Wearables BioSensor Technologies for Oral Metabolic Agents in saliva 2. Semiautomatic and Automatic 3D craniofacial analysis through Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods and its application in orthodontics and maxillo-facial surgery 3. 3d on chair printed aligners. Validation of their clinical efficacy
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
1) Development of drug release systems for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa; 2) Analysis of oral microbiome in relation to oral mucosal diseases
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Analyses of HPV and host body fluid biomarkers as non-invasive strategy for detection of head and neck cancer relapse (ex DM 118/2023)
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of the Combination of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and Dynamic Quadripolar Diathermy for Face and Neck Rejuvenation
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Evaluation of innovative pharmacological approaches for the management of drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRON – Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws)
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Facial morphometric analysis and dental arches in patients affected by rare syndrome
Curriculum: Oral Sciences
Dentin as an allogeneic graft for alveolar bone regeneration
Curriculum: Oral Sciences

Courses list

November 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Clinical Research Methodology 5 26 Italian
January 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Research: an Approach to Personalized Medicine 4 20 Italian
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Clinical Research 3 16 Italian
February 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Updates in Medical Disciplines 6 32 Italian
Updates in Surgical Disciplines 6 32 Italian
March 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration Techniques 7 20 Italian