Food Systems

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2020/2021
Study area
Science and Technology
PhD Coordinator
The aim of this doctoral programme is to prepare researchers and scholars specialised in nutrition with international standard methodological know-how, autonomy and specific skills in scientific research on food systems. With these learning objectives, the doctoral programme in Food Systems envisages many cross-sector research topics: food technologies, process control and innovation, microbiology of foods and bioprocesses, food chemistry and biochemistry, human nutrition, ecology of agri-food and agri-environmental systems.
Tutte le classi di laurea magistrale - All classes of master's degree
Dip. Scienze per gli alimenti, la nutrizione e l'ambiente - Via Mangiagalli, 25 - Milano
- Main offices
Dip. Scienze per gli alimenti, la nutrizione e l'ambiente - Via Mangiagalli, 25 - Milano - Degree course coordinator: prof.ssa Antonella Pagliarini
[email protected] - Degree course website
Title | Professor(s) |
Sensory & consumer science for the development of new, healthy and sustainable foods
Requirements: Education in food sciences and technology & Human nutrition Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition |
Exploring the relationships between sensory perception, food preferences and nutritional status
Requirements: Education in food sciences and technology & Human nutrition Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition |
Green chemical and biotechnological processes for the development of added-value products from agrifood biomasses and by-products
Requirements: Education in food science and technology and food system sustainability Curriculum: Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Innovative alcoholic beverages enriched in bioactive compounds
Requirements: Education in Food Science and Technology Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
Role of macromolecules in designing and optimizing processess for biofunctional-enriched foods
Requirements: Education in Food Sciences/Human Nutrition/Food Engineering Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
Economics of sustainability standards: supply chain and consumer analysis
Requirements: Education in agri-food economics, economics, food science and technology, food supply chain sustainability Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition |
Structural and physiological relevance of the interaction between food proteins and nanostructures
Requirements: Education in scientific topics Curriculum: Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Green and fast e-sensing methodologies for Process Analytical Technology and food quality assessment and authentication
Requirements: Education in scientific areas Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
E. Casiraghi
Bioavailability and biological activity of dietary compounds/patterns and their role on human health
Requirements: Education in Food Sciences/Human Nutrition; Principles of analytical methodologies for the evaluation of nutritional compounds and their biological activity Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
D. Erba
P. Simonetti
Omics to tackle climate change threats to food safety and security
Requirements: Education in biological, biotechnological and agri-food-environmental sciences Curriculum: Agri-environment |
Insects in the circular economy: by-products valorization for the protein production
Requirements: Education in the field of agricultural sciences, biology and natural sciences. Entomological knowledge Curriculum: Agri-environment |
Foods as reservoir of novel starter, probiotic and human commensal microorganisms: ecology, molecular and functional characterization, and impact on host health
Requirements: Education in biological sciences and agri-food-environmental biotechnology Curriculum: Food Science and Nutrition |
Biological and chemical strategies to manage pathogens in the food chain
Requirements: Education in biological and chemical sciences and agri-food-environmental biotechnology Curriculum: Chemistry and biochemistry |
"Environmental probiotics": exploitation of the beneficial interaction among microorganisms and the environment or the plant
Requirements: Education in biology, biotechnology, agri-environment disciplines Curriculum: Agri-environment |
Multidisciplinary approaches to the study of multi-phase foods as delivery systems for bioactive compounds
Requirements: Education in scientific areas Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
P. Simonetti
Logistics in food industry: new methodological approaches to assess sustainability
Requirements: Education in scientific areas Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
Advanced statistical approaches in food science
Requirements: Education in scientific areas Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
E. Casiraghi
Plastics and bioplastics for food contact applications: safety, performances and analytical tools to guarantee food quality and environment protection fostering new consumer behaviour models
Requirements: Education in scientific areas Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
Sustainability in food chain: integrated approaches to reduce food loss and food waste
Requirements: Education in scientific areas Curriculum: Food Science & Nutrition |
Courses list
January 2021
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Spectroscopic Methods in Food Systems | 3 | 15 | English |
November 2020
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Abc of Videocommunication in Science: Filming Methods to Learn the Method | 3 | 15 | English |
January 2021
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Environmental Microbiomes: from Microbial Ecology to Ecosystem Services | 4 | 20 | English |
November 2020
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Sustainability Concepts in Food Technology - Methodological Approaches and Case Studies | 4 | 20 | English | |
The Methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the Food Chain | 4 | 20 | English |
January 2021
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
E-Sensing Technologies and Chemometrics | Casiraghi Ernestina Maria
5 | 25 | English |
June 2021
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
The Intestinal Microbiota: Interactions with Host and Diet | Taverniti Valentina
2 | 10 | English |
Following the programme of study
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