Applied Biology in Nutritional Sciences

Liquido rosa: esperimento
Applied Biology in Nutritional Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
LM-6 R - Biologia
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme in BIOLOGY APPLIED TO THE SCIENCES OF NUTRITION (BIONUTRI, Class LM-6 Biology) is aimed to the training of qualified experts in the application of biology in nutrition-related fields, the interaction between environment and food, the hygiene and quality of food resources, the control procedures and the accreditation and certification of food. On the basis of the development of biological knowledge in the bio-nutritional field, graduates will be able to manage the problems arising from the rapid evolution of the environmental, cultural, regulatory and technological aspects of nutrition. The M.Sc. in BIONUTRI intends to respond to emerging needs for specific skills in the bio-nutritional field that are currently growing. Specific training objectives are the acquisition of a thorough scientific and operational preparation about:
- the basic chemical composition of food, bioavailability of the macro- and micro-nutrients, the energy content and the nutritional quality of foods, modification of food caused by technological and production processes and by environmental contamination;
- biochemistry and physiology of digestion and absorption and the metabolic processes;
- ecology of nutrition; trophic chains, food eco-toxicology and evaluation of the risk; OGM in the alimentary sector;
- alimentary ethology and pathological dysfunctions connected with the alimentation; microbiology, toxycology and hygiene of the foods;
- legislation and norms, national and communitary, relative to the alimentary politics, to the hygiene and to the control of the foods, to the nutritional overseeing for populations, to the risk of exposure to contaminating agents in the animal and human diets.
The M.Sc. graduates in BIONUTRI possess a specific and modern knowledge of the biological applications in alimentary and nutritional field and a deepened cultural preparation on the problems of nutrition in several contexts as the environmental, technological, legislative and of scientific research ones with particular attention to the cellular and molecular aspects.
The broad acquired competence confers a specific preparation for professional activities and projects in fields correlated to the biological disciplines in the sectors of the industry and of the public administration with particular reference to:
1) comprehension of the biological phenomena at all levels and diffusion/divulgation of such knowledge;
2) correct application of nutrition and of the relative current rules in the field of the public and private health;
3) monitoring of food consumption to assess the nutritional trends of the population, application of methods apt to evaluate food safety and to ensure the health of the consumer;
4) nutritional education for the institutional operators and the population;
5) dietetic advice for determining optimal diets for communities (company refectories, sporting groups, and so on) or single individuals;
6) participation in processes of optimization, conservation and safety of the alimentary resources;
7) procedures of control, credit and certification of private and public laboratories or structures in accordance with the European dispositions;
8) promotion and development of the scientific and technological innovation, as well as of management and design of the technologies related to the biology of nutrition;
9) management and coordination tasks in installations of the national and foreign alimentary industries;
10) professional activities and to set up projects in all the fields correlated to the biological disciplines, in the application sectors of the industry, of the agriculture, of the health and of the public administration.

The M.Sc. graduate in BIONUTRI will be able to carry out:
1) research activity in the bio-nutritional field,
2) research activity in the alimentary industry and in specific sectors for protection of the public health,
3) marketing in the industry of the sector of pertinence,
4) managerial career in either public or private laboratories,
5) free professional activities in pertinent sectors,
6) managerial career in the great alimentary distribution;
7) activity of diffusion of nutritional education.
The M.Sc. graduate in BIONUTRI, after passing the exam for the profession, will be able to enroll in the Biologist?s Professional Register, section A, with the title of Biologist, to perform the activities recognized by the Italian law.

The educational goals and the whole organization of the master program have been defined in the perspective of professional profiles that take into account feasible emergent occupational fields not only within the regional territory, but also within the national and European ones. The expected competences of the graduate are specifically included among those of the Biologist professional. Large and diverse possibilities of professional employment for master graduates with specific formation and cultural competences are also available outside the nation within the EU territory.

The employment sectors accessible to Master graduates are:
- Biologists and related professionals
- Biochemist
- Researchers and technicians graduated in the area of biological sciences
BIONUTRI students are given the opportunity to spend part of their curriculum abroad, at a University within the European Union (EU) in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. BIONUTRI students can attend courses and take exams that can be included in the core curriculum and/or perform the experimental thesis work in several European Universities localized in Netherland, Norway, Ireland, Germany - where courses taught in English are active - France, Spain and Portugal (see The admitted student will present a study plan including all the activities he/she intends to perform abroad, detailing the corresponding CFU: the number of proposed CFU should roughly correspond to those the student would achieve in the same time lapse remaining in his/her university. The study plan proposed by the student within the Erasmus+ program should be coherent with the BIONUTRI Master course and must be evaluated and approved by the Teaching Board. The Teaching Board, if necessary, will require the student to integrate the program of exams taken abroad. At the end of the Erasmus + program, according to the rules established by the Academic Senate, the approved exams will be recorded, possibly with the original denomination, as part of the student's curriculum upon conversion of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) into CFU. If the student performs the experimental thesis work abroad, he/she must follow the rules outlined below (see Caratteristiche tirocinio). Erasmus+ program representative for Biological area is Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Bonza ([email protected]).
Attendance is strongly recommended for all courses and compulsory for laboratory activities.
Admission requires the possession of minimum curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation (Ministerial Decree 270/04).
Requirements and Knowledge Required for Access:
Graduates from any Italian university holding a degree in the L-13 Biological Sciences category may access the Master's degree program, provided they meet the full curricular requirements for entry, have completed a training path consistent with the guidelines of the National College of Biologists of Italian Universities (CBUI), and have appropriate certification.
1. Graduates in the same L-13 category or from the previous Class 12 - Biological Sciences (Ministerial Decree 2/11/1999, n. 509), or from related categories, or those who have obtained an equivalent qualification abroad, recognized as suitable under current regulations, may also be admitted, provided they meet the required curricular qualifications. Specifically, the curricular requirements include an appropriate number of ECTS credits (normally no fewer than 90 ECTS) in groups of scientific-disciplinary sectors recognized in the L-13 Biological Sciences Table. These must be distributed appropriately across both basic and core biological disciplines, as well as non-biological disciplines, following a quantitative logic similar to that specified by the CBUI criteria. In particular, at least 36 ECTS in basic non-biological disciplines are required, including at least one course within the MAT/01-09 group, one within the FIS/06-07 group, one within the CHIM/02-03 group, and one within the CHIM/06 group. It is also essential to have at least 54 ECTS in basic and core biological disciplines, including those from the BIO/06, BIO/09, BIO/10, BIO/11, BIO/18, BIO/19 sectors, as well as from at least one sector in the BIO/01-05 group. Any missing ECTS credits may be earned by passing relevant exams at our university or others before enrollment in the Master's degree program.
2. To obtain information on missing curricular requirements, students are encouraged to send their study curriculum well in advance for evaluation to the Coordinator of the Master's Program or to the email address [email protected], even while attending the Bachelor's degree program, so they can complete the necessary exams in time.
The knowledge required for access to the Master's degree program includes adequate foundational training in the biological field, enabling students to tackle the advanced level of studies. These knowledge requirements will be verified through two procedures, namely:
1. Evaluation of the adequacy of the candidate's prior academic curriculum;
2. Verification of the candidate's individual preparation.
For all categories of candidates, the adequate preparation and personal aptitude will be a determining factor for admission and will be assessed through an individual interview.

Procedure for the evaluation of preparation and personal aptitude of candidates
The adequate preparation and personal aptitude of the students will be a determining factor for admission and will be assessed through a written test and, if necessary, an individual interview. The interview, conducted by a committee of at least three professors appointed by the Degree Course Board (CDD), aims to evaluate the student's preparation and motivation to undertake advanced studies. The interview can only be taken by students who have already graduated.
The overall evaluation will result in a score out of 100, where up to 25/100 will be awarded for the degree grade, up to 10/100 for the academic curriculum (type of degree, any additional courses attended/completed, other diplomas, etc.), and up to 65/100 for the outcome of the written test and interview. The minimum score for admission is 60/100. A negative result in the personal preparation assessment will prevent access to the Master's program for the current academic year.
The written test will be conducted once, in September, for all applicants (both graduates and undergraduates). Following this, candidates who need to attend an interview must do so according to the schedule below. For the academic year 2025/2026, the personal preparation assessment will follow the schedule listed below:
Written test: 9 September 2025, at 9:30 AM, in a classroom that will be communicated to the candidates in advance, for all applicants (graduates and undergraduates) who have submitted their admission application, followed by a possible interview on the first available date in the list below, after the candidate has graduated.
Interview for graduates: 12 September 2025, at 9:30 AM, Meeting Room (Department of Biosciences, Via Celoria 26, 2nd floor, Tower A).
Interview for students graduating in October: 3 November 2025, at 2:30 PM, Meeting Room (Department of Biosciences, Via Celoria 26, 2nd floor, Tower A).
Interview for students graduating in December: 7 January 2026, at 2:30 PM, Meeting Room (Department of Biosciences, Via Celoria 26, 2nd floor, Tower A).
All applicants must appear before the Examination Committees with a valid identity document on the specified date and at the specified location, without further notification.
Foreign Students:
For non-EU students holding a degree obtained abroad and residing abroad, the evaluation of applications, aimed at verifying personal preparation, can only be carried out based on the qualifications held and will be supplemented by an interview conducted online. For admission purposes, a sufficient knowledge of the Italian language is required, which will be assessed by the Admissions Committee during the interview.
Non-EU citizens residing in Italy and EU citizens are treated equally to Italian citizens.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2025 to 25/08/2025

Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2025 to 15/01/2026

Attachments and documents

Admission notice


The admission notice is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Data Analysis and Predictive Modeling 6 48 Italian ING-INF/06 MAT/06
Food and Fermentation Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/11
Nutritional Biochemistry 6 48 Italian BIO/10
Principi di nutrizione con applicazioni all'attività fisica 6 52 Italian MED/49
Structural and Functional Bases of Nutrition 9 72 Italian BIO/09 BIO/16
Food Hygiene and Safety 6 48 Italian MED/42
Nutrition, Pharmacology and Toxicology 6 48 Italian BIO/14
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Human Microbiota and Host-Interactions 6 48 Italian BIO/19
Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics 6 48 Italian BIO/18
Alimentation and Prevention of Nutritional Diseases 6 48 Italian BIO/13 MED/13 MED/49
Feeding Behaviour and Nutritional Status of Populations 6 48 Italian BIO/05 BIO/07
Foods Resources 6 48 Italian BIO/01 BIO/05
Molecular and Cellular Bases of Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases 6 48 Italian BIO/09 MED/04
Nutrition and Life Cycles 6 48 Italian BIO/06
Nutrition Ecology and Ecotoxicology 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Regulation, Standardization and Business Organization 6 48 Italian IUS/07 SECS-P/06
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applications in Food Sciences 12 84 Italian CHIM/06 MED/38 MED/49 VET/06
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Nutraceutica: approcci sperimentali e applicazioni 6 48 Italian BIO/14 BIO/18
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Tirocinio formativo e di orientamento 9 0 Italian
Final Exam 21 0 Italian
Per il superamento degli esami del biennio magistrale non sono previste propedeuticità, né sono previsti vincoli didattici per il passaggio dal 1° al 2° anno di corso.
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Course locations
Sede della Segreteria Didattica: via Celoria, 26 - Milano (Torre C, piano terra).
Sede dei Corsi: Edifici Biologici (via Celoria, 26); Settore Didattico Celoria (via Celoria, 20); Settore Didattico Golgi (via Golgi, 19); Centro Universitario (via Valvassori Peroni, 21).
Laboratory locations
Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale è caratterizzato da un'intensa attività di laboratorio che si esplica soprattutto nell'attività di tirocinio.
Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Seminar and workshop tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Master's degree admission tutor
Credit recognition tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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