Speech and Language Therapy

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Speech and Language Therapy
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L/SNT2 - Health professions for rehabilitation
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
Milano, Mantova, Bosisio Parini (LC)
The main goal of the degree programme is to train future speech and language therapists who will have the intellectual, gestural, communication and interpersonal skills needed to practise this profession, as provided for by the Professional Profile, Code of Ethics, Core Competence and Core Curriculum of the speech and language therapist.
To this end, the degree programme equips students with contents, methods and tools, to enable them to acquire, reinforce and responsibly and autonomously apply the following knowledge and skills:
- advanced theoretical knowledge, resulting from a critical understanding of the principles of speech and language therapy;
- practical skills to perform the responsibilities of speech and language therapists (prevention, observation, evaluation, comprehensive assessment, counselling, treatment, speech habilitation, rehabilitation, education and re-education, as well as monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of interventions and adjusting them accordingly);
- communication and interpersonal skills to responsibly manage therapeutic relationships, work in an interdisciplinary team, and treat a number of conditions affecting communication (verbal and non-verbal), speech (oral and written), voice, articulation, oral functions and swallowing, cognitive and frontal lobe functions, in children, adults and the elderly, through interventions aimed at individual patients or the larger community.

By the end of the degree programme, graduates in Speech and Language Therapy will have acquired knowledge and understanding in the following areas: professional liability, treatment and rehabilitation, therapeutic education, prevention, management, training and self-training, evidence-based clinical practice and research.

Moreover, they will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to build a rehabilitation setting for therapeutic treatment, and ultimately to perform a whole set of interrelated activities directed to the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of speech sound, swallowing, language and communication disorders in children, adults and elderly patients.
Notably, graduates in Speech and Language Therapy will be able to:
1. integrate their biomedical and clinical knowledge and overall expertise in applied rehabilitation and speech therapy to identify the health needs of patients and plan their treatment pathway;
2. communicate and engage with patients in a way that is appropriate to the context, while respecting their privacy and the principle of professional secrecy;
3. combine the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the programme in order to implement safe, effective and evidence-based rehabilitation interventions;
4. provide educational interventions by identifying, analysing and meeting the health needs of individual patients and the community;
5. promote and implement preventive interventions by using screening tools for the early detection of speech sound, swallowing, language and communication disorders;
6. determine and promote best practices in terms of compensation strategies and behaviours to change or reduce the level of disability;
7. conduct clinical interviews with a view to collecting and interpreting data in order to identify the patient's speech sound, swallowing, language and communication characteristics;
8. draw on the principles of speech sound and language production, communication and swallowing to evaluate these abilities in patients;
9. apply evidence-based clinical data and standardised assessment tools to plan educational rehabilitation models for the prevention and treatment of speech and language disorders in patients of all age groups;
10. adopt specific tools and procedures for the evaluation and comprehensive assessment of speech and language disorders in patients of all age groups;
11. design, develop and implement therapeutic and rehabilitation plans with measurable and achievable objectives, considering the patient's age, language and cultural background;
12. contribute to drafting and implementing the rehabilitation plan;
13. organise and carry out the rehabilitation programme to achieve the therapeutic goals;
14. monitor adherence to the rehabilitation programme, as well as its outcome, in an ecological perspective;
15. measure and assess the patient's performance, in collaboration with the other members of the interdisciplinary team, so as to monitor and adjust the therapeutic plan according to the patient's needs;
16. provide speech and language therapy services in accordance with the highest quality standards, taking into account legal and ethical implications as well as the patient's rights;
17. analyse research findings in speech and language therapy and apply them to professional practice.
Graduates of this degree programme are qualified to practice as speech and language therapists, i.e. healthcare professionals carrying out the activities described below (as provided for by the Decree of the Ministry of Health no. 742 dated 14 September 1994, as subsequently amended and supplemented).
1. They provide prevention and rehabilitation services to children, adults and elderly patients suffering from language, communication and oral functions disorders, and treat all conditions that may cause voice, speech and language impairments (in terms of both oral and written production), as well as communication deficits;
2. With regard to disabled patients, they conduct a comprehensive assessment in order to identify and address the patient's needs in terms of speech and language therapy (sometimes within multidisciplinary teams), taking into account the diagnosis and prescriptions made by the supervising physician;
3. They autonomously provide functional rehabilitation to patients with communication and cognitive disabilities, using habilitation and rehabilitation therapies to improve verbal and non-verbal communication and language;
4. They recommend the use of specific aids, train patients in their use, and verify their effectiveness;
5. They do research and consulting for healthcare services and in other settings where their skills are in demand;
6. They assess the extent to which the applied rehabilitation method has been effective in achieving the functional recovery goals set for the patient;
7. They work in public or private healthcare facilities, as employees or independent professionals.
Speech and language therapists can work for healthcare facilities within the National Health System, as employees or independent professionals.
Professional opportunities can also be found at private and affiliated facilities, clinics and rehabilitation centres, educational facilities, assisted living facilities, multidisciplinary health centres, and service cooperatives. Alternatively, they may decide to start their own speech therapy practice, alone or in partnership with other professionals. Speech and language therapists can also do research and consulting in all those situations where their competences are in demand. To be qualified to teach, graduates must first obtain a Master's degree, which is the most obvious option for those who wish to pursue further studies (the other being first-level vocational masters).

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Il CdS ha in attivo cinque accordi per lo svolgimento della mobilità internazionale degli studenti. Quattro di questi accordi sono parte del programma di mobilità internazionale Erasmus+; un accordo è invece parte della mobilità Exchange/extra UE.
Tra i programmi di mobilità Erasmus+, il CdL ha attualmente in attivo le seguenti convenzioni:
- l'accordo con l'Universitat de Valencia (Spagna) prevede la possibilità di programmare sia la mobilità verso l'università estera sia di accogliere due studenti stranieri presso il CdS per un periodo di 5 mesi per studente, con le seguenti finalità: frequenza corsi/attivita? di ricerca, laboratorio, clinica.
- l'accordo con l'Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão (Portogallo) prevede la possibilità di programmare sia la mobilità verso l'università estera sia di accogliere due studenti presso il CdS per un periodo di 3 mesi per studente, con le seguenti finalità: tesi/attivita? di ricerca, laboratorio, clinica.
- l'accordo con l'Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I (Francia) prevede la possibilità di programmare la mobilità verso l'università estera sia di accogliere due studenti presso il CdS per un periodo di 9 mesi per studente, con le seguenti finalità: frequenza corsi/tesi di laurea. L'accordo con tale università include anche la mobilità Erasmus+ traineeship, nel quale è previsto che due studenti per ciascuna università possano svolgere un tirocinio clinico professionalizzante per la durata di 4 mesi
- l'accordo con l'Università di Varsavia (Medical University of Warsaw; Polonia) per lo svolgimento del programma Erasmus+ traineeship, nel quale è previsto che due studenti per ciascuna università possano svolgere un tirocinio clinico professionalizzante per la durata di 2 mesi

Come parte dei programmi di mobilità Exchange/extra UE, il CdS ha in attivo la seguente convenzione:
- accordo per mobilità EXTRA UE con la Seaton Hall University (School of Health and Medical Sciences; New Jersey), all'interno dell'accordo quadro stipulato da UNIMI ad aprile 2018 ('International Student Clinical Education Internship Exchanges Agreement') ai fini dello svolgimento di un periodo di tirocinio professionalizzante di durata compresa tra 3 settimane-2 mesi.
L'assistenza agli studenti per la mobilità internazionale viene fornita dagli Uffici Erasmus di competenza, dal Responsabile Erasmus per le Professioni Sanitarie dell'Ateneo, dal Presidente del CdS e da un tutor didattico della Sezione di Milano.
Atenei in convenzione:
1 Francia Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard F LYON01 01/09/2010 solo italiano
2 Portogallo Santa Casa Da Misericordia De Lisboa P ESTORIL02 01/09/2015 solo italiano
3 Spagna Universitat De Valencia E VALENCI01 01/09/2009 solo italiano
All educational activities and practical training are mandatory. The academic regulations for the degree programme in Speech and Language Therapy contemplate the following:
1. Attendance of all activities, whether theory or practice, contemplated in the study programme is mandatory. The logistical changes ushered in for part-time students by Art. 11, paragraph 7, subpart (i) of Ministerial Decree no. 270 (22 October 2004) are not compatible with the mandatory timeframes, and pre-professional training intrinsic to this degree programme, nor the mandatory scheduling and organisational demands required of the students' clinical practice.
2. To be allowed to sit the for-credit exam, students must have attended at least 75% of all formal and informal educational programming contemplated for each course, whether single-discipline or multi-disciplinary course. The lead instructor for the course will verify that the student has met the attendance requirements.
3. Should a student's attendance fall short of the required 75%, instructors may assign alternative educational activities, including self-study, which the student must complete and submit before taking a given exam.
4. Attendance of all clinical practice and professional training is mandatory, and cannot be fulfilled through other means. The total number of professional-training hours, for each programme year, shall be the number set from year to year. Any absences, for any reason, from these kinds of professional training must be made up by the student, with make-up hours and days to be coordinated with the Section's Academic Director.
To be admitted into the degree programme in Speech and Language Therapy, a candidate must have a secondary-school or similar diploma obtained overseas and deemed equivalent, in accordance with Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004.
Admission into the programme is capped, at a national level, pursuant to Law no. 264 of 2 August 1999.
The number of students who may be admitted is set each year pursuant to a decree of the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), based on findings provided by the university in terms of available instructional, classroom, and clinical resources (human and otherwise), as well as the demand for the type of professionals contemplated for this Class as determined by the Region of Lombardy, and the Ministry of Health.
The admission test (there is one exam for all Healthcare Degree programmes) is developed and approved on a yearly basis by the University in accordance with the administration method and timetable set by MUR.
The admission test is a multiple-choice examination which is generated in accordance with a programme generated by MUR.
It will be held on a date set by the MUR for all Italian universities (generally in September).

Students will be permitted to enrol based on a national ranking for those taking the admission test, and following a review of the physical exam certifying they are fit for the specific tasks required of the profession. Students are admitted provisionally, with full admission granted following receipt and approval of their medical certificate by the affiliated healthcare provider for the location where the student's clinical practice will be held. Medical certificates will be reviewed annually. Medical reports and all health-related information must be kept on file in the student's chart at the aforementioned accredited healthcare institutions. For any incoming or outgoing transfer students, the student's full chart will be forwarded by the in-house physician for the affiliated healthcare institution.

Additional learning requirements (OFA)
Students who answer less than 50% of the Biology and Chemistry questions on the admission test will be required to finish a set of additional learning requirements (OFA). These prerequisites may be met through specifically assigned remedial work. Any failure to complete the OFA will make it impossible for the student to sit the exam in: Life, Physiological, Morphological Sciences
Timely notice of the various courses will be posted to: https://logopedia.cdl.unimi.it

Places available: 75 + 2 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

The call for applications is being finalized. Please refer to the call, once it is available, for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: application deadlines will be published shortly.

The call for applications is being finalized

Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Speech Pathology Sciences: Propaedeutics 9 90 Italian MED/32 MED/50
- Comunicazione aumentativa e alternativa1
- Comunicologia2
- Logopedia generale1
- Teorie logopediche2
- Vocologia, deglutologia, disturbi dell'articolazione3
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biological, Physiological and Morphological Sciences 6 60 Italian BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/16 BIO/17
- Anatomy of the human pneumo-phono-articulatory and auditory apparatus1
- Biochemistry2
- General physiology and of the pneumo-phono-articulatory and auditory apparatus2
- Histology1
Linguistic, Philosophical and Socio-Pedagogical Sciences 5 50 Italian L-LIN/01 M-FIL/05 M-PED/01 SPS/08
- Linguistica generale e fonetica2
- Pedagogia generale e sociale1
- Semeiologia1
- Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi1
Propaedeutic Sciences 6 60 Italian FIS/07 M-PSI/01 M-PSI/04 MED/01
- Applied physics2
- Developmental and educational psychology1
- General psychology2
- Medical statistics1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Medical Sciences 4 40 Italian BIO/14 MED/03 MED/04 MED/08
- Experimental medicine and pathophysiology1
- Medical genetics1
- Pathology1
- Pharmacology1
Psychological Sciences 5 50 Italian BIO/09 BIO/16 M-PSI/08
- Clinical psychology1
- Neuroanatomia2
- Neurofisiologia e fisiologia delle funzioni corticali superiori2
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
English Assessment B1 (2 ECTS) 2 0 English
Training (first year) 10 250 Italian MED/50
Study plan rules
Elettivi - Lo studente, al primo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Speech Pathology Sciences 1 8 85 Italian MED/50
- Professional training laboratories1
- Speech therapy for articulation disorders and cleft palate1
- Speech therapy for fluency disorders1
- Speech therapy for paediatric swallowing disorders1
- Speech therapy for persons with slurred speech1
- Speech therapy for swallowing disorders, and post-surgical articulation1
- Speech therapy for vocal disorders2
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Linguistic Sciences 5 50 Italian L-LIN/01 M-FIL/05 MED/32 SPS/08
- Bilinguismo1
- Filosofia e teoria dei linguaggi1
- Linguistica (Morfo-sintassi, semantica e lessico, pragmatica)1
- Malattie respiratorie in età evolutiva1
- Tecniche audiometriche1
Otorhinolaryngological, Neurological and Rehabilitative Sciences 7 70 Italian MED/26 MED/27 MED/31 MED/34 MED/36
- Diagnostiche per immagini e radioterapia1
- Malattie del sistema nervoso centrale2
- Malattie del sistema nervoso periferico e neuromuscolari1
- Medicina fisica e riabilitativa1
- Neurochirurgia1
- Oncologia cervico-cefalica1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Medical and Surgical Sciences 1 5 50 Italian MED/09 MED/28 MED/29 MED/38 MED/45
- General and subspecialty paediatrics1
- Internal medicine1
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric1
- Oral diseases and dentistry1
Neuropsychiatric, Pedagogic and Psychological Sciences 7 70 Italian L-LIN/01 M-PSI/02 M-PSI/03 MED/25 MED/26 MED/39
- Neurolinguistica1
- Neuropsichiatria infantile2
- Neuropsicologia dell'età adulta1
- Neuropsicologia dello sviluppo1
- Psichiatria1
- Psicometria1
Radiation Protection 1 10 Italian MED/36
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Training (second year) 25 625 Italian MED/50
Study plan rules
Elettivi - Lo studente, al secondo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Speech Pathology Sciences 3 9 80 Italian MED/50
- La medicina delle evidenze in logopedia2
- Laboratori professionali1
- Scienze logopediche nei disturbi dello spettro autistico1
- Scienze logopediche nei traumi cranici1
- Scienze logopediche nel bilinguismo1
- Scienze logopediche nella disabilità intellettiva1
- Scienze logopediche nella sordità in età adulta1
- Scienze logopediche nella sordità in età evolutiva1
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Speech Pathology Sciences 2 7 75 Italian MED/50
- Laboratori professionali1
- Scienze logopediche nei disturbi del linguaggio primari2
- Scienze logopediche nei disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento2
- Scienze logopediche nell'afasia2
Interdisciplinary Sciences 8 80 Italian L-ART/05 M-EDF/01 MED/01 MED/02 MED/43
- Artistic phoniatry2
- Forensic medicine1
- Medical history1
- Medical statistics2
- Methods and teaching of motor activities1
- Music therapy1
Medical and Surgical Sciences 2 4 40 Italian MED/31 MED/32
- Audiology1
- Otology1
- Phoniatry: primary and secondary language disorders2
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Physiotherapy 1 10 Italian MED/48
Psychomotricity 1 10 Italian MED/48
Public Health 4 40 Italian M-PSI/06 MED/42 MED/44 SECS-P/07
- Business administration and Management1
- Health psychology1
- Hygiene and public health1
- Occupational medicine1
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Training (third year) 25 625 Italian MED/50
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Examination 7 0 Italian
Study plan rules
Elettivi - Lo studente, al terzo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Learn more
Milano, Mantova, Bosisio Parini (LC)
Course locations
L'attività didattica teorica, quando unica per le quattro sedi, si terrà presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche "L. Sacco".

La struttura del CdL in Logopedia è articolata in quattro sedi:
1. ASST Fatebenefratelli - Sacco - Presidio Ospedaliero "Luigi Sacco" - Via G.B. Grassi, 74 - Milano (Direttore Didattico di Sezione e delle attività professionalizzanti: Dott. Alessandro Selvagio email: [email protected])
2. ASST di Mantova - Ospedale "Carlo Poma" - Strada Largo Paiolo, 10 - Mantova (Direttore Didattico di Sezione e delle attività professionalizzanti: Dott.ssa Elena Sai email: [email protected]);
3. IRCCS Eugenio Medea - Associazione La Nostra Famiglia - Via Don Luigi Monza, 20 - Bosisio Parini (LC) (Direttore Didattico di Sezione e delle attività professionalizzanti: Dott.ssa Annalaura Filippo email: [email protected]);
4. Centro IRCCS "Santa Maria Nascente" - Fondazione "Don Carlo Gnocchi" - Via Capecelatro, 66 - Milano (Direttore Didattico di Sezione e delle attività professionalizzanti: Dott.ssa Alessandra Marin email: [email protected]).

L'attività didattica professionalizzante del Corso di Laurea in Logopedia (insegnamenti "Guide al Tirocinio"; alcuni moduli dei Corsi integrati professionalizzanti "Scienze Logopediche Applicate: propedeutica", "Scienze Logopediche Applicate I"; "Scienze Logopediche Applicate II"; "Scienze Logopediche Applicate III"; Attività Didattiche Elettive) si svolge presso le quattro sedi accreditate dal Servizio Sanitario Nazionale.
L'attività di tirocinio diretto e indiretto del Corso di Laurea in Logopedia è gestita da ciascuna sede e da ogni Direttore DIdattico per gli studenti ad essa assegnati e si svolge in numerose strutture sanitarie accreditate dal Sistema Sanitario Nazionale, distribuite sul territorio milanese e lombardo, convenzionate con le singole sedi.
Head of study programme
Per l'orientamento:
dott.ssa Stefania Carra - [email protected]
dott.ssa Agata Marchetti Guerrini - [email protected]
dott.ssa Chiara Vitali - [email protected]

Per i trasferimenti:
prof. Roberta Ottria - [email protected]

Per la mobilità internazionale e l'Erasmus:
dott.ssa Silvia Piazzalunga - [email protected]

Per ammissioni lauree magistrali:
dott.ssa Giuseppina.Bernardelli - [email protected]; [email protected]
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more