Geological Sciences

Gli strati della roccia
Geological Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L-34 R - Scienze geologiche
Open with admission self-assessment test
Course location
The general objectives of the degree course in Geological Sciences are to offer: a solid basic knowledge of the main sectors of Geological Sciences, a personal capacity for choice and action in the methods and techniques of the related fields of scientific investigation, an adequate preparation for address and assimilate forthcoming scientific and technological advances and knowledge to properly address the fundamental processes of the exogenous and endogenous Earth system.
The degree course aims to define, characterize and understand current and past events, predict evolutionary scenarios and plan human interventions. Geologists read the records of the Earth's evolution imprinted in rocks and fossils, compare them with what is happening before our eyes and plan the human impact on Nature, since any intervention on the territory involves a modification of the superficial functioning of the Earth System.
The course aims to train graduates with:
- good knowledge of fundamentals of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science which then allow to quantify and interpret the geological processes and the structure of the Earth;
- solid basic preparation in all sectors of Geological Sciences in order to be able to recognize and interpret the natural mechanisms that characterize the geological environment;
- analytical skills in field geology, aimed at basic geological cartography in various territories;
- laboratory analytical skills, aimed at the characterization of geomaterials and their behavior;
- technical skills for the use of tools for basic geological surveys;
- ability to collect and process data with general and specific computer methods of Geological Sciences;
- ability to apply mathematical models able to simulate geophysical and geological processes.
Geological Science graduates will be able to embark on careers in which geologists hold specific, purely operational skills, as defined by legislation (Presidential Decree of the Republic no. 328 dated 5 June 2001), relating to the capture and representation of field and laboratory data using direct and indirect methods. The professional role of geologist is officially recognised by Italy's national organisation of geologists, through membership in its B category (Junior Geologist) after passing a state exam.
Some examples of the various careers open to graduates are outlined below. They include academic, scientific and highly specialist professions, within the scope of implementation and technical-operational support commensurate with the knowledge acquired on the course.
- Updating and amending geological maps, both technically and thematically.
- Operational support during geophysical and geological surveys aimed at carrying out civil engineering works, prospecting and characterising energy, mineral and water resources, and monitoring the environment.
- Land planning; operations for hydrogeological setting and protection, in addition to safeguarding and containing risk areas.
- Environmental control to safeguard water resources, the remediation and decontamination of aquifers, polluted sites and the disposal of waste.
- Industrial quality control; the technological use of geomaterials in the engineering, chemical and electronics industries; techniques for using decorative stone materials, gemmology.
- Protection of cultural and palaeontological heritage, preservation of historic sites, geoarchaeology.
The Department of Earth Sciences offers opportunities for spending time as guest students at European universities and research centres both for attending courses/exams and for research and internship related to projects for graduate, post-graduate and PhD students. Studying and doing research in foreign universities is not only an important life experience and the occasion for thorough learning of a foreign language, but is also, and primarily, the opportunit for experiencing and acquiring different and more flexible learning approaches. Doing research and internship abroad may allow the access to facilities not available here (e.g., highly specialized labs), the performance of applied research on specific fields as well as the first-hand interaction with wider, international research groups. At present our partner universities in official Erasmus exchange agreements devoted to course/exams and, where indicated, research activity, are located in France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Holland, Switzerland. However the agreements for bursaries specifically devoted to applied research/internship can be stipulated with any other university or research centre with which any members of our department have or may establish collaboration on common research interests. For these research bursaries and, in general, for the correct validation of the research activity done by our students abroad, the role and the active involvement of a local member of the department is of fundamental importance, as he/she will act as official, competent internal scientific tutor for the student hosted in the guest foreign university. Students may access to "normal" Erasmus bursarships, allowing course/exam in addition to research activities in partner universities, as well as Erasmus Student Placement bursaries exclusively devoted to research/internship activities. The access to the different types of bursary is done by means of separate application procedures. The activity (course/exam or research) that the candidate will do in the guest foreign university has to be agreed with the local professors/tutors in both original and guest universities by means of the "Learning Agreement". This document is of prime importance for the final validation and official administrative registration of the activity done abroad.
In addition to required field training, attendance is mandatory for practical laboratories. Attendance is essential for students to learn and pass exams.
Admission requirements:
Admission to the Bachelor's degree programme in Geological Sciences is open, subject to a mandatory, though non-selective, assessment test before enrolment.
Applicants to the degree programme in Geological Sciences must hold an upper secondary-school diploma or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad.

Admission assessment:
Candidates will have to sit for the TOLC (Test Online CISIA) at the University of Milan or any other member university of CISIA (Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems). Register to the TOLC test on the CISIA website (
The tests providing access to the degree programme in Geological Sciences are: TOLC-B, TOLC-S, TOLC-I.
Only after taking one of these tests, will you be able to enrol, WHATEVER THE RESULT:
TOLC-B divided into 4 sections: Basic mathematics (20 questions - 50 minutes), Biology (10 questions - 20 minutes), Physics (10 questions - 20 minutes), Chemistry (10 questions - 20 minutes).
TOLC-S, divided into 4 sections: Basic mathematics (20 questions - 50 minutes), Reasoning and Problems (10 questions - 20 minutes), Reading comprehension (10 questions - 20 minutes), Basic sciences (chemistry, physics and geology - 10 questions - 20 minutes).
TOLC-I divided into 4 sections: Mathematics (20 questions - 50 minutes), Logic (10 questions - 20 minutes), Science (10 questions - 20 minutes), Verbal comprehension (10 questions - 20 minutes).
Each question has 5 answer options, of which only one is correct.
Score: +1 for a correct answer, -0.25 for a wrong answer, 0 for a no answer.

Each TOLC test includes an additional English section, consisting of 30 questions to be answered in 15 minutes. This section does not count toward the overall test score.

Test structure and topics, registration procedures, dates, deadlines and any other useful information are set out in the call for applications.
See also
Candidates are required to show up with a valid ID on the date and time shown on the TOLC registration receipt.

Admission of transfer or graduate students:
Transfer students from a degree programme of the University of Milan, or another university, and graduate students will be waived from the test requirement only if admitted to years subsequent to Year I.
To this end, they will have to submit a specific request for prior assessment of their academic records using the online service as shown in the call for applications.
These candidates must provide a full transcript of records (listing exams, subject areas, credits, grades) and attach the course syllabi. For more details, please refer to the call for applications.
For the deadlines for applying for academic records assessments, please refer to the call.
The outcome will be notified via e-mail.
Students admitted to the first year will be required to take the test.

Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial activities:
Students who have not achieved at least 10 points in the Mathematics module will have to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA).
Students with additional learning requirements will have to carry out remedial activities organised by the University in the period October-December, and then take a test to prove they have filled their gaps. Otherwise, they may not take any second-year exams before passing the Mathematics I and Computer Science exams.
Learn more at

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for matriculation: from 15/07/2025 to 30/09/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Physics I 6 60 Italian FIS/01
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chemistry and Laboratory 9 84 Italian CHIM/03
Geomorphology and Laboratory 10 96 Italian GEO/04
Introduction to Geology and Laboratory 7 68 Italian GEO/01 GEO/02 GEO/03 GEO/07
Mathematics I and Information Tecnology 9 78 Italian INF/01 MAT/05
- Information Tecnology3
- Mathematics I6
Paleontology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/01
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals 10 108 Italian GEO/02 GEO/06 GEO/07
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Mathematics Ii 6 60 Italian MAT/05
Mineralogy 6 56 Italian GEO/06
Physics Ii 6 56 Italian FIS/01
Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory 10 96 Italian GEO/02
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Petrography and Laboratory 10 96 Italian GEO/07
Physics of the Earth and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/10
Structural Geology and Tectonics and Laboratory 10 96 Italian GEO/03
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Engineering Geology and Laboratory 9 80 Italian GEO/05
Geological Mapping and Fieldwork Practicals 9 100 Italian GEO/02 GEO/03 GEO/07 GEO/09
Georesources and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/09
Topography and Gis 6 56 Italian ICAR/06
Raw Materials and Industry 6 48 Italian GEO/09
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Geochemistry 6 50 Italian GEO/08
Applied Geophysics 6 48 Italian GEO/11
Facies Analysis 6 52 Italian GEO/02
Geotechnical Field Test and Measures 6 48 Italian GEO/05
Mineralogy of Earth and Planets and Analytical Methods 6 48 Italian GEO/06
Palaeoecology 6 48 Italian GEO/01
Photogeology 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Structural Analysis I 6 56 Italian GEO/03
Volcanology 8 52 Italian GEO/08
Study plan rules
- The student must also acquire 12 ECTS in training activities freely chosen from those activated by the University as long as they are consistent with the study plan, subjected to the judgment of the competent commission of the Teaching Board of the course of study.
The Teaching Board of the study course provides for the activation of the following courses for free choice (third year courses) starting from the 2027-28 academic year.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Raw Materials and Industry 6 48 Italian First semester GEO/09
Applied Geophysics 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/11
Facies Analysis 6 52 Italian Second semester GEO/02
Geotechnical Field Test and Measures 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/05
Mineralogy of Earth and Planets and Analytical Methods 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/06
Palaeoecology 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/01
Photogeology 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/04
Structural Analysis I 6 56 Italian Second semester GEO/03
Volcanology 8 52 Italian Second semester GEO/08
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Training 5 0 Italian GEO/01 GEO/04
Final Dissertation 4 0 Italian
Prerequisites are recommended for the following courses:
Physics I on Physics II;
Mineralogy on Geochemistry.
Consult the following table for the compulsory preparatory courses.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Engineering Geology and Laboratory Chemistry and Laboratory (compulsory), English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory), Geomorphology and Laboratory (compulsory), Introduction to Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Mathematics I and Information Tecnology (compulsory), Mathematics Ii (compulsory), Mineralogy (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory), Paleontology and Laboratory (compulsory), Physics I (compulsory), Physics Ii (compulsory), Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Structural Geology and Tectonics and Laboratory (compulsory)
Geochemistry Chemistry and Laboratory (compulsory), English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory), Geomorphology and Laboratory (compulsory), Introduction to Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Mathematics I and Information Tecnology (compulsory), Mathematics Ii (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory), Paleontology and Laboratory (compulsory), Physics I (compulsory), Physics Ii (compulsory), Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory (compulsory)
Geological Mapping and Fieldwork Practicals Chemistry and Laboratory (compulsory), English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory), Geomorphology and Laboratory (compulsory), Introduction to Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Mathematics I and Information Tecnology (compulsory), Mathematics Ii (compulsory), Mineralogy (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory), Paleontology and Laboratory (compulsory), Petrography and Laboratory (compulsory), Physics I (compulsory), Physics Ii (compulsory), Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Structural Geology and Tectonics and Laboratory (compulsory)
Georesources and Laboratory Chemistry and Laboratory (compulsory), English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory), Geomorphology and Laboratory (compulsory), Introduction to Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Mathematics I and Information Tecnology (compulsory), Mathematics Ii (compulsory), Mineralogy (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory), Paleontology and Laboratory (compulsory), Petrography and Laboratory (compulsory), Physics I (compulsory), Physics Ii (compulsory), Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Structural Geology and Tectonics and Laboratory (compulsory)
Mathematics Ii Mathematics I and Information Tecnology (compulsory)
Mineralogy Chemistry and Laboratory (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory)
Petrography and Laboratory Mineralogy (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory)
Physics I Mathematics I and Information Tecnology (compulsory)
Physics of the Earth and Laboratory Physics I (compulsory)
Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory)
Structural Geology and Tectonics and Laboratory Mineralogy (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory), Petrography and Laboratory (compulsory), Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory (compulsory)
Topography and Gis Chemistry and Laboratory (compulsory), English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory), Geomorphology and Laboratory (compulsory), Introduction to Geology and Laboratory (compulsory), Mathematics I and Information Tecnology (compulsory), Mathematics Ii (compulsory), Mineralogy (compulsory), Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals (compulsory), Paleontology and Laboratory (compulsory), Physics I (compulsory), Physics Ii (compulsory), Sedimentary Geology and Laboratory (compulsory)
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Course locations
Le strutture didattiche del Corso di Laurea in Scienze Geologiche si trovano nelle due strutture del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra "A. Desio":
Le due principali aree didattiche sono la struttura di Geologia e Paleontologia (via Luigi Mangiagalli, 34) e quella di Mineralogia, Petrografia, Geochimica, Giacimenti Minerari e Geofisica (via Botticelli, 23).
Le esercitazioni specifiche del Laboratorio Minerali e Rocce, Introduzione alla Geologia e Laboratorio (con al suo interno la Cartografia Geologica) e la Paleontologia e Laboratorio si svolgono in laboratori didattici dedicati.
Laboratory locations
Le attività didattiche di laboratorio si svolgono sia in strutture dipartimentali, attrezzate con collezioni e strumentazioni tecnico-scientifiche, sia sul campo, usufruendo di logistica specificatamente sviluppata.
Collezioni didattiche per il riconoscimento e studio di fossili, minerali, rocce, sezioni sottili di rocce, carte topografiche e geologiche sono disponibili in aule e in laboratori didattici appositamente organizzati. Aule informatizzate garantiscono l'applicazione di programmi per il trattamento dei dati e per la simulazione di processi geologici.
La strumentazione scientifica installata presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra ( garantisce un'adeguata introduzione alle tecniche di caratterizzazione ottica, chimica e fisico-meccanica di minerali, fossili, rocce, suoli, altri materiali naturali o sintetici, nonché di acque e altri fluidi terrestri. Esercitazioni pratiche a complemento delle lezioni in aula sono pertanto svolte in laboratori di microscopia ottica, microscopia elettronica a scansione, microscopia elettronica a trasmissione, meccanica delle rocce, sedimentologia, diffrazione ai raggi X, spettrometria ai raggi X, spettrofotometria in assorbimento e in emissione, spettroscopia visibile e infrarosso.
I laboratori di campo si articolano in aree ove l'apprendimento delle tecniche di cartografia geologica si combinano con la disponibilità di strutture di supporto ove elaborare dati geologici e ricostruire i processi genetici dei materiali terrestri (es. Stazione di Valchiavenna).

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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