Structural Geology and Tectonics and Laboratory
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The double aim is to provide the practical and theoretical bases of the analysis of tectonic structures at different structural levels together with the principles of modern global tectonics. The notions of Structural Geology are then developed to analyse: i) stress and strain, incremental deformation; ii) rock deformation at supracrustal, intermediate and deep levels; iii) partitioning of deformation components at crustal scale, in the three main lithospheric regimes; iv) crustal structures of lithospheric divergence and convergence: scales of analysis; v) structural analysis in sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic environments of petrogenesis; vi) ductile and brittle structures in rocks of various tectonic levels of the crust: causes and effects. Knowledge in Tectonics includes: i) re-definition of the internal structure of the planet and of the engine of internal dynamics; ii) plate tectonics of active margins (ocean ridges, rifts, transform faults, subduction zones, continental collision; obduction); iii) lithosphere rheology (brittle-ductile transitions); iv) analysis of continental deformation; v) ophiolites; vi) Wilson cycle and megacontinents of the Past; vii) European mountain belts (Caledonian and Variscan cycles), tectonic setting of Mediterranean and structure of the Alpine belt. To consolidate learning, the practical work includes exercises concerning: i) mesoscopic analysis of tectonites, kinematic indicators and fabrics in main rock types; ii) interpretation of structural maps and cognate geological implications; iii) elaboration, plotting and analysis of structural data; iv) exercises on plate kinematics and interpretation of tectonic maps.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of: i) fundamental tools of structural analysis for the recognition of ancient and recent tectonic structures, developed at different structural levels and for identifying their deformation environment; ii) kinematic criteria for the analysis of structures developed at different crustal levels, under different thermal regimes; iii) lithospheric structure of active areas (divergent, transcurrent and convergent margins) and of the tectonic structure of the Mediterranean area; fundamental principles of global tectonics.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course currently not available
GEO/03 - STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - University credits: 10
Field activity: 12 hours
Practicals: 36 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Practicals: 36 hours
Lessons: 48 hours