Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Major professional outcomes are as follows:
- educators to prevent conditions representing an health threat like sedentarity, overweight, obesity;
- leisure- and sports-organizers for people of different ages (adolescence, adulthood, senescence);
- personal trainers skilled in the planning and managing of training programmes;
- educators for coaching physical- and sports-activities by means of specific devices and tools (fitness -, wellness -), personal and group-trainers themselves;
- press communicators in sports media and information;
- counselling in sports-organizations, -societies, -managers, fitness centers owners, private and public sports clubs;
- counselling for sports-facilities, -equipments and organization of local sports activities.
Students who receive an incomplete in any individual class due to low attendance may complete the class in the following academic year.
The Academic Board will determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether the incomplete would require the student to enrol as a repeater, subject to general university regulations on enrolling in a programme year on an on- or off-track basis.
These are the requirements for admission into this Degree Programme:
- level II secondary-school diploma
- current and valid medical certificate permitting participation in high-cardiovascular intensity sport, issued pursuant to Art. 4 of the 24/04/2013 Ministerial Decree" (with the following tests administered: basal and after-exertion EKG, spirometry, urinalysis).
Admitted students who enrol in the degree programme will be required to submit the above-described medical certificate, which must state it is valid for the entire academic year.
Students are responsible for submitting a new certificate when the prior one expires.
Failure to submit a renewal will bar the student from attending lectures and from sitting for any exam.
Instructions on how to submit a medical certificate for those candidates taking the admission test are provided in the call for applications.
Assessment methods:
A written, multiple-choice quiz is administered to those seeking admission into this degree programme.
The quiz is administered by CISIA (Inter-University Admissions Consortium - https://www.cisiaonline.it/) using the TOLC- F (Online CISIA Test), and includes questions on biology, chemistry, physics, maths, logic, and English. (For more details on the topics tested, please review the test rubric, available on: https://www.cisiaonline.it/area-tematica-tolc-cisia/home-tolc-generale/).
Complete information on the testing calendar, method of administration, and registration steps can be found in the call for applications, available at: https://www.unimi.it/it/corsi/corsi-di-laurea/scienze-motorie-sport-e-salute.
Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial coursework
Those newly enrolled students who fall short of the minimum Introductory Mathematics requirements appearing in the call for applications will be assigned additional learning requirements.
These OFA must be completed during the first year of study through coursework required by the University.
Should the student fail to satisfy these OFA during their first year, they must enrol as a repeater the following academic year.
Places available: 390 + 10 reserved for non-EU citizens + 2 reserved for students in the Marco Polo project
Call for applications
Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.
Session: 1
Application for admission: from 13/03/2025 to 29/05/2025
Application for matriculation: from 09/06/2025 to 19/06/2025
The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.
Session: 2
Application for admission: from 23/06/2025 to 17/07/2025
Application for matriculation: from 21/07/2025 to 31/07/2025
The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.
Session: 3
Application for admission: from 05/08/2025 to 04/09/2025
Application for matriculation: from 11/09/2025 to 16/09/2025
The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Applied Human Anatomy and Morphology | 10 | 78 | Italian | BIO/16 |
Biology, Chemistry and General Biochemistry | 9 | 66 | Italian | BIO/10 BIO/13 |
Foundations of Physical Education | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
General Pedagogy in Sport Sciences | 10 | 66 | Italian | M-PED/01 |
Team Sports: Football, Basketball, Volleyball | 12 | 126 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Human Movement Theory and Methodology | 7 | 42 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Psychology Applied to Exercise Sciences | 6 | 42 | Italian | M-PSI/02 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Didactics of Human Movement | 8 | 54 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Neuromuscular Physiology and Biochemistry of Muscle Metabolism | 9 | 60 | Italian | BIO/09 BIO/10 |
Physics and Biomechanics" Physics and Biomechanics | 6 | 48 | Italian | BIO/09 FIS/07 |
Swimming | 6 | 54 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Clinical Biochemistry and Endocrinology | 6 | 42 | Italian | BIO/12 MED/13 |
Law and Economics Applied to Exercise and Sport Sciences | 8 | 54 | Italian | IUS/01 SECS-P/07 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Nutritional Bases in Sport | 6 | 42 | Italian | MED/49 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Athletics | 8 | 60 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Fitness | 8 | 60 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Sports Medicine, Traumatology, and Kinesiology | 9 | 60 | Italian | MED/09 MED/33 MED/34 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Human and Exercise Physiology | 9 | 72 | Italian | BIO/09 |
Traning Theory and Methodology | 9 | 66 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Final Test | 7 | 0 | Italian |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Basketball | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Applied Didactic to Primary School | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Baseball and Softball: Basic, Practice and Teaching | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Communication in Sport | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Elite Volleyball | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Ethics and Culture of Sport | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Judo | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Match Analysis Introductions | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Olympic Weightlifting Coach | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Personal Trainer | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Sport Climbing | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Tennis | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Yoga: Body, Mind, Breath | 6 | 48 | Italian | M-EDF/02 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | English |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Training/stages | 6 | 0 | Italian |
Per i dettagli relativi alla modalità delle scelte e all'attivazione degli insegnamenti si rimanda al paragrafo "Presentazione del piano studi".
Di seguito si elencano gli insegnamenti attivabili dalla Scuola di Scienze Motorie
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Advanced Basketball | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Applied Didactic to Primary School | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Baseball and Softball: Basic, Practice and Teaching | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Communication in Sport | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Elite Volleyball | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Ethics and Culture of Sport | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Judo | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Match Analysis Introductions | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Olympic Weightlifting Coach | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Personal Trainer | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Sport Climbing | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Tennis | 6 | 48 | Italian | year | M-EDF/02 |
Yoga: Body, Mind, Breath | 6 | 48 | Italian | First semester | M-EDF/02 |
Learning activity | Prescribed foundation courses |
Clinical Biochemistry and Endocrinology | Biology, Chemistry and General Biochemistry (compulsory) |
Human and Exercise Physiology | Applied Human Anatomy and Morphology (compulsory), Neuromuscular Physiology and Biochemistry of Muscle Metabolism (compulsory) |
Neuromuscular Physiology and Biochemistry of Muscle Metabolism | Applied Human Anatomy and Morphology (compulsory), Biology, Chemistry and General Biochemistry (compulsory) |
Sports Medicine, Traumatology, and Kinesiology | Applied Human Anatomy and Morphology (compulsory), Human and Exercise Physiology (compulsory), Neuromuscular Physiology and Biochemistry of Muscle Metabolism (compulsory) |
- Student registrar
Via Santa Sofia 9/1- Milano
+39+39 02 5032 5032 - Academic Services Office
Centro Sportivo Comunale Cernusco sul Naviglio (Mi) Via Michelangelo Buonarroti , 44 - Via Giuseppe Colombo 71 Milano
+39+39 02 5032 7103
Ricevimento in presenza su appuntamento scrivendo all'indirizzo didattica.scienzemotorie@unimi.it
The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:
- The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
- The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year)
- An additional fee is due for online programmes
The University also offers:
- Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
- Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
- Concessions for international students with refugee status
Scholarships and benefits
The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).
Learn more
Admission, ranking and enrolment