Economics and Management (EMA)

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Economics and Management (EMA)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
The Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Management is a challenging programme enabling students to combine adequate knowledge in economics and business fields, mathematical-statistical tools and the regulatory framework to understand the economic system, the markets' functioning and the role of business.
In particular, the Degree programme provides the skills necessary to understand: the economic and financial decision-making strategies and processes of firms, consumers, financial intermediaries and regulators; the functioning of markets for goods and services, financial markets and labor markets, their dynamics and their effects on economic development; the distribution of income and wealth; the evolution of macroeconomic dynamics, monetary policy interventions, economic policy decisions, including institutional and regulatory choices; management problems of firms operating at the European and international level, and organizational issues peculiar to private firms and public administrations. In addition, given the growing demand for computer skills in the business world, the Degree programme develops the practical and operational skills needed for data analysis through learning the statistical software R (used in Statistics, Statistics for Business Decisions and Statistics for Big Data courses) and Gretl (used in the Econometrics course).
The Undergraduate Degree Course in Economics and Management provides students with the necessary skills needed to successfully enter the labor market/workforce, and be considered for hiring by private firms and public institutions with a European orientation and scope. The potential positions open to graduates of this program, further enhanced by their future educational choices, include:
- Firms, both in the private and public sector, active in the European market;
- Financial intermediaries;
- EU-level and other international institutions;
- Regulatory agencies and consultancies;
- Consulting companies;
- Research centers and think-tanks.
The Undergraduate Degree Course in Economics and Management also equips students with the necessary technical and methodological skills that will aid them in continuing their education at the master's level in both business and economics, after checking the adequacy of personal preparation.

Job profile: banking and financial management technician.
Function in a work setting: banking administrative activities in back and front office, assisting customers on banking services offered, procedures for determining risks involved in the granting of mortgages and loans.
Skills associated with the function: maintaining and building relationships with customers, assessing creditworthiness, drafting reports and documents, monitoring the granting of credit to customers.
Employment opportunities: banking and financial intermediation sector.

Job profile: consultant.
Function in a work context: graduates in this function conduct research on concepts, theories, and methods for analyzing the strategy, structure, and production cycle of enterprises and organizations to improve their performance and identify the most appropriate responses to stresses from the economic system.
Skills associated with the function: practitioners have the competence to analyze data and information, formulate organizational proposals to improve the efficiency of production processes and the performance of enterprises, draft and formulate technical documents, and design the business plan of enterprises.
Employment outlets: private enterprises.

Job Profile: commercial agent
Function in a work context: graduates who perform this function visit stores or companies on behalf of manufacturing and distributing companies, proposing the purchase of products or services for sale or production; show samples, informational brochures, catalogs, and advertising material; explain the characteristics of the products offered; maintain customer relations; collect orders; and agree on delivery and payment schedules.
Skills associated with the function: workers in this field must have a perfect knowledge of the characteristics of the products and services they sell and notions of marketing. They must also be familiar with the rules governing business transactions at the national and international level.
Employment outlets: private enterprises.

Job profile: accountant and specialist in management and control
Function in a work context: the accounting specialist must have solid skills in general accounting and tax regulations; must be familiar with business and management accounting procedures; and must know how to use accounting programs adopted at the enterprise level.
Skills associated with the function: operators have the competence to analyze accounting records, verify the correctness of data collection procedures, check the consistency of management results in relation to the rules defined within the company, identify any anomalies, and deal with the preparation of company financial statements.
Employment outlets: private enterprises and public administrations.

Job profile: technical professions in organization, administration, and financial and business activities
Function in a work context: professions included in this class assist office managers of enterprises and organizations by implementing and supporting communication, documentation, and coordination activities of one or more organizational units; analyze the functioning of the organization in terms of effectiveness and efficiency in the use of resources; take care of organizational and management aspects of enterprises; maintain accounting and social books and records; implement administrative control systems of production activities; detect and transfer information; take care of correspondence activities with foreign partners and customers.
Skills associated with the function: workers analyze data and information, make organizational proposals to improve the efficiency of production processes and business performance, analyze accounting records, verify the correctness of data collection procedures, and check the consistency of management results.
Employment outlets: private enterprises and public administrations.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The degree in Economics and Management offers the opportunity to study abroad according to the agreements with several European universities, where students will be able to attend lectures and obtain credits.
Partners are selected among the most prestigious academic institutions in United Kingdom (University of Leicester), in Spain (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Barcellona, Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Oviedo e Universidad de A Coruna), in France (Université de Cergy Pontoise), in Switzerland (Université de Fribourg) and other European countries.
The courses offered by partners include core subjects and disciplines of Economics and Management such as Management, Economics, Accounting, Marketing.
The choice of courses must be made by students before their departure in collaboration with the Erasmus tutor; the credits can be officially recognized and included in the curriculum at the end of the exchange period.
Courses attendance is highly recommended.
Labs attendance is compulsory.
Entry knowledge requirements

In order to be admitted to the Bachelor's Degree programme, prospective students must hold an upper secondary school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained abroad after at least 12 years of schooling; they also must have an adequate educational background and possess basic skills in the area of language comprehension, logic and mathematics.
Pursuant to Art. 2 of the Law 264/1999, in order to ensure high quality education (in particular with respect to the capacity constraints necessary to run laboratories, and to hold individual and group presentations in some courses), the maximum number of students who can enroll in the Bachelor's Degree programme is set at 250, plus 12 places reserved for international non-EU candidates residing abroad.

Assessment of basic knowledge and skills will be ascertained through an online admission test - TOLC-E, the Online Test organized by CISIA (Interuniversity Consortium for Integrated Access Systems), that will focus on the topics listed in the syllabus given at the following link:
Selection of students is based on the score obtained in the TOLC-E admission test.
Applicants who want to transfer from other Degree programmes or who already hold a degree and request its recognition (partial or total) must also sit for the test and rank sufficiently high.
The admission test is organized in two sessions: the first session, in Spring 2024, is exclusively reserved to students attending their last year of secondary school; the second session, open to all candidates, will take place in Summer 2024.
International non-EU candidates residing abroad - both those in their last year of secondary school and those who already got their diploma in previous years - must apply in the first admission session, in Spring 2024. Non-EU candidates who don't reach an overall score of 4 in the reading comprehension section of the TOLC-E will be excluded from the admission procedure.

Additional Learning Requirements
Admitted candidates who didn't reach an overall score of 5 in mathematics and logic sections of the TOLC-E will be assigned Additional Learning Requirements (OFA, Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi) in the area of logic and mathematics, that must be fulfilled within the first year; students who do not fulfil OFA within this deadline will not be able to take the exams of the second or third year. Further information on these OFA are available online on the Bachelor Degree programme website:

English Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)

In order to fulfil the Additional Learning Requirement (Obbligo Formativo Aggiuntivo - OFA) for English and sit the English-language exam required by the study plan, students must achieve B1 proficiency per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This proficiency level may be certified as follows:
- by submitting a language certificate attesting B1, or higher level in English and issued no more than three years before the date of submission. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: The certificate must be uploaded during the enrolment procedure, or subsequently to the portal;
- by taking a placement test offered by the University Language Centre (SLAM) between October and December of the first year. Students who fail the test will be required to take a SLAM course.
The placement test is mandatory for all those who do not hold a valid certificate attesting to B1 or higher level.
Those who have not taken the placement test by the end of December or fail the end-of-course exam six times must obtain the necessary certification privately in order to fulfil the OFA and sit the English exam.

Places available: 250 + 12 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 14/03/2024 to 30/05/2024

Application for matriculation: from 21/06/2024 to 27/06/2024

Read the Call

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 04/07/2024 to 29/08/2024

Application for matriculation: from 24/10/2024 to 30/10/2024

Read the Call

Programme description and courses list
First trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Business Administration and Accounting 12 80 Italian SECS-P/07
Mathematics 12 80 Italian SECS-S/06
Second trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Management 9 60 Italian SECS-P/08
Private Law 6 40 Italian IUS/01
Third trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Business Communication 9 60 English L-LIN/12
Microeconomics 12 80 Italian SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02
First trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Business Law 6 40 Italian IUS/04
Statistics 12 80 Italian SECS-S/01
Second trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Macroeconomics 12 80 Italian SECS-P/01
Third trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Principles of Accounting 12 80 Italian SECS-P/07
Public Finance 9 60 Italian SECS-P/03
Business Statistics 6 40 Italian SECS-S/01
Statistics for Big Data for Economics and Business 6 40 Italian SECS-S/03
Optional activities and study plan rules
3 - The student must choose 6 CFU (University Credits) between the following two courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Business Statistics 6 40 Italian Third trimester SECS-S/01
Statistics for Big Data for Economics and Business 6 40 Italian Third trimester SECS-S/03
First trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Econometrics 6 40 Italian SECS-P/05
Labour Law 6 40 Italian IUS/07
Economic History 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Second trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
European Union Law 6 40 Italian IUS/14
Financial Markets and Institutions 9 60 Italian SECS-P/11
Organization and Human Resource Management 9 60 Italian SECS-P/07
Economic Policy 9 60 Italian SECS-P/02
Marketing Management 9 60 Italian SECS-P/08
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Industrial Economy 9 60 Italian SECS-P/01
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must choose 9 ECTS between the following two courses:
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Organization and Human Resources Management*
* Please note that the course Organization and Human Resources Management (9 CFUs) will be available starting from the a.y. 2025/26.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Financial Markets and Institutions 9 60 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/11
2 - The student must choose 9 ECTS between the following two courses:
- Economic History
- Industrial Economiy*
* Please note that the course Industrial Economy (9 CFUs) will be available starting from the a.y. 2025/26.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economic History 9 60 Italian First trimester SECS-P/12
Second trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Financial Market Law 6 40 Italian IUS/04
Lab: Private Banking - Present and Future of a Profession 3 20 Italian SECS-P/11
Organization and Human Resource Management - Ol 6 40 Italian SECS-P/10
Third trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Entrepreneurship Lab 3 20 Italian SECS-P/08
History of Entrepreneurship 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
History of Money and Financial Institutions 6 40 Italian SECS-P/12
Lab: Financialization 3 20 Italian SECS-P/12
Optional activities and study plan rules
4 - Students must obtain 15 free choice credits with courses, that may be taught also in other bachelor degrees or in other faculties.
To obtain these 15 free choice credits, the Teaching Committee suggests the courses not chosen from the pairwise alternatives proposed in the 2nd and 3rd year, or the courses listed on the web page

In addition to the 15 free choice creits, the student must compulsorily obtain 6 credits through an internship.
5 - Additional to these 15 CFU, the student must obtain 6 CFU through an internship.
For the Undergraduate Course in Economics and Management some courses are preparatory and the related exams must be passed before being able to take the final exams in other courses, as detailed below:
- Mathematics is mandatory for Statistics, Statistics for Big Data for Economics and Business, and Business Statistics.
- Statistics is mandatory for Econometrics.
- Microeconomics is mandatory for Public Finance.
- Economia aziendale e Accounting is mandatory for Analisi di bilancio.

The fulfillment of the Additional Learning Obligations (Obblighi formativi aggiuntivi - OFA) of the disciplinary entry requirements is propaedeutic to the second and third year exams.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Business Statistics Mathematics (compulsory)
Econometrics Statistics (compulsory)
Principles of Accounting Business Administration and Accounting (compulsory)
Public Finance Microeconomics (compulsory)
Statistics Mathematics (compulsory)
Statistics for Big Data for Economics and Business Mathematics (compulsory)
Learn more
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more