Digital Systems in Agriculture

campo verde e giallo
Digital Systems in Agriculture
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L-P02 - Professioni Tecniche Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
Professionalizing degrees are new three-year university study programs aimed at a strong orientation towards the working environment and a direct operational applicability of the acquired skills.
In particular, the professionalizing degree program in Digital Systems in Agriculture is designed to train technical professionals who combine, on the one hand, general knowledge of agricultural systems, and on the other hand, advanced skills in configuring and interacting with integrated hardware and software systems within farm processes. This includes the extraction and management of data essential for optimizing production activities in agricultural, livestock, and small-scale processing contexts.
The educational path is characterized by a strong synergy between the university and companies in the Agriculture 4.0 sector, focusing on digital technologies for agricultural machinery and systems, as well as field and livestock ICT systems. With this approach, the course aims to develop specialized technologist with skills in digital systems. These skills, combined with technical knowledge specific to the agricultural domain, will enable graduates to operate supporting primary sector companies in the choice and use of hardware and software systems for agriculture.
In order to achieve a professional profile with the specified technical skills, the Digital Systems in Agriculture study program has the following educational objectives:
General but comprehensive knowledge of agricultural systems as a whole and the main issues related to the sustainability of productions;
Basic knowledge in scientific disciplines related to the fundamental principles of production processes, the functioning of technologies used, and the economic-organizational aspects of activities;
Understanding of configuration criteria and acquisition of high operational skills for the management of hardware and software technologies used in business processes;
Acquisition of in-depth operational skills in the extraction, management, and processing of data useful for production activities;
Development of the ability to interact effectively and professionally with those who analyze or plan production processes;
Acquisition of adequate teamwork, communication, including in English, and self-updating skills, aimed at a rapid and effective integration into different work contexts.
The educational objectives of the study program also aim to develop the skills, abilities, and operational autonomy necessary for the practice of the professions of graduate agricultural expert and/or graduate agrotechnician, for which the professionalizing degree in Digital Systems in Agriculture is enabling.
Graduates in Digital Systems in Agriculture possess a professional profile with a strong technical focus, characterized by operational and managerial skills related to digital technologies specifically applied in agricultural, livestock, and primary processing contexts. The professional profile is supplemented by the acquisition of basic knowledge about the main technical methods of agricultural production, the technologies used, the organization of activities, and the outlines of the major issues faced by the modern agricultural system.
This integration of knowledge is of fundamental importance for the professional profile, allowing graduates in Digital Systems in Agriculture to optimize the application of their specialized skills, adapting them to the specific needs of the companies they collaborate with and effectively interfacing with the production processes in which these companies operate.
Graduates in Digital Systems in Agriculture play roles in close technical assistance in agro-informatics and agro-electronics, providing support functions to agricultural sector companies in selecting digital technologies that align with their needs. They intervene in configuring hardware and software systems, interfacing them with other local or cloud-based technologies, and managing their routine usage. The aim is to ensure the full utilization of the functionalities of these systems for the benefit of productive activities in which they are adopted, within the framework of Agriculture 4.0.
In addition, graduates work with data generated by digital systems, configuring the acquisition and recording of parameters of interest. They use processing or visualization features included in software, integrate farm data with information from other external sources, export data of specific interest in formats useful for their use in company reports or for further processing with external applications. Graduates identify critical or alarm situations through the comparison of process data with benchmarks external to the farm, supporting the entrepreneur or those planning and analyzing business processes by researching and extracting specific information from company databases.
Thanks to the comprehensive nature of the course and the multiple disciplinary areas covered during traineeships, graduates can easily integrate into companies operating in various agricultural contexts, including large agro-industrial crops, horticulture, fruit and wine production, livestock farming, and animal production.
In these significant contexts, widely spread throughout the national territory in numerous specialized production districts, graduates in Digital Systems in Agriculture can naturally find employment opportunities in:
Companies producing digital technologies and ICT for agriculture.
Companies or industries manufacturing machinery and systems for agriculture.
Agricultural, livestock, fruit, wine, and vegetable farming companies.
Service and technical assistance companies for agriculture.
Contractor companies.
Companies selling, assisting, and repairing agricultural machinery and equipment.
Companies involved in the production, installation, assistance, maintenance, and sensor technology and automation for agriculture.
The attainment of the professionalizing degree in Digital Systems in Agriculture, as stipulated by current legislative regulations, enables the practice of the professions of graduate agricultural expert and/or graduate agrotechnician.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Attendance at educational activities is strongly recommended and carefully monitored by the course of study. Attendance is mandatory for second-year labs and third-year internships.
Requirements and knowledge necessary for admission
To be admitted to the degree program, candidates must hold a high school diploma or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, and possess adequate initial preparation. Specifically, a good understanding of basic scientific disciplines is required, with a depth comparable to that acquired through high school education. Additionally, candidates should demonstrate logical and comprehension skills, as well as sufficient abilities in written elaboration and oral expression in the Italian language.

Methods of verification of knowledge and personal preparation
In accordance with legal provisions (Article 4 of DM 446/2020), the degree program has a limited number of seats, tailored to the needs of the job market and the availability of external annual internships. For the academic year 2025-26, the number of available slots for enrolment in the first year is set at 50.
Access is regulated by the mandatory TOLC-LP test, designed to assess students' initial preparation in terms of basic mathematical knowledge and elementary comprehension and logical skills.
The valid test for admission to the degree program is the TOLC-LP, an online test administered by CISIA (Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso - The structure and topics of the test, along with other useful information, can be found on the page
The TOLC-LP can be held at the University of Milan or at any other university affiliated with CISIA. Registration procedures and deadlines are indicated in the admission notice published on the programme website.
The test results will be communicated confidentially to each student, highlighting any deficiencies identified during the test itself.

Additional Training Requirements and Procedures for Remedying Deficiencies (OFA)
Students who are conditionally admitted to the degree program and receive an insufficient outcome in the mathematics section (score lower than or equal to half of the maximum value) will be assigned additional training requirements (OFA).
For students with OFA, a recovery program will be organized (in the September-October period), structured with online exercises on an e-learning platform and moments of discussion and clarification with a tutor. After participating in the recovery activities, students with OFA will be required to undergo a final assessment verification.

Places available: 50 + 3 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 13/03/2025 to 29/05/2025

Application for matriculation: from 09/06/2025 to 19/06/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 23/06/2025 to 17/07/2025

Application for matriculation: from 21/07/2025 to 31/07/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Session: 3

Application for admission: from 05/08/2025 to 04/09/2025

Application for matriculation: from 11/09/2025 to 18/09/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Biology to Agricultural Systems 6 64 Italian BIO/01 BIO/04 BIO/05
Fundamentals of General and Agricultural Chemistry 6 56 Italian AGR/13 CHIM/03 CHIM/06
Fundamentals of Mathematics and Physics for Agriculture 6 72 Italian FIS/01 MAT/07
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Husbandry and Nutrition, and Quality and Safety of Products of Animal Origin 6 64 Italian AGR/18 AGR/19
Computer Science for Digital Technologies in Agriculture 6 48 Italian INF/01
Cultivation, Quality, and Safety of Plant Products 12 116 Italian AGR/02 AGR/03 AGR/04 AGR/11 AGR/12
Economics and Organization of the Agri-Food System 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Machinery, Plants, and Production Structures for Agriculture 6 60 Italian AGR/08 AGR/09 AGR/10
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratory of Arboriculture and Post-Harvest Technologies 10 146 Italian
Laboratory of Digital Technologies for Animal Husbandry 10 144 Italian
Laboratory of Machines and Technologies for Precision Agriculture 10 160 Italian
Laboratory of Technologies for Plant Productions 10 136 Italian
Laboratory of Water and Agro-Environmental Resources 10 136 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Digital Technologies and Iot for Agriculture 6 56 Italian ING-INF/05
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Occupational Health and Safety 3 24 Italian
Study plan rules
- The student must also acquire 6 Ects by freely choosing from the courses offered by other degree programs within the Faculty and the University. Alternatively, they may allocate these credits to other training activities assessable in terms of credits. See also the paragraph Structure of the course - Presentation of the study plan.
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Professional Ethics 4 32 Italian
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Corporate Internship 50 0 Italian
Final Exam 4 0 Italian
Exams beyond the first year can only be taken after passing the Fundamentals of Calculus and Physics for Agriculture exam or the OFA of Mathematics. The practical evaluative external internship can only start after successfully completing all mandatory exams in the first and second years.
Learn more
Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
University and programme transfer tutor
Credit recognition tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more