The University of Milan in Dubai
Along with other Italian academia, the University of Milan will be at Expo Dubai at the Italy Pavilion.
The University of Milan is at the forefront at Expo Dubai 2020, with themes ranging from the sustainable development of mountain territories and agricultural supply chains, to the latest research on connectivity and digital, thanks to a cooperation with the General Commissioner of the Italian Government.
In October, during the climate and biodiversity weeks, as part of the focus on the mountains curated by UNIMONT, our Edolo campus, we launched the “Mountain Education and Innovation Manifesto”. Over 100 young people from 28 nations contributed to this outstanding project as part of the “Youth4Mountains” programme.
The Manifesto underlines the importance of hearing young voices to foster sustainable development processes in mountain areas. It was later presented in Glasgow on 4 November, as part of COP26, during the event “Sustainability in Healthcare and Education: Global Challenges and Solutions”, and in Italy, at the Quirinal Palace, on 9 December, on the occasion of the Mountain Day, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies with responsibility for the enhancement of mountain areas, Mariastella Gelmini, the Minister of Tourism, Massimo Garavaglia, and numerous other national institutional representatives.
During the “Food, Agriculture & Livelihoods” week of Expo 2020 Dubai, the University of Milan will host an event to tell the stories of local areas and agri-food chains.
We will address the issue of sustainability in terms of culture, innovation and agricultural policy trough aerial images of some of the most representative Italian supply chains: apple-pear, vine-wine, olive-oil, rice-cereals.
On this occasion, we will announce the winners of the photo challenge “Our land and climate change. Landscapes of the agri-food chains”, sponsored by Seventeen, Develò, Radio Statale, Statale with a Impatto Zero and Unimont, in partnership with the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan.
A selection of the most representative shots, showing lights and shadows in national food supply chains, will be exhibited in the following months.
The forum sponsored by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) will present and promote the Italian university and research system and its excellence, highlighting the role of universities in accelerating economic and social growth. It will also showcase our broad range of high-quality international training programmes.
6 October 2021
The top 10 Scientists and Young Researchers
Leading experts will talk to young researchers on the issues of mountain development, while also considering urban and marine environments.
7 October 2021
Reaching for the Stars: Sustainable and Climate Resilient Mountain Development
Organized by FAO Mountain Partnership and Italy's Commissioner for Dubai, it will host our Edolo-based UNIMONT campus, with speeches by Stefano Sala and Annamaria Giorgi, Rector's Delegate for the promotion of teaching, research and third mission for the enhancement of the mountain areas
8 October 2021
Connecting Youth and Mountains, Creating a Lively Future
An entire day dedicated to innovation and sustainable development of mountain areas, with a seminar in the morning to finalize the Mountain Education and Innovation Manifesto with young people from all over the world, and an institutional event in the afternoon to discuss scientific research, networks and policies for sustainable development. The Mountain Education and Innovation Manifesto will be presented to the institutions in the afternoon session.
28 October
Connecting Safely, Creating the Future: Toward Securing Artificial Intelligence
The goal of the PALM project, which was presented at Expo with Khalifa University of Science and Technology, is to strengthen Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence models, and to protect them from adversarial attacks and manipulative actions that aim to mislead them into learning wrong behaviour.