Congress rooms in via Festa del Perdono 7

Via Festa del Perdono 7 - First Floor
The Boardroom, mainly reserved for institutional activities, can be used on request for very important events only.
It is on two levels:
- an upper room for meetings, with a table equipped with monitor and audio system, video projection screens, 70 seats, disabled access
- a lower room for conferences, seminars, and press conferences, with a table for 5 speakers, audio system and video projection screen, 86 seats, reception, no disabled access.
Crociera Room – Law
Via Festa del Perdono 7 - First Floor
- Capacity: 90 seats, no disabled access.
- Equipment: audio and video projection system.
- Available for: conferences / seminars.
Crociera Room – Humanities
Via Festa del Perdono 7 - First Floor
- Capacity: 90 seats, no disabled access.
- Equipment: audio and video projection system.
- Available for: conferences / seminars.
Malliani Room
Via Festa del Perdono 7 - First Floor
- Capacity: 73 seats, disabled access.
- Equipment: audio and video projection system.
- Available for: conferences / seminars. A small loggia adjacent to the room is available for catering services (the room is mainly reserved for graduation sessions of the Faculty of Medicine).
To check room availability and arrange a visit, email [email protected] .