
Marina Brambilla is Professor of German Language and Linguistics at the University of Milan. After obtaining a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at IULM University and a PhD in German Language and Literature at the University of Pavia, she joined the University of Milan in 2003 as a researcher. She then became associate professor in 2011, and full professor in 2016.
Her research and teaching interests are conversation analysis, sociolinguistics, languages for specific purposes (politics and institutions, law, economics and business, technical language) and translation studies. Over the years, she has covered a number of roles within the University governance: Rector's Delegate for Internationalisation and the Erasmus programme within the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences (2012-2013), Rector's Delegate for Student Guidance and Placement Services (2014-2018), and Deputy Rector for the Planning and Organisation of Education, Student and Staff Services (2018-2024).
Since 2019, professor Brambilla has been President of the University of Milan Language Centre (SLAM), which she contributed to creating, as well as of the University Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP), the Teaching and Learning Innovation and Multimedia Technology Centre (CTU), and the Observatory on University Education Incentive Programmes. She is also a member of the Working Group on Education Incentive Programmes for Students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs).
Professor Brambilla has participated in a number of Committees for National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale), and carried out peer review work for Italian and German journals. She is also a member of the Villa Vigoni German-Italian Centre for the European Dialogue, the lexicography network RELEX, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Committee, and the academic committee of the journal Jahrbuch für Germanistische Linguistik (JGL) of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Professor Brambilla has fostered several collaborations between the University and the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Milan, the Lombardy School Office and a number of Italian Ministries. She is also a member of the Joint Body for Innovation of the Ministry of University and Research. Last but not least, she is a project leader for Spoke 1 — Urban Regeneration — of the Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action (MUSA), an innovation ecosystem funded under Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In this capacity, she coordinates research activities and interactions with local stakeholders within a project that focuses on urban transformations, such as those occurring in the MIND Campus and Città Studi, two areas which are part of the strategic vision of a multi-campus University of Milan.
The Rector is the institutional and legal representative of the University with the functions of direction, initiative and coordination of scientific and educational activities, and is responsible for pursuing the aims of the university according to quality criteria and in compliance with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and merit promotion.
A high-profile figure with significant managerial experience within the university and/or research sectors, the Rector is elected from the leading professors in service at Italian universities. He is appointed by a decree from the Ministry of Education, University and of Research, and holds a non-renewable term of office lasting six years.
The Rector’s functions are stated in Article 25 of the University Statute.
The Rector's Secretariat:
- manages the Rector's and Vice Rectors' institutional activities (agenda, travel, meetings) and the related document flows, ensuring coordination with offices involved
- takes care of organising institutional events and receiving Italian and foreign delegations, liaising with competent offices and branches
- is in charge of the protocol for the Rector's and Vice Rectors' formal meetings
- manages reservations and IT services for meeting rooms in the Rector's office
- coordinates the driver service.
Head of the Rector's Secretariat
Emanuela Maria Mazzei
[email protected]
Tel. 02 503 12078
Alessandro Scappini
[email protected]
Tel. 02 503 12014
Chiara Laura Ghiselli
[email protected]
Tel. 02 503 12077