Open Science training


The University of Milan embraces and supports the principles and actions of Open Science, a global movement that seeks to make science production, validation, dissemination and evaluation processes available and transparent, through research review and reproducibility.

For this reason, it was decided to set up a training space dedicated to the university community (doctoral students, assignees, students, faculty, admistrative staff).

The courses are by the Performance, Quality Assurance, Assessment, and Open Science Policy Division, which is responsible for supporting all open science activities and governance decisions on these important issues.

Training will be on platform Teams.

Training uso di AIR (h. 16-17.30)

05 february 2024 -  registration closed

08 april 2024 - registration closed

10 june 2024 - registration closed

09 september 2024 - registration deadline 6 september

25 septembe 2024 (english) - registration deadline 23 september

11 november 2024 - registration deadline 8 november

Training diritto d'autore e ricerca (h 17-18.30)

06 february 2024 – registration closed

06 may 2024 – registration closed

28 june 2024 – iscrizioni chiuse

18 october 2024 – registration deadline 14 october

Introduction  Milano University Press LIBRI

09 april 2024 (h. 15.30-16.15) registration closed

11 june 2024 (h. 14.30-15.15)  –  registration closed

17 october 2024 (h. 14.30-15.15) –  registration deadline  11 october

Introduction Milano University Press RIVISTE

 09 april 2024 (h.16.15-16.45) –  registration closed

11 june 2024 (h.15.15-16.00) –  registration closed

17 october 2024 (h.15.15-16.00)–  registration deadline 11 october

Training Dove Non pubblicare: sedi e pratiche predatorie (h.16-17.30)

08 march 2024 – registration closed

12 june 2024 – registration closed

Training on the Use of the FAIR research data repository Dataverse (Data@UNIMI), h 09.30-10.30

Last Friday of each month, next dates: 20 september, 25 october, 29 november

Training on How to write a FAIR compliant data management plan (DMP), h 09.30-10.30

First Friday of each month, next dates: 04 october, 08 november, 06 december

Open Badge for student
Open Science: Basic principles
For Master's and single-cycle students

Our University has launched the "Open Science: basic principles" badge for students of Master's and single-cycle degree programmes who have followed the training course promoted by the University of Milan on Open science and research data management (Open Access, Fair data).

The open badge will be awarded to all those who will participate in at least 70% of the training course organized by the University of Milan. This course is currently available to students of Master's degree programmes in Social, Political and Economic Sciences (SPES), Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics, Chemistry, Humanities.

Please check our dedicated web page on Bestr for details on the proposed badges and the corresponding skills.

Soft skills training for PhD candidates

Our University attaches great importance to the training of PhD students on open science issues. A specific open science course is offered as part of soft skills courses and training. These seminars cover the issues of the openness of science, with a focus on accessibility, reproducibility and transparency.

A pilot project launched in 2020, with the aim of training PhD students and their tutors in FAIR data management, and teaching them how to draft a data management plan for their research projects. So far, 20 PhD students from different academic fields and departments have taken part in the pilot project.

We offer specific (elective) training on the subject of research data management.