Open Science

The University of Milan embraces and supports the principles and actions of Open Science, a global movement that seeks to make science production, validation, dissemination and evaluation processes available and transparent, through research review and reproducibility.

In line with the values of Open Science, the University adheres to the principles of free access to scientific literature and free circulation of research results, and implements a multi-level strategy for the communication and dissemination of science, to give visibility and access to research findings.

The University formally committed to full access to scientific data and publications in 2005, when it adhered to the Messina Declaration on open access to scientific literature. Later, our organisation took this commitment further by joining the LERU roadmap for Open Science, the OPERAS consortium for the development of a European infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences, and the OpenAPC initiative, whose goals is to collect data on article processing charges (APCs) in the Gold Open Access system.

To nurture a truly Open Science culture, the University of Milan has created an ad-hoc Commission chaired by Flaminio Squazzoni and composed of 31 members, one for each Department.

The Performance, Quality Assurance, Assessment, and Open Science Policy Division implements and supports actions for the promotion of Open Science. In particular, the Division:

  • researches publishing houses and provides quality assurance services to prevent authors from choosing predatory publishers
  • develops Open Science policies to be submitted to the University’s governing bodies by the Open Science Commission
  • provides support for the analysis of copyright transfer agreements
  • manages the main tools for implementing Open Science policies (AIR, Dataverse, Milano University Press)
  • organises numerous training and dissemination activities to foster Open Science, as well as ad-hoc actions upon request of departments and research groups
  • oversees the allocation of APC funds, on the basis of criteria defined by the governing bodies
  • monitors APC expenses paid by the University of Milan and its Departments
  • participates in national and international projects for the promotion of Open Science
  • monitors and reports the main developments of science communication
Open Science Commission

For the three-year period 2022-2025 the Open Science Commission is chaired by Flaminio Squazzoni  and composed of 31 members, one for each department.


Name SSD Department
Prof. Flaminio Squazzoni GSPS-05/A Scienze sociali e politiche
Prof. Giorgio Abbiati CHEM-05/A Scienze farmaceutiche
Prof.ssa Cristina Battaglia BIOS-07/A Biotecnologie mediche e medicina traslazionale
Dott. Federico Binda MATH-02/A Matematica 'Federigo Enriques'
Dott. Stefano Bolelli Gallevi   Ufficio di Supporto alle Politiche di Open Science
Prof.ssa Francesca Bravi MEDS-24/A Scienze cliniche e di comunità
Prof. Gherardo Carullo GIUR-06/A Diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale
Prof. Gianclaudio Civale HIST-02/A Studi storici
Dott.ssa martina Colombo 07/MVET-05 Medicina veterinaria e scienze animali
Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Damiani INFO-01/A Informatica 'Giovanni Degli Antoni'
Prof.ssa Alessia Damonte GSPS-02/A Scienze sociali e politiche
Dott.ssa Laura Di Ferrante ANGL-01/C Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico - Politici
Dott.ssa Valeria Fedeli   Consulta dei Dottorandi
Dott.ssa Rossella Filadoro   Ufficio di Supporto alle Politiche di Open Science
Dott. Marco Filippi   Consulta degli assegnisti
Dott.ssa Paola Galimberti   Responsabile Di Direzione, Direzione Performance,Assicurazione Qualità, Valutazione e Politiche di Open Science
Prof.ssa Cecilia Gelfi BIOS-09/A Scienze biomediche per la salute
Prof.ssa Silvia Giudici GIUR-02/A Diritto privato e storia del diritto
Dott. Andrea Guardo PHIL-01/A Filosofia 'Piero Martinetti'
Prof. Roberto Guerra PHYS-04/A Fisica
Prof.ssa  Elena Lesma BIOS-11/A Scienze della salute
Prof. Giovanni Lodi MEDS-16/A Scienze biomediche, chirurgiche e odontoiatriche
Prof.ssa Chiara Meluzzi GLOT-01/A Studi letterari, filologici e linguistici
Prof. Fabio Nocito AGRI-06/B Scienze agrarie e ambientali - produzione, territorio, agroenergia
Prof. Francesco Onida MEDS-09/B Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia
Prof. Davide Proserpio CHEM-03/A Chimica
Prof. Giovanni Puccetti STAT-04/A Economia, management e metodi quantitativi
Prof. Dario Ronchi MEDS-12/A Fisiopatologia medico-chirurgica e dei trapianti
Prof.ssa Luciana Rossi AGRI-09/B Medicina veterinaria e scienze animali
Prof. Renato Ruffini ECON-08/A Scienze giuridiche 'Cesare Beccaria'
Prof.ssa Paola Sacerdote BIOS-11/A Scienze farmacologiche e biomolecolari
Prof.ssa Laura Scarabelli SPAN-01/B Lingue, letterature, culture e mediazioni
Prof. Alessandro Sorichetta GEOS-03/B Scienze della terra 'Ardito Desio'
Prof. Federico Stefanini STAT-01/A Scienze e politiche ambientali
Prof. Tomaso Subini PEMM-01/B Beni culturali e ambientali
Prof.ssa Federica Villa AGRI-08/A Scienze per gli alimenti, la nutrizione e l'ambiente
Prof. Federico Zambelli BIOS-08/A Bioscienze
Prof. Gianguglielmo Zehender MEDS-24/B Scienze biomediche e cliniche 'Luigi Sacco'

On the Power BI platform, you can view the share of Gold and Green Open Access publications on our annual total of publications.

The University endorses Open Research Data principles and actions and organises courses on Dataverse, DMP and FAIR data.