Research Centres (CRC)
Coordinating Research Centres (CRC) coordinate activities on a specific theme across disciplines.
They coordinate activities conducted in one or more Departments under the guidance of a "Scientific coordinator", creating a mark to identify particular lines of research, which may also involve external partners or funders.

Principal research topics:
- space statistics (the centre has the only internationally recognized Space statistics group at the University of Milan)
- problems concerning computational neurosciences and eye physiology
- epidemiology and risk factors in oncology
- optimization (discrete and mixed)
- new methods for big data
- economic models for sustainable development
- inverse problems.

The centre is mainly concerned with testing new therapies and technologies for neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders (such as Parkinson's disease, parkinsonism, dementia and motor neuron disease).
It supports and promotes biomedical, neurotechnological and psychological research in the field of central nervous system diseases in Italy and internationally, with special reference to translational research to develop new therapies for neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders, valorising and reinforcing existing clinical and scientific collaborations which are recognized areas of excellence of the University.

The CRC AltreScene investigates the international dimension of past and present theatre activities in Milan and develops an overall reflection on the cultural network in which this phenomenon was and is centred. Research issues in the field of International Humanities, and in particular Drama and Performance Studies, are thus connected to the of experimentation of pioneering advanced courses for postgraduate students and to various forms of public engagement in close collaboration with the main theatre houses and troupes in and outside Milan and Italy as well as with foreign cultural institutes and academic institutions.
The translation, circulation, and scenic transformation of non-Italian repertoire on Milan’s scenes, the contribution of foreign and/or multicultural artists and creatives to the local activities, as well as the international, "global" life of scenic experiences and practices which have arisen in Milan are exemplary case studies, both in historical perspective and with regard to contemporary constellations. Mapping and investigating these phenomena and putting them at the core of educational projects and social engagement can be of primary interest to the recognizing of the fundamental mediation role that Milan has been playing on a local and on a global scale, and to the broadening of a necessarily interdisciplinary, multilingual and transcultural approach to contemporary drama, theatre and performance as a way of creating, integrating and fostering social dynamics and proactive communities.

Research fields:
- study and characterization of materials of archaeological, historic and artistic interest
- diagnostics and monitoring for the conservation of movable and immovable cultural goods
- conservation and protection strategies
- literary, theatrical and musical criticism and interpretation
- innovative instruments for cataloguing and constructing digital archives and music libraries
- strategies for the management of collections, museums and cultural sites
- strategies for the valorisation, fruition and dissemination of material and immaterial heritage
- policies for cultural goods.
The centre is an incubator and accelerator for the development of innovative technological solutions to overcome the main challenges still remaining in the creation of organoids.
Organoids are the most innovative methods available to medical research for studying various mechanisms outside the body:
- disease mechanisms
- response to drugs including side-effects
- interactions between different cell components, such as those of tumours and the immune system.
Although organoids now occupy a central position in biomedicine, making their use accessible on a large scale in order to exploit their full potential still poses technological challenges.
Committee for Direction
The centre aims to consolidate and expand the network of scholars of Byzantium and its literary, historiographic, linguistic and artistic manifestations.
It can link scholars of topics related to Byzantium in the broadest sense, such as:
- the forerunners of Byzantine literary and artistic culture in ancient Greece and Imperial/late ancient Rome
- links between the Byzantine East and the medieval Latin and romance West
- the heritage of Byzantium in the history of western European culture since Humanism.

Il CRC Cardano prosegue e amplia l’orizzonte cronologico e tematico del ‘Progetto Cardano’, nato nel 1995 sotto la direzione di Marialuisa Baldi e Guido Canziani e trasferito nel 2007 dal CNR all’Università degli Studi di Milano.
Il Centro si costituisce come un punto d’incontro sinergico tra le competenze disciplinari dei docenti e dei dipartimenti dell’Università di Milano suoi membri, che cooperano allo scopo di promuovere lo studio di Girolamo Cardano, del suo ambiente culturale, e in generale del Rinascimento lombardo tra i secoli XIV e XVII—forse il più trascurato tra i ‘Rinascimenti’ italiani.
Il centro rappresenta un unicum nel panorama nazionale, che già vede centri di ricerca per lo studio del rinascimento toscano, romano, veneziano, e meridionale.

Il centro di ricerca CACtUS - Centro Arte Contemporanea dell’Università degli Studi di Milano - coordina e sviluppa, in una prospettiva interdisciplinare, le ricerche sulle esperienze e le pratiche artistiche dell’Età Contemporanea, con particolare attenzione per gli studi dedicati al sistema dell’arte, al ruolo dell’arte pubblica e del monumento, alle realtà organizzative ed espositive, alle ricerche di confine tra differenti linguaggi espressivi (letteratura, arti performative) e ai nuovi media (fotografia, cinema, video, digitale), anche nella prospettiva di nuove forme di interazione con lo spettatore.

Since 2002 the centre has been active in the field of training and dissemination in relation to neurodegenerative diseases:
creation of multidisciplinary competence indispensable for competitive cutting-edge research at international level
development of research infrastructure
scientific alliance with major Italian and international groups in the sector
direct participation in European research planning in the sector of neurodegenerative diseases.
Prof. Adriana Maggi
The centre aims to improve health by sharing information emerging and developing in research laboratories and study groups.
It is an innovative model of collaborative research between researchers in the fields of infectious diseases, microbiology and immunology according to a modern conception of world health.
Research activities build a continuum between the various branches of science, from basic to operative, directed at health policy.
The aim of the centre is to contribute to progress in international understanding through clinical and translational research, optimizing and/or activating collaborations between research groups.
The main lines of research of the centre are:
the donor-recipient relationship
the impact of antiviral treatments before and after transplant in patients with HBV and HCV
long-term metabolic complications in liver transplant patients.
The aim of the research centre is to become a national and international reference point in health administration training and research:
health management
public health
clinical governance and leadership
health policy.
It brings together interdisciplinary and multiprofessional research interests across departments in order to contribute to the development and dissemination of new competences, instruments and management practices. These will enable company managers, experts, institutions and firms involved in healthcare to operate sustainably and produce maximum value for users of health and social services.
Lino Rossi research centre was established in 2004 by the University of Milan "La Statale" for the study and prevention of sudden and unexpected death of unborn babies and those under one year of age.
As Centre of Reference for application of Law no 31/2006 regarding the diagnostic data of victims of SIDS and sudden fetal death, it has been recognized by the Ministry of Health as the National Data Base that receives the clinical, epidemiological and diagnostic data of all cases of sudden fetal or infantile death occurring in the different regions of Italy.
With this large statistical sample, unique in the world, the centre has conducted various studies, especially in the field of neuropathology, many of which have been published in international journals.
The centre is concerned with scientific research in the sector of rare clotting disorders, both haemorrhagic and thrombotic.
Its activities focus on standardization of laboratory methods for assessing alterations in haemostatic balance and the search for genetic mutations causing haemophilia and thrombophilia in order to identify the best therapies for these syndromes.
The Center aims to study and implement innovative clinical research models focused on chronic-degenerative diseases and rehabilitation models, with a focus on head and neck pathology. Research is geared towards the development of new approaches for translational studies, observational studies on patients and clinical trials. Research activities, linking pre-clinical trials with clinical practice and strategies for public health, consider translational and clinical studies as a unique two-way process based on a highly multidisciplinary approach integrating basic research, clinical research, clinical practice, and population studies.
The centre has been operative at the Niguarda Ca’ Granda hospital in Milan since 1972, conducting studies and research on:
- physiopathology of lipid transport in humans
- hereditary lipoprotein profile anomalies
- mechanism and clinical efficacy of pharmacological treatments, functional foods and nutraceutics in dyslipidaemic patients.
The centre aims to provide a necessary alternative message on the topic of health with respect to the proliferation of mass media messages, and to meet the growing demand by citizens for health and empowerment.
elaboration of content (texts and videos) from the scientific literature to communicate arguments regarding health that are topical, concern research and are of public interest or of interest to healthcare workers
reply to national and international research calls on relevant topics
organisation of conferences/workshops for specific targets (healthcare workers, patients' associations) in collaboration with sustaining bodies
courses of continuing education on correct and effective communication regarding health for journalists and/or healthcare workers
drafting of scientific articles on communication of questions regarding drugs, health and society.
The centre conducts and promotes study, research, conferences and publications on the figure of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi and more generally on Italian eighteenth century vocal and instrumental music.
Its institutional aims include:
to promote research on the life and work of Pergolesi, the Neapolitan cultural and musical context and Italian eighteenth century music
to collect (originals, copies, electronic formats), catalogue and check the authenticity of documentary, musical, literary and iconographic sources regarding the composer
to provide documentary and scientific support for the National Edition of the Works of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, instituted in 2009 by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities
to promote conferences, study groups, seminars and scientific publications; to collaborate with research centres and institutions that organise conferences and exhibitions and with theatre and concert organisations that plan the preparation and public performance of the works of Pergolesi.

The Center aims to:
- promote and conduct research in the field of police history and, more generally, of territorial control, involving interested scholars in shared, chronologically broad research projects, which may identify new interpretation guidelines;
- organize national and international courses, seminars, refresher courses and conferences;
- promote scientific debate, publish articles, texts, manuals, journals, bibliographic indexes;
- encourage the exchange of information between researchers in the field, including through collaborations with other university departments, with national and international research organizations, and with research units established in research centers of Italian and international public and private institutions;
- establish and strengthen relations with national and international institutions officially in charge of police and territorial control.
CERIDAP is a place for in-depth study and research on Public Administration, with a view to "good administration". The Center interacts with Italian and European public and private institutions that are interested in these issues.
The centre is an Italian and international reference point for the study of acute respiratory insufficiency. It hosts all the clinical figures necessary for the care of patients with this pathology: anaesthetists, intensive care specialists and pneumologists.
The doctors have long experience and work with the major university hospitals of Milan:
ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda
ASST Sacco Buzzi Fatebenefratelli.

The Center aims to strengthen the synergistic study of world international relations, the integration between governments, businesses, communication networks and global economic structures.
The Center houses the Secretariat of the International Committee for the History of International Relations, which is affiliated with the International Congress of Historical Sciences (ICHS), the centre of excellence for historical studies.
The CARC Centre of the University of Milan promotes studies and analyzes the linguistic, cultural, economic, legal, political and social realities of contemporary Asian countries, with an interdisciplinary approach based on the constant and rigorous examination of sources in original languages.
Heir of a previous interdepartmental research center, founded in 2005, CARC enjoys consolidated international relations and represents a meeting place for different research groups which study contemporary Asia using different methodological and scientific approaches.
The aim of the centre is to create a new group within the University for the study of:
emerging properties of complex biological and bio-mimetic materials
how cell and elementary biomolecular processes become part of complex regulatory networks that give rise to disease.

The centre springs from the desire to establish an interdisciplinary organisation that draws from different University departments and applies its competence to the study of gender narratives.
In particular, the aim of the centre is to identify and study intersections between gender narrative (especially police novels) and contemporary questions of social and political importance.
The aim of the centre is to provide a platform for operators in the sector that promotes adoption of international standards of measurement.
It is aimed at:
diagnostic industries
clinical laboratories and other bodies.
Il Centro nasce dalla collaborazione fra sei Unità di ricerca UNIMI operative da diversi anni nell'ambito dell’analisi tossicologica in differenti ambiti:
- Laboratorio di Tossicologia Forense del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
- Laboratorio di Analisi Chimico - Tossicologica del Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
- Laboratorio di Drug discovery and manufacturing development del Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
- Laboratorio di Analisi Farmaceutica e Biofarmaceutica del Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche e Odontoiatriche Direttore: Prof. Aldo Bruno Giannì
- Laboratorio di Biochimica Clinica e Spettrometria di Massa del Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
- Sezione ‘One Health’ del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche e Odontoiatriche
Queste Unità di ricerca hanno competenze e professionalità sinergiche e complementari per quanto riguarda la analisi di sostanze tossiche di varia origine e droghe d’abuso dal punto di vista chimico, biochimico-metabolico e alimentare-ambientale.
Il CRC ha come finalità il potenziamento sia delle attività produttive che di ricerca nell’ambito della Tossicologia Analitica (TA), una disciplina che ogni giorno viene citata per risolvere casi giudiziari ma che, in modo particolare, è uno strumento indispensabile per prevenire la diffusione di sostanze pericolose per la salute ed individuare gli effetti deleteri che possono produrre.
L'attivazione del CIRS “Marcello Marchetti” rappresenta un unicum nel contesto italiano e uno tra i pochi in ambito europeo. Il centro combina competenze in diritto farmaceutico e scienze regolatorie con conoscenze scientifiche e tecnologiche ed è finalizzato a fornire servizi regolatori rivolti sia ai docenti del nostro Ateneo sia a soggetti esterni.
Le tematiche di ricerca e di servizio del CISR comprendono l’analisi dei requisiti tecnici relativi alla qualità, della sicurezza e dell'efficacia dei medicinali, comprese per terapie avanzate (ATMP) e farmaci a RNA, ovvero di dispositivi medici, prodotti cosmetici, integratori alimentari e altri prodotti salutistici.

The permanent function of the centre is to gather information and provide guidance for society.
It has two lines of activity:
analysis of the national situation
analysis of the international situation.
La medicina di precisione si propone di sartorializzare l’approccio al paziente prescrivendo il farmaco più adeguato per garantire la migliore risposta minimizzando la possibilità di esperire effetti collaterali. Pertanto l’acquisizione di dati rappresentativi della popolazione generale (big data) e la loro elaborazione (statistica convenzionale & machine learning) porta al riconoscimento di gruppi di pazienti (clusters) con caratteristiche cliniche, demografiche, sociali e biologiche capaci di prevedere la risposta ad un dato farmaco già al baseline
La costituzione in UNIMI del primo centro di medicina di precisione dedicato all’infiammazione cronica mira ad ottimizzare le risorse per svolgere una ricerca di frontiera e traslazionale che possa portare le scoperte scientifiche direttamente ed in modo pragmatico nella pratica clinica, in linea con i principi di One health e del PNRR.
Il CRC rappresenta lo strumento attraverso il quale coordinare e sviluppare i percorsi di ricerca sui temi oggetto di attività delle cliniche legali.
Le Cliniche legali sono attività didattiche imperniate sulla metodologia del learning by doing e si caratterizzano per il fatto di operare sul territorio mettendo a disposizione risorse e competenze negli ambiti oggetto di interesse. Costituiscono uno strumento prezioso per individuare e tematizzare questioni di rilevanza ed attualità sul terreno della sostenibilità e dell’accesso ed efficienza della giustizia.
Il CRIMePO si propone come punto di riferimento nazionale e internazionale nel campo della ricerca in ambito criminologico e politico-criminale con l’intento:
- di promuovere lo studio interdisciplinare della questione criminale nelle sue molteplici declinazioni e delle politiche pubbliche nel campo della giustizia penale, della sicurezza, delle polizie, e della giustizia di transizione
- di far progredire la criminologia come campo di ricerca transdisciplinare, luogo di confine in cui le diverse forme della conoscenza (scientifica, filosofica, storica, letteraria) concorrono a mettere a fuoco temi, approcci e percorsi di studio
- di incoraggiare, in particolare, l’incontro tra la ricerca criminologica e settori di studi solitamente poco esplorati dai criminologi ma decisivi nel costruire conoscenze criminologico-politiche (come ad esempio i conflict and democracy studies, i peace studies, i social justice studies)
- di coinvolgere decisori politici, esperti, operatori, organizzazioni, società civile e destinatari finali per co-produrre un sapere criminologico-politico capace di orientare l’elaborazione di iniziative, progetti, programmi e leggi
The Centre advances research in the field of neurology. Its strategy is based on the close integration of clinical aspects of diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases with basic research on aetiopathogenetic events and, above all, experimental therapeutics.
The aim of the Data Science Research Centre (DSRC) is to integrate local competence and research activity in the fields of computer science and statistics. The primary objective is to develop novel approaches to smart processes based on the analysis of large, heterogeneous data.
In particular, DSRC promotes Data Science as critical to a shared and unified approach to coming cultural, scientific and social challenges.
For these reasons, the DSRC intends to involve and enhance the University’s very rich and diverse disciplinary capacities, ranging from the social sciences to the humanities, from the life sciences to medicine, by promoting their interaction.

The Centre aims to bring together epidemiological, biomedical (human and veterinary) and bioinformatic knowledge and skills. These are important to the promotion and implementation of basic and applied scientific activity in the fields of epidemiology and the molecular surveillance of infections and infectious diseases.

The Centre is an important national node for the multidisciplinary network of scholars dealing in various ways with forced migrations. By convention, these forced migrations includes asylum seekers and refugees, stateless persons and other people forced to flee their lands of birth.
GAIA-2050 studies the relationships between environmental change and health risk, and not solely with regard to the effects of pollution. It does so through collaboration and synergies between scholars in different scientific disciplines, such as: Environmental Health, Landscape Ecology, Food Health, Agroecology, Environmental Economics, Systemic Health and networks healthcare.
It promotes scientific collaboration between academics from university departments, nationally and internationally, on issues of environmental sustainability sciences and policies, also with regard to the economy.
The Centre aims to constitute a point of reference for scientific research and to deepen interdisciplinary understanding of the new forms taken by the rights of the defence as a result of changes in law and European jurisprudence on criminal proceedings.
The activities of the centre are:
research projects;
training activity;
exchange of personnel between universities and other European institutions.

Genders was founded in 1995 as one of the first Italian academic centres dedicated to Gender Studies.
It proposes to:
Consolidate under Horizon 2020 research activities previously carried out under FP7, as well as enhance its international profile and its leading role in research on equal opportunities in Italy.
Promote a multidisciplinary approach to research, the mainstreaming of gender and the gendering of the disciplines.
The Centre aims to consolidate collaboration between literary studies and geography, opening it up to foreign scholars and institutions outside the University.
The intersection between the two disciplines is critically important to the interdisciplinary and intertextual fabric of contemporary culture, though the two disciplines are deeply linked and have been in dialogue with each other since Antiquity. If geography acknowledges the inescapable presence within itself of a subjective and imaginative element, literature cannot fail to recognize the crucial role of geography in textual, poetic and narrative production.
The meeting point between the two disciplines is located in the multiple modes of perception and representation of space, the primary dimension of our experience. Equally important is its imaginative role. The intersections between the materiality and the metaphorical representation of natural environments also highlight its archetypal quality. Islands, rivers, seas, forests, mountains, deserts are not only physical and geographical entities, but also cultural structures and mental constructs.
Gesdimont aims to test and promote methodological innovation and operations specific to the complex characteristics and needs of mountainous areas identified in the course of research, and the transfer of technologies strategic for the socio-economic development of such areas.

The Centre’s main mission is the interdisciplinary study of innovation processes and organizational change in public sector administration.
The Centre for Renal Immunopathology proposes to bring together academics from different departments who share an interest in renal immunopathology.
The Centre’s aim is to provide expertise in different aspects of the pathology and to promote among third parties the adoption of specific lines of research into these aspects.

The Centre aims to deepen understanding of the relationship between the information society and the law, with particular attention to changes, present and future, that profoundly affect our society.
It brings together skills, researchers and students of:
legal informatics
philosophy of law
sociology of law
ecclesiastical law
law and criminal procedure
political philosophy
legal theory
The Centre was designed as a control room for law and science research and initiatives, and as a link between expert researchers in law, biology, chemistry, agricultural and environmental studies, in order to promote technological innovation at the service of public health, food and sustainable development.
The Centre will focus on specific issues: human rights, climate and environmental change, health and big data, nutrition in the context of health, law and the market, mass spectrometry applied to behaviour (relationship between behaviour and pollution), GMO and access to water.
The Centre was created to establish an interdisciplinary network of skills and a critical mass of knowledge, instruments and human resources sufficient to enhance the University’s capacities in the field of polymeric materials. This serves to structure training and research in the material and polymer sciences, both inside and outside the University.
The Centre aims to operate widely across the field of material and polymer sciences, focusing on many sectors of application, at both the basic and advanced research levels.
professor Giuseppe Di Silvestro
The Centre coordinates interdisciplinary research aiming to understand the most important features of the link between reading and the formation of the person: ‘I read, therefore I am’ expresses a tradition and a cultural reality whose significance contemporary society would seem to underestimate.
The centre aims to further develop an extant network of relations with other reading studies centres, at home and abroad.
The Centre aims to bring together different research groups around the precious anti-Babel literary device that is heteroglossia, understood as the use of an alternative to one's own mother tongue, a language that is the language of another culture.
The phenomenon enjoyed its golden age in eighteenth century Europe, when there was greater linguistic and cultural unity than at any other time in history.
Immuno-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID) such as chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases (MICI; in English, IBD), Crohn's disease (MC) and ulcerative colitis (CU), rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthopathies, lupus erythematosus (LES), uveitis, iridocyclitis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, etc. are a group of poorly understood pathological conditions, which are characterized by common inflammatory pathways determining the inflammation itself and are the result of alterations of normal immune responses and their regulation.
Although their aetiology is unknown, IMIDs are understood as resulting from a complex interaction between environmental, genetic, immune, inflammatory and microbial factors. The Centre has as its main objective the study of these interactions. The aim is to advance a multidisciplinary approach to the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms as a basis for the development and improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic models.
The Centre acts as proponent and interlocutor for the development of national and international collaborative networks to promote multicentred studies that will allow:
the enlistment of large patient cohorts;
the testing of new drugs, with potential implications for the industry;
the pursuit of preclinical scientific research validated in clinical settings, improving success rates in securing European funding for related research projects.
professor Silvia Fargion

The Centre studies the fashion and consumer sector, and aims to promote:
scientific initiatives such as conferences and seminars;
the study and acquisition of telematic archives and libraries;
the promotion of exhibitions and shows.
The CRC uses a multidisciplinary approach to coordinate legal, scientific, humanistic, historical and sociological competences on issues related to migration and the protection of migrants' rights, such as:
- the integration of foreigners,
- the constitutional right of asylum,
- the protection of migrants' cultures,
- new forms of slavery,
- the right to healthcare,
- the identification of new migrants,
- fragility assessments in the review of applications for international protection,
- the rights of migrant women who have suffered torture and/or violence.
The Centre aims to carry out transversal projects, which will integrate research groups, their skills, tools and laboratories to increase the level of research.
This integration is already underway through funded projects that have been recently completed or are currently in progress. The collaborating parties have also developed several projects that are currently under review.
prof. Andrea Schievano
This Research Centre aims to constitute a reference point for interdisciplinary research on preventive measures. It also proposes the creation of an observatory on Italian practice, and the implementation of integrated research to address diverse aspects of the preventive measures that are increasingly used as a "mechanism" to combat different forms of crime, common, economic, entrepreneurial or organized (among those considered here are penal, procedural, administrative, constitutional, sociological, criminological, philosophical, and economic aspects of prevention).
The Centre promotes three specific lines of paediatric research:
type I diabetes, aiming to identify its genetic causes, its prevention, the development of cell therapy and the prevention/reduction of complications;
pharmacological studies of the paediatric patient that will answer the currently limited, specific understanding of mechanisms of action, efficacy, safety and the dosage of drugs;
the application of developments in metabolomics in the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of rare metabolic diseases, and the development of genomic strategies for the screening and diagnosis of hereditary diseases, including rare endocrine-metabolic pathologies.

The PhilTech@UNIMI Research Center is a strategic initiative of excellence in multi- and inter-disciplinary research in the field of Philosophy of Technology within the Department of Philosophy of the University of Milan.
It constitutes a key facility within the new Departmental Excellence Project Techne (2023-2028).

The Centre was created to restore understanding of the history and culture of Etruscan Tarquinia, one of the most important cities of Antiquity (UNESCO 2004).
The Centre’s goal is to facilitate transitions from the visibility of the archaeological materials to the invisibility of the culture and history of an ancient city, without recourse to either pre-established models or literary sources.
The Centre promotes research on romantic and late-romantic thinking.
professor Renato Pettoello
The Centre advances synergies between those departments where research has been carried out on the teaching of Italian L1/L2 and its methods, and on the history of teaching and learning of Italian L2 /as foreign language in Europe and the rest of the world. It also examines the contemporary neo-multilingual context and considers research experience in adjacent fields. The aim is to advance knowledge relating to the history of theories and language teaching practices for Italian L1/L2 and to integrate endeavours that bring interlinguistics research to bear on these areas.
The Centre aims to advance an interdisciplinary approach to security and sustainability that, properly coordinated, could yield better results in terms of complementarity and completeness of analyses, research and social impact. The aim is to better respond at diverse levels, in terms of sustainability and governance, to the complex threats facing the world.
The Centre consolidates experience acquired over the past few years, aiming to deepen biological understanding of MSCs, advance technological and clinical development in the field of cellular therapies, and to test safety.
The Centre will help to better match research with external stakeholders and funders, by pursuing basic, preclinical and clinical studies of mesenchymal stem cells, aiming to create products for advanced human and veterinary therapy without having to destroy human embryos.
professor Augusto Pessina
The Centre aims to:
spread across Italy knowledge of the economic, social, political, cultural and religious history of Switzerland and in particular of Italian Switzerland;
foster relations between Italian scholars studying the history of Switzerland and exchanges between Italian and Swiss universities and scholars;
promote research, doctoral theses and undergraduate dissertations on Swiss history and concerning the relations between Switzerland and Italy;
promote the implementation of training and further training activities relating to Swiss history and culture, both for registered students and for external audiences.
The CRC Environmental Studies aims to promote and ensure the continuity of scientific interactions, fundraising activities, provision of research and application services to third parties, and communication and dissemination of the output of relevant research groups in its twelve constitutive departments. These groups provide a wealth of fundamental and applied research skills in the different areas covered by disciplines important to the understanding of natural and man-made environments.
La ricerca sul pensiero antico della Statale è caratterizzata da una forte e assai proficua relazione tra storiografia filosofica, filologia classica e studio della letteratura greco-latina. La crescente specializzazione degli studi classici ha reso sempre più importante la cooperazione tra ricercatori con competenze differenti, anche se fortemente interconnesse.
Il Centro di Studi mira non solo a istituzionalizzare i rapporti scientifici già in essere, ma ad ampliare le aree di competenza, con particolare riferimento ad Aristotele, la tradizione aristotelica e la filosofia latina. Come anche l’ultimo QS Ranking mostra, gli studi classici e filosofici del nostro Ateneo godono di buona reputazione internazionale: il Centro si propone di promuoverla ulteriormente attraverso nuove edizioni critiche, pubblicazioni, convegni, e il consolidamento di network con centri e gruppi di ricerca analoghi, nazionali e internazionali. Il Centro si propone inoltre di organizzare iniziative didattiche di alta specializzazione per studenti del nostro e di altri Atenei, come una Summer School di Filologia Filosofica a Palazzo Feltrinelli, e laboratori di filologia filosofica, da svolgersi anche presso la Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Il Centro rappresenta il quadro di riferimento per alcune delle attività dei visiting professors invitati dai Dipartimenti di afferenza dei componenti.
The Coordinating Research Centre for "Justice Studies" draws upon the contributions of the Departments of Private Law and History of Law, and of Italian and Supranational Public Law, as well as the "Cesare Beccaria" Legal Sciences Department, to promote studies and research on justice in a historical, economic, philosophical and sociological perspective.
The Centre's research activities, with a focus on critical analysis of legislation, tenets and national and international jurisprudence, are also conducted in collaboration with public and private institutions and with national and international scientific associations.
The Centre has its own series published by Giuffrè and promotes anti-discrimination law meetings, held annually at the University, that are accredited by the Milan Bar Association and valid for the purposes of legal professional training.
The Centre is active in the field of diagnostic and preclinical imaging with infrared thermography and optical molecular imaging (bioluminescence and fluorescence).
The purpose of the Centre is to enhance, strengthen and extend existing scientific and clinical collaboration with laboratories and other research bodies, both public and private, with the local health and social partners affiliated with the University of Milan, and with various corporate actors in the sector, national and multinational.
La missione del centro è contribuire allo sviluppo e diffusione di nuove applicazioni, modelli di servizio e competenze che consentano ai professionisti (studenti in medicina e medici già operanti nel SSN) e ai manager di istituzioni ed imprese pubbliche e private che a diverso titolo sono attive nel settore della salute, di introdurre e gestire nel tempo l’innovazione tecnologica e la telemedicina garantendone sostenibilità e generando il massimo valore per tutti gli stakeholder.
Nel panorama italiano e internazionale il CRC assume un posizionamento competitivo che lo distingue e differenzia in modo significativo, forte di una multidisciplinarietà (che comprende medicina, fisica, informatica, economia e management, diritto) centrale per affrontare le sfide che l’innovazione tecnologica pone per una sanità sempre più inclusiva e sostenibile.
The Centre aims to offer:
international visibility to the university as a reference point for the assessment of toxicological risk in various areas of production;
scope for undergraduate dissertations in the field of toxicological risk assessment and internships for recent graduates.

The Centre aims to integrate, coordinate and promote access to information relating to the study of stem cells and their potential applications.
In addition, the centre promotes research on the biology of stem cells and on their possible applications in the medical, pharmacological, toxicological and veterinary fields.
As a result, in 2006, the University of Milan deemed it appropriate and timely to establish an Interdepartmental Centre. This provides a framework in which to bring together the different intellectual resources, ambitions and educational programs extant across the University.
Since it is a virtual centre, the main objectives are intense outreach activity at the specialist level, but also at the regional level, involving the general public, high schools and those actors that operate in the health sector who, though interested in the subject, do not operate directly in the field of stem cells.
The Centre aims to promote and conduct studies on work, training and welfare, integrating different disciplinary perspectives.
This multidisciplinary approach is particularly useful in dealing with issues such as the functioning and integration of the labour market, educational and training systems, and the social security system.