AdvanCed digitAl TeChnology Hub for the Life Sciences at MIND

CATCH atMIND is a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), a one stop shop envisaged by the European Commission to support the adoption of innovative digital technologies through an ecosystem of skills and services for public administrations and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

CATCH atMIND has received the European Commission's Seal of Excellence and will be funded by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT) under Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), specifically under mission 4, component 2, investment 2.3, which focuses on strengthening and expanding technology transfer centres.

The strategic goal of CATCH atMIND is to lay the legal, technical, social and cultural foundations to promote a paradigm shift in the health sector through digital innovation.

CATCH atMIND service portfolio

CATCH atMIND offers a range of services intended to:

  • demonstrate how new digital models and productive processes work (active showcase)
  • test and validate solutions and services before their deployment (test before invest)
  • assess and improve digital literacy (skills and training)
  • help companies access facilitated financing tools for innovation (support to find investment)
  • connect innovation stakeholders (ecosystem and networking).

How to access the services

To access the services and financing tools offered by CATCH atMIND, you have to complete the online expression of interest form. After receiving your expression of interest, the consortium will perform the necessary preliminary checks and contact you to follow up on your request.

Logo catch at mind


Academic contact person: Ernesto Damiani

Administrative contact person: Fulvio Frati

Email: [email protected]

CATCH atMIND services are available to all companies and public administrations which are legally incorporated and listed in the Italian Business Register. Companies that are not established in Italy can also access CATCH atMIND services, provided that they are listed in the business register of their own country. Depending on the service(s) requested and the type of company requesting them, facilitated financing tools may cover up to 100% of the service fee.


Max aid intensity (% of the total eligible costs)


Micro and small enterprises

Medium-sized enterprises

Large enterprises

Technical audit and assessment of technology readiness


Art. 28 GBER


Art. 28 GBER


de minimis Regulation 

Test before invest


Art. 28 GBER


Art. 28 GBER


de minimis Regulation

Training up to 24 hours


Art. 28 GBER


Art. 28 GBER


Art. 31 GBER

Training over 24 hours


Art. 28 o 31 GBER


Art. 28 o 31 GBER


Art. 31 GBER

Advisory services on access to funding


Art. 28 GBER


Art. 28 GBER


de minimis Regulation

Advisory services on process and product technological innovation, networking and dissemination


Art. 28 GBER


Art. 28 GBER


de minimis Regulation

Design of innovative interventions


Art. 28 GBER


Art. 28 GBER


de minimis Regulation

  • Proof of Concept (PoC) development based on Customer requirements/needs and Data
  • Analisi precompetitiva e studio di fattibilità (valutazione della proprietà intellettuale, opportunità di mercato e piano di sviluppo)
  • Pacchetti di analisi avanzata (analisi topologica di percorsi e reti biologiche - analisi dei coefficienti di clustering e degli hub - analisi filogenetica)
  • Pacchetti di analisi genomica (studi di sequenze di genomi e allineamento di sequenze multiple, calcolo di matrici ponderate in base alla posizione)
  • Data access control and protection service (in transit and at rest)
  • Service Vulnerability Assessment
  • Service Penetration test
  • Device Security Assessment
  • ICT security monitoring
  • Incident management
  • Privacy  Assessment
  • Healthcare cybersecurity
  • Supporto per test ed esperimenti in silico
  • Applicazione di modelli AI-ML a dati esistenti (biobanche)
  • Pianificazione degli studi clinici
  • Incubation (6-9 months), Business strategies definition  and business model definition for SME and start-up
  • Acceleration program for SME (7-8 months)
  • Training on PoC design and development
  • Incubazione (6-9 mesi), definizione delle strategie aziendali e del modello di business per PMI e start-up
  • Programma di accelerazione per PMI (7-8 mesi)
  • Incubation and acceleration of start-ups and SME in the field of digital Health and Life sciences. (Percorso Social Tech)
  • Incubazione (6-9 mesi), definizione di strategie aziendali e modello di business per PMI e startup
  • Formazione sulla progettazione e sviluppo di PoC.
  • Programma di formazione interna in AI e OR/MS (Operations Research/ Management Science) per la sanità
  • Hackathon - evento di 2 giorni sull'innovazione nella sanità basato su EDIH e set di dati dei clienti
  • Training for healthcare innovation management (Master in Europrogettazione BEEurope)
  • Training for healthcare innovation management
  • Conference/matching event with funds/VC
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