Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology

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Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-6 - Biology
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme in BIODIVERSITY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY (BIOEVO, Class LM-6 Biology) is focused on the organismic biology and is addressed to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the organisms in their integrity, complexity and evolutionary context.
In terms of formation, the objectives of this Master imply to deepen the basic formation in biology and related applications with particular reference to the knowledge of the organisms at all the organization levels, including their ecological aspects. The central themes of biodiversity and evolution of animals and plants are presented with specific reference to structural and functional adaptations, reproductive and developmental processes, behaviour, interactions between organisms and environment and finally current problems of evolutionary biology.
This M.Sc. programme explores a field of central interest in Biology. Its objectives are addressed to offer an advanced preparation in the field of biodiversity and environment, and to develop specific capacities to apply the learning outcomes in biodiversity protection and conservation. In this view the central themes of this field are proposed in a format that integrates traditional and topical aspects according to an innovative approach to modern biology.
The M.Sc. graduates in BIOEVO possess a specific and modern cultural preparation in the field of organism biology and a deep knowledge of the organism in its integrity, complexity and evolutionary context. The wide differential expertise acquired in biodiversity knowledge and conservation will provide a specific professional preparation in biology for a successful employment in industrial or public sectors whenever it is required: 1) deep understanding of biological phenomena at all levels and dissemination/divulgation activities related to these competences; 2) deep knowledge of biodiversity; 3) identification and analysis of animal and plant communities and species, and activities addressed to their management and conservation; 4) conscious employment and sustainable development of biotic resources; 5) analysis and control of ecosystems, environmental impact evaluation; 6) broad spectrum biological applications in the environmental and cultural heritage fields.
The master's graduate will therefore be able to carry out:
- positions of responsibility in public or private institutions in charge of environmental protection and management, in biological research laboratories and in all professional fields in which a complete knowledge of organisms is required, in terms of adaptations and biological phenomena, and their interactions each other and with the environment;
- advisory function in environmental impact investigations, responsible management of natural resources and repopulation projects;
- basic and applied research activities in university laboratories, in other public or private research institutions, and in industry;
- promotion and development of scientific methodologies and biological monitoring;
- scientific publishing and dissemination activities;
- teaching: the preparation of the master's degree is in fact also particularly suitable for the development of the activity aimed at teaching the biological disciplines at all levels of school education, subject to verification of the additional training requirements established by national legislation, and possible passing of supplementary exams relating to disciplines for which a lack of requirements is highlighted.
After passing the exam for the profession, M.Sc. graduates in BIOEVO can enroll the Biologist?s Professional Register, section A, with the title of Biologist, to perform the activities recognized by the Italian law.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
BIOEVO students are given the opportunity to spend part of their curriculum abroad, at a University within the European Union (EU) in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. BIOEVO students can attend courses and take exams that can be included in the core curriculum and/or perform the experimental thesis work in several European Universities localized in Denmark, Holland, Norway, Ireland, Germany - where courses are taught in English - Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal (see The admitted student will present a study plan including all the activities he/she intends to perform abroad, detailing the corresponding CFU: the number of proposed CFU should roughly correspond to those the student would achieve in the same time lapse remaining in his/her university. The study plan proposed by the student within the Erasmus+ program should be coherent with the BIOEVO Master course and must be evaluated and approved by the Teaching Board. The Teaching Board, if necessary, will require the student to integrate the program of exams taken abroad. At the end of the Erasmus + program, according to the rules established by the Academic Senate, the approved exams will be recorded, possibly with the original denomination, as part of the student's curriculum upon conversion of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) into CFU. If the student performs the experimental thesis work abroad, he/she must follow the rules outlined below (see Caratteristiche tirocinio). The Erasmus and international mobility tutor for Biological Area is Dr. Cristina Bonza ([email protected]).
Attendance is strongly recommended for all courses.
- Admission requirements
Applicants to the programme must hold minimum curricular requirements and prove adequate knowledge (Ministerial Decree 270/04).
Graduates in Biological Sciences (Class L-13) fully meeting curricular requirements can access the Master's Degree Programme in BIODIVERSITY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, provided that their course of studies is consistent with the CBUI Italian National Board's guidelines, as duly certified. These guidelines, provided in the CBUI model table, specify the required academic fields and the respective recommended credits (CFU): 66-96 CFU in basic biological disciplines (BIO/01, BIO/02, BIO/04, BIO/05, BIO/06, BIO/07, BIO/09, BIO/10, BIO/11, BIO/18, BIO/19); 12-15 CFU in basic non-biological chemical disciplines (CHIM/01, CHIM/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/06); 15-18 CFU in basic non-biological mathematical, physical and computer science disciplines (MAT/01-09, FIS/01-08 and INF/01).
The programme can also be accessed by graduates of the same class (L-13), who have not followed a course of studies in line with the CBUI's guidelines, or of class L-12 - Biological Sciences pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99, or of other classes, as long as they meet certain curricular requirements. More specifically, they must have earned an adequate number of CFU (normally not less than 90 CFU) in groups of academic fields equivalent or similar to those listed in the table for class L-13 - Biological Sciences across non-biological and basic biological disciplines.
In order to meet CFU requirements, you can sit for the relevant exams at our or other universities before enrolling in the MDP.
For all categories of candidates, adequate knowledge and personal skills will be key for admission and will be assessed by an individual interview.
FOR INFORMATION ON CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS, students from degree programmes outside class L-13 should submit their academic curriculum for assessment to [email protected] well in advance, ideally during their Bachelor's programme. Based on your curriculum, you may be required to take any additional exams before applying for enrolment.

- Admission assessment:
The educational background required for admission to the Master's degree programme includes adequate basic training in biology, allowing the candidate to pursue advanced-level studies. This requirement will be assessed based on: 1. the candidate's previous academic records; 2. the candidate's knowledge and skills.
The candidate's knowledge and aptitude will be key for admission and will be assessed by a board made up of at least three faculty members through an individual interview as well as based on previous academic records. Only students who have already graduated may sit for the interview. Candidates who fail the assessment interview may not enrol on the programme for the current year.
For 2024/2025 academic year , admission interviews will take place:
- at 2.00 pm on 18 September 2024, Meeting Room (Department of Biosciences, via Celoria 26, 2nd floor, tower A) for those who graduated by 11 September 2024;
- at 2.00 pm on 14 November 2024, Meeting Room (Department of Biosciences, via Celoria 26, 2nd floor, tower A) for those who graduated after 11 September 2024, and no later than 11 November 2024;
- at 2.00 pm on 13 January 2025, Meeting Room (Department of Biosciences, via Celoria 26, 2nd floor, tower A) for those who graduated after 11 November 2024, and no later than 31 December 2024;

Those who graduate after 31 December 2024 will not be admitted to the interview.

Those who have submitted an application for admission must show up before the examining boards with an ID on the above dates without further notice.
For non-EU, non-resident students with international qualifications, applications will be assessed based on the qualifications, and possibly an online interview.
EU citizens and non-EU citizens residing in Italy access university education on equal terms with Italian citizens and therefore must take the same tests.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 31/10/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biogeography 6 48 Italian BIO/02 BIO/03 BIO/05
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 6 48 Italian BIO/11 BIO/19
Biology of Animal Development 6 48 Italian BIO/06
Communities and Ecosystems 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Ethology 6 48 Italian BIO/05 BIO/07
Photobiology and Bioenergy 6 48 English BIO/04
Plant Ecology, Evolution and Diversification 6 48 Italian BIO/02 BIO/03
Population Biology and Genetics 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Reproductive Strategies 6 48 Italian BIO/01 BIO/05 BIO/06
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Deontology and Bioethics 6 48 Italian IUS/14 MED/02
Animal Adaptations and Applications 6 48 Italian BIO/05
Biodiversity 6 48 Italian BIO/03 BIO/05
Ecotoxicology 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Evolution and Adaptations of Plants to the Environment 6 48 Italian BIO/01
History and Philosophy of Sciences 6 48 Italian FIS/08 M-FIL/02 M-STO/05
Human Functional Biology 6 48 Italian BIO/16 BIO/17
Integrated Systems of Plants 6 48 Italian BIO/04 BIO/18
Marine Biology and Ecology 6 48 Italian BIO/05 BIO/07
Mathematical Modeling in Evolutionary and Environmental Biology 6 48 Italian INF/01 MAT/07
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 6 48 Italian BIO/11
Plant-Environment Interactions 6 48 English BIO/01
Symbiosis and Parasitism 6 48 Italian BIO/02 BIO/05
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
Optional activities and study plan rules
1a - The student must choose one of the following principal courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Animal Adaptations and Applications 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/05
Symbiosis and Parasitism 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/02 BIO/05
1b - The student must choose one of the following principal courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biodiversity 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/03 BIO/05
Biogeography 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/02 BIO/03 BIO/05
1c - The student must choose one of the following principal courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Ethology 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/05 BIO/07
Plant Ecology, Evolution and Diversification 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/02 BIO/03
2 - Elective activities: the student must choose four of the following courses. The student can also choose fundamental activities that are not chosen among the mandatory activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Animal Adaptations and Applications 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/05
Biodiversity 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/03 BIO/05
Biogeography 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/02 BIO/03 BIO/05
Biology of Animal Development 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/06
Communities and Ecosystems 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/07
Ecotoxicology 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/07
Ethology 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/05 BIO/07
Evolution and Adaptations of Plants to the Environment 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/01
Integrated Systems of Plants 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/04 BIO/18
Marine Biology and Ecology 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/05 BIO/07
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/11
Photobiology and Bioenergy 6 48 English First semester BIO/04
Plant Ecology, Evolution and Diversification 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/02 BIO/03
Plant-Environment Interactions 6 48 English Second semester BIO/01
Population Biology and Genetics 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/07
Reproductive Strategies 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/01 BIO/05 BIO/06
Symbiosis and Parasitism 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/02 BIO/05
3 - Akin and integrative activities: the student must choose two of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/11 BIO/19
History and Philosophy of Sciences 6 48 Italian Second semester FIS/08 M-FIL/02 M-STO/05
Human Functional Biology 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/16 BIO/17
Mathematical Modeling in Evolutionary and Environmental Biology 6 48 Italian Second semester INF/01 MAT/07
4 - The student must acquire 12 CFU by selecting any of the courses offered by the University of Milan, provided that they are coherent with their educational plan and that the course content does not overlap with those present in mandatory and guided-choice courses in the study plan, including the Bachelor's Degree one. The student can pick the remaining principal and guided-choice courses that he/she had not inserted in the study plan.
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 45 0 Italian
Per il superamento degli esami del biennio magistrale non sono previste propedeuticità, né sono previsti vincoli didattici per il passaggio dal 1° al 2° anno di corso.
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Course locations
Sede della Segreteria Didattica di Scienze Biologiche: Via Celoria, 26 - Milano (Torre A, 2° piano).
Sede dei Corsi: Edifici Biologici (Via Celoria, 26); Settore Didattico (Via Celoria, 20); Edificio Golgi (Via Golgi, 19).
Laboratory locations
Il CLM è caratterizzato da un'intensa attività di laboratorio che si esplica soprattutto nell'attività di tirocinio.
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Credit recognition tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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