Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology

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Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
LM-6 R - Biologia
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
The Master's Degree Program in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution aims to train highly specialized graduates in the field of organismal biology, focusing on understanding organisms in their integrity, complexity, and evolutionary context.
The program's educational objectives include not only deepening students' foundational biological knowledge and its applications but also providing a solid preparation at genomic, cellular, organismal, and ecosystem levels. Central themes of biodiversity, both animal and plant, and evolution are explored with specific reference to functional adaptations, reproductive and developmental processes, behavioral aspects, organism-environment interactions, and contemporary issues in evolutionary biology.
The curriculum provides multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge, ensuring students acquire expertise in the most innovative experimental research methodologies, including laboratory and fieldwork, as well as biomolecular, biostatistical, and bioinformatic analyses.
The program offers an advanced, practical, and professional education in biodiversity, equipping students with the ability to apply their knowledge to environmental conservation and the preservation of biological heritage, including insights into environmental law. Consequently, the program is primarily focussed on disciplines related to biodiversity and the environment, which form the distinctive credit structure differentiating this degree from other LM-6 Master's Degree programs offered by the university.
Through lectures, practical field activities (guided visits, sampling, and exercises), and laboratory experiences, students acquire a comprehensive understanding of the theories underlying biological evolution, the core themes of biodiversity, and biostatistical and bioinformatic analyses. These activities focus on structural and functional adaptations of organisms, organism-environment interactions, and are foundational for planning biodiversity monitoring analyses at various levels of complexity, as well as for conducting conservation and ecosystem management studies.
Graduates will develop a mastery of the scientific method and the ability to work independently, taking on responsibilities and leadership roles where necessary. They will make essential contributions in areas such as scientific research, conservation and protection of organisms and the environment, environmental monitoring, publishing, and scientific communication. Graduates will find employment in private companies, public and private institutions, foundations, and service organizations.
More broadly, graduates will be well-prepared to work in fields requiring a thorough and accurate understanding of animal and plant organisms, particularly in terms of adaptations and biological phenomena at the organismal level, along with strong expertise in biodiversity conservation and the effective management and sustainable use of living organisms.
Additionally, the Master's Degree in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution provides an adequate cultural foundation for those seeking to pursue advanced education through doctoral research programs.
Role and Skills:
Graduates in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution assume high-responsibility roles requiring comprehensive knowledge of organisms, their adaptations, biological phenomena, and interactions with the environment. Roles include:
- Management and consultancy in biodiversity conservation and environmental impact projects.
- Research in universities, public and private laboratories, or industry.
- Development of innovative scientific methodologies.
- Leadership in public and private institutions focused on environmental protection, biotechnology, and biological research.
- Communication and scientific dissemination through publishing and consultancy.
Eligible for the National Biologist Exam (DPR 328/01) for registration in the National Biologists Register (Section A). Graduates may also pursue PhDs, Specialization Schools, or second-level Master's programs.
Career Opportunities:
- Public and private biological analysis labs, biotechnology, and environmental protection.
- Universities and research institutions.
- Organizations for environmental monitoring, cultural heritage conservation, and scientific communication.

Role and Skills:
Graduates specialize in animal biology, including adaptations, biological phenomena, and ecological interactions. Core competencies include:
- Advanced organismal biology and evolutionary processes.
- Biodiversity management and conservation strategies.
- Research methodologies and data analysis in biological sciences.
Eligible for the National Biologist Exam (DPR 328/01) for registration in the National Biologists Register (Section A). Access to advanced education programs is also available.
Career Opportunities:
- Research and development roles in universities, research institutions, and industries.
- Conservation and management roles in parks, protected areas, and scientific museums.
- Scientific communication and publishing in biology-related fields.

Role and Skills:
Specializing in plant biology, ecology, and conservation, graduates are qualified for roles in environmental, agricultural, and research sectors. Key skills include:
- In-depth knowledge of plant morphology, physiology, and ecosystems.
- Expertise in sustainable management of plant resources.
- Understanding environmental regulations.
Career Opportunities:
- Analysis labs for environmental protection, agriculture, and biotechnology.
- Industries producing biofertilizers, plant-based compounds, or food plants.
- Conservation roles in botanical gardens, environmental monitoring agencies, and research institutions.

Role and Skills:
Graduates excel in understanding ecosystems, their dynamics, and environmental interactions. Competencies include:
- Ecosystem conservation and biodiversity management.
- Environmental impact assessments and sustainable ecosystem recovery.
- Field research and advanced environmental monitoring techniques.
Career Opportunities:
- Environmental quality control and biodiversity conservation.
- Consultancy for environmental impact and sustainable development projects.
- Managerial roles in protected areas and ecological restoration.

Researchers and Biological Science Technicians
Role and Skills:
Graduates contribute to research on evolutionary biology, biodiversity, and environmental science. Responsibilities include:
- Designing and conducting scientific experiments.
- Assisting academic staff in research and curriculum development.
- Ensuring the functionality of research labs and equipment.
Eligible for the National Biologist Exam (DPR 328/01). Access to PhDs, Specialization Schools, and advanced Master's programs is available.
Career Opportunities:
- Universities and research institutions.
- Public and private research labs.

Teaching Roles
Graduates may pursue teaching careers in biological sciences at all educational levels, subject to meeting additional national requirements and passing relevant exams.
BIOEVO students are given the opportunity to spend part of their curriculum abroad, at a University within the European Union (EU) in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. BIOEVO students can attend courses and take exams that can be included in the core curriculum and/or perform the experimental thesis work in several European Universities localized in Denmark, Holland, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic and Portugal (see Most of the European Universities offer master courses taught in English. The Erasmus+ mobility for study call is released each year, usually in February. More information can be found at https:// .
Thanks to the participation of the University of Milan in the 4EU+ Alliance, MBC students have the opportunity to earn academic credits (up to a maximum of 12) by attending courses virtually at partner universities (Sorbonne Université in Paris, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, Charles University in Prague, University of Copenhagen, University of Geneva, Heidelberg University, and the University of Warsaw).
Students interested in conducting research abroad as part of their thesis can also take advantage of the Erasmus+ mobility for Traineeship program and the "Thesis Abroad" call.

Accepted students must present a study plan that reports all the activities he/she intends to perform abroad, detailing the corresponding CFUs; the number of proposed CFUs should approximately correspond to those the student would have achieved over the same time period in his/her university. The proposed Erasmus+ program study plan, must be coherent with the BIOEVO course content and must be evaluated and approved by the Academic Board. If necessary, the Academic Board may request the student to integrate the program of exams taken abroad. In accordance with the rules established by the Academic Senate, following completion of the Erasmus+ program, approved exams will be registered, possibly with the original denomination, as part of the student's curriculum, upon the conversion of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) into CFUs.
If the student performs the experimental thesis work abroad, he/she must follow the rules outlined above (see Internship criteria and Rules for the thesis and final exam).
The Erasmus and international mobility advisors for Biological area are prof. M. Cristina Bonza ([email protected]).
Attendance is strongly recommended for all courses.
Admission to the Master's Degree Program in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution requires meeting minimum curricular requirements and demonstrating an adequate personal preparation, in accordance with Ministerial Decree 270/04.

Graduates holding a degree in L-13 Biological Sciences are automatically recognized as meeting all curricular requirements for admission. Graduates with degrees in L-32 Environmental and Nature Sciences and Technologies or L-2 Biotechnologies (under Ministerial Decree 270/04), as well as those holding degrees in other fields or equivalent qualifications obtained abroad and recognized as suitable, may also apply, provided they meet the necessary curricular requirements.

Specifically, applicants from degree classes other than L-13 Biological Sciences must have accumulated at least 90 CFU (university credits) in scientific-disciplinary sectors comparable to those in the L-13 Biological Sciences degree class. These credits must be appropriately distributed as follows:
· 12-15 CFU in non-biological foundational disciplines in chemistry (03/CHEM-01A, 03/CHEM-02A, 03/CHEM-03A, 03/CHEM-05A);
· 15-18 CFU in non-biological foundational disciplines in mathematics, physics, and informatics (01/MATH-01-06(A,B), 02/PHYS-01-06(A,B), 01/INFO-01A);
· 66-96 CFU in biological foundational disciplines (05/BIOS-01A, 05/BIOS-02A, 05/BIOS-03A, 05/BIOS-04A, 05/BIOS-05A, 05/BIOS-06A, 05/BIOS-07A, 05/BIOS-08A, 05/BIOS-14A, 05/BIOS-15A).

For graduates from L-32 Environmental and Nature Sciences and Technologies, in addition to the above requirements, at least 6 CFU in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors are recommended: 05/BIOS-08A and 05/BIOS-15A.

For graduates from L-2 Biotechnologies, at least 6 CFU in 05/BIOS-01A and 05/BIOS-03A are recommended in addition to the general requirements.

For all categories of applicants, adequate personal preparation and aptitude are essential for admission. These will be assessed through an individual interview and a detailed evaluation of the applicant's previous academic curriculum.

For the recognition of CFU in cases of transfer from another university or program, the provisions of the University's Academic Regulations apply. The Teaching Committee will evaluate, on a case-by-case basis, whether the credits earned need to be verified for content relevance or updated through additional exams. Any missing CFU must be obtained by passing the relevant exams at this or other universities prior to enrolling in the Master's Degree Program.

For the recognition of academic activities and credits earned abroad, the provisions of the University's Academic Regulations apply.

For Guidance on Curricular Requirements: Students coming from degree programs outside of L-13 Biological Sciences are encouraged to send their academic transcripts to [email protected] well in advance, ideally during their undergraduate studies, for evaluation. Based on this assessment, any missing exams will be identified and must be completed prior to submitting the admission application.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2025 to 31/10/2025

Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2025 to 15/01/2026

Attachments and documents

Admission notice


The admission notice is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bioetica e preservazione dell'ambiente e della salute 6 48 Italian MED/02 MED/42
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biogeography 6 48 Italian BIO/02 BIO/03 BIO/05
Bioinformatica generale e metodi computazionali in microbiologia ambientale 6 48 Italian BIO/11 BIO/19
Biology of Animal Development 6 48 Italian BIO/06
Communities and Ecosystems 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Diritto dell'ambiente, sviluppo sostenibile e tutela della biodiversità 6 48 Italian IUS/09 IUS/10
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 6 48 Italian BIO/11
Photobiology and Bioenergy 6 48 English BIO/04 BIO/18
Plant Ecology, Evolution and Diversification 6 48 Italian BIO/02 BIO/03
Population Biology and Genetics 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Reproductive Strategies 6 48 Italian BIO/01 BIO/05
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Adaptations and Applications 6 48 Italian BIO/05
Artropodi parassiti, vettori e fitofagi: biologia e controllo 6 48 Italian AGR/11 VET/06
Biodiversity 6 48 Italian BIO/03 BIO/05
Biologia umana: basi anatomiche e funzionali 6 48 Italian BIO/16 BIO/17
Ecotoxicology 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Evolution and Adaptations of Plants to the Environment 6 48 Italian BIO/01
Evoluzione del comportamento animale 6 48 Italian BIO/05 BIO/07
Marine Biology and Ecology 6 48 Italian BIO/05 BIO/07
Mathematical Modeling in Evolutionary and Environmental Biology 6 48 Italian MAT/07
Plant-Environment Interactions 6 48 English BIO/01
Storia e filosofia della biologia 6 48 Italian BIO/19 M-FIL/02 M-STO/05
Symbiosis and Parasitism 6 48 Italian BIO/01 BIO/05
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Tirocinio formativo e di orientamento 15 0 Italian
Final Exam 30 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must choose one of the following principal courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Evoluzione del comportamento animale 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/05 BIO/07
Symbiosis and Parasitism 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/01 BIO/05
2 - The student must choose one of the following principal courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biodiversity 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/03 BIO/05
Biogeography 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/02 BIO/03 BIO/05
3 - The student must choose one of the following principal courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Bioinformatica generale e metodi computazionali in microbiologia ambientale 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/11 BIO/19
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/11
4 - Elective activities: the student must choose four of the following courses. The student can also choose fundamental activities of the biodiversity and environment field that are not chosen among the mandatory activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Animal Adaptations and Applications 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/05
Biodiversity 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/03 BIO/05
Biogeography 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/02 BIO/03 BIO/05
Biology of Animal Development 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/06
Communities and Ecosystems 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/07
Ecotoxicology 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/07
Evolution and Adaptations of Plants to the Environment 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/01
Marine Biology and Ecology 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/05 BIO/07
Photobiology and Bioenergy 6 48 English First semester BIO/04 BIO/18
Plant Ecology, Evolution and Diversification 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/02 BIO/03
Plant-Environment Interactions 6 48 English Second semester BIO/01
Population Biology and Genetics 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/07
Reproductive Strategies 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/01 BIO/05
Symbiosis and Parasitism 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/01 BIO/05
5 - Akin and integrative activities: the student must choose two of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Artropodi parassiti, vettori e fitofagi: biologia e controllo 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/11 VET/06
Biologia umana: basi anatomiche e funzionali 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/16 BIO/17
Diritto dell'ambiente, sviluppo sostenibile e tutela della biodiversità 6 48 Italian First semester IUS/09 IUS/10
Mathematical Modeling in Evolutionary and Environmental Biology 6 48 Italian Second semester MAT/07
Storia e filosofia della biologia 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/19 M-FIL/02 M-STO/05
6 - The student must acquire 12 CFU by selecting any of the courses offered by the University of Milan, provided that they are coherent with their educational plan and that the course content does not overlap with those present in mandatory and guided-choice courses in the study plan, including the Bachelor's Degree one. The student can pick the remaining principal and guided-choice courses that he/she had not inserted in the study plan.
For the completion of exams in the two-year Master's program, no prerequisites are required, nor are there any academic constraints for progression from the 1st to the 2nd year of the program.
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Course locations
Sede della Segreteria Didattica di Scienze Biologiche: Via Celoria, 26 - Milano (Torre C, piano terra).
Sede dei Corsi: Edifici Biologici (Via Celoria, 26); Settore Didattico (Via Celoria, 20); Edificio Golgi (Via Golgi, 19).
Laboratory locations
Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale è caratterizzato da un'intensa attività di laboratorio che si esplica soprattutto nell'attività di tirocinio.
Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Dissertation tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Credit recognition tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more