Computer Systems and Networks Security

Cavi: particolare
Computer Systems and Networks Security
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-31 - Computer science
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
The degree program aims to provide a broad and in-depth technological and methodological preparation in the IT area, with specific attention to topics in the cybersecurity and information privacy areas as well as a solid and methodological knowledge of the main areas of mathematics, physics, and the like, thus offering adequate preparation for assimilating, understanding and evaluating the impact of scientific and technological progresses within the Information technology area with particular focus on the cybersecurity and privacy fields. The graduate in Systems and Network Security will be able to face all the problems deriving from the creation of secure services both at infrastructural and application level. The course also aims to provide an in-depth operational knowledge that allows graduates to be engaged by professional subjects, either private or public, interested in the adoption of methodological and technological tools for improving the security of their IT services and infrastructures.
Cybersecurity Consultants
These professional figures operate in the business consultancy sector as a support to companies in the analysis and resolution of IT security issues related to information system, data processing, system and network management, and applications development.
They are professionals with specific skills in the field of technologies and methods for IT security that can understand the business and organizational dynamics in which they operate. They can work in structured projects and heterogeneous business contexts by offering highly qualified knowledge for security-related problem-solving, technology selection, and innovation.
They carry out highly specialized professional activities in the field of business consultancy for both private and public companies which lack adequate computer security skills for correct and effective management of information systems as well as data processing systems.

IT technicians specialized in systems, networks and mobile devices security
Cyber security experts that inserted in the staff of a company bring the required skills for the secure management of databases, systems and networks equipment, PCs and mobile devices. The functions covered include: the management of access control policies and systems, the secure configuration and management of specific IT systems, the monitoring of a company IT systems and the management of technologies for disaster recovery and business continuity.
These professional figures are specialists in information technology and specific technologies and methods of cyber security. They can operate as IT experts but with knowledge of the main critical issues relating to IT security. They are also able to provide technological solutions aimed at guaranteeing an adequate level of protection for business resources and operations.
The secure management of systems, networks and mobile devices is a corporate requirement spread horizontally on the large part of the industrial, public administration and services sectors. All large companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises have an internal staff to manage their information systems, including proprietary data and managerial and commercial transactions. Security and business continuity requirements are at the basis of the well functioning of such systems.

Specialized technicians in the analysis and development of secure software applications
The professional profiles included in this category belong to the professional profiles of software analysts and designers with particular skills regarding the use of methodologies aimed at identifying security vulnerabilities and preventing security problems in application. They are also experts in cryptographic techniques (algorithms and protocols) to be used for the protection of data.
These professionals integrate traditional software development and programming skills with specific knowledge of the main security problems that software can present. In the development cycle of software, these professionals are therefore able to integrate the main methodologies for software security from the design and planning phases, towards the development and testing. They are also skilled in the verification of software vulnerabilities and the identification of suitable countermeasures.
Developing software according to security criteria and verifying the security of third party software are necessities now common to most software houses where this job profile is particularly required.

Specialized technicians in the analysis and development of secure web applications, multimedia, interactive and mobile applications
The professional profiles included in this category are web applications analysts and designers with specific skills regarding the security of applications characterized by strong interactivity and the use of mobile devices. These professionals integrate the ability to develop web applications with knowledge of the security problems and contribute to protect company assets from what is today the main channel of malicious code propagation, unauthorized accesses and computer crimes.
These professional figures know the main methodologies used in the creation of interactive web applications based on mobile devices, taking care of both their security design and verifying their degree of security through testing and monitoring tools and techniques.
Expertise in cryptographic techniques is used to secure network communications and to protect data managed through web applications. They are also very oriented towards technological innovation, considering the rapid evolutionary dynamics that characterize web technologies.
The increasing spread of e-commerce, web transactions between companies and the development of mobile apps for providing customer services makes these professional figures more and more relevant for all companies, both private and public and of any size and industrial sector, which have adopted web services as one of the main communication channels for their commercial presence or for the provision of services.

Technicians specialized in information and communication technologies
The professional profiles included in this category are experts in the management, deployment and use of information and communication technologies in the various operational contexts. These professionals integrate the ability to develop and maintain computer applications, even complex, with the knowledge of various application contexts (industrial automation, information systems, digital communication, decision support, etc.).
These professionals possess a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills in the various fields of information technology and telecommunications. They are familiar with the scientific method of investigation, have good modeling skills, and can understand and use mathematical tools to support their computing skills. They can work in a team, operate independently, and integrate rapidly in the working environment.
Graduates can operate in the many ICT application fields for the design, deployment and management of IT systems, and for the study of new architecture and/or applications

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The education program can be enriched by educational activities abroad both to deepen some topics and as socialization experience in international environments. Within the Erasmus+ program study periods can be taken in over 50 universities in Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey. Courses will be recognized in the personalized study plan. These periods abroad are typically 5-month long and include courses for about 30 CFU, in the area of information and communication technology and related applications. Recognition of these educational activities will be based on the Learning Agreement, to be defined in advance by the student and the Erasmus coordinator at the Computer Science Department before starting the period abroad: course in the learning agreement with passed exams will replace the educational activities of the study plan ("manifesto"), either by covering the same topics or complementing the acquired basic competences. The Erasmus Committee at the Computer Science Department will perform the recognition of CFU obtained abroad and the definition of the personalized study plan. Similarly, stages to prepare the final dissertation are allowed in the same foreign universities. Recognition will be performed by the Department Erasmus Committee.
Erasmus: the coordinator for the Department of Informatics is Prof. Fabio Scotti
International Programs: the coordinator for the Department of Informatics is Prof. Davide Rocchesso.
More information are available at the following link:
Attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended.
Qualifications and knowledge required for admission
In order to be admitted to the Bachelor's degree programme in Computer systems and networks security, you must have e high-school diploma or equivalent foreign qualification pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004.

Admission assessment
Admission is capped in order to meet high-quality teaching standards relative to the available resources. Therefore, you will have to take a TOLC - CISIA Online Test before enrolling. There are 150 places available for the first year of the programme.
You may sit for the TOLC test at the University of Milan or any other member university of CISIA (Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems). Register to the TOLC test on the CISIA website (
The test providing access to the degree programme is TOLC-S, consisting of the following sections: Basic mathematics (20 questions - 50 minutes), Reasoning and Problems (10 questions - 20 minutes), Reading comprehension (10 questions - 20 minutes), Basic sciences (chemistry, physics and geology - 10 questions - 20 minutes).
Each question has 5 answer options, of which only one is correct.
Score: +1 for a correct answer, -0.25 for a wrong answer, 0 for a no answer.
Students who take the TOLC-S test and apply for admission to the programme will be included in a merit ranking based on the test score. The score will be weighted, for each section, according to the criteria set out in the call for applications. The winners may enrol within the deadlines.
The selection is divided into several time windows beginning in February and ending in early September.
Students who have not achieved at least 10 points in the Basics mathematics module will have to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA).

The TOLC test includes an additional English section, consisting of 30 questions to be answered in 15 minutes. This section does not count toward the overall test score.

Detailed information, registration procedures, dates, deadlines and other information are published in the
call for applications and at the following addresses:

Remedial activities and tests.
Students with additional learning requirements will have to carry out remedial activities in the period October-December, and then take a test to prove they have filled their gaps. Otherwise, they may not take any second-year exams before passing the Continuum mathematics exam.
For information:

Transfers and second degrees
Transfer students from a degree programme of the University of Milan, or another university, and graduate students will
be waived from the test requirement only if they meet the following criteria, based on academic records assessments:
- if, following academic records assessments, the student is awarded at least 30 credits of which 12 for Continuum Mathematics, he/she will be admitted to Year II with a waiver from the test requirement and with no additional learning requirements (OFA);
- if the student is awarded less than 30 credits, he/she student must register for the test.
To this end, they will have to submit a specific request for prior assessment of their academic records using the online service as shown in the call for applications.
These candidates must provide a full transcript of records (listing exams, subject areas, credits, grades) and attach the course syllabi.
For more details, please refer to the call for applications.
The application for academic records assessment must be submitted within the deadline stated in the call for applications.
The assessment outcome will be notified by email by the date stated in the call.
Students admitted to years subsequent to the first must enrol in compliance with the deadlines and procedures specified in the call for applications.
Students admitted to the first year will be required to take the test and register for the call.

Places available: 150 + 5 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 14/03/2024 to 30/05/2024

Application for matriculation: from 06/06/2024 to 20/06/2024

Read the Call

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 24/06/2024 to 15/07/2024

Application for matriculation: from 18/07/2024 to 01/08/2024

Read the Call

Session: 3

Application for admission: from 05/08/2024 to 12/09/2024

Application for matriculation: from 18/09/2024 to 25/09/2024

Read the Call

Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Continuum Mathematics 12 112 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Architecture 6 60 Italian INF/01
Computer Programming 12 120 Italian INF/01
Discrete Mathematics 6 56 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cybercrime Legal Framework 6 48 Italian IUS/17
Cybersecurity Management 6 48 Italian INF/01
Web and Mobile Programming 6 60 Italian INF/01
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Algorithms and Data Structures 12 120 Italian INF/01
Operating Systems I 6 60 Italian INF/01
Operating Systems Ii 6 60 Italian ING-INF/05
Statistics and Data Analysis 6 60 Italian INF/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Networks 12 120 Italian INF/01
Cryptography 6 48 Italian INF/01
Databases 12 120 Italian INF/01
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biometric Systems 6 48 Italian INF/01
Secure Software Design 6 60 Italian INF/01
System and Network Security 6 48 Italian INF/01
Model-Driven Software Design 6 60 Italian INF/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Forensics 6 48 Italian ING-INF/05
Web and Mobile Systems Security 6 60 Italian INF/01
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Economical, Ethical, Social, and Legal Aspects of It 3 24 Italian
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Stage 15 0 Italian
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
The compulsory prerequisites between the courses are as follows:
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Algorithms and Data Structures Computer Programming (compulsory)
Databases Computer Programming (compulsory)
Operating Systems I Computer Programming (compulsory)
Operating Systems Ii Computer Programming (compulsory)
Statistics and Data Analysis Continuum Mathematics (compulsory)
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Course locations
Sede dei corsi di area informatica: via Celoria 18 - Milano.
Altre sedi di svolgimento delle lezioni: Settore Didattico, via Celoria 20; Settore Didattico, via Golgi 19; Didatteca, via Venezian 15.
Laboratory locations
Laboratorio informatico (Silab) presso il Dipartimento di Informatica, via Celoria 18, Milano.
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more