Political Science and Government (GOV)

Due studenti che studiano
Political Science and Government (GOV)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
LM-62 R - Scienze della politica
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
The Master's degree course in Political Science and Government aims to provide an advanced multidisciplinary education in the fields of political science, law, history and socio-economics, with a focus on the dynamics of national, sub-national, supranational and international political systems and their institutional and social articulations, as well as on the historical evolution of institutional forms, political representation and public opinion. This enables students to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the rules and dynamics that characterise the functioning of legal and political institutions and the critical tools needed to evaluate legislative and government action. Alongside the analysis of the various contexts in which public policies are formed, students are offered the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of specific geographical areas of particular interest and topicality and to examine the subject of fundamental rights.

Graduates will be able to understand the functioning of political and government institutions and to master the dynamics from a legal-formal and decision-making perspective. Specific attention is paid, first of all, to the relations between the different levels of public decision-making (local, national, supranational); to the different profiles of legality; to the articulations of territorial representation (through the electoral instrument) and functional representation (through mechanisms of ?policy pressure?); to public-institutional relations (?public affairs?). The aim is also to provide an interdisciplinary preparation that, alongside the analysis of political institutions, addresses the issue of fundamental rights, including the new declinations of personal rights as a consequence of the development of biotechnologies and in geographical contexts other than the Euro-Atlantic ones.

The aim is to impart a vocabulary, an approach and general knowledge on the comparative dimension of institutional and rights protection models, not dissociated from the acquisition of fundamental criteria for the evaluation of empirical evidence. In addition to a number of courses in the legal, political and linguistic fields, intended to provide the main basic knowledge from a multidisciplinary perspective, there are, starting from the first year, training courses differentiated by curriculum that concern the study of cultural, political-institutional, socio-economic, geo-political and historical-institutional contexts, including non-European ones. In the second year of the course, for all subject areas, adequate space is provided for professionalising internships, which are useful for perfecting the course of study.

A common area for the various subject areas is dedicated, also within the individual courses, to the methods for preparing the final thesis from the point of view of both methodology and source research. The various thematic paths, despite their specificity, are capable of leading to several professional outlets, given the project and the perspective of broad cultural openness to which they are informed. Added to this is the aim of international transparency, aiming at an easily readable and comparable degree system, and the international mobility of students.

The Master's degree course facilitates the development of transversal skills and competences - linked in particular to the dimension of communication and interpersonal relations - in order to complete the student's education with a set of ?soft skills? that will facilitate their access to the world of work.
These skills can be acquired through characterising or related teaching activities, laboratories or curricular internships/internships and further training activities. Through optional didactic paths it is possible, for example, to acquire specific competences in the fields of the development of civic sense and the culture of legality, the approach to the themes of environmental sustainability, equality, memory, European integration, the protection of European values and cultural rights, geography and economic development, decision-making and political dynamics of non-European societies and civic participation.

The Master's programme reinforces the culture of multilingualism and knowledge of languages other than Italian thanks to an educational offer that allows students to opt not only for the study of English, but also of other European languages. Multilingualism is also enhanced through seminar lectures by foreign lecturers and the constant expansion of the foreign exchange offer. The possibility of also writing the dissertation in a foreign language is a further factor in the application of language skills. The Master's degree course encourages an approach to the world of work by offering curricular internships in the fields of public administration, consular relations, the non-profit world, immigration and development cooperation policies, business and private work (professional and trade organisations).
The aim is to introduce into the labour market graduates with advanced knowledge in the political, legal and economic fields, with a focus on the dynamics of complex societies in a globalized context and on the historical evolution of the forms of political and interests representations.
Professional opportunities:
1. In the private sector: private and tertiary sector companies, associations, trade unions, press and publishing;
2. In the public sector: public administrations at local, regional, national and supranational level, including those accessed through an open competition; companies with public service management duties; consulting companies; representative political and governmental institutions.
In addition, graduates in Political and Government Sciences (GOV) will be also able to continue their education with Masters or Research Doctorates (PhD) both in Italy and abroad.

Legal experts in companies or public and third sector entities
Function in a work context:
Legal experts in companies or public and third sector entities may perform preparatory and final activities with reference to contracts or administrative documents; legal advice to persons, entities or organisations.
Competences associated with the function:
To perform the functions indicated, it is necessary to have knowledge of the national and supranational regulatory framework, with particular reference to the multilevel and comparative perspective and familiarity with research and interpretation of national and supranational legislation, doctrine and case law.
Occupational outlets
Public administrations, independent authorities, legal and study offices of public organisations and private companies
private companies, political assemblies and institutions, collegiate bodies.

Experts in bodies of national or local interest for the representation of collective interests
Function in a work context:
The manager of bodies of national or local interest for the representation of collective interests performs tasks that
involve the assumption of managerial, operational and relational responsibilities towards the outside world, including public consultancy and public management with particular reference to the activity of political parties, associations representing diffuse or collective interests.
Competences associated with the function:
To perform the functions indicated, it is necessary to be familiar with the mechanisms for defining, programming and
implementation of reference policies of the representative sectors and have the ability to define strategies
organisational strategies, including within the framework of directives from collegiate bodies.
Occupational outlets
Political parties, trade unions, third sector organisations, interest groups, public and private associations with
particular reference to those protecting the environment and health.

PA management and control specialists
Function in a work context:
PA management and control specialists perform the following activities: coordinating the activities of the offices of state and local administrations, functional autonomies and health care companies; carrying out managerial functions or making proposals to managers and taking care of assigned projects.
Competences associated with the function:
To perform the functions indicated, it is necessary to be familiar with the instruments of public and administrative law; have an ability to manage the governance of complex operational strategies.
Occupational outlets:
State public administrations, territorial public bodies, universities, health authorities, chambers of commerce,
offices of public bodies, supranational organisations.

Specialist in political science
Function in a working context:
The political science specialist studies, describes and interprets political phenomena with attention also to the
socio-economic dimension; develops and coordinates research projects; prepares informative and scientific research reports;
Collects and critically examines empirical data; organises activities aimed at disseminating research results
at national, European or international level.
Competences associated with the function:
To perform the functions indicated, the following is required: knowledge of decision-making processes and policy development; public policies at local, national and supranational level; an understanding of the dynamics of collective action; knowledge of the legal framework relating to the functioning of collegiate bodies.
Occupational outlets:
Public policy analyst, political parties, political associations and movements, political assemblies and institutions,
collegiate bodies, research institutes.
There are about twenty Erasmus exchange agreements available for the Master program in "Political Science and Government" (the full list can be found at https://www.unimi.it/en/node/13034/) but new agreements are being signed within the Department of International, legal and historical-political Studies, many of which will also apply to our Master program. The geographical areas where are located the partner universities are the Mediterranean Europe (France, Spain, Portugal), the Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia) but also the German area (Germany) and Turkey. The subjects that can be studied abroad are mainly legal and political, followed by the historical ones. It must be therefore considered that the means of recognition of the subjects are quite elastic, given the lack of a perfect coincidence between the courses of study in Europe.In this regard there is the chance to use the credits for elective activities and also those available for the preparation of the doctoral thesis (up to 21 credits). The ability to conduct research abroad for the purpose of writing the thesis is particularly encouraged, especially for a master degree. However, it is recommended to choose the appropriate area of research before departure, to be agreed with a teacher of the Master programs and possibly identifying a reference professor at the foreign University. The methods of recognition of study abroad require a preliminary learning agreement with the Erasmus delegate for the Department and the possible adjustment once in place. The recognition of credits obtained at the partner University in Italy is closely linked to these forms and the consent of the Erasmus delegate.

Attendance is strongly recommended.


Admission requirements:

Knowledge and skills required for admission

There are two types of admission requirements:

1. Candidates must have a degree in one of the following classes, pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004:

L-16 Administration;

L-36 Political Science and International Relations;

L-14 Legal Services;

L-01 Cultural Heritage Studies;

L-05 Philosophy;

L-10 Humanities;

L-11 Modern Languages and Civilizations;

L-12 Language Mediation;

L-15 Tourism;

L-18 Business Administration;

L-19 Education and Training Studies

L-20 Communication;

L-21 Town, Regional and Environmental Planning;

L-24 Psychology;

L-31 Computer Science;

L-32 Environmental Sciences;

L-33 Economics;

L-37 Peace Studies;

L-39 Social Service;

L-40 Sociology;

L-41 Statistics;

L-42 History;

L-43 Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.

As governance applies to multiple fields of activity, the Academic Board may also admit graduates in classes other than the above, on justified grounds.

2. Meeting certain curricular requirements, i.e. having earned a number of credits not lower than 60, equally distributed across the three legal, economic and socio-political macro areas, in the following academic fields:

IUS/08 - Constitutional Law

IUS/09 - Institutions of Public Law

IUS/10 - Administrative Law

IUS/13 - International Law

IUS/14 - European Union Law

IUS/21 - Comparative Public Law

M-STO/04 - Contemporary History

SECS-P/01 - Political Economy

SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

SPS/01 - Political Philosophy

SPS/02 - History of Political Doctrines

SPS/03 - History of Political Institutions

SPS/04 - Political Science

SPS/06 - History of International Relations

SPS/07 - Sociology

SPS/08 - Sociology of Culture and Communication

SPS/09 - Sociology of Economics and Labour

SPS/11 - Sociology of Political Phenomena

and adequate knowledge based on grades achieved in the exams in individual subject areas.

Knowledge and skills assessment.

The student is required to submit an online application for enrolment on the degree programme according to the procedures set by the University, attaching the study plan containing the list of exams taken in their previous university career with an indication of the subject area (SSD) for each of them, the grade and the number of credits earned.

Following the application for admission, a special board formed by the Chair of the Academic Board and by academic tutors responsible for admissions and credit transfer, assisted by the Tutoring Service, will assess the candidate's study plan for admission requirements.

The Tutoring Service will notify the candidate of the assessment outcome (i.e. admission with or without learning requirements, and transfer credits, if any) by email (to the address stated in the application). The e-mail will also specify the dates of the admission interviews, which take place in September and December of each year, and other information.

If, following the assessment the study plan, the student is not deemed to meet the admission requirements, they will have to fulfil additional learning requirements through the admission interview. The candidate's basic knowledge of the subjects in which the gaps were found will be assessed, also with a view to providing students with the tools to successfully pass the exams envisaged in the GOV programme. The assessment will focus on the following disciplines: Public law for the legal macro area; Political science for the socio-political macro area, and Economic history for the economic macro area.

If, during the interview, the admissions board finds that the candidate has not filled the gaps, it will reserve the right to ponder their admission.

The Tutoring Service will provide a list of recommended texts for the remedial assessment in the first e-mail relating to the assessment of admission requirements. The list will also be published on the degree programme website (https://gov.cdl.unimi.it/it/iscriversi). Alternatively, the student may take single exams in the subjects in which gaps have been identified.

As part of the admission procedures, it is also possible to obtain transfer credits for exams taken in the previous university career in some limited cases (exams taken outside the study plan in the Bachelor's programme, exams taken as single exams before enrolling in the degree programme, exams taken within previous Master's degree or single-cycle degree programmes, which were not counted toward admission requirements), up to 40 credits. Candidates with over 33 credits will be admitted directly to the second year of the programme. It will be possible to obtain transfer credits for exams also after admission to the degree programme, by submitting a specific request to the Student Registrar.

Students admitted to the second year must in any case take the exams in compliance with the teaching calendar, i.e. at the end of the courses in the respective trimesters, whether these are first- or second-year courses.

Students who do not meet the admission requirements and students who claim transfer credits for exams taken during their previous academic career will be required to show up at the admission interviews as scheduled in September or December. The interview dates are listed below, and will be posted to the degree programme website, institutional social accounts, as well as notified by e-mail.

For the academic year 2021-2022 the admission interviews will take place at 2.30 pm on 13 September 2021 and 13 December 2021 in Room 4, Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences, Via Conservatorio 7, Milan - Italy. Further information and updates will be posted to the University portal and other communication channels (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin).

For information on admission requirements and/or on the degree programme, email [email protected].

International students will go through a different enrolment procedure – please refer to the University website:   https://www.unimi.it/it/internazionale/venire-studiare-dallestero/accoglienza-e-servizi-studenti-internazionali  

Administration Office for Doctoral, Vocational Master's, and International Students

Via Santa Sofia 9

[email protected]

Wednesday 9am-12pm Tuesday and Thursday 1-3pm

Reservations required Book through the InformaStudenti service.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2025 to 31/10/2025

Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2025 to 15/01/2026

Attachments and documents

Admission notice


The admission notice is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Constitutional Law 9 60 Italian IUS/08
Economic and Political Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
History of Contemporary Political Thought 6 40 Italian SPS/02
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Private Law in Europe and Latin America 6 40 Italian IUS/02
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Great Powers 9 60 Italian SPS/04
Institutional Communication in English 9 60 Italian L-LIN/12
Regional and Local Autonomies Law 9 60 Italian IUS/08
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Data Law and Digital Society 9 60 Italian IUS/08
Final Exam 21 0 Italian
Political Institutions and Decision-Making 6 40 Italian SPS/04
Technological Innovation and Risk Regulation 9 60 Italian IUS/05
Institutions and Political Behaviour 6 40 Italian SPS/11
Interest Groups and Lobbying 6 40 Italian SPS/11
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Students must obtain 6 CREDITS through one of the following exams
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Institutions and Political Behaviour 6 40 Italian Open sessions SPS/11
Interest Groups and Lobbying 6 40 Italian Open sessions SPS/11
First trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Environmental Law 3 20 Italian IUS/09
Geography of Economic Development 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
Workshop: Anti-Mafia Journalism 3 20 Italian SPS/08
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratory: Art, Culture and Organized Crime 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Laboratory: the Future of European Integration 3 20 Italian IUS/09
Laboratory:the Faces of Injustice 3 20 Italian SPS/01
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
European Values and Cultural Rights (Jean Monnet Module) 6 40 Italian IUS/09
Laboratory: Organized Crime and Research Methodology. 3 20 Italian SPS/09
Laboratory:migrations, Narratives and Rights 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Laboratory:societies, Rights and Environmental Crime 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Sociology of Memory 9 60 Italian SPS/07
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 20 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Students must obtain 9 free choice credits.
If the student is interested in a sociological path, the Sociology of Memory course is worth mentioning (9 SSD - SSD SPS/07).
If the student is interested in a legal path on the topics of European values ​​and the protection of specific cultural identities, the teaching of European Values ​​and Cultural Rights - Jean Monnet Module (6 CFU - SSD IUS/09) is recommended.
If the student is interested in a legal path on environmental issues, the teaching of Environmental Law is recommended (3 CFU - SSD IUS/09)
If the student is interested in a course on the topics of geography and economic development, the Geography of Economic Development course is recommended (6 CFU - M-DEA-GGR/02).
- Students must obtain 6 CREDITS of additional training activities such as internships, workshops, internships or other training activities useful to facilitate entry into the world of work.

In addition to the updated list of educational laboratories organized each year by the CdS available at the address https://gov.cdl.unimi.it/it/insegnamenti/ulteriori-attivita-formative, we point out the following laboratories activated by the Study Programme, each of which allows to obtain 3 credits or 6 credits, as indicated:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Laboratory: Organized Crime and Research Methodology. 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/09
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 20 Italian Open sessions
Laboratory: the Future of European Integration 3 20 Italian Second trimester IUS/09
Laboratory:migrations, Narratives and Rights 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/07
Laboratory:societies, Rights and Environmental Crime 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/07
Laboratory:the Faces of Injustice 3 20 Italian Second trimester SPS/01
Workshop: Anti-Mafia Journalism 3 20 Italian First trimester SPS/08
First trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Economic and Political Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
Legal Regulation of Public Administration and Individual Rights 9 60 Italian IUS/10
Storia, istituzioni e diritti dell'america latina 6 40 Italian SPS/05
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Analysis of Political Discourse 9 60 Italian SPS/01
International Strategies Against Organized Crime 9 60 Italian IUS/13
Storia della politica degli stati uniti 6 40 Italian SPS/05
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Geopolitics and Organized Crime 6 40 Italian SPS/12
Great Powers 9 60 Italian SPS/04
History and Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa 6 40 Italian SPS/13
Institutions and Political Process in Asia 6 40 Italian SPS/14
Società e sharia in medio oriente 6 40 Italian SPS/14
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Students must obtain 6 CREDITS through one of the following exams
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
History and Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa 6 40 Italian Third trimester SPS/13
Institutions and Political Process in Asia 6 40 Italian Third trimester SPS/14
Società e sharia in medio oriente 6 40 Italian Third trimester SPS/14
Storia della politica degli stati uniti 6 40 Italian Second trimester SPS/05
Storia, istituzioni e diritti dell'america latina 6 40 Italian First trimester SPS/05
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Constitutional Comparative Law 9 60 Italian IUS/21
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Institutional Communication in English 9 60 Italian L-LIN/12
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Comparative Protection of Human Rights 6 40 Italian IUS/21
Final Exam 21 0 Italian
Indigenous Peoples, Politics and Rights in Contemporary Latin America 6 40 Italian SPS/05
Arabic 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
French 9 60 Italian L-LIN/04
German 9 60 Italian L-LIN/14
Russian 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanich 9 60 Italian L-LIN/07
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Students must obtain 9 CREDITS through one of the following exams
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic 9 60 Italian Open sessions L-OR/12
Chinese 9 60 Italian Open sessions L-OR/21
French 9 60 Italian Open sessions L-LIN/04
German 9 60 Italian Open sessions L-LIN/14
Institutional Communication in English 9 60 Italian Third trimester L-LIN/12
Russian 9 60 Italian Open sessions L-LIN/21
Spanich 9 60 Italian Open sessions L-LIN/07
First trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Environmental Law 3 20 Italian IUS/09
Geography of Economic Development 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
Workshop: Anti-Mafia Journalism 3 20 Italian SPS/08
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratory: Art, Culture and Organized Crime 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Laboratory: the Future of European Integration 3 20 Italian IUS/09
Laboratory:the Faces of Injustice 3 20 Italian SPS/01
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
European Values and Cultural Rights (Jean Monnet Module) 6 40 Italian IUS/09
Laboratory: Organized Crime and Research Methodology. 3 20 Italian SPS/09
Laboratory:migrations, Narratives and Rights 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Laboratory:societies, Rights and Environmental Crime 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Sociology of Memory 9 60 Italian SPS/07
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 20 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Students must obtain 9 free choice credits.
If the student is interested in a sociological path, the Sociology of Memory course is worth mentioning (9 SSD - SSD SPS/07).
If the student is interested in a legal path on the topics of European values ​​and the protection of specific cultural identities, the teaching of European Values ​​and Cultural Rights - Jean Monnet Module (6 CFU - SSD IUS/09) is recommended.
If the student is interested in a legal path on environmental issues, the teaching of Environmental Law is recommended (3 CFU - SSD IUS/09)
If the student is interested in a course on the topics of geography and economic development, the Geography of Economic Development course is recommended (6 CFU - M-DEA-GGR/02).
- Students must obtain 6 CREDITS of additional training activities such as internships, workshops, internships or other training activities useful to facilitate entry into the world of work.

In addition to the updated list of educational laboratories organized each year by the CdS available at the address https://gov.cdl.unimi.it/it/insegnamenti/ulteriori-attivita-formative, we point out the following laboratories activated by the Study Programme, each of which allows to obtain 3 credits or 6 credits, as indicated:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Laboratory: Organized Crime and Research Methodology. 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/09
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 20 Italian Open sessions
Laboratory: the Future of European Integration 3 20 Italian Second trimester IUS/09
Laboratory:migrations, Narratives and Rights 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/07
Laboratory:societies, Rights and Environmental Crime 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/07
Laboratory:the Faces of Injustice 3 20 Italian Second trimester SPS/01
Workshop: Anti-Mafia Journalism 3 20 Italian First trimester SPS/08
First trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Global Societies and Rights 6 40 Italian SPS/07
History of Contemporary Political Thought 6 40 Italian SPS/02
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Constitutional Comparative Law 9 60 Italian IUS/21
Political Theory 9 60 Italian SPS/01
Theories and Practice of Human Rights 6 40 Italian IUS/20
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Institutional Communication in English 9 60 Italian L-LIN/12
Principi di giustizia e politiche pubbliche 9 60 Italian IUS/20
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bioethics: Methods and Principles 6 40 Italian SPS/01
Biolaw 9 60 Italian IUS/09
Cittadinanza e politiche pubbliche 9 60 Italian SPS/04
Final Exam 21 0 Italian
Grandi trasformazioni e politica sociale 6 40 Italian SECS-P/03
First trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Environmental Law 3 20 Italian IUS/09
Geography of Economic Development 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
Workshop: Anti-Mafia Journalism 3 20 Italian SPS/08
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratory: Art, Culture and Organized Crime 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Laboratory: the Future of European Integration 3 20 Italian IUS/09
Laboratory:the Faces of Injustice 3 20 Italian SPS/01
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
European Values and Cultural Rights (Jean Monnet Module) 6 40 Italian IUS/09
Laboratory: Organized Crime and Research Methodology. 3 20 Italian SPS/09
Laboratory:migrations, Narratives and Rights 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Laboratory:societies, Rights and Environmental Crime 3 20 Italian SPS/07
Sociology of Memory 9 60 Italian SPS/07
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 20 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Students must obtain 9 free choice credits.
If the student is interested in a sociological path, the Sociology of Memory course is worth mentioning (9 SSD - SSD SPS/07).
If the student is interested in a legal path on the topics of European values ​​and the protection of specific cultural identities, the teaching of European Values ​​and Cultural Rights - Jean Monnet Module (6 CFU - SSD IUS/09) is recommended.
If the student is interested in a legal path on environmental issues, the teaching of Environmental Law is recommended (3 CFU - SSD IUS/09)
If the student is interested in a course on the topics of geography and economic development, the Geography of Economic Development course is recommended (6 CFU - M-DEA-GGR/02).
- Students must obtain 6 CREDITS of additional training activities such as internships, workshops, internships or other training activities useful to facilitate entry into the world of work.

In addition to the updated list of educational laboratories organized each year by the CdS available at the address https://gov.cdl.unimi.it/it/insegnamenti/ulteriori-attivita-formative, we point out the following laboratories activated by the Study Programme, each of which allows to obtain 3 credits or 6 credits, as indicated:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Laboratory: Organized Crime and Research Methodology. 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/09
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 20 Italian Open sessions
Laboratory: the Future of European Integration 3 20 Italian Second trimester IUS/09
Laboratory:migrations, Narratives and Rights 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/07
Laboratory:societies, Rights and Environmental Crime 3 20 Italian Third trimester SPS/07
Laboratory:the Faces of Injustice 3 20 Italian Second trimester SPS/01
Workshop: Anti-Mafia Journalism 3 20 Italian First trimester SPS/08
Learn more
Head of study programme
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Study plan tutor
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
Credit recognition tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more