Institutions and Political Behaviour

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Institutions and Political Behaviour aims at providing analytical and methodological skills for understanding the role of political elections and their functioning in democratic regimes. This is done in different ways. First, elections are studied as the main instrument through which the principle of representation is realized in contemporary democracies. Second, the characteristics of the "electoral supply" - in particular, the dynamics of competition among parties and among candidates - are analyzed. Third, the "demand" side is explored, with a specific focus on the traits of voters and on the different explanations of electoral behaviour.
The exam for attending students has two parts: a mid-term test and a final test (both tests are written). The tests aim to assess not only students' knowledge of the course contents, but also students' ability to use proper language and build arguments to discuss the course contents.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: The course aims at enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of the main theories about political elections and their role in contemporary democracies.
Applying knowledge and understanding: The course aims at improving students' knowledge of the functioning of democracies and the main challenges that they currently face. The course will also improve students' awareness of how political outcomes are shaped by the interactions between institutions and individual preferences and behaviours.
Making judgements: The course aims at improving students' ability to analyze political phenomena, and in particular the outcomes of political elections. To this purpose, during the course students are made aware of major theories and relevant empirical data regarding the principles of democratic representation, party competition, and voting behaviour.
Communication skills: Students may be actively involved during the course. For instance, students may be asked to prepare presentations where they can enhance their own communication skills. Moreover, as an alternative to the written exam, students may be asked to prepare papers. These types of activities will be outlined at the beginning of the course.
Learning skills: To the purpose of improving students' autonomous learning skills, during the course the teacher can invite students to actively participate to the discussion in class.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
SPS/11 - POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours