Communication and Society (CES)

Studenti in sala studio: mani su libri e tastiere
Communication and Society (CES)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L-20 R - Scienze della comunicazione
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
Communication is a key factor in culture, economics, international relations and politics. The aim of the degree course is to make the students who attend it more aware and equipped to navigate the complexity of the contemporary world in its intertwining with the production, dissemination, use and interpretation of the multiplicity of communication flows in their different gener/i, formats and languages that cross everyday life. The other objective immediately contiguous to the first is to train communication professionals who know how to work in its most varied fields with a solid theoretical and technical preparation that is necessarily interdisciplinary. Communication, as it develops in the digital context, in fact requires a mixture of specific and generalist knowledge, precise skills and adaptability, solidity and adaptation to change.

In order to meet these needs, the degree course in Communication and Society aims to provide graduates with solid basic knowledge in the main fields of communication (from sociology to psychology, from economics to law, from information technology to history) and a wealth of ductile skills that will enable graduates of this course to quickly learn the methodologies and techniques useful for knowing how to communicate professionally in various fields. The aim is to convey the fundamental communication, production and organisational processes of the publishing, marketing, journalism and information production industries. Graduates in the degree programmes of the class must:

- possess knowledge of sociological, psychological, legal, economic and statistical content to know how to deal with awareness and professionalism the contemporary world of communication, from its simplest forms to the most complex organizations, from traditional to digital forms of content production;

- possess knowledge permeable to the adoption of methods and techniques capable of effectively interpreting change and organizational innovation in the complex world of communication; - be able to assist private companies and public institutions in the design and implementation of communication plans aimed at best representing the company or institution for which you work;

- be able to design, produce and distribute media content through the wide network of private and public companies operating in the sector;

- have the ability to understand, intercept and predict the distribution of individual communicative products through networks and the underlying algorithmic logics;

- possess skills to use artificial intelligence tools for the design and implementation of media content or communication projects. In order to integrate the theoretical knowledge acquired with the curricular courses and strengthen the transversal competences, the training path includes laboratory activities and internships, also in the form of external activities (training placements at institutions, companies and non-profit organisations), and study stays at other foreign universities. The course aims to train graduates who are inserted in both the world of communication and information, advertising, (digital) marketing, social media management, SEO practices, organization of events, publishing activities, to understand everything that has to do with the developments of artificial intelligence.

The degree programme also includes laboratory activities and internships to bring students closer to the world of work. The good theoretical and methodological preparation provided in the three-year period also allows you to continue your studies by enrolling in master?s degrees in the area of communication, marketing and corporate and public communication.
Digital communication professions
Function in a work context: the professions covered by this unit apply skills to produce, manage, control, communication that takes place through social media and the network more generally.
Skills associated with the function: ability to create content for social media, management and moderation of feedback received, skills in managing large portions of online audiences.
Employment opportunities: social media manager, SEO manager, web-designer, community management, copywriting.
Marketing technicians
Function in a working context: the professions covered by this unit assist specialists in defining strategies and research to detect market acceptance of marketed goods and services, market conditions and the possibilities of commercial penetration of products or services, to identify competitive situations, prices and types of consumers, or apply procedures established to collect information in this regard, analyse, organise and present them in a relevant and meaningful way to specialists and managers in the field.
Skills associated with the function: knowledge and competence of marketing principles, both traditional and digital; knowledge of social media languages.
Employment opportunities: marketing manager; marketing technician in advertising companies; operational marketing technician; strategic marketing technician; social media manager; content creator; SEO specialist; web designer and web developer.

Advertising technicians
Function in a working context: the professions classified in this unit assist specialists in promoting the market activities of a company or organization and in creating a positive public image of the same, or they apply and follow procedures to programme and activate Promotions and advertising campaigns of various kinds and on various media.
Skills associated with the function: knowledge and competence in advertising communication languages and techniques.
Employment opportunities: advertising account; art-buyer in advertising agencies; media buyer; media planner; traffic organizer in advertising agencies; ad producer; ad programmer; promoter of television programmes; Head of Social Communication; Sponsorship Technician.
Public relations technicians
Function in a working context: the occupations classified in this unit assist specialists in researching, selecting, collecting and systematizing favourable information and advertising material; follow procedures to organize and sponsor events of particular importance and visibility not directly related to the advertising promotion
Skills associated with the function: knowledge and skills in agency writing; knowledge and skills in public relations techniques.
Employment opportunities: public relations officer; public relations executive
Technicians in the organization of radio and television production
Function in a work context: the professions classified in this unit organise and monitor activities related to the implementation of schedules and radio and television programmes.
Skills associated with the function: knowledge of languages and techniques for the production of radio and television content.
Employment opportunities: post-production worker; production secretary; editing secretary; programming assistant; television programme assistant; film producer assistant; director of television productions.
The BA in Communication and Society, through the Department of Social and Political Sciences, has entered into a "double degree" agreement with the U.S. University "John Cabot University" (Rome)¸ the agreement requires compulsory attendance for three terms. To participate, an excellent knowledge of English, duly certified, is required. A special announcement establishes the conditions for entering the selection. Said exchanges do not enjoy financial support from the University of Milan.
Course attendance is highly recommended.
To be admitted to the degree programme, an upper secondary school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable is required. To be admitted to the course, it is necessary to take the TOLC-SPS, the Online Test organised by CISIA, (Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso). The disciplinary knowledge required for admission is considered positively verified if the scores indicated in the selection notice are reached. Students admitted with a grade below the minimum set for the above-mentioned examination are assigned additional educational obligations. These obligations must be fulfilled within the first year of the course; if the student does not fulfil the obligations by the aforementioned deadline, he/she will not be able to sit the examinations of the years following the first.
In order to be admitted to the course, knowledge of English at level B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages is also required. Knowledge of the English language is ascertained by passing a specific test, the result of which does not contribute to the formation of the admission rank list. Students in possession of the corresponding language certificates, obtained no more than three years prior to the date of submission of the application for admission to the course, may be exempted from the English language test.

In order to fulfil the OFA in English and to sit the English language exam provided for in the study plan, knowledge of English at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required. This level can be attested in the following ways
- by submitting a language certificate obtained no more than 3 years prior to the date of submission of the application, of level B1 or higher (for the list of language certificates recognised by the University, see the website: (
The certification must be uploaded at the time of enrolment or, subsequently, on the portal http://;
- via Placement Test, provided by the University Language Centre SLAM exclusively during the first year, from October to December. In the event of failing the test, it will be necessary to follow the courses provided by the SLAM Centre.
The Placement Test is compulsory for all those who do not have a valid certification.
Those who do not take the Placement Test by December or do not pass the final course test within 6 attempts will have to obtain certification privately in order to clear the OFA and take the English language exam.

Places available: 250 + 20 reserved for non-EU citizens + 5 reserved for students in the Marco Polo project

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 13/03/2025 to 12/06/2025

Application for matriculation: from 18/06/2025 to 30/06/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 02/07/2025 to 29/08/2025

Application for matriculation: from 04/09/2025 to 10/09/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Programme description and courses list
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Italian Language Workshop 3 20 Italian L-LIN/01
First trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Media Economics 9 60 Italian SECS-P/06
Sociology and Culture 9 60 Italian SPS/08
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Constitutional and Media Law 12 80 Italian IUS/09 IUS/10
Psychology of Communication 9 60 Italian M-PSI/06
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English 9 60 Italian L-LIN/12
History of Communication in the Contemporary Age 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
Sociolinguistics 9 60 Italian L-LIN/01
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Communications Culture 9 60 Italian SPS/08
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
Digital Media 9 60 Italian L-ART/06
Information Technology 6 40 Italian INF/01
Marketing and Business Strategies 9 60 Italian SECS-P/08
Media Sociology 9 60 Italian SPS/08
Research Methods in the Social Sciences 12 80 Italian SECS-S/01 SPS/07
Storia sociale della tecnologia 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
Media e dati 6 40 Italian SPS/07
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Languages of the Media 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Digital Sociology and Global Politics 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Economics of Advertising 6 40 Italian SECS-P/08
European Media Law 6 40 Italian IUS/14
Freedom of Speech and Expression 6 40 Italian IUS/08
Gender, Family and Society 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Global Information Processes 6 40 English SPS/07
Human Resources Organization 6 40 Italian SECS-P/10
Qualitative Research in Social Organization 6 40 Italian SPS/07
Sociology of Cultural Processes 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Optional activities and study plan rules
3 - Students must achieve 6 CFU in one of the following topics
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Economics of Advertising 6 40 Italian Open sessions SECS-P/08
Freedom of Speech and Expression 6 40 Italian Open sessions IUS/08
4 - Students must achieve 6 CFU in one of the following topics
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Gender, Family and Society 6 40 Italian Open sessions SPS/08
Qualitative Research in Social Organization 6 40 Italian Open sessions SPS/07
Sociology of Cultural Processes 6 40 Italian Open sessions SPS/08
5 - Students must achieve 6 CFU in one of the following topics
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Global Information Processes 6 40 English Open sessions SPS/07
Human Resources Organization 6 40 Italian Open sessions SECS-P/10
Media e dati 6 40 Italian Open sessions SPS/07
6 - Students must achieve 6 CFU in one of the following topics
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Digital Sociology and Global Politics 6 40 Italian Open sessions SPS/08
European Media Law 6 40 Italian Open sessions IUS/14
Second trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Investigative Journalism Workshop 3 20 Italian SPS/08
Third trimester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Lab: Generative Artificial Intelligence Literacy 3 20 English INF/01
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - Students must achieve 12 CFU of free choice
2 - Students must achieve 3 CFU with workshop or internship
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Constitutional and Media Law Digital Sociology and Global Politics (compulsory), Economics of Advertising (compulsory), European Media Law (compulsory), Freedom of Speech and Expression (compulsory), Gender, Family and Society (compulsory), Global Information Processes (compulsory), Human Resources Organization (compulsory), Languages of the Media (compulsory), Media e dati (compulsory), Qualitative Research in Social Organization (compulsory), Sociology of Cultural Processes (compulsory)
English Digital Sociology and Global Politics (compulsory), Economics of Advertising (compulsory), European Media Law (compulsory), Freedom of Speech and Expression (compulsory), Gender, Family and Society (compulsory), Global Information Processes (compulsory), Human Resources Organization (compulsory), Languages of the Media (compulsory), Media e dati (compulsory), Qualitative Research in Social Organization (compulsory), Sociology of Cultural Processes (compulsory)
History of Communication in the Contemporary Age Digital Sociology and Global Politics (compulsory), Economics of Advertising (compulsory), European Media Law (compulsory), Freedom of Speech and Expression (compulsory), Gender, Family and Society (compulsory), Global Information Processes (compulsory), Human Resources Organization (compulsory), Languages of the Media (compulsory), Media e dati (compulsory), Qualitative Research in Social Organization (compulsory), Sociology of Cultural Processes (compulsory)
Italian Language Workshop Digital Sociology and Global Politics (compulsory), Economics of Advertising (compulsory), Freedom of Speech and Expression (compulsory), Global Information Processes (compulsory), Human Resources Organization (compulsory), Languages of the Media (compulsory), Media e dati (compulsory), Qualitative Research in Social Organization (compulsory), Sociology of Cultural Processes (compulsory)
Marketing and Business Strategies Economics of Advertising (compulsory)
Media Economics Digital Sociology and Global Politics (compulsory), Economics of Advertising (compulsory), European Media Law (compulsory), Freedom of Speech and Expression (compulsory), Gender, Family and Society (compulsory), Global Information Processes (compulsory), Human Resources Organization (compulsory), Languages of the Media (compulsory), Media e dati (compulsory), Qualitative Research in Social Organization (compulsory), Sociology of Cultural Processes (compulsory)
Psychology of Communication Digital Sociology and Global Politics (compulsory), Economics of Advertising (compulsory), European Media Law (compulsory), Freedom of Speech and Expression (compulsory), Gender, Family and Society (compulsory), Human Resources Organization (compulsory), Languages of the Media (compulsory), Media e dati (compulsory), Qualitative Research in Social Organization (compulsory), Sociology of Cultural Processes (compulsory)
Sociolinguistics Digital Sociology and Global Politics (compulsory), Economics of Advertising (compulsory), European Media Law (compulsory), Freedom of Speech and Expression (compulsory), Gender, Family and Society (compulsory), Global Information Processes (compulsory), Human Resources Organization (compulsory), Languages of the Media (compulsory), Media e dati (compulsory), Qualitative Research in Social Organization (compulsory), Sociology of Cultural Processes (compulsory)
Sociology and Culture Communications Culture (compulsory), Digital Media (compulsory), Media Sociology (compulsory)
Learn more
Head of study programme
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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