Grants and inclusion

EU Erasmus Grant

To finance stays abroad within the context of  the Erasmus+ programme, the European Union assigns a monthly grant to all the winners; although this grant does not cover the entire cost of the stay, it helps cover extra costs such as travel expenses or the costs of an accommodation.

The monthly contribution of the EU grant is set each year by the National Erasmus Agency.

The amount of the EU grant for the academic year 2025/2026 is:

  • 350 euros/month for countries of group 1 and 2 (higher cost of living): Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
  • 300 euro/month for countries of group 3 (medium cost of living): Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey

If the actual duration of the Erasmus stay abroad (as indicated in the Certificate of stay) is shorter than the one agreed upon in the mobility agreement, students will have to reimburse an amount corresponding to the period not spent abroad.

The exact amount of your Erasmus scholarship

The final amount of the Erasmus scholarship depends on the actual duration of your mobility, as documented on your Certificate of Stay. At the end of your exchange, the International Mobility Office calculates the final grant you are supposed to receive: you might receive a balance payment or - on the other hand - be asked to reimburse a partial amount.

Other forms of financial support

Extra funds MIUR

In order to promote the greatest participation to the Erasmus+ program, the European mobility grant can be integrated with ministerial contributions for students with a fragile economic situation. These additional funds are granted automatically, therefore you do not need to submit any applications.

The amount and the award criteria are yearly decided by the University Administrative Board on the basis of Ministerial directives.

The allocation of the extra funds is decided according to the economic situation of the family unit, as stated on the University ISEE (Indicator of Economic Situation) certificate. The extended months of mobility are excluded.

International students who do not submit an ISEE could be granted this additional scholarship according to the group they belong to with reference to their University fees.

Students with special needs

The Erasmus National Agency may assign extra funds to students with disabilities to cover the higher costs they need to face during the stay abroad.

The International Mobility and Promotion Office commits itself to inform all selected students about the deadlines and procedures to request the extra funds.

Regional scholarships — International mobility supplement

Regional scholarships are neither managed nor disbursed by the International Mobility Office. If you think you are eligible for this scholarship, please visit the relevant section of the University website, which is managed by the Education Incentive Programmes and Student Grants Sector.


The Erasmus grant is not compatible with other grants financed by the EU for the same period.

Furthermore, if you benefit from other forms of grants (such as the Excellence scholarship) we invite you to verify their compatibility with different scholarships.

How payments are made

The Erasmus scholarship is awarded in compliance with the financial regulations for the mobility programme, as notified to universities by the Erasmus National Agency.

Payments will be made to La Statale card, to be activated as a Flash Up Studio card.

If you are selected for an Erasmus mobility, you are invited to activate your card as soon as possible in any bank branch of Intesa Sanpaolo, to avoid any payment delays.

Questions related to the Erasmus grant? Contact us on InformaStudenti > International - Scholarship Erasmus Study